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Nation Of Crime


Ever wondered what a life would it be where every crime is legalized with no one to stop the criminals from doing whatever they want, where every single innocent person who raises his/her voice to stop this legalization being held as a prisoner. Its a world where these criminals are shot dead on sight if they are spotted by the police but the very same criminals if not shot dead will be allowed to do the crime of any kind. Be it a crime of Murder, Rape, Infanticide, Burning People Alive,Pelting in Public. Everything is legalized if you are not spotted by the police force. Anyone can carry guns from a five year old boy to a ninety nine year old woman anyone can carry any sort of weapons, be it a Sniper-Rifle, an Assault Rifle, Rocket Launcher or any other type of weapon. Every Human that is born in this time is born with a self-destruct chip implanted by the doctors. The chip will activate and would self destruct a person who breaks the only rule that is permitted which is never to perform any crime during midnight to sunrise. All the crimes are permitted during the daytime and before the midnight falls.


“Tck, what a mess this government has made for the country.” said one officer “Yeah, I agree with you James. The world in this country is turned upside down. Even a child is allowed to carry a gun. Such a hellhole is being created by this government.” replied another officer at the department. “Well what do you expect from a government which is ruled by a person that has track of countless number of crime behind him. All the ministers as well have a track record of crimes.” said the third officer “We are the ones who are to be blamed for this thing happening, our incapability to capture all those criminals because of this stupid system that is being followed since the ancient times.” All the heads of the officers hung down in shame, anger and disgust.

Somewhere in the central city twenty men with guns entered the school campus. Some of them entered certain class and said “We need girls to rape, volunteer yourself and your friends will live if you refuse then we’ll kill all the boys and the girls whom we doesn't want. Now who is coming, don’t keep us waiting.” five girls surrendered to their demands thinking they might actually spare the lives of their classmates. “These chicks are hot, don’t you think Aman.” said one of the gunmen. “Yeah you are right Raman. Let’s go. We’ve got our share of fun.” and the gunmen left.

Aman grabbed the butt of a girl that volunteered to join them and said “Quite the size you’ve got. What would you prefer first Anal or Straight. Still it doesn’t matter what you choose we’ll do both the things with you. By the way you are a **. Right?” The girl looked him in the eye and said “You all are a bunch of scumbags.” and she spat on his face. “Now you’ve done it bitch. Do you know what are we going to do to you now. Hmm, we’ll let our dogs and horses to **** you in every hole you’ve got.” The girl’s eyes widened on hearing this she said “No, please no anything but that, I beg you. Please spare me with that treatment.” “You should have thought about that before spitting on my face.” said Aman. “You are very lucky girl only a rare number of girls have been given that sort of heaven.” said Raman and then he burst into laughter. “You call that heaven, disgusting.” said another girl. “Its heaven for the guys there but an actual hellhole for the girl like her who spat on Aman’s face.” said Raman.

They took the girls to their hideout and raped them in numbers while the girl who spat on Aman’s face was being raped by a Great Dane and a brown Mustang Horse. That girl was crying a lot because she was suffering the thing which she never even imagined in her dreams. All the remaining girls were forced to watch how their classmate was suffering the most unbearable pain. The men laughed at that sight and some even jerked off on seeing this.

After half an hour of this ill treatment done towards the girls. The police force barged into the hideout. They shot all the criminals even the dog and the horse, covered the girls in a cloth and took them to the nearest trauma centre. “Poor girls they had faced such treatment at such a young age. Such brute beasts are they that they even used animals in this ill activity.” said one female officer. The doctor said “out of the five girls only three managed to survive but only barely other two died. Those who died their private parts were mutilated, certain parts inside of them were cut by a knife. We’ve gathered a shard of that knife that was stuck in the clitoris of one of the dead girl while the other dead girl it appears that a type of drill machine was used to penetrate the girl.” The officers were shocked on hearing this “now those who survived even barely are being in the same situation and if we follow the reports then it would be a miracle if they survive even a day. In one of the girls horse’s and dog’s semen was found. That girl is right now awake but we don’t know how long she has with her. One of you go and take the report when there is still time.” “I will go and take the report.” said the female officer.

