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PRINCE (18+)


Rosalia carefully opened the door to the art room.

It was the first time she had visited a classroom in the middle of the night while attending the academy for all three years. She usually didn’t leave the dorm after 11 p.m. She was not usually out at night.

Some girls with lovers secretly go out at night, but unfortunately, no man has asked Rosalia out for the past three years.

Anyway, Rosalia walked into the darkened classroom holding the sketchbook tightly with excitement.

The more she thought about it, the more unexpected Prince Lucian was.

“As expected, is he generous because he will become King…?”

If she were a Prince, she would be ashamed of a girl who considered herself greasy, but he even went beyond forgiving to help complete the task.

“I’m so sorry.”

It felt like a mistake that she had only thought of him.

Rosalia, who was fumbling with her hand against the wall to find a switch in the dark art room because the light wasn’t on, stopped when she heard a voice calling out to her.


-You were already here?

Rosalia, who was trying to press the light switch that touched her fingertips, pondered for a moment.

“Wait. If I turn on the light, someone might see me outside, right?”

Originally, it was a principle to complete art assignments within a specified class time. Someone might raise the issue of unfairness if they discovered that they had taken the time to meet separately.

“So the Prince probably didn’t turn on the lights either, did he?”

Another question popped into Rosalia’s head as she was leaving the switch.

“Wait. So I can’t see because it’s dark. How do I draw the Prince’s face?”

Rosalia hesitated whether to turn on the light or not.

-Lia, come here.

Rosalia thought hard about the voice calling her and decided to approach Prince Lucian for now.

When she got used to the darkness, her vision was not dark at all. Besides, moonlight was vaguely peeking in through the window.

Rosalia approached Prince Lucian with an awkward, clumsy gait.

Prince Lucian was sitting at a desk, not in a chair.

He was also somewhat disorganized. He used to wear his shirt well, but now he had a couple of shirt buttons undone.

She was surprised to see him like that for the first time, but Rosalia pretended not to see.

For his face was as it always was.

Feeling a little queasy, Rosalia frowned.

“How can Prince Lucian smell so good?”

It was so fascinating.

Prince Lucian spoke to her, who approached him with the sketchbook in his arms.

-Come closer. That’s how you can see my face.

Prince Lucian’s voice somehow held a subtle laugh.

Rosalia wiped her mouth, trying not to care about his orange smell.

-Hey, when did you get here?

-30 minutes ago.


Rosalia didn’t know how to respond, so she pouted.

Prince Lucian, who was looking at her, suddenly crossed his legs. Then he asked in a soft, friendly tone.

-Lia. Did you tell your best friend that you would meet me here?


-You know that red-haired friend. The one you hang out with every day. Fortunately, she was friendly, so she swapped seats with me in economics class before.


Rosalia shook her head slightly when she realized the person he was referring to was Sasha.

-No… you told me not to tell anyone.

Feeling overwhelmed by Prince Lucian’s interested look, Rosalia fixed her gaze on the ground and stuttered.

-In fact, it doesn’t seem good for others to get together and do art assignments in addition to regular classes, so I don’t think it’s necessary to tell Sasha…

As she spoke, she realized that the thank you greeting was late and hurried to give a belated greeting.

-Oh, yes that. Uh, Prince… Thank you.

Prince Lucian asked lightly.


Rosalia hesitated to answer.

-You said you’d take your precious time to model more portraits.

As if amused, he narrowed his eyes and laughed.

-You shouldn’t have said that. I don’t want to be a model.

Prince Lucian looked at her calmly and crossed his legs.

-I called you because I wanted to do something daring.


Rosalia thought it would look very awkward to ask a second later.

Prince Lucian whispered huskily.

-Didn’t you hear that? I want to do something daring with you.


-Why did you secretly come out to me at night? Didn’t you go out because you liked me too?

-Oh, that’s not…

Rosalia’s face turned red.

Realizing that the situation had become awkward, she displayed her sketchbook in her arms.

-I thought you were going to let me let him draw a portrait…..

-I have no intention of sitting still in a chair. It’s not fun.

Prince Lucian grabbed her sketchbook and threw it away.

Rosalia vaguely looked at the sketchbook that was thrown away.

“I have to do my art homework. If I don’t, I will fail…”

Prince Lucian spoke slowly.

-Lia, you can tell everyone later. Prince Lucian seduced me into going out at night. I thought he was a gentleman, but he was insidious.

Rosalia felt embarrassed and wanted to bow.

“You’re definitely testing me, aren’t you?”

She shook her head with her hands clasped together.

-No. I’ll never tell anyone…

-Why? You can talk about me seducing you.

-I won’t… I won’t tell anyone.

Prince Lucian, who was looking at Rosalia expressionlessly, soon smiled satisfactorily.

