The Black Dawn of Gaia Hand of Judas part 2.5:
The lands of flesh enter the hellbound heart of Duhov.
The intro song for the chapter: What They Bring by Immolation.
"Quote of the chapter: "Your flesh is killing your spirit. You have "Clive Barker :
I was going through vast planes. I saw pure geometrical eldritch to humankind Welter of stars resembling eyes. They were goat-light. They were constantly shifting. It was so eldritch. There was a highly excoriating mass of flesh and tentacles. Some of the mass of flesh looked like it had mouths filled with random place humanoid teeth of various sizes and atrociousness, grotesque unnatural vibrancy, evoking madness. There were so many acts of the self-mutilation ritual ceremony of cannibalism and desecration of all mutilation ritual ceremony of cannibalism and blasphemy of pure and unholy Chiaroscuro was everywhere. I saw a mass of worm-like flesh molded into various shapes and had mouths that looked so disgusting that my eyes were fucking!!!!! Multiple locusts, slugs, caterpillars, and insects that witches were known to summon, used for rituals, or familiars crawled out of my mouth as I was bleeding black blood. From my mouth, it looked like the hue of black that of a sponge. Some humanoids looked like they had iron shackles; some of these fleshy, skeletal humans were praying while whipping themselves. There was a humanoid with tentacles hung from this fleshy plane that I was traveling through. It was humid and succulent, with so many xeno features singing religiously. I saw a humanoid religiously praying a xeno song that was the sounds of the strange. There were Large worms of flesh the size of an adult green anacondas that looked like an abomination, that looked like male sexual reproductive organs. They were crawling and wrapping around the necks of humanoid flesh victims of the plane of depravity, which was pure corruption of freedom and was a heresy on the wheel of life. This realm felt like a Samsara of torture, death, insanity, and other words I could even describe.....there were massive temples that looked like iron maidens of..... geometrical masses of flesh from various aliens and humans. These so many mountains of flesh cores would make you shake in your very essence like a prowling tiger waiting. It's grasslands, staring at you for minutes, licking its Jaws, the pure natural desire for freedom and survival. My faith was a dim hope of joy in a deep abyss of the unknown supernatural inversion of the sublime. In this realm, I felt I was getting groomed to be the next victim. Countless beings look like victims of enslaved people. There were massive towers of a Horn deity that looked like an inversion of Shiva and Kali. They were headless but carrying their heads, which had green ghastly hues that were unknown to my mortal mind. They were being attacked with so much dread drastically, and I felt my subconscious eating away from why I was alive. It felt like I was shifting into a distortion of the very this was realm of nightmare. There were balloons of embryos that had deformed humanoids. The skies were filled with them. Some of them had goat-like humanoid beings. They had various black tentacles dreadfully protruding from them, moving like a dance of whips. There were lakes of blood and flesh that were rotten. The smell in the realm was the stench that captured the very energy of dread. The smell had the scent of corpses that were burning in the depths of an inferno; I had layers of smells so Xeno, vile like a sewage plant being blown up. A humanoid being had a lower body that looked like an aberration of an uncircumcised phallus of tentacles. Some of those tentacles release black spores into the air. There were hills of skulls of humanoids of various stages of life and death. There was a winged dragon worm-like demon that had the smell of piss. They had endless rows of teeth. They had wings made from tentacles. The wings had holes in them. Some were the same color as a pig getting its brains blown out. Their skin looked like the surface of their brains. With various holes in their body that looked like prolapsed hemorrhoids, it was the unborn young. The vile brings had a mane of geometric fangs that looked like hawk talons, two sets of the jaw that were gapping, and various slime and bacteria that anyone throws from its mere sight. The flesh had green veins all over its thick, mucus-filled skin. The vile demon back had trillions of tentacles that looked like oversized cowhide whips. They look like they are self-mutilating themselves. Their chest was just a sound mouth spitting a black tar-looking substance. It was like it was throwing up venom. The worm dragon creates three tails. That looked like oversized tapeworms. The faces of these dragons had so-called eyes that were hollow sockets that would make the skin crawl of a person with Trypophobia.
The hat looked like they had stitches that seemed so weak and damaged stitches that they were griping on to life. The humanoid had a hood of skin like a king Kobra. Its back had various arms; some of them were choking themselves, stabbing, and trying to sexually pleasure themselves as they also attempted to devour their flesh and bone. The atmosphere was filled with dreadful golden lights oozing with grayish-golden blood in the lakes where humans were getting baptized in the blood of those lakes of flesh. The tree's oak was made of bone; some of the branches were grayish-black tentacles that would grab humanoids to put in its iron maiden-like mouth. Packs of wolves had the heads of a hybrid between a dragon, snake, and goat. These demons had a fur of tentacles. They had manes of worms, snakes, and other Beings that were xeno. The atmosphere of these relams had black holes that looked similar to the portal of teeth and tentacles.
There was rain that was a combination of flesh, fecal matter that was liquefied, and nuclear fallout. There were temples made from the husk of feminine flesh-like humanoids that crossed the lines of pure eldritch erotica that I could even comprehend. There were colossal-sized versions of the centipede made from victims of injustice and falsely accused. They were swimming in the massive Crimson fleshy lakes with a sickly yellow, red-gray fleshy aura. This realm was pure, evil, and agony that was unimaginable. My very spirit felt filled with a loss of hope and other emotions flowing through me like a current of darkness. I was looking into a world of iniquity. Disgusting acts of untold Eldricth grotesque, ritualistic, blasphemous war crimes that made the earth look like an innocent child. That was a poser of edge. There was a mountain that was made from heads that were shrunk in the mouths of these poor beings who had hearts that were sacrificed to the god of the dreaded Morning Star.