The officer went into the room and sat beside the traumatized girl who was on ventilator. “Hello girl, my name is Shivani Gupta. I don’t want to trouble you but I want to generate a report for all this that has happened to you and your friends. You can just nod your head if what I say is true which implies yes and stay calm without nodding if what I say isn’t true which implies no.” the girl nodded. “My first question you are from St. Saint School.” the girl nodded. “We have five names of girls who were taken by those miscreants. Nod if your name comes up.” the girl nodded. “The first name we’ve got is Trisha” the girl stayed calm “the second name is Lily.” the girl stayed still “the third name is Drishti” the girl stayed still “the fourth name we’ve got is Claire.” the girl nodded. “So your name is Claire.” said Shivani “So tell me if you are able to say whether you have any connection with the Hell-Hound gang. Because as per our records they only target only specific people and only for specific reasons.” continued Shivani “N… mam, they just picked us randomly in fact we voluntarily accepted their offer so that they didn’t kill our classmates. We sacrificed ourselves for the sake of our friends.” replied Claire “So you and your friends readily sacrificed yourselves for the sake of your classmates. Hmm, that’s new. Thank you Claire, your help is appreciated.”

Next morning in the police department, "Those bastards they did the most heinous crime and we gave them a quick death, shame on us and our police force." said Shivani "Yes Shivani, I agree with you, in my opinion we should show them the hell by cutting off their dicks and shoving it in their asses." said James "What's that about shaming yourself and the Police force hmm" said a voice behind James and Shivani they both looked back and saw their chief standing behind them. They both started to tremble in fear. "Nothing sir, we weren't talking about anything." said James "So you are saying that what I heard was nothing, you think that I am a fool who would unheard the thing that I heard just now." said the chief, "Father, it isn't nothing really. We were just discussing about the recent crime of rape that happened to the girls of St. Saint School by the Hell-Hound gang." said Shivani "First of all Shivani, this is a workplace not home so address me here as Sir not Father, secondly that incident I agree was fiendish in itself but we are set by rules that we have to follow else there won't be any difference between them and us. " he looked towards James and said, "Jim you could be a suitable groom for my daughter. Wouldn't you agree Shivani?" Shivani blushed and said "Father stop it, this is a workplace and you yourself said just now that i should call you Sir so that implies that I am just a subordinate working under you while we are in the department so talking about my future groom isn't appropriate here." "Haha, you got me there Shivani but jokes aside where is the report on the Hell-Hound gang that was supposed to be reported by the scout team." asked the Chief "The report sir, is here." said the fourth division captain and scout team leader Vineet "Oh, very well Vineet, now let's see what's the report has to say." the Chief face turned grim on reading the report he asked "Is there anything else to report?" "No sir not at the current time but i have sent a few elite members who are handpicked for this type of job, I am sure their report would bring some light on the headquarters of Hell-Hound gang, but they aren't the only gang in the city. The city is divided into ten districts each district has its own gang and its hideout. The Central city is currently under control of Hell-Hound gang but all other nine gangs have their eyes on Central City as it is the most profitable sector of the city. Plus we don't have enough manpower to erase one gang let alone erasing all ten." said Vineet " So what do you suggest we should do?" asked the Chief. "If you ask me, Sir then my suggestion would be destroying each gang from inside by infiltrating their hideouts as one of their own. But in order to do that successfully we may have to break the rules of not killing civilians so as not to arouse suspicion. That's my idea." all the staff and the Chief looked fascinated by the idea. The chief asked "So how do suggest we could join their ranks without raising any suspicion." Vineet started to narrate his plan.