-All right. Then let’s keep this night a secret between the two of us. Only you and I know what we did here.

-Yes I’d like that.

Rosalia nodded up and down stiffly, lifting the corners of her mouth awkwardly.

She thought Prince Lucian, satisfied with her constant attitude of secrecy, would let her go soon.

Strangely, however, she hears the sound of unbuttoning his pants.

-So, Lia, can we do something really daring here? Because no one will know.

Seeing Prince Lucian’s menacing genitals between his legs, Rosalia wondered if she was dreaming. However, even if she closed her eyes tightly and opened them, that oversized one didn’t disappear and remained in front of her.


Rosalia, who came out of the bedroom, looked up at the sky. It was clear and dazzling weather without a single cloud.

However, to Rosalia’s eyes, it only looked like a sky full of dark clouds. She couldn’t enjoy the nice weather because she was uncomfortable.

There was only one reason. It was because she thought she would fail a course when she was about to graduate. That was also in the science of art that Rosalia always had confidence in.

“How much is tuition for a semester…?”

At the Royal Academy, she had to attend the entire semester to retake even one subject.

However, considering the letter she received from her mother some time ago, she couldn’t even dream of resuming the course.

Rosalia, the oldest of the five siblings, would either have to quickly get a job in a good place and earn money, or return to her hometown to care for her family.

The early death of Rosalia’s father had left Baroness Xane alone to care for her.

Baroness Xane was apparently a decent enough family to send Rosalia, the eldest daughter, to the Royal Academy in the capital, but in fact, she was barely making ends meet with the money she borrowed.

Rosalia, who described her situation, was sighing deeply and someone was shouting happily behind her.

-Lia! Let’s go together.

Looking back helplessly, she could see Sasha walking quietly, sucking on a lollipop.

Sasha spoke to her in a friendly manner.

-I guess you skipped breakfast this morning. I didn’t get to see you at the restaurant.

-Yes. I have no appetite.

Rosalia sometimes wondered how Sasha, a celebrity at the academy, was shyly close to Rosalia herself.

Sasha had been close friends with Rosalia since they stayed in a room next to the dorm when she entered the academy three years ago. There were seven girls sharing the same floor, and Sasha used to invite only Rosalia to her room.

Unlike Rosalia, who goes quietly to school as if she were there or not, Sasha was an attractive one who caught everyone’s eye. Sasha, who ties her red hair higher than the roses in midsummer, was very thin.

Of course, in Rosalia’s opinion, Sasha’s charm was more cheerful than her remarkable beauty.

Sasha was very relaxed and positive. She was often late for every class while she slept, and she didn’t mind at all obtaining a C on her grades because she hated the teacher while working late. Rather, when she saw that he gave her C’s, not F’s, the professor joked that he gave her very generous grades.

Anyway, troubled Rosalia and Sasha, who have opposite tendencies, cheerfully asked.

-More than that, Lia, it’s a good day. Why does it look like you’re going to die so early in the morning?

Rosalia, who was walking with her eyes fixed on the ground, calmly replied.

-Of course, it’s because of the art.

Sasha, who knew that Rosalia had been distressed about art lectures all this semester, shrugged and advised pettily.

-Why are you so sure? You can work hard now. Is drawing a portrait a big deal? You can draw it all the rest of the time.

-Today’s class is the last one.

-Yeah. Draw it all this time. What’s the problem? You have enough skill, Lia.

Sasha’s overly positive attitude did not help Rosalia at all.

Sasha laughed and added.

-If you fail art studies and attend another semester, I’ll attend with you. So I won’t feel alone.

Rosalia thought to herself depressed.

“This is Sasha’s friendship….”

Anyway, her feeling of despair did not improve despite her friend’s kind words that she would attend the additional semester together.

From Rosalia’s point of view, she was definitely doomed.

“How can I finish my partner’s portrait in such a short time when there’s only an hour left in art time?”

It’s not over, but there was no dot on Rosalia’s drawing paper.

-Oh, really, this semester is ruined. Why did you partner with Prince Lucian?

Feeling desperate, Rosalia ran her hand over her face.

-But in the eyes of others, you’re the lucky one, aren’t you? You can look at Prince Lucian’s face for so long.

Sasha’s calm tone lingered like a curse in Rosalia’s ear.

“Prince Lucian.”

Just thinking about it, she had bad luck and misfortune.

Why did she become Prince Lucian’s partner?

With “Prince Lucian,” who is called Honey by all the people?

It would have been better to be paired with Thomas Letoma, who constantly evaluates all the spirituality of the academy as ugly. Then drawing a portrait would not have been a problem at all.

Rosalia recalled without realization.