There were legions of levitating lichs; They wore robes made from humanoid leather. The robes had yellow, red, and green eldritch colors that would make an artist take their life because they could not recreate them colors that were a duality of divine and the dark sides of the sublime; they had an aura that was like nuclear radiation was visible a Grand King Ghidorah golden hue that forced an energy of dominance and dreadful intentions dominance and pure horrific authority. Some of the lichs had manes of tentacles and halos of Umbilical cords—this light Like created various jewelry that looked like metals unknown to man. Some of the lichs had golden armor. They held candles invoking the name of. Dhov is screaming in various tones that were xeno to my ears.....I could see some of these cenobites of Duhov wearing a mask prolonged that looked like the face of creatures that looked cross-bewildered in nature, so unholy gracefully dancing in the wind. Some lights held chains, and at the end of the chain were humanoid beings.
(inside the eyes of these old lich beings was a yellow cosmic nebula of deadlights swimming like souls like the river within the underworld. There were various hues of yellow and gold that I had never seen in my small!!)
(subconscious thoughts: Run!!!!!! i Need to get fuck I'm losing my shit.)
The clouds look like massive stem cells with various tentacles protruding from the gray, slimy mass of flesh. That smells like a burning body. The stem cell clouds had produced green lighting. Some of them were smithing, and some humanoids were trying to pray and repentance; some were in Buddhist lotus meditation position. They had chains on their necks that looked like it was made from Chitterlings and smelled like raw, fresh harvest ones as well. Some snowflakes looked like they were made from maggots. The roads of this plane look like Propionibacterium acnes cell form. There were broken religious temples and towers of unknown. Civilizations had been lost in the webs of ShelothBane, the Outer goddess of the web of fate. The city of flesh was a mockery of everything pure and divine. There were plantations of flesh with cotton-like fields of testicles picked by enslaved fleshy humanoids, which were small imps that looked like one stole their skin. They were screaming in agony. Some of the creatures wore a dress of the skin of people with high melanin browns. Some look like goblin sharks, mackerel, and other beings that were too xeno to describe. Some creations would make even a mother abandon them. They had bodies filled with spirals that looked self-inflicted. This plane of existence made my root chakra feel like it was dying. I could feel the pain on different levels as I was an eye, a ghost, a phantom that was being guided
(one lichs was double the size of the normal lichs. It had bread of tentacles. It had so many runes. It had a dark, angelic, eldritch; they had wings that looked like seraphim made from bone and flesh, golden skulls that had a prominent symbol that was a yellow skull with an omega symbol, and a Saint Peter's cross. There are massive mounds of ham hocks, hog jowls, and pigs' feet, ears, skin, and intestines ... that look fused into eldritch beings of physical suffering that were eating each other and eating themselves; the stars of this existence were the Confederate star made of stitched orbs. Some of the lichs had tentacles that looked like a fusion between a penis and a maggot with rows of sharp teeth and grayish black fluids that looked like the same consistency as seamen. Some lichs wore purple robes and used sickles made from bone and tentacles of flesh.
(in the air, millions of feathers of birds look skin alive and look like raw chicken.)
A lich had robes made from human skin that was ebony. Some had masks that looked like a zodiac killer but were made from the flesh; I could see that one of them had third eyes that were a philosopher stone that was an egg shape. Some lichs had black, gray, bronze, and other colors that were so gloomy.
There were mountains of mummified monks. They look like they were followers of Duhov. They wore yellow and black religious robes. There were cats' and cows' skins alive, fused like an Orthrus. The Head of the cow had a third eye That was a gapping mouth that was spitting blood, saliva, dirt, mucus, sexual fluids, and other humanoid fluids.)
(meanwhile, the sounds of a holy choir singing.)
(on earth 666)
(The Black Dawn of Gaia)
(It's day one, 11:45 pm.)
(Black Creek Baptist Church of the Divine Quadrinity of the conscious in mindful)
Outside this church, huge, white, and golden, it had the aura of the subline. It was a fusion of a synagogue, a Buddha temple, and various Christian beliefs. There were hybrid Buddhist nagas that were golden, had a red pineal gland charm, had robes that were white, and had a red Tibetan Buddhist Meditation yoga belt. There was a statue of a goddess with massive erotic bosoms that some of her hands were wearing supporting; she was one of the statues behind the greenhouse and was under a gigantic crimson hybrid of a willow tree and a Nishiki Japanese Dappled Willow that was massive. There were other gods of feminine beauty and fertility. They were carved in marble. They capture the divine erotic of the physical shell of a women.
7794 W. Grand Innsmouth Black Creek. Mi.USA
(there is a beautiful stained deception of a Quadrinity of gods Odin on the bottom. In the middle was the mind of Nehebkau, the right King Solomom, and then it was Yahweh. The glass looked heavenly. The servants of god were chanting in their holy tongues with grace. There is a man who is pouring holy water inside a bowl of Thirty pieces of silver coins. They were The Antiochan Stater and Tetradrachms coins. The man has a large black Cappello Romano on his head. He looked like he was 35. Five, he had salt-in-pepper hair that was Medium reg barracks cut. he had an eagle clutching a U.S. Navy anchor, trident, and flintlock-style pistol. This gold badge. He had hidden golden dual pistols with the symbols of the Quadrinity and the symbols of Zailius, the creator of the divine rulers of light and order. The man has a marine face that has seen war. He had a scar on his left eye. He had an eye patch with a bone frog symbol, And there was a hall of our military gear that belonged to this Marnie navy seal priest. His right hand was a black cybernetic advancement secret to the common folk. Still, it had a mask of a fool's mystique by looking like advancement that was secret to the common folk, but it had a mask of a fool mystique by religious signs of Zailius, the creator of the divine rulers of light and order. There were various Veladoras with religious figures and beliefs.
There are various statuses of Thoth and Hermes Trismegistus; there were multiple types of lavender smelling. The room had marvels and golden geometrical shapes that were elegant and had an exquisite art of religious moments like the supper or even a painting of the chalice of Jesus, the holy grail of the Quadrinity of gods pentagrams and another signal of the arcane was warding off the evil f this town. Inside the church, one of the stained glass works depicted A forest with infinite Kabbalah trees that made a forest of Omniveres. The church had ivory halls; there were statues of angels of different ranks like ophanim, cherubim, seraphim, and other Yazata. There was a confession booth that looked like it predated the Roman Catholic era. Some halls had religious leaders of humanity and popes of all natures. There was Buddha, the sultan of the word of Nehebkau, and Jesus Christ, the son of the great Yahweh, the naga pope and founder of the arcane numerology and zodiac astrology. There are rows of gold and ivory white catholic pew. There were jars of Iwakuni white Japanese snakes, albino king cobras, and other white snakes. There were pictures of The father of the church and his wife, a nun that is so beautiful, just an older version of her daughter, Emma Athena, white; she looked more like a recognition of her mother. There were even photos of Emma and her friends. I looked at Bill, and thoughts of the past flooded me.
