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My Psycho Lover

Psycho in Uniform

In the middle of the night, in the heavy rain, he hides behind a big dustbin while running away from the police vehicles in that deserted old settlement.
||Gasping for breaths|| सालो मेरे टुकड़ों पर... पलने वालो आज मेरी ही जान... के दुश्मन बन चुके हो। (Those who grew up on my crumbs for years have now become enemies of my life.)
His heart, filled with the terror of death, was beating so fast that even in this silence he could hear it.
After there is no movement for a while, when he peeks and sees a way to escape, someone places a hand on his shoulder from behind.
||gulp in terror|| 😰
Now his fear has doubled and before he can do anything he realizes that due to fear his body has stopped functioning and he falls down trembling.
||Dragging himself back|| नही... नही नही... मुझे मत मारना... (No, no, no... don't kill me...)
Standing in front of him is a policeman in khaki uniform who has no pity in his eyes. He picks up the iron rod lying nearby.
Lakshman Singh Rajput
Lakshman Singh Rajput
||making the firm grip on Iron rod|| तेरे जैसे लोग दया के काबिल नहीं है। (People like you don't deserve mercy)
There was neither emotion nor fear in his eyes, if anything there was just wild anger and cruelty.
||Gulp|| No, don't... please I beg you... don't kill me... I am...
Lakshman Singh Rajput
Lakshman Singh Rajput
||Kicked his face|| Die in hell son of a bítch
As soon as he said this, growling like a lion, he started brutally hitting him on the head with that iron rod.
After hitting him continuously for the next ten minutes he almost killed Iqbal in the most brutal way.
His eyes were hanging out, skin is removed from several places on face, his nose, his jaw even something that is impossible for anyone to see without vomiting.
Lakshman Singh Rajput
Lakshman Singh Rajput
||Some steps back|| This is not the end.
This is not the end of torture, he holds the Iron rod like a dagger and stabbed it with full force in his dead skull.
But when he is going to open his skill on the spot in anger, the other police officers working under him came on time and pulled him back using their full strength.
Kabir Singh Rathore
Kabir Singh Rathore
||Pushing him backward and shouted|| Laksman, calm down... just calm down...
Lakshman Singh Rajput
Lakshman Singh Rajput
||locked Kabir's arm and threw him on the side|| Don't even dare to come in my way
Kabir Singh Rathore
Kabir Singh Rathore
||Groaning in pain|| अबे मेरी शकल मत देखो... जाओ और उसे रोको वरना सबकी नौकरी खा जायेगा। (Don't look at my face... just go and stop him otherwise we all will lose our job)
After listening to Kabir, they move ahead but seeing the live horrifying image of Laksman no one dares to do anything.
With ruthless determination, Laxman drove the jagged iron rod deep into the lifeless head of Iqbal, relishing the grotesque sound of bone splintering beneath its merciless force.
With each merciless thrust, he tore through flesh and shattered skull, exposing the innermost recesses of Iqbal's brain in a macabre display of savagery.

Anger issues

The policemen, their senses assaulted by the sheer brutality of the scene, were powerless to contain the bile rising in their throats as they violently emptied their stomachs, their minds forever scarred by the unfathomable cruelty unfolding before their horrified eyes.
? ? ?
? ? ?
Kabir Singh Rathore
Kabir Singh Rathore
Lakshman Singh Rajput
Lakshman Singh Rajput
||Sighing in anger|| साले की किस्मत अच्छी थी जल्दी मर गया मादरचो#। (Bastard was lucky because this motherf#cker died early)
After the brutal assault, Lakshman callously tossed the blood-drenched iron rod aside, its surface glistening with the remnants of Iqbal's shattered skull.
Turning his gaze towards the trembling policemen, he reveled in the sight of their pallid faces contorted in agony, their bodies still wracked with the aftermath of witnessing such depravity.
Despite his heinous act being concluded, the officers remained in a state of abject horror, their minds haunted by the visceral images that had seared into their souls, leaving them forever scarred by the depths of human cruelty.
Lakshman Singh Rajput
Lakshman Singh Rajput
||Sighs in disappointment|| क्या हुआ बस इतना सब देखकर तुम लोगो की फट गई? (What happened, you are all vomiting just after seeing this small scene)
Kabir Singh Rathore
Kabir Singh Rathore
||Wipes face and stands up|| अबे तू पुलिसवाला है या कसाई। (Are you a policeman or a butcher?)
Lakshman Singh Rajput
Lakshman Singh Rajput
||Wipes the blood drops on his face giving horrifying vibe|| लाश को पोस्टमार्टम करने के लिए भेज दो और बोल देना किसी गुमनाम प्राणी ने इसे बेरहमी से मार दिया। (Send the body for postmortem and say that some unknown creature brutally killed him.)
With a chilling indifference, Lakshman issued commands to his fellow officers before striding towards the awaiting police car, casually wiping the blood of his victim from his face.
His callous demeanor betrayed no hint of remorse for the unfathomable brutality he had just displayed.
As he made his way, the other policemen stole glances at Iqbal's mangled corpse, a grotesque sight that defied any attempt at normalcy.
The horrifying condition of the body, twisted and contorted beyond recognition, continued to send shivers down their spines, a grim reminder of the merciless manner in which Lakshman had extinguished Iqbal's life.
Lakshman Singh Rajput
Lakshman Singh Rajput
||Takes out a cigarette and started smoking to release the stress and relax his mood||
Kabir Singh Rathore
Kabir Singh Rathore
||Comes and sat on the seat next to him and closed the door|| 😮‍💨
Lakshman Singh Rajput
Lakshman Singh Rajput
||Smoking, and eyes closed, thinking of something||
Kabir Singh Rathore
Kabir Singh Rathore
||Looks at his uniform that is covered in Iqbal's blood|| "You really need to control your anger. You are the Superintendent of police not a criminal."
Lakshman Singh Rajput
Lakshman Singh Rajput
||Opens eyes and extinguished the cigarette and threw it out||
Lakshman Singh Rajput
Lakshman Singh Rajput
मैं जानता हूं मैं कौन हूं लेकिन ये भी जानता हूं की मेरा मेरे गुस्से पर कोई भी काबू नही है। (I know who I am, and I also know that I can do nothing to control my anger)
Kabir Singh Rathore
Kabir Singh Rathore
तुझे पुलिस फोर्स ज्वाइन किए हुए सिर्फ कुछ ही साल हुए हैं और तू दस बार टेंपरेरी सस्पेंड भी हो चुका है, अब तो तू अपने गुस्से पर काबू कर। (It has only been a few years since you joined the police force, and you have already been temporarily suspended ten times, now control you really need to control your anger.)
Lakshman Singh Rajput
Lakshman Singh Rajput
||Takes out his smartphone|| "Kabir, complete the formalities and send report to headquarters, I am leaving for some important work."