“I didn’t even say I liked it…I just stood still.”

The day three months ago was as clear as a nightmare in front of her eyes.

The classroom was noisy when the teacher told them to draw portraits of each other and they would be presented as final exams.

The students were busy looking for partners among themselves.

Rosalia only tried to accompany Judy, who sat next to her. Both were unpopular students with a shy personality who sat in the back row.

However, Prince Lucian, who was sitting by the window in the distance, suddenly approached Rosalia and suggested.

-Lia, partner with me.

Others marvel that he is wonderful, but with a sheepish grin up to his eyes.

It’s a combination of the Academy’s top celebrities and ordinary women.

The noisy art conference room was silent for a moment.

Prince Lucian said again as he closed his eyes affectionately.

-You agree to partner with me, don’t you?

Rosalia’s fatal mistake was that she had been embarrassed by the many eyes that had been on her for a moment and nodded her head.

She should have refused then.

Prince Lucian, whether male or female, teacher or student, was the object of everyone’s envy. As a beloved Prince of the Kingdom of Bolten, he was a figure who would one day ascend to the throne when the time came.

A classmate with such high ranking royalty!

Rosalia was crazy when Prince Lucian painted her portrait for three weeks.

Rosalia was the child of a Korean-American family. A family that could not enter the capital because they had no money and no power. A 19-year-old girl who could not even buy expensive dresses because four younger siblings were stuck one after another.

Still, Rosalia was able to attend the Royal Academy because the Baroness, who lost her husband earlier, invested a lot of money to raise her eldest daughter smartly with tears.

However, Rosalia was shy by nature, so she did not build good connections at the academy, where prominent aristocratic children of the Bolten kingdom gathered.

At the academy, which is famous not only for cultivating but also for secretly finding a future spouse, Rosalia built only small friendships with young children her age.

Anyway, what Rosalia thought was the reason Prince Lucian proposed a partner to the commoner was because of the law of the land.

As the saying goes, “If you stand still, you’ll be in the way,” but other babies follow Prince Lucian so intensely that the prince, who was tired of their support, praised Rosalia, who was not his fan.

Others may envy Rosalia, who became an art class partner with Prince Lucian with a sweet personality, but it was the worst test for Rosalia herself.

-What does it matter? It looks like I’m going to fail.

Rosalia calmly confessed.

-Sasha, you know my family is poor. If I don’t graduate this time, my family will be ruined. Not long ago, I received a letter from my mother. The whole family is desperately waiting for me to graduate safely.


Sasha, who had been thinking hard about the heavy subject, spoke up.

-Why don’t you find a man to marry instead of going home? If you bite a decent man and leave, your mother will be satisfied. Is graduation a big deal?


-Honestly, everyone goes to an academy for that purpose. Look at Prince Lucian. He can get expert education separately in the Royal family, but he doesn’t have to go back and forth to the academy for three years.

-It is not a situation where I can find my spouse comfortably with a Prince. I have to earn my academy diploma and somehow raise my family’s honor.

-Think about it. Why would you be in the academy of the capital city in such a situation? It is thanks to the mother’s desire to marry her only daughter as well as possible. Graduation is not the issue right now. You have to find a marriage partner.

Rosalia’s face became even more Parisian with Sasha’s appearance as if she was catching a cloud.

Somehow, Rosalia, who was beginning to feel nauseous, was dark in front of Rosalia’s eyes because of Sasha’s cheerful opinion that followed again.

-Well, Lia. I’ve been thinking…maybe, really, maybe Prince Lucian chose you as the future Princess.

She didn’t think a reasonable reason would come back even if she asked her why she thought that, but Rosalia asked out of politeness.



Rosalia thought to herself.

-It’s okay. You don’t have a good reason, do you?

Sasha, who was struggling, said as if passing lightly.

-No, wait and see. The Prince might propose to you. We’re supposed to be waiting for the graduation ceremony.

Rosalia was wise, so this time she didn’t ask, “Why?” She just nodded and carried her heavy feet into the art room.


Rosalia thought the “law of the land” was true.

-Hi, Lia. Good morning.

Prince Lucian then smiles so brightly and treats herself kindly, the daughter of the Baroness who has no reason to mind at all.

Prince Lucian slightly messed up his dazzling blond hair with his hands and sat on a chair in front of Rosalia.

-I think the hairdresser did something odd today.

Rosalia’s nose, which was on the wall, was also filled with his fresh scent, as if he had just showered, he smelled very pleasantly.

Prince Lucian spoke affectionately, opening his eyes wide.

-Even if it’s a little messy, please draw a great one, Lia.

Rosalia looked at him awkwardly, nodded curtly, and quickly fixed her eyes on the empty drawing paper.

She couldn’t tell him anything.