Father?????!!!!... Father!!!!..... Oh My Yahweh, I need your help. !!!!An older gentleman was running me, stumbling, and fell to his knees. The elder had a face that was the fuel of stress, and you could see this man's work. They were deep. He had a baby face shave, not a hair on his face.his hairline, he had a Roman tonsure hairstyle with pure gray hair, he had Windsor glasses, and he had an old Southern accent, reminiscing of Texas.) Before for I even hear the following words he says. I pull on my phone and get a text from my daughter Emma. Her contact name is My Snow Princess. Man, I read the days when she was young and still learning about the earth.
What do you want? Why do you have the face of a man who saw satan playing his fiddle? Elder Petersons? I grab my lighter and then spark my wine-flavored slim black cigar. I could taste the fancy tobacco all-American flavor. This was the cigar of freedom, I thought in my head as I smoked, looking at Mr. Petersons' nervous old-town folk vibe but with class. Don't worry if herbs are blessed from this very church. I, Judy, know you hate the cinnamon stick tobacco leafy burning smell. He was shaking like a dog. His old, wrinkled skin was a dreadful sight to behold.
🧊👸❄️Emma, my sweet Ice princess :
Dad!!!!! We need? You help a lot of supernatural things be going on. I'm terrified!! I feel like something is watching us. Please come 🆘 help!!! We are in the black. Creek Central Woods and bring the help you need; love your snow princess.
There was a photo of a campsite that looked like a bat ran out fucking hell. There were greyish-black pine trees that released a slime. It was so disgusting it looked like blood and liquid cow shit; no matter what, I thought through my head as I looked at the chaos, I need to save my daughter, and I hope she is safe and other thoughts of a concerned parent.
While Lector. O Peterson was getting up from like a hen with no head. He was rubbing the top of his bald head
The screen light was too fucking bright it flashed in my glasses like it was one of the suns of
Father Whites!!!!, your brother-in-arms who owns the local gas station.......
By the gods,....... something so ghastly happened
I reach in my pocket because.......I took out my napkins that had religious symbols. Pass him one so he could wipe the sweat on him.
(there's a table filled with different religious relics that look like a hybrid of various Catholic and spiritual symbols; there are religious-looking mason jars and jars filled with various herbs and flowers. There was a greenhouse filled with plants such as Arbor Vitae, crimson Carnation, Daisy, white honeysuckle, sunflowers, and other flower petals. There were packs of Rowan seeds that had a tree of Yggdrasil with the pentagram that had the alchemist symbols of iron, gold, and pearls. There were vast amounts of magical plants, and there were books of multiple religions. There was a small frame of members of the church. There's a photo hanging of Oscar, Bill, and Emma. They wear their Sunday best, giving smiles of pure joy and happiness. They were one with Father white and Dante, Emma, and Oscar. They all had a big smile. Father white had his hands on the heads of Oscar and Dante in a loving father and older brother way. Oscar had a shortcut at the time and was throwing up a piece sign. Emma is holding a bouquet of white roses and other flowers that are the symbol of purity. Dante had the hand sign of love. He had short dreadlocks that were pure red )
Dale Gold, the owner of the black shell, has gone missing, and people are saying....there so me, goat demon!!!? Prowling around, attacking, and kidnapping people from our poor town. The older adult's face was covered with pure pain and suffering like he was the physical equivalent of gloom and depression. I could see him shut his white teeth, Which had one golden tooth.
I smile at him, projecting a face of joy when hiding my emotions...Now, Lector, let's not just jump to conclusions. He might just be drinking and fishing again. You know that man loves his trouts, and he loves his little boat that had the words S. S Lovecraft.
Well, I will be dam if you think so; Dale, at least make a phone call or email me. I am getting worried that someone might have done something to him. He is just a good man of god and Navy Seal marine elite just like you who put up everything for our country of the United countries of North America. Man, I wish I wasn't a coward...I wish I were a Templar of the Quadrinity. He then put his hand in his pocket, pulled out a green cigarette, but then said do you mind??? White, I know you hate the smell of Kingsport cigarettes. The pack of cigarettes had a logo of a parent and a head of a lion. The tail of this vile creature was devilish; it looked like a manticore but with various barbs on its scorpion. The pack had a small symbol of the rose croix, but It was a serpent wrapped around it, similar to the staff of Asclepius. It had two god wings and a flame that looked like the exact shape of a candle flame.
Have you also heard there have been sightings of a witch covenants mountains? A witch covenant of pagen skinwalkers who curse the name of the godhood!!!, many of them are hiding in plain sight??! Boy, oh Boy, Dear Gods, I hope That I down walk past one of Those Devil Fucking cock stealing baby eating sons of guns lector said with a face of regret be started murmuring prayers of forgiveness. Oh, I'm sorry for my tongue in the house of the gods. I don't know what's getting into me. He sat down in the rows of chairs. He gave a blank state for a few moments like he was detached from reality.
I looked at him With a straight face of no emo while I adjusted my glasses. I was on The way to those heretics, and I got a list of items I want you to get by the time I'm back from the pub. May the good gods bless you, Lector, I said. I gave him a fake smile, hiding my rage with a mask that only my wife could see. Man, I wonder what she was doing at home. I hope she wasn't sick. Man, I don't feel like going to this shifty pub filled with sinners and pagans. It was home to the weirdos and lovers of dark taboos. I walked through the church to a secret backdoor through a confession booth that looked older than the Catholic Church of the 13 century.