East District Hideout

At the hideout of Hell-Hound gang. "Those Blue-Licker gang have caught up to us and are on verge on declaring an all out war by forming an alliance with Sluggers and Hil-Pope gangs." said one of the ministers of Hell-Hound gang. "Those good for nothing bastards Aman and Raman have jeopardized not only our plan to overtake the east district but also let the Police Force to annihilate our hideout in that district. Blue-Licker and Police Force both have now ample evidence to ruin us because that hideout was one of the main source of our income and now it has fallen ino the hands of Blue-Licker gang and the intel on our next target is being held by the Police Force." said vice lieutenant of the gang. There was a commotion started on hearing this news, the leader exclaimed "Silence all of you, I know that the times are rough for us thanks to Aman and Raman for it. But now its not the time to chit-chat, we need to retake what we lost to Blue-Licker and the Police Force." he looked at the Vice Captain and said "Ankit form a group of elite mercenaries and send them to retake whatever we lost. Go make haste." "At your command sir, I will go immediately to form the group of elite assassins and retake what we lost." said Ankit. The lieutenant said "Sir, with your permission I would like you to allow me to infiltrate the Police Force by disguising as one of them." "Tell me why do you want to infiltrate the Police Force, we could just kill them all." "Sir, I agree but in my opinion we can use them for annihilating all the rival gangs and then we can kill them too in that way we will be the sole power ruling this city." said the lieutenant "Hmm that's a great plan, good thinking Sid." said the leader. He ordered one of the guards to deliver a message to Ankit.

The guard went to Ankit and handed over a scroll of message. The scroll read :Ankit change of plans, now you will only have to retake what we lost from Blue-Licker gang. As for the one with the issue relating to the Police Force we have another strategy. Shred limb to limb of those Blue-Licker but remember to nab the captain of the hideout alive and with least number of injuries, I want to meet the person who is maintaining our hideout well and good. Ankit tore the letter to pieces and said to guard "Tell boss I've got it."

Ankit forms a group of elite mercenaries consisting of five members and orders them "The boss has asked a certain task to be carried out efficiently without any fail. The task is to retake our hideout from Blue-Licker gang and remember not to harm the captain of the Blue-Licker gang who is residing in that hideout. The boss have other plans for him and search for any Intel that police might have left to discover. Search for it thoroughly as our boss don't want our intel to become an advantage for Blue-Licker gang and the reason for our downfall. Rohan you will lead the group. Got it?" The mercenaries exclaimed "Yes sir."

The Mercenaries reached the hideout of Blue-Licker gang and stealthily executed the outer guards and infiltrated inside the hideout. They stealthily advanced forward and executing everyone who came in their way but unbeknownst to them they were under monitor of Amit, Blue-Licker gang captain of hideout who was waiting for the mercenaries to venture deep into his territory and ambush them. When the mercenaries went deep inside the hideout without facing any enemies they started to discuss "Something doesn't feel right, we have come so deep yet we are facing no one for half an hour. I fear that we might be heading into a trap. Let's retreat for now." Suddenly a voice was heard from the speakers which was of Amit. "Greetings to the hired men of Hell-Hound we are so lucky to see you all in person. But it's a shame we have to kill you all since you are all our enemies. I know my rival brother is so willing to capture me alive, he is you leader and I am just a captain in his rival gang. But no issues I have a message that I have to give him, your body will be a great way to send him the message." He orders his men to release the gas. He then continue speaking "Well I have game planned for you all if you can pass the game without dying then I will willingly be coming with you but I doubt you will able to finish all the level successfully. The first level of the game survive the toxic gas and for your information the gas kills the person who inhales a little bit of it. The gas will be stopped releasing after fifteen minutes but you all have to survive for thirty minutes because it takes fifteen minutes to get remove. So let's begin the trial of your survival."

The mercenaries looked at each other and said "Man we are in tight spot, we were hired to kill but instead we fell into their traps, anyone has any idea how to survive." Second member of the group said "We better cover our mouths first in order to prevent ourselves to breathe that toxic gas." "Sounds simple but we don't have anything good enough to protect ourselves from inhaling the toxic gas." said the third member of the group.

The gas started to fill up the room and two of the members already began to collapse. "Shit it's started to fill what should we do leader?" asked the second member in the group while covering his face with handkerchief and his shirt. "That bastard got us good we need to fulfill our goal but as of the moment we are unable to even protect ourselves." Keep your mouths covered for half an hour. We have to pass these trials."