She hadn’t put his face on the sketchbook in the last three weeks.

Or a more fundamental problem than that…

“My name is actually Rosalia.”

Rosalia was not happy with Prince Lucian, who greeted her when he met her on campus and during art class.

People often shortened her name to Lia, and Prince Lucian was the only one who called her Lia.

Once, she confessed to Sasha.

” -The Prince keeps calling my name differently.”

“-Lia? Isn’t that a nickname?”

“-No one calls me that…”

As she mumbled through the jelly in her mouth, Sasha comfortingly advised.

“-Then tell the Prince. Don’t say my name like that. Because no one calls me that.”

Rosalia murmured at the sight of a friend joking about someone else’s life.

“-How can I say this…?”

Sasha laughed at Rosalia, who was crying.

Prince Lucian seemed to be confused about her name anyway, but Rosalia could bear it. Graduation was just around the corner anyway, and if they left the academy, there would be no point of contact for them. In other words, Prince Lucian would never call her “Lia.”

Therefore, it seemed there was no need to ask for a name correction.

What would hinder Rosalia in the future was not that Prince Lucian knew her name wrong, but that she was not completing any tasks to send soon.

Rosalia tried to resist the rising loom.

As expected, she was in bad shape today.

She tried to look at Prince Lucian’s face somehow, but her nausea kept getting worse.

The Prince was comfortably seated in a chair opposite Rosalia. He was smiling all the time as if he wanted his portrait drawn with a smiling face, but it was like a hardship for Rosalia.

“I didn’t know you’d smile like that.”

Rosalia, who plucked up her courage and looked at the prince, quickly turned her eyes away. She felt like she was going to throw up.

“It feels real…”

She was desperate.

She skipped breakfast today because she might get nauseous because she’ll get bloated. However, even if she didn’t eat, she still felt nauseous.

Not surprisingly, the cause of the phobia was Prince Lucian.

A high nose bridge that descended smoothly as if carved by a chef cutting hard butter with a bright blond that shone as if pickled in the finest honey. Blue eyes that were full of feeling. In addition, the corners of his mouth gently rise as if applying a lot of butter.

Lucian Rosenthia was the crystal of feeling.

Rosalia thought of something else in her head, pretending to draw a line with a pencil on the white drawing paper.

“Why do people express Prince Lucian as cheesy? Is it because they are loyal?”

There was Prince Lucian’s polar fan club, which was full of laughter. The girls described Prince Lucian as possessing the greatest beauty in the world.

They liked to call Lucian by the nickname “Prince of Honey.” It was because he seemed sweet as honey. The fact that he has a good personality and a soft tone and is great also contributed to his being called “the honey of all people”.

But Rosalia thinks Lucian was the “Prince of Butter.”

The reason is because he is completely brilliant. He was glowing from head to toe as if butter, which had been left at room temperature, had been applied all over his body.

“-The Prince, isn’t he cheesy?”

However, when Rosalia carefully presented such opinions to her friends, they all seemed puzzled.

“-The Prince, cheesy? He’s not like that at all.”

Everyone spoke strangely, and even Sasha opened her eyes wide and asked back.

“-Prince, doesn’t he look cold?”

Rosalia asked Sasha, wondering if she is serious.

“-Sasha, are you kidding?”

” -It’s true. I’m scared if he doesn’t smile.”

Meanwhile, Sasha told her what she heard.

One student said to the prince: “I think the prince has a very good personality.” When he said, “You’re always smiling,” Lucian said, “When I don’t have an expression, people think I’m angry but I’m not. I don’t like to be guarded, so I try to smile.”

So, in short, everyone disagreed with Rosalia. Prince Lucian was still the Honey Prince.

“It’s butter…”

It was so stressful that she couldn’t express this unsatisfied opinion to others.

Lucian asked Rosalia if she found that she suddenly felt frustrated at the thought of Lucian and had stiffened with a serious expression.

-Lia, are you sure you’re drawing my face right?

Rosalia felt nauseous again at the friendly voice.

“I really hope you’re not talking to me…”

Even the relaxed tone was too greasy. That aristocratic, no, regal tone. Serious and elegant way of speaking.

It felt like pouring a bowl of sizzling butter in her ear.

Rosalia swallowed her dry saliva and suppressed the urge to vomit. Then she responded with difficulty.


-May I look?

She raised her head in surprise and shook her head quickly.

-What? Oh, no… not yet….

Prince Lucian smiled back.

-So I weirded you out more, because Lia says no.


Rosalia let out an awkward laugh that was quickly cut off, then quickly put on a straight face and bowed her head.

-I’m sorry. I really can’t.

Because I didn’t draw anything.

The drawing paper was still blank.

It was fortunate she had her back against the wall.

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