I walk past all the rooms in this religious secret department of relics, books, And other things through history, like the ten books of Enoch and The Infinite divine comedy of the Samarao of mental hell. Before I left the room, I saw the portrait of Ininfte forest of world trees. Before I left, I pulled out a long black skim cigar and smoked it until it was half, saving the rest for later. I pull out my flask and then drink so Captain Black Beard Rum. I check the time by pulling out my fancy watch that has the symbol of alchemy there, the five elements. This was the symbol that reminded me of the horrors of war I have caused. My eyes and hands started manifesting. My eyes looked like a storm of pure golden lighting dancing with rage as I saw a faint reflection of my face. My eyes reflect my rage.
All hail The Goodhead.
Then I heard on my radio that.....SCP Foundation and The Greytech had just made a company merge, said the radio. By God's grace, that means lower rent and more public housing. Man, let The God Goods rule. God bless you, guys, said host Mr.MorningStar with smooth jazz radio host vibes. It sounds like the voice of an angel full of soul.
on earth 666-616)
(The Black Dawn of Gaia)
(It's day one, 11:59 pm.)
(Black Creek Baptist Church of the Divine Quadrinity of the conscious in mindful)
Outside the church in the parking lot, the pavement with no cracks or a pothole looked so clean that you could eat your food.
I'm looking at this city church van. Oh wait, that's my shifty pedo van with seals of removing fucking van. It was as if the mystery van was on meth and then repented. I jam my fucking keys into it like it said a slur about my grandmother. Before I hit the road, all I heard was
Farther!!!!!!!White.....!!!?, Is That uuuuuu!!!! I love a strong and handsome Irish man.
I looked down at this short, older woman. She said how are you doing today with a smile that was so kind and motherly. Her voice was just like my mother's, so it made me feel a little sad mixed with happy because she was one of the sheep of my flock. Pure as the white lamb of the gods. She was a white mage and Wicca. She donates the flowers that help protect the church.
Farther white, you are my favorite member of the council of the holy four. You are so tall and handsome; You give back to the county folk of this town so much with your word and actions. She put her hand on my chest in a motherly way. Reavling hears the duality of youth and age like wine. She looked like she was from a noble family. With her family crests on her belt, it was the golden dawn of the rose.
She pulls out a pipe with herbs of the land. Did you know Nevis? I was a member of the white mages; I was a nymph of Verdan. That's the reason I'm cursed with this youth. She then stared at me, revealing her green eyes, and then she turned into a form similar to my age. She pressed against rubbing her fingers through my hair.
If you need help with the mountain witch, She then put in my hand some blue and green seeds and put them in my trench coat pocket. Take these with you. Call my name Kalypso Amphitrite, white mage and spawn verdan. She had massive breasts that I was not trying to stare at. I pulled up my trench coat so she couldn't see my banner. My face was packed with red and pink. Steam was coming from my nose, and sweat ran down my pores. I almost forgot about my plans because I was lost in the sea of lust. Her breasts and private eras were covered up with fig plant leaves, just like Eve, as she swayed her hips in pure exotica. There was the scent of flowers in the air.
There was a light of green, then a golden and green portal manifested in front of me. Kalypso walked into the portal. Before she left, she said You are welcome anytime to come with me to lands of the fae and nature spirits I heard a flirting giggle as she gave me a seductive stare, and then she vanished into a green holy portal of nature. The portal was a symbol of the world tree.
I pulled out my phone to check the time it was 2400 hours. I hurry up, jump in my van, and head to the pub. As I was driving, I looked at this run-down, gritty town filled with a silent dread. The air was cold, like fall in October. There were various leaves all over the ground. The leaves were gold, red, orange and brown. The skies were a black-grayish hue. As I smoked, I could feel the fall cold air fill my lungs. I drive past the only hospital in the town. It looked like a creepy insane asylum. It had a supernatural energy. I was like, I could hear this song of the dead. The hospital had a sickly white. As I drive more profoundly in the town, I park my shitty ass human tracking, looking at the car. I was thinking in my head that I need a new paint job. My car was making so much noise because of me driving these Fucking!! Potholes. I hoped fucking mayor Greyward would fix these fucking roads, and I was happy there wasn't any traffic. I saw the multiple signs on the road that said underconsturion and other shit. By The Great Gods!!!! Fucking pure Cunt!!!
I said out loud as fuck! I finally pull up to this shit hole. I threw up in my mouth a little bit as I smelled the scent of burning plastic from a garbage plant. My boots were dragging heavily on the ground. The taste in the air was that of various drugs and musty odors.FUCKING Odin!!!! The crow father!!!! How can this place still be running? I heard the echo of my voice. The screams of crows flying away in fear from my voice were that of dark thunder. The feathers, black as obsidian, fell from the sky like trillions of fucking snowflakes. Some feathers even filled my mouth those fucking vermin scum were everywhere. Fucking!!! Spawn of sheloth bane. There was a vast White and golden Huntsman spider. It ran with them as fast as the gods of winds. I feel the moisture from my pores oozing sweat.
I grab my golden napkins with signs of the goods: A Forest of World Trees and the center of the Forrest, a master grand elder tree, and the other word of the excellent goods. By God, I want some tea of any fucking kind or some coffee. I pull out my pack of mints and Toss it in the air. Man, I remember when I thought that trick to the kids, lol. Oscar was the smartest one out of the bunch. The light of joy filled me as I remembered how Bill had tripped while choking on the mint and how I had to save his life. Man, he was such a funny little lad who could bring joy to everyone. Man, we were such a happy family back then. This was the same joy I felt when Dante got drafted as the number one pick of the country. I still can feel the tears of joy that rain down my face. They could drown a Leviathan spawn of Levidra.
A random man with a European monk haircut. Said
I Don't fuck with your face. It looks like the Joker
When I fuck you, Mom, I smoke a fat cigar and play poker
You lil niggas are so weak you fold like origami
I got so much drip I made all Bicths get wet like a tsunami
Yo raps are so soft that they make my bars look like they were made from Kami.
