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LandMark Hospital!
A heavy slap landed on Mark's face
Christopher Thompson
Christopher Thompson
You B!tch!,you won't even save your own brother's life,are you even human??
Mark Lincoln(Mc)
Mark Lincoln(Mc)
(hold his swollen face in disbelief)
Mark Lincoln(Mc)
Mark Lincoln(Mc)
(looking at Christopher in front of him)
Mark Lincoln(Mc)
Mark Lincoln(Mc)
You... want me to save Nathaniel?? Do you know that he needs my heart???
Christopher Thompