NovelToon NovelToon

The Manipulative Villainess

•Chapter 1•

╏⁠ ⁠”Beginning Of My New Story”⁠ ⁠╏
Somewhere In Unknown World
A Person Was Laying Onto bed and Sleeping Soundly
And Peacefully
That Person's Eyes flickers in sign that She is about To Wake up
Which was seen by The other Person who was Sitting Besides her while Holding her Arm
That Person Smiles In Happiness and Cries In Joy as she Opened her eyes Slowly and looks at That Person in confusion and Daze
[ ❓❔❓]
[ ❓❔❓]
Who are You Miss!?
[Can Be Anyone]
[Can Be Anyone]
You Don't remember Your Lilly?? *Sorrowful eyes*
[ ❓❔❓]
[ ❓❔❓]
Lilly !? *looks at her by being perplexed*
Liliana Miller┋FL
Liliana Miller┋FL'S Elder Sis┋Villainess
Yes Your Elder Sis, Liliana Miller! *Woeful face*
[ ❓❔❓]
[ ❓❔❓]
(Her Surname matches with mine but) I don't Remember having any Sister 🙁
Liliana Miller┋FL
Liliana Miller┋FL'S Elder Sis┋Villainess
How... Can You... forget me?? *dejected*
After for a while
Carlos | Miller Fam
Carlos | Miller Fam'$ doc
I don't know Why She has lost her memory but my assumption is that Probably She has lost her memories Because Her Brain Shut down her all Stressful and Traumatic experiences for her better Health
[Don't mind this lousy Logic]
Liliana Miller┋FL
Liliana Miller┋FL'S Elder Sis┋Villainess
Does This means she will never get back her memories? *icy Coldly*
Carlos | Miller Fam
Carlos | Miller Fam'$ doc
I can't say for sure
Carlos | Miller Fam
Carlos | Miller Fam'$ doc
Liliana Miller┋FL
Liliana Miller┋FL'S Elder Sis┋Villainess
Mhm You Can Leave
Carlos | Miller Fam
Carlos | Miller Fam'$ doc
And He left from here
Liliana Miller┋FL
Liliana Miller┋FL'S Elder Sis┋Villainess
*held her arms in her arms* dw Ana *smiles sweetly* even if you forget everything It's Okay.. We can Make New memories 😊
[ ❓❔❓]
[ ❓❔❓]
(⁠٥⁠↼⁠_⁠↼⁠) ermm... Okay! (WTF is happening?)
Liliana Miller┋FL
Liliana Miller┋FL'S Elder Sis┋Villainess
Now I've Some Work to do.. I'll come to You after my Work Done till then Take rest 😊
[ ❓❔❓]
[ ❓❔❓]
As Lilly Left from her room
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[ ❓❔❓]
What is this?
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[ ❓❔❓]
Is This called so called reincarnation?
[ ❓❔❓]
[ ❓❔❓]
but how?
[ ❓❔❓]
[ ❓❔❓]
I don't remember getting died 😕
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[ ❓❔❓]
I've First know where am I? And where I got reincarnated.
she Step In front of Mirror
And Gets shocked
[ ❓❔❓]
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its My look but My Younger version
[ ❓❔❓]
[ ❓❔❓]
I've to think that who used my face for their book
[ ❓❔❓]
[ ❓❔❓]
After thinking for a while
[ ❓❔❓]
[ ❓❔❓]
I remembered now
[ ❓❔❓]
[ ❓❔❓]
My Rival wrote a Book where I was the little sister of Villainess
[ ❓❔❓]
[ ❓❔❓]
So this means
[ ❓❔❓]
[ ❓❔❓]
I've been reincarnated into my rival author book 😱
hopefully It's Was Good 🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️