He was said to be a kid in a tech-fit hip-hop black-and-white jumpsuit. He looked like he was just only six years old. He had a fake golden grill and a shirt that said doomsday in all caps, bold 90s American edgy comics. It was my nostalgia for when Dante made his first comic. That boy was so proud and made me so happy that he took an interest in reading, even if it took making his dumb little make-believe Heros. Walking past that freestyle cipher circle, I put some spare change in the kid's cup. The young lad gave me a smile of joy like he just won the lottery. He had cheap-ass fake grills that had a noticeable gap. He was darker than Dante.
Wow, look who's stumble in the pub. All I heard was a deep Southern sister fucking Confederate flag-waving red-neck biker. The pub was heavily filled with gang tags; one they saw was the hand of Hastur, the yellow lords, and another was the daughters of whore of Babylon, a group who use Medusa as their symbol. They are a local all-women-led gang who are known to protect sex workers, women, and children. I heard some rumors
That's father white. He was one the biggest reasons why the tides of war changed in our favor; the biker said as he looked at the other bikers in his gang. They were the soul serpents. They had jackets that were black like an abyss that had a texture that was old cowhide that was black.
That's the fang of Mayor Greyward. If someone touches him, they are branded with the mark of Duhov, the second lord of the void inferno, and said another biker with long overgrown black hippie hair. He wore a shirt that displayed the wear of a snake in letters. That looked like a hair metal band of the past. He looks like he was a meth head member of the band Kiss with his teeth that was a rotten yellow. He had one golden tooth. He made up, but it made him look like a black-in-white clown.
Leave them fuck ALONE!!! You dumb fucks said a deep voice that was pure dominance. A man that I looked down at who had bread that looked like a black beard as if he had a hipster fucnking gen-z barber
The bike was pulling on his black bread in a grooming way. He pulled off a knife comb and started combing his well-groomed beard. He had a wise energy about him, like he was a druid.
That man is fucking American hero and walking a one-person army. Stay the fuck out his way, or I will shoot you dead myself. He pulled out a long black pistol. That had skeletal serpents and human skulls. The skull had red crimson eyes that had hues of blood. He had a face of fear and anger. He put out his hand in a Viking warrior handshake. I looked at his cybernetic peg leg that was a secret high weapons grade Light machine gun. It was transformed into a black wooden hidden in-plain-sight style camouflage. It was probably from the black market, or he could get it doing a job for Mayor Greyward.
I felt his hand, which was firm and dry. He had an actual man's handshake. I looked down into his red, dead eyes.
I hope you have a blessed one, boys. May the gods be with you, I said with a face that projected a mask of foolish glee and joy that made some members look up at me with faces that were an ocean of dread, wonder, fear, and other emotions. They had clouds of vapes that made a tropical mint-like scent in the air.
I duck my head and bend my knee as I enter the pub door. It had black-grayish wood that looked like pines of the witch woods.
His wife became one of the avatars of Víðópnir, said a voice that sounded like a meth of Ohio mix with a shifty southern tone. It was like the physical embodies a fucking tweaker.
I laugh as I walk in, but it was just a false projection of my emotions. I thought back on that wicked day. The day everything was taken away from me. A small tear from my eye was trying to escape, but I was fighting it like a warrior. I pull out my sugar cane in the trench coat of my pocket. I felt the plastic mints that were in my pockets. The sharp plastic rubs against my skin. I thought in my head Man I'm getting fucking old.
There were so many different gangs in the bar. The sons of Sunjin wore Bōsōzoku style gear, but ancient school there jackets had a giant eastern dragon that had different hues of blue and white.
I turn my head, scan the bar, and look at this other group, the iron tiger claws. They wore business suits to cover up their heavy tattooed bodies. A woman was their leader in the center of their side of the bar. She had zodiac rings that were the year of the tiger, Leo sun, Virgo rising, and Leo moon. She had a Japanese rockabilly haircut. Her hair was blonde.
I felt a bump pass my leg as A small ass punk bumped me. He was wearing a hippie outfit, but he left a smell of must in the air and drugs. He walked over to a gang, the chakra devils. They looked like they were stuck in the new-wave hippie era of the late 1960s and early 70s.
As I walked through the bar, I was a group of metal heads blasting their music, and they wore a shirt that said the sons of sabbath. I guess they were the new gang in town. They look like a bunch of witch and warlock theme goths. They were drinking coffee and talking about random shit I don't give fuck about.
FATHER!!! White....FATHER WHITE....A western cowboy voice called in a voice that was a mix of joy and excitement. It brought the hostility of the room a bit. I pulled out one of my napkins, wiped my mouth, and wiped my face to keep up my image.
I looked down at a man who looked like a Morden Day cowboy. The primary color of his outfit was black and tan. he had an expensive button-up shirt. His shoes were golden and black. They were snakeskin boots of the past, but look like they were updated in a more classy way.
I looked as if his hand skin was ebony brown, He had hairy arms, and He had hands that looked like they never got a break in their day job. I look down and give him a handshake. His skin looked just like Bill's but was less moisturized than him.
My name is Mr.Blackwood
So you must be The new Fang of Mayor Greyward, I said, looking down at his curly black afro. My thoughts in my head flooded. Dam!!? They replace Gold like that. I felt a sea of pain because he was a light that was in the abyss of hell. He always kept my head calm. He Trained and tamed my rage, made me a worthy scale of Zaltion. Then I said nice to meet you, Mr.Blackwood. I had a face of joy; I probably looked like an otaku at a new manga store. I pulled out some hand sanitizer and then cleaned my hands, but not rudely. I passed him the tiny bottle. He gave me a nod of approval, used some of it, and then passed it back.
I heard the sound emitting From one of those silent dog whistles that Mayor Greyward gave all his fangs.
HELLO?!... Excuse me, Father White??? You there earth to father white Are you on this planet anymore?? By the grace of the cosmic warg, said
I'm sorry, young man; sometimes I get stuck in the webs of ShelothBane. Don't worry. I saw the group chat with the protocol for our mission. I didn't recognize you because you didn't have a profile picture.
Are you sure you don't need any? Are you sure? Because if you need any reminder, I can help you said Blackwood, pulling out the steampunk cowboy vape that had the symbol of the cosmic warg, a wolf that look like a dark nebula.
