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Don't Leave My Sight

Escape from home

In a quaint village nestled between rolling hills and lush fields, lived a girl named Elsa. She was the apple of her parents’ eyes and the cherished twin sister to her brother, Elan. Elsa's days were filled with laughter and love, her family's warmth enveloping her like a cozy blanket.

Nelson and Maria, her parents, had always been proud of Elsa. She was bright, curious, and hardworking, often dreaming of a life beyond the confines of their small village. Her brother Elan, though protective, admired her ambition. They were inseparable, their bond a testament to their shared dreams and childhood adventures.

One crisp morning, a letter arrived that could change Elsa’s life forever. It was an acceptance letter from a prestigious university in a distant town, accompanied by a full scholarship. Her heart soared as she clutched the letter to her chest, her mind racing with possibilities.

“Mom, Dad, Elan, look!” she exclaimed, bursting into the cozy kitchen where her family was gathered. “I got the scholarship! I can go to university!”

Nelson and Maria exchanged worried glances. Elan’s brow furrowed as he took the letter from Elsa’s hands, reading it carefully. The excitement in the room quickly gave way to a tense silence.

“Elsa,” Nelson began, his voice steady but firm, “it’s a great achievement, but it’s too far. We can’t let you go so far away from us.”

“Your safety is our biggest concern,” Maria added, her eyes filled with worry. “You’re our only daughter. The world outside is dangerous, especially for a girl.”

Elan, always the pragmatist, chimed in, “I don’t want anything to happen to you, Elsa. I know how much this means to you, but what if something goes wrong? How will we protect you?”

Elsa’s heart sank. She had anticipated their concerns but hoped they would see the opportunity for what it was—a chance for her to grow, learn, and eventually bring back knowledge and skills to benefit their village.

“Please, listen to me,” Elsa pleaded. “This is my dream. I promise to stay safe and keep in touch every day. You’ve always taught me to be strong and independent. This is my chance to prove it.”

But Nelson shook his head, the finality in his gesture unmistakable. “We love you too much to risk your safety, Elsa. Our answer is no.”

That night, as the household settled into a somber quiet, Elsa lay awake in her bed, her mind a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions. She knew her family loved her deeply, but she also knew she couldn’t let fear dictate her future. With a heavy heart, she made a decision.

Carefully, Elsa packed a small bag with essentials and the cherished acceptance letter. She tiptoed past Elan’s room, pausing for a moment as a pang of guilt washed over her. She hated the thought of leaving without saying goodbye, but she knew if she hesitated, she might lose her resolve.

As she stepped outside, the cool night air embraced her, and the moon cast a gentle glow on the path ahead. She glanced back at the house, her heart aching with the weight of her decision. But she steeled herself, knowing this was her only chance.

Quietly, she slipped away, her footsteps light and determined. She reached the edge of the village, where a small bus stop awaited. The first bus to the town would arrive at dawn, and she would be on it, heading towards a future filled with uncertainty but also endless possibilities.

As she sat on the bench, waiting for the bus. The bus arrived, its headlights cutting through the darkness, and Elsa took a deep breath, stepping onto it with a mixture of fear and hope.

As the bus pulled away from the village, Elsa looked out the window, watching her home fade into the distance. Her heart ached, but she felt a newfound determination coursing through her veins. She knew the journey ahead would be challenging, but she was ready to face it head-on.

For the first time in her life, Elsa was truly stepping into the unknown, driven by the belief that she could forge her own path and create a future she could be proud of. And though her family’s love and concern would always be with her, she knew this was a journey she had to take on her own.


As the first light of dawn began to filter through the curtains, Maria stirred from her sleep. The morning silence was profound, save for the soft chirping of birds welcoming the new day. Maria stretched and instinctively reached for her robe, her mind already on her daughter, Elsa. She had sensed Elsa's unease the night before, and a mother's intuition told her to check on her.

Maria walked down the hallway and stopped at Elsa's door. She knocked softly, her voice gentle but concerned. "Elsa, dear, are you awake?" There was no response. She waited a moment, then knocked again, slightly louder this time. Still nothing.

Worry crept into her mind as she noticed the door was slightly ajar. Hesitating for a brief second, she pushed the door open and stepped inside. The room was quiet, the bed neatly made. But what caught her eye was not her daughter’s familiar smile but a neatly folded letter resting on the pillow.

With trembling hands, Maria picked up the letter and unfolded it, her eyes scanning the words with increasing dread:

"Dear Mom, Dad, and Elan,

I’m sorry I couldn’t stay. I love you all so much, and I know you only want what’s best for me. But I need to do this for myself, for my future. I promise to stay safe and make you proud.



As the full weight of the words hit her, Maria’s heart plummeted. "Elsa," she whispered, a mixture of shock and terror flooding her voice. "Elsa!" Her scream echoed through the house, shattering the early morning stillness.

Nelson and Elan came running, their faces pale with alarm. "What happened?" Nelson demanded, his voice thick with fear. Elan, wide-eyed and breathless, stared at his mother, waiting for an explanation.

Maria handed the letter to Nelson, her hands shaking uncontrollably. As Nelson read the letter aloud, his voice broke, and Elan felt a chill run down his spine. Their beloved Elsa had left, venturing into the unknown without their protection.