•Chapter 2•

Adriana Mille┋FL
Adriana Mille┋FL
I'm Adriana Miller
Adriana Mille┋FL
Adriana Mille┋FL
a Very Well-known and reputed Writer and idk how I died and got reincarnated into my rival writer book 😓😓
Adriana Mille┋FL
Adriana Mille┋FL
But Nothing to worry
Adriana Mille┋FL
Adriana Mille┋FL
Because*smirks* I know every detail of this book as it's was a quite popular book
Adriana Mille┋FL
Adriana Mille┋FL
She is a Good writer.. I admire her for her writing skills but sorry I'm advance because..
Adriana Mille┋FL
Adriana Mille┋FL
I will destroy this book storyline and make my own story here 😏
Adriana Mille┋FL
Adriana Mille┋FL
The name of this Book is "Love makes you insane"
Adriana Mille┋FL
Adriana Mille┋FL
What made this book popular was this book world.. it's quite interesting
•It's a magical world with modern technology•
•One side of world is filled with technology like modern time and another side is like fully fantasy world and historical time•
•Humans Lives in the modern time side and demi-beast, elves, Guardian Spirits, dragons and many more mythological creatures lives in the fantasy world side•
•both world coexist and friendly to each other•
• although this world doesn't have king and queen and Noble system.. It's has Five Families who are like the king and queen dominating Their territory•
The Storyline of this Book is 👇
•Fl Is a Light Magic caster and Wants to be a Healer [Doctor] So She Goes To Crimson Blood Lake to Get a Spirit as her Familiar.. But unfortunately She met with a Dangerous Beast on her way to the Crimson blood Lake and gets Injured but She gets Saved by Ml Who also was on his way to Crimson Blood Lake.. and after this they become friends and then to Lovers but Ml had a fiance as he belonged to Well-known one of big Family.. And that Fiance is my sister the villainess.. Who tried to separate them but In the end got died by the Ml"
End of Her Pov
Adriana Mille┋FL
Adriana Mille┋FL
It's Was a Ridiculous Love story but Still Good I Guess
Adriana Mille┋FL
Adriana Mille┋FL
but now *Sinister smile* I'll change it the way I want