No, brother, don't worry; while I was at the Main Church, I read the document. I also need more monks to rake the leaves and tend to sand gardens and other church landscaping. Can we talk about it in the Pub basement?
Blackwood's eyes turned into the exact hue of mine; it looked like thunder was dancing as we walked into the bar. An athletic, average-sized Russian man with a black and white jumpsuit bumped me. The gym bro had some cybernetic blue eyes and had a black bucket hat that looked like it was a 90s old-school hip-hop vibe that more lyrical rappers would wear. He walked into the HipHopHead Gang. They looked like rappers from the very being of hip-hop and poetry. They sat at the bar producing hip-hop beats, but I mainly geared UK, Chicago, and Russian drill rap music. Some were trash, some were good, but the bar was playing some old-school satanic panic European death metal. I remember giving Dante his first heavy metal vinyl record, All Shall Die. Man, he was so geeked. Those were some of the thoughts I had as I walked and tried not to bump anyone. Before I left to go to the back of the bar, I looked back at the bar and saw a man wearing a golden metal mask. He wore a shirt that said Mr Doom. It was in all caps. It looked like one of the comics I gave to Dante, but during my era back in the day. When everything was much more straightforward, he was talking to his game, but he was referring to himself in the third person and calling his men Doom Clones because some of them saw a brown, golden hue version of the leader.
Father, white man, your strolling must signify your age. He laughed out loud that every fucker in this bar looked at him. We walked in the back of the pub. Two fully cybernetically enhanced soldiers were fully armored. They had the symbol of Mayor Greyward. It was a golden eye with a lamb with a third eye. It was the face of the shield-like logo that also had the world tree symbol.
The two guards looked at us with the eyes of cold killers. They pointed their guns at us and then said.
Leave all weapons on the table, he pointed his gun at the long table. The first guard was a darker shade of bob. He had a goat tee mustache.
That Fucking!! Means all magical and religious items, the body garden said the second guard, pointing a gun at me. It made me fill with rage because Mayor Greyward also hires new dumbfucks every fuckinh day cause he's paranoid. I wouldn't say I like these. I put my brass knuckles of Zailton, My crosses that hidden stakes; I put my various summoning napkins, thunder grenades, jars of holly water, the seeds of Kalypso, and other various weapons.
Don't play fucking with me. Remove that fucking arm, old Cubnt!!! Man!! Said the first guard, swaying his gun in the air. Angry, I gave memories of my drill sergeant screaming all the sergeant slurs in history, even if they didn't apply to me. I pull off my cybernetic arm. It fucking hurts every time Fuck! By the good gods, bloody Voras, this hurts. I said under my breath. I know damn well that everyone, even Blackwood, could hear me.
I watched as Blackwood pulled a blade from every possible spot; he put two giant long barrel cowboy costumes that looked old-school. It had various cosmic warg symbols. The most notable symbol was the eye of Merlin. The kid had so many weapons my arsenal was pale in comparison.
Now!! Drink the potions; It was a potion of the hunt that made all magic and contracts temporarily blocked. I could access one, even one atom of my powers.
Blackwood drinks the potion and then has a face of pure disgust. I laugh at the young lad. He reminded me of Bill when he made That face. I remember when Emma, Bill, and Oscar first tried the potion of nothingness. They all spit it faster than the speed of light.
Fucking!!Maggot! What are you two dicks!!! Are doing Wasting my Fucking time like ShelothBane is not always change her webs, MOTHERFUCKAS! Do You hear the words coming out my black ass mouth fucking stop fucking with my Grey Fangs before I stop painting my art in the shoot! You're both dead where you fucking stand!!! A Screaming voice that was as deep as the depth of hell. It was like a demon had a Southern East side 7-mile voice. I laughed out loud in joy. It was the big bad boss, man.
Blackwood's face was full of dread. He awkwardly ran straight to the door even though The mayor wasn't talking to fool. I thought, yeah, this kid was Bill's soul doppelgängers, incarnated onto our planes. doppelgängers, incarnated. The lad was just a ball of awkwardness. The guards gave me a military wave while saying sorry they were shaking in their boots. They dam near feel to ground head bowing.
I guess the boss cussed them out, said Agent Blackwood, rubbing his goat-tee and horseshoe Mustache. I swear he looked like Bill Pickett mixed with
Billy the Kid, I remember watching those history documentaries with the nuns of the Black Creek Baptist Church main church. It was much smaller and humble back then. Before Mayor Greyward stepped up as mayor of the city, we were young bucks.
I smelt the faint scents of war in the air
Before I take one last look back, a sizeable black spirit manifested. It was a man that had various burn marks and rotten flesh. His skin was so burnt it looked like he was made out of black tar. The man's jaw kept dropping and regenerating. He had Crimson eyes.
I felt the scar on my face bleeding, and it felt like an ocean of pain; it was like my very soul and charakas were getting stolen from me.
The creature had a face of a million cold blue eyes. It had multiple arms like a Hindu god of the past; it had various jewelry made from dead bodies. It grew three heads with eyes that looked like the spawn of ShelothBane that put fear in my heart; it had a crown of heads of various kinds of life. It had giant spider-like mandibles that protruded from its face, a black slime that looked like blood felt from black souls dancing around the deity like they were performing a play of terror. I could feel the cold winds
I AM KING YAMA, THE LEFT FINGER OF THE HAND OF THE GOD OF PAIN LISTEN TO MY OMEN YOU HAVE A FEW DAYS LEFT ON THIS PLANE. The demon screamed as blue fire consumed him and his despair. King Yama's voice was a choir of screams and rage. It felt like I could hear some of the screams of witches I killed during the second slam trials.
Good lords of power, please grant me the power to banish this foul demon, I said under my breath like I was whispering. King Yama made its legs in a meditational Lotus-style position. It had an aura of crimson red and other dreadful colors. It was a rainbow that made me a serial killer.