"No, no, this can't be," Nelson muttered, his voice barely a whisper. Elan, who had always been his sister’s protector, felt a surge of panic and helplessness. "We have to find her," he said, his voice resolute but strained.

Meanwhile, miles away, Elsa sat in a bus rattling along the bumpy road toward the distant town. Her heart was a storm of emotions—excitement, fear, and guilt swirled within her. This was her first time leaving the village, the familiar cocoon of her childhood. The world outside seemed vast and intimidating, every mile taking her further from the safety of her home and the loved ones she had left behind.

She gazed out of the window, watching the countryside rush by. The rolling hills and fields, once so comforting, now seemed foreign and distant. The enormity of her decision began to sink in, and she couldn't help but feel a growing sense of fear. What if her family was right? What if she wasn’t safe? Doubt gnawed at her resolve, but she reminded herself of her dreams and the future she envisioned.

The bus made a stop at a small town along the way, and Elsa took the opportunity to stretch her legs. As she stood by the roadside, she felt the weight of her choice more acutely than ever. She missed her family already—their voices, their touch, their unwavering love. She wondered if they would ever forgive her for leaving without saying goodbye.

Back in the village, Nelson, Maria, and Elan were frantically trying to piece together where Elsa might have gone. They asked neighbors and friends if anyone had seen her, hoping for any clue that might lead them to her. The fear and worry in their hearts were overwhelming, but so was their determination to bring her back home safely.

As the sun climbed higher in the sky, illuminating the path ahead, Elsa climbed back onto the bus. She took a deep breath, trying to calm the storm within her. She knew the road ahead would be challenging, but she also knew that she had to take this step for herself, for her future.

With each passing mile, Elsa’s fear began to transform into a steely resolve. She promised herself that she would prove her family wrong—not by defying their fears, but by thriving despite them. She would be safe, she would succeed, and she would make them proud.

As the bus rolled on, Elsa held onto her dreams tightly, her heart filled with a mixture of fear and hope, ready to face whatever lay ahead.

Mia's help

Elsa stepped off the bus, feeling a mix of excitement and trepidation. The town was a flurry of activity, a stark contrast to the quiet, familiar surroundings of her village. Cars honked impatiently, and people bustled about their evening routines. The sun was setting, casting long shadows across the streets. She knew she needed to find a place to stay before darkness fell completely.

Looking around, she realized there were no inns in sight. She approached a nearby shop, its lights warm and inviting. Inside, the shopkeeper, an elderly man with a kind face, greeted her.

“Excuse me,” Elsa began, her voice a bit shaky. “Can you tell me where I can find an inn nearby?”

The shopkeeper smiled and nodded. “Of course, my dear. There’s an inn just a few blocks down this road. Take a right at the second intersection, and you’ll see it on your left.”

“Thank you so much,” Elsa replied, grateful for the help. She followed the directions and soon found herself standing in front of a modest inn. The sign above the door read "Rosewood Inn." It wasn’t grand, but it looked clean and welcoming.

She walked in and approached the front desk. “I’d like to book a room, please. One with an attached bathroom.”

The receptionist, a woman with a friendly demeanor, handed her a key. “Room 12, up the stairs and to the right.”

Elsa thanked her and headed to her room. It was spacious and simply furnished, with a bed, a small table with a locker, a dressing table, a cupboard, and two chairs. She locked the door behind her and sighed with relief. The journey had been long, and she was exhausted.

After a quick shower, Elsa lay down on the bed. Despite her fatigue, sleep eluded her. She had come to this town on impulse, driven by a desperate need to escape, but now that she was here, she realized she had no plan. She had a month before she could enroll in the university, but she couldn’t afford to stay in the inn that long.

As she lay there, trying to think of a solution, her phone rang. The caller ID showed it was Mia, her childhood friend. Elsa answered the call, her voice trembling slightly.


“Elsa! Elan called me. Where are you? I’ve been so worried!”

“I’m in the moon town,” Elsa replied. “I... I left home.”

There was a pause on the other end before Mia spoke again.

"Where are you staying? Are you okay?"

"I'm staying in an inn for tonight. I'm fine, don't worry."

“I understand. Listen, my brother Alan is in that town. I’ll talk to him. Maybe he can help you out.”

“Well, thank you Mia. I was thinking about what to do. Thank you so much."

After the call ended, Elsa checked her phone. She saw over a hundred missed calls and messages from her family. Her heart ached as she read through some of the messages, filled with worry and pleas for her to return. Tears rolled down her cheeks, but she couldn’t bring herself to call them back.

The next morning, Elsa was jolted from her thoughts by another call. The caller ID was unfamiliar, but she answered it anyway.


“Hi, is this Elsa? This is Alan, Mia’s brother.”

“Yes, it’s me,” Elsa replied, relieved to hear from him. Even his tone was cold she didn't take it to her heart.

“She asked me to help you. I’ll pick you up from the inn in an hour.”

After hanging up, Elsa quickly got ready and checked out of her room. As she stepped outside, a car pulled up in front of the inn. The rolling window of the car, greeted with a cold and handsome face. At the same time Elsa's phone rang with the familiar number.

She got into the car, feeling a glimmer of delight. “Thank you for helping me, Alan.”

He glanced at her but didn't answer her. The silence fell upon the car as the cold air filled in.

As they drove through the bustling streets of the town, Elsa felt a little nervous.

After an unknown amount of time car came to a stop before a seven story apartment.

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