After half an hour later "Bravo Bravo you three managed to qualify for the next trial which is called Dancing of the Blades, as the name suggests you will have to cross a room filled with unknown traps that could kill you if wrongly stepped on and remember your technology of any kind would not be able to assist you in it and all this is the modification we have done within few days . It all depends on your luck. Bad luck to you. Hahaha" he presses a button which opens a gate beneath the mercenaries and made them fell into a dark dungeon, they can see a ray of light coming straight at them from front.

"What the fuck, where are we now? Let's follow the light sir it surely will guide us to safety." said the second member of the group of mercenaries. He carelessly stepped forward and after few steps his body was hacked continuously by the machinery swords. The first sword chopped his head off, then came two swords from sideways and one from below simultaneously and hacked the remaining body from waists and the sword from below sliced the body into half. After which the swords retracted back to their original position. "Bloody hell, did you see that number three what happened to number two." said the leader "Yes leader I saw, it was very gruesome indeed still his sacrifice had let us know what kind of challenge is this." said the third member. "We have to be careful where we step that's what Amit said and now I know why at the loss of our member. Only I and you remain out of the team of five members. We need to successfully cross and tread carefully as the traps can kill us if we stepped wrongly." They both carefully treaded forward syncing with the similar pathway and continuing their progress. Before reaching the exit number three of the mercenaries stepped wrongly and met with a more gruesome death than number second of the mercenaries. A sword came flying towards him and chopped his head then a ceiling with spikes crushed him after which his body was hacked into smaller pieces by the swords.

After seeing his comrade die like that, the leader of the mercenaries vowed to kill Amit no matter what orders were given to him. He was the only member of the mercenaries who successfully passed the second trial. After seeing the leader coming out alive of the second trial Amit spoke "What a miracle, you survived this long guess your luck is in your favour but moreover there is a final task complete it and I am yours for taking. So the final task is to survive a hail of bullets in an open area without cover for twenty minutes. If you can successfully cross this task then I will surrender." Amit presses a button which made the room filled with sentry guns and the room became empty with nothing to cover him from any direction. Amit said "Now let's begin how strong is your luck for twenty minutes. All the sentry guns opened fired and the remaining mercenary ran in all possible direction avoiding the bullets. He saw that the bullet range is mere fifty meters but a new sentry gun was planted on every fifty metre so that there was no possibility of his survival. The Mercenary was riddled with bullets and was succumbed to death. After his death Amit said "That settles it and now everyone bring their corpses in the main hall.

After the corpses of the mercenaries were brought in the main hall Amit ordered "Send these back to Hell-Hound gang and yes I have a message for them along with this." He places a card on the split head of Number two of the mercenaries.

The men of Blue-Licker took the corpses and sent it back to the Hell-Hound gang. They threw the corpses on the main gate and went back. The guards picked up the corpses and took it inside the hideout. Hell-Hound gang were conversing and after seeing the corpses of the mercenaries they were shocked especially Ankit. The boss glared at Ankit and asked him to read the letter on the head of second member of the mercenaries. Ankit took the letter and announced its contents. "Dear brother Sam, I know that you want to retake this hideout badly but alas you are brawn without brains and that is where your weakness lies. Remember what I told you before I split with you. I said You can get everything from power but not respect and here in Blue-Licker gang we respect each other very much, we all have same number of contribution to the decision that we take unlike the ones that you operate with only raw power. You can never be able to beat us brother but here is a tip of advice surrender now so that I can ask for your survival if not surrendered then we have no other choice but to destroy you all. We have already made our preparations and will commence it in six months. Hope you are prepared for the coming war. Surrender before the fifth month and I will ask for sparing your life if not then Hell-Hound gang will collapse." Hearing this message Sam became enraged and yelled at Ankit "Was this your best team of mercenaries, pathetic you not only failed me but also made the Blue-Licker gang stronger." He then orders his men to execute Ankit by severing his limbs in front of all the members of Hell-Hound gang.

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