HAHHAHAHA!!!! YOU THINK THOSE OLD WEAK GOD HAVE POWER!!! YOU DARE SAY THOSE CHANTS YOU SWIME PREIST YOU SHALL SEE!!! King Yama said, and then he vanished into smoke. It was like all the light of the pub came back out. The void that Yama trapped me in was gone. I could see the light, and I saw the oak brown fingers and black cowhide leather fingerless gloves wave in my face
Father white!!? Greytech Space Force, we have a problem!!! It seems like father white has left orbit once again!! Said Blackwood in a laughing way. He reminds me of myself in the past but not damaged by the pain of war, pure soul free of war crimes. He didn't know the truth of my dark past. Everyone in the room probably thought I was daydreaming. I reach into my pocket to use my hand sanitizer. It said on the label new Azathoth's 200% germ killer. We give the germs of the miroverse a Ragnarok, the sons of Son of Verden lord Zalassor, the grand-sons of mabe by Grayward Gate Government of Greytech. We get the job!! Or else we would be all dead in big, bold letters. Waring not made for the consumption of mortals may cause entities to manifest in physical planes. It had the symbol of the king in yellow but black.
The Black Dawn of Gaia Hand of Judas part: 3.5
(on Earth 666)
(The Black Dawn of Gaia)
(It's day two, 1:3o am )
(at the pub in the Greyward check, security checks out Farther white, and Mr.BlackWood is entering an elevator that has classic music playing of the Wolfgang era; the elevator is a highly advanced one. There is a small flat-screen TV that displays the maps of black creek, one of which displays thirteen golden tracking devices; various holograms give information on the local cryptid and other beings of black wood. Another hologram projected the multiple gangs, criminals, and other citizens.)
I pull out my Long black cigar that had a wooden foot. It was white Irish flavored. MOTHER FUCKA ARE YOU DESNSE HOW MANY?!!DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU NO SMOKING IN THE GOD DAM DUMB ASS NIGGAS!! Elevator!!! I'm tired of those fucking bottom-shelf black cigars. They smell like ass on God. What the fuck, man? I can smell them from here in my business meeting room. His nose was had biological technology cyberwar. It was organic technology.
I heard the feet of Blackwood Would dance as he relaxed, head nodding. He was enjoying this music fucking kid made me think of my girl and boys. When times were much more straightforward.
Beep!!!!!Beep!Beep!!! Three times, I heard the rings of the elevator. I looked at the camera, which scanned me to check for weapons and other items. The camera said Welcome, James Earl White. The motion camera then sent a small drone the size of a human eye. It scanned Blackwood and said Welcome, Chad Jesse Blackwood, welcome to the facility of Greyward facility of the black creek.
You have been clear of all diseases, evil beings, and...
Blah blah, nigga said Blackwood with a. I was trying to hold my smirk back. It felt like I was going to ball out knee-slapping because the face made me mad, thinking about how I missed the old times. Cause the comedic timing was so crazy; it was like the gods made a synchronicity manifest.
As I entered the first layer of the massive underground facility, I walked past various prisons and containment units that held so many different forms of life, both beautiful and dreadful. As I walked through, we heard the sounds of security drones facility, inmates, and other sounds that made me feel like I was in one of those old sci-fi eras before the great war.
Blackwood was finger-blasting random Cryptids of folklore legend when I was watching. His childish nature made me think about Emma and the boys. I heard one of the holographic projection motors that said Agent Dale has me been KIA. Please send all support and money to the donation books on the left hub level one, and thank you. The hologram did a traditional bow and then looped the same dialogue. The hologram looked new and way more advanced. I was putting thoughts of fear because of rapid growth knowledge even though I was living hypocrisy
My cyber ware in-plants and other technologies were the only reason I was alive. I could hear the peacekeeper in my heart vibrant.
Who's the leading man with the plan!???
Is our leader who is the loving lord of our land!!???
On its the joy of all hearts big and small, it's yours!!!
Mayor Greyward! The leader is the new leader of the Grey clan!!!
It displays an image of Mayor Greyward.
The golden cybernetic eyes were a cold dark yellow with the sign of Odin, the Crow lord. He Had a zebra suit with a rainbow of grey, white, and black. He had African jewelry from the past. If I were to guess, he looked like a Jamaican from the heart of Queens Old York City. His skin was even on the monitoring holographic screams. His long gray and white hair made him look like a lion, like his silver lion tie jewelry. His right eye still had the brand of the old war. He had some tattoos that were signs of gods unknown to me. I guess this was his new soul skin. It looked just like him, black in the war but just aged.
An old-time political campaign song blasted on a loop. It was so fucking anyone underneath him. The sign said Proper preparation prevents poor performance, Mayor Greywad.
With my left hand, I grab my chest while bending my knees. I dam felt like I was going pass out—the waves of pain went through my chest. Two Doctors rush past me. I caught a glimpse of their name tags. One said Doctor Reed, and the other one said Doctor Richard. Dr.Richard was pushing a chart of rainbow serpent eggs. The other twin was walking with (SCP-2040). We called them here, The triborgs.
I walked into the elevator and pressed the button that led directly to The Mayor.
I could smell druid weed rolled in a wood-leaf cigar. All I heard was a seductive voice that sounded like two people saying They wore graded and updated corporation fashion suits higher than my paycheck. The sound of Motown classic music
It was in the air.
Follow me; Mr. Ward wants to see, said Artemis and Leto. They were the lovers, the Right and left hand of Mr.Greyward. Every time I see them, they update and upgrade cybernetic voice boxes called The Tongue above all of T.T.A.I heard Greyward created them with the help of General. They had some of the newest models. I saw the sigel of Aphrodite. I heard some rumors say they are clones of the Mayor's wife. If they are, that man is a lucky bastard. I was trying to hold my lust until I heard
Father white!!!Father?? Grey tech space defenses Bravo 12 main branch of Blackcreek Houston, we have a probably!? Father white has left orbit for the second time, Said Blackwood in an awkward but funny way. The twins flipped their straight hair with bangs; the way hair flowed in their marine green hair that looked like beautiful seaweed with tones of black that looked like shadows were dancing. Their cold winter blue cyber tech eyes were like looking into a hurricane of frost, and computer data was flashing through like a storm. I thought that as I walked a long walk, my back was killing me.