Surrounding the enemy

Kabir Singh Rathore
Kabir Singh Rathore
अरे अब ये मत कहना की किसी और को टपकाने जा रहा हो। (Now don't me that you are going to kill someone else)
Lakshman Singh Rajput
Lakshman Singh Rajput
||Remains silent|| हो गया तेरा? (Are you done?)
Kabir Singh Rathore
Kabir Singh Rathore
||Comes down from car|| अपना ध्यान रखना और... (Take care of yourself and...)
Before Kabir could finish his sentence, Lakshman drives away.
Kabir Singh Rathore
Kabir Singh Rathore
😮‍💨 Something terrible is going to happen in Lucknow.
As Laxman, now in his role as Superintendent of Police, navigated the desolate road in the police car, his mind untroubled by the heinous act he had orchestrated, his fellow officers swiftly sprang into action.
With calculated precision, they fabricated a tale for the media and headquarters, spinning a narrative of an unknown creature responsible for Iqbal's brutal demise.
Without hesitation, they carried out Laxman's orders, knowing full well that his ruthless execution of justice was justified.
Iqbal, a notorious criminal who had eluded capture for far too long, deserved nothing less than the merciless fate Laxman had delivered, and the police force was willing to go to great lengths to uphold their own version of justice in the absence of conventional means.
Lakshman Singh Rajput
Lakshman Singh Rajput
||Put the car in top gear and then reloads his gun|| आज या तो आर या तो पार। (Today do or die)
Since his recent transfer to Lucknow, Laxman had brought about a remarkable decrease in crime and criminal activity through his unwavering dedication to upholding the law.
Yet, beneath his facade of lawful enforcement lurked a darker side – a willingness to flout the very laws he swore to uphold in order to deliver ruthless justice upon those he deemed deserving.
However, the recent actions of the Mohsin gang had awakened a dormant fury within him, prompting Laxman to unleash the full might of the police force in a relentless pursuit to locate and eradicate every member of the notorious gang, regardless of their individual culpability.
No stone would be left unturned, no mercy shown, as Laxman embarked on a crusade to rid Lucknow of the scourge that threatened to destabilize the peace he had worked so tirelessly to maintain.
Walkie-talkie : Sir, we found the location of Mohsin and his gang, we are waiting for your orders.
Lakshman Singh Rajput
Lakshman Singh Rajput
||Replied|| Officer, order your troops to surround the entire place and leave no chance for them to escape this time.
Walkie-talkie : Rogers
Fueled by unbridled rage, Laxman pushed the car to its limits, hurtling towards the old ruins at breakneck speed.
In a mere ten to twelve minutes, he arrived at the scene, where Squad-14 awaited, their positions meticulously planned to ensure no avenue of escape for Mohsin and his gangsters remained unblocked.
Taking command with a steely resolve, Laxman's presence infused the air with an electric tension, as if the very atmosphere quivered in anticipation of the impending confrontation.
With every passing moment, the grip of justice tightened around the doomed gang, their fate sealed by the wrath of a man driven to deliver retribution at any cost.
Lakshman Singh Rajput
Lakshman Singh Rajput
||Wearing the combat gears|| "Karishma Singh, what is the update"
Karishma Singh
Karishma Singh
Sir, our troops has surrounded the entire old ruins and It's impossible for them escape, now they have only two ways left, first surrender and second die.

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