°Chapter 3°

Adriana Mille┋FL
Adriana Mille┋FL
To make a change, I should get familiar with everything around here. *smiles*
Adriana Mille┋FL
Adriana Mille┋FL
But I can't do much for now...
Adriana Mille┋FL
Adriana Mille┋FL
*thinking hard* hm... Guess I will explore the mansion today!
Few minutes later:
Adriana Mille┋FL
Adriana Mille┋FL
*Steps out of her room* Mission exploring the mansion starts!
Adriana Mille┋FL
Adriana Mille┋FL
*walks* woah, it's pretty huge, and it looks like some royal mansion.
Adriana's Pov:
Adriana Mille┋FL
Adriana Mille┋FL
*giggles* pretty nice.
*hears some noise*
Adriana Mille┋FL
Adriana Mille┋FL
Ah Looks like someone is there-
Adriana Mille┋FL
Adriana Mille┋FL
*looks down from the stairs*
Jack┋Miller Fam
Jack┋Miller Fam'$ Butler
Today, you will have to clean the third floor thoroughly.
Jack┋Miller Fam
Jack┋Miller Fam'$ Butler
*assigning work*
Adriana Mille┋FL
Adriana Mille┋FL
(Well mannered and decent posture)
Adriana Mille┋FL
Adriana Mille┋FL
(Those clothes... Looks like he is the butler of this family) *continues to stare at butler*
Jack┋Miller Fam
Jack┋Miller Fam'$ Butler
Jack┋Miller Fam
Jack┋Miller Fam'$ Butler
*turns around to look at Adriana*
Adriana Mille┋FL
Adriana Mille┋FL
(He noticed me I guess- I was staring too much-)
Jack┋Miller Fam
Jack┋Miller Fam'$ Butler
*lowers his head a little to pay respect* May I help you with anything, Lady Adriana?
Adriana Mille┋FL
Adriana Mille┋FL
*smiles* No, I would just like to walk around a bit. I felt bored being in my room for so long.
Jack┋Miller Fam
Jack┋Miller Fam'$ Butler
I see. I hope you will have a pleasant time. Well then excuse me *proceeds to walk away*
Adriana Mille┋FL
Adriana Mille┋FL
Pretty professional. *continues to walk off*
After some time:
Adriana Mille┋FL
Adriana Mille┋FL
*Looks out of window in the hallway*
Adriana Mille┋FL
Adriana Mille┋FL
Such a magnificent garden *smiles*
Adriana Mille┋FL
Adriana Mille┋FL
It's refreshing... *notice*
Adriana Mille┋FL
Adriana Mille┋FL
Around the corner of the garden:
Liliana Miller┋FL
Liliana Miller┋FL'S Elder Sis┋Villainess
Liliana Miller┋FL
Liliana Miller┋FL'S Elder Sis┋Villainess
*snaps her fingers*
Liliana Miller┋FL
Liliana Miller┋FL'S Elder Sis┋Villainess
*Aura circulates*
Adriana Mille┋FL
Adriana Mille┋FL
*Suprised* Woah, Amazing. She has such a strong Aura.
Liliana Miller┋FL
Liliana Miller┋FL'S Elder Sis┋Villainess
*Practicing more to strengthen her aura*
Adriana Mille┋FL
Adriana Mille┋FL
I got a pretty sister *smiles* pretty and strong.
Liliana Miller┋FL
Liliana Miller┋FL'S Elder Sis┋Villainess
*Looks up to Adriana*
Liliana Miller┋FL
Liliana Miller┋FL'S Elder Sis┋Villainess
*Suprised* Ana? What are you doing here?
Adriana Mille┋FL
Adriana Mille┋FL
Liliana Miller┋FL
Liliana Miller┋FL'S Elder Sis┋Villainess
Wait. Let me come to you up there. *worriedly rushing*
Adriana Mille┋FL
Adriana Mille┋FL
Did I make her worry...
Few minutes later:
Liliana Miller┋FL
Liliana Miller┋FL'S Elder Sis┋Villainess
*Hugs Adriana* Ana, why are you out of your room? You need more rest.
Adriana Mille┋FL
Adriana Mille┋FL
Uhm... I was feeling bored in my room. So, I decided to take a walk.
Liliana Miller┋FL
Liliana Miller┋FL'S Elder Sis┋Villainess
Ah- It might have been hard for you... *pats Adriana's head* I've an idea!
Adriana Mille┋FL
Adriana Mille┋FL
What idea?
Liliana Miller┋FL
Liliana Miller┋FL'S Elder Sis┋Villainess
Come with me *winks*
Few minutes later:
Adriana Mille┋FL
Adriana Mille┋FL
(and... That's how I ended up having tea time in this garden)
Adriana Mille┋FL
Adriana Mille┋FL
*takes a sip*
Liliana Miller┋FL
Liliana Miller┋FL'S Elder Sis┋Villainess
*smiles and looks at Adriana* how's it? Does it suit your taste?
Adriana Mille┋FL
Adriana Mille┋FL
Yeah, It's delicious. *eating cakes*
Adriana Mille┋FL
Adriana Mille┋FL
*Looks around* How beautiful the view is!
Liliana Miller┋FL
Liliana Miller┋FL'S Elder Sis┋Villainess
*Smiles* Yes, it's a private garden. Made for us to have some time without others being around.
Adriana Mille┋FL
Adriana Mille┋FL
For us?
Liliana Miller┋FL
Liliana Miller┋FL'S Elder Sis┋Villainess
Only the members of Miller family and authorised person can enter this garden as it's quite special *smiles while explaining*
Adriana Mille┋FL
Adriana Mille┋FL
Oh I see. *smiles back while eating cakes*
Liliana Miller┋FL
Liliana Miller┋FL'S Elder Sis┋Villainess
Ana, would you like to see some flowers?
Adriana Mille┋FL
Adriana Mille┋FL
Flowers? *confused by the sudden question* Yeah, sure.
Liliana Miller┋FL
Liliana Miller┋FL'S Elder Sis┋Villainess
Wait for me here, Okay? I will be back in few minutes. *excited*
Adriana Mille┋FL
Adriana Mille┋FL
*nods* Okay. I will wait.
Adriana Mille┋FL
Adriana Mille┋FL
*thinking* (Liliana loves Adriana a lot...)
Adriana Mille┋FL
Adriana Mille┋FL
(I will pay back for her kindness towards me) *smiles*
Adriana Mille┋FL
Adriana Mille┋FL
*gasp for air* I... feel... *about to faint*
Lady Adriana!!!
In adriana's bedroom:
Adriana Mille┋FL
Adriana Mille┋FL
*slowly gains consciousness*
Liliana Miller┋FL
Liliana Miller┋FL'S Elder Sis┋Villainess
Ana?! *worried*
Adriana Mille┋FL
Adriana Mille┋FL
Am I in my bedroom?
Liliana Miller┋FL
Liliana Miller┋FL'S Elder Sis┋Villainess
*hugs Adriana* I am sorry, Ana... It's all my fault. I shouldn't have left you alone. I am so sorry...
Adriana Mille┋FL
Adriana Mille┋FL
*pats Liliana's back* no, it's not your fault. It just happened... *notices* Who are you these two?
Audrey┋FL'S Bodyguard┋Lily's BFF
Greetings Lady Adriana. *pays respect*
Vincenzo┋FL'S Bodyguard
We are assigned to protect you, Lady Adriana. *pays respect*
Liliana Miller┋FL
Liliana Miller┋FL'S Elder Sis┋Villainess
They are your bodyguard's. If not for these two being there... You would have been hurt.
Adriana Mille┋FL
Adriana Mille┋FL
Adriana Mille┋FL
Adriana Mille┋FL
Thanks for saving me *smiles at her bodyguards*
Adriana Mille┋FL
Adriana Mille┋FL
I am all right now. But just a bit sleepy- *yawns*
Liliana Miller┋FL
Liliana Miller┋FL'S Elder Sis┋Villainess
*pats Adriana's head* Take a nap then.
Vincenzo┋FL'S Bodyguard
We will take our leave *nods*
Audrey┋FL'S Bodyguard┋Lily's BFF
Have a good rest, Lady Adriana. *nods and leaves*
Adriana Mille┋FL
Adriana Mille┋FL
*falls asleep*
To Be Continued...
New chapter will be updated twice a week (Every Saturday and Sunday).

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