I look At the new sign that said in all caps clones of reward and synthetic bio skins. The next sign said New Greyward, Marine Biotech. I looked to the left; it Was the new Scp Greyward cyberware medical bay and repair shop.
I heard the sounds of cleaning in the air.
Bloody hell, why does Greyward always upgrade and change the layouts said one of the prisoners of reward. He had a shifty-ass look to him. He wore a new slave collar that could release nanobots that could erase the name, Body, Soul, will, and Emotions or send them the planes of voras.
There was a huge sign that was one of those vintage Vegas signs style. It said New!!! Voice acting media branch.q
PRODUCE BY THE MAN WITH METAL FINGERS!!! Tag played, and a hologram of said underneath this has been approved by the SHADOW WARLOCK MUSIC GANG!!! WE CAST SPELLS!!!!
The most generic ass mytube beat tag echoed, filling the room with sounds of the bass that I could feel In my old fucking bones.
I pop a member of the tiger claw put in powder
My money long with pure power
You are an incel nigga you don't shower
I use my Purple claw-like my nigga grey ward kill you in less than an hour. I'm the gun. You're not even a rose petal.
We don't fuck with you a tiger claw. You are going to feel that metal.
I was raised with the wolves in black creek
I just drank some Ghost Xans. I feel like I am a geek
How my niggas Odin we birds of a flock
I'm going sacrifice to satan like it black crack rock
I got fish gills I sold to the deep ones
I got...... The random rapper in the mega studio said as he was fucking up his flow over and over. This was not even close to a hit, or maybe I'm just a head hip artist. I thought as I heard from various other studios that music artists of multiple genres were playing. It was a duality of natural talent, and the rest was trash. I adjusted my glass frames because they were slipped off a bit, and the light glared in the leases.(
There was a huge monitor that said Dale Greyward Gold. Alias(agent gold has been KIA. Please send all letters and the donation halls within sector b level One on the right adjacent to the reward CKOPWA( Contain Cyprtids or proceed with annihilations). I heard the screams of the Michigan dogman packs and other creatures as the monitor said with a text-to-speech style ai, so basic and boring. I felt a wave of sadness just by looking at making his famous pose fucking sea lover. He wore his favorite hat; everyone in town could see him coming a million miles away. The say mothefucking hat he wore during the pre-war era. He and Greyward look like the moon and the sun, a duality. I also thought I felt my left leg drag like I had a heavy sac of potatoes.
Hahaha, wtf? My guy Blackwood showed me a picture of what these new bucks call memes by the gods, so it made me tear up while others went over my head.his teeth were bio-organic technology. I knew that Symbol from anywhere. It was the work of Dr.Orchi Wade.
There were large crowds of different gangs, but of course, the Main gang here was the DoomDays gang.
If you are not with Captain Murphy and General Flying Lo
You are going to feel the villain's wrath
As the Metal Face crew has the best guns
We are going start our new country rule with an iron fist killed all you weak bums
We are the Metal Meta crew. We are going blast you and make you sneeze, Achoo.
We going fuck on yo mother make go boo-hoo.
My reward will make you shoo-oo
We slang this new crack that makes you go choo-choo
I'm the greytech sewage plants. You're not even an atom of shit.
It's a speeding bullet train that feels like it hit your brain
Yo, cybernetics will get stolen, and you are going feel the pain
With our weapons, you're going get hit with blood rain
Make me take your leader so I can kill him like I'm Kane
Then I pull out gas like a scarecrow, but you can call sanity crane
Everything is bitter sweat like grey tech natural white stag water
When I drink that, I bust a nut in you, girl give you a daughter
When I spit on the microphone, I'm like the US Space Force. I'm here to slaughter
I'm a fusion of father Dagon, and I'm like Levidra swimming the water
All caps when you spell the name of the villain
We, the Doom bot boys, killing the king in yellow
There's only one beer left. Hello!!!
You know Danger Doom is going kill the yellow czar.
If you get too close, we rob your bank accounts and steal your cars.
We are the metal-faced terrorist who shot the first leader of the black pearl gang!
We work our fingers to the bone to earn our chain
You better Spell it In all Caps when you change your name.
I made you a fancy clown and stole your girl, Trinity
The first mission of Doomsday is to kill rap snitches in the worst way. Boom Boom. It was the sound in the air; then there was the smell of gunpowder and blood in the air before I even heard the gun go off before the blood from the wants to be Doomdays gang member died cause he had broken the golden rule of their crew.
Dumb ass mutha-fucka.Hahaha!!! Deep-ass British UkOE (Universal Kingdoms of Europe ). Voice, it was coming from a Yeti that I had looked up at. He made me feel like a wee little lad. It was like he was Shaq and I was Bogues. Next to him, there was a femmie white Batsquatch that was holding onto him like a lover's vice grip. It reminds me of my wife. I pulled out my love locket. It's the most expensive thing I own. I reach for a cigar, but I stop myself. I felt that cold wind; it was the smell of war in the air.
HAHAHA, YOU CAN NEVER RUN FROM THE SINS OF THE PAST. YOU ARE A FLY TRAPPED IN THE WEB OF SHELOTHBANE; YOU WILL BECOME A TOOL OF THE GOD OF PAIN, AND YOU WILL HAVE GREAT. LOSSS. Yama said with a voice that could scare a fuckinh yokai away. I can feel my cybernetic dam explode. The pain was tremendous. It also made me shed a tear.
His arms moved like the legs of spiders. He had various tentacles that had black and greyish slime. The old folks of the town call it The Devil's Tears.
Clouds of fog and mist, also black spores, were in the air.
Snapping his fingers and then clapping them to stomp his boots, he made a face that made me face that reminded me of when Dante first came into town. At best, all the kids at church raced through the meadows; it was like gods of speed and winds favored him as the chosen one. I thought he had walked various aliens from civilizations of all levels. The floor is clean; I could feed the kid.
I smelt the scent of sage and other flowers
Every fucking time I enter here. The doors seem like they didn't stop. Before I entered the door to Mayor Greytech
One of the prominent founders is leaving for old America. President of the northern part of the United States of America. old America We Here At Grayward like to say that you have a great smile even when you're down unless you want to dance with the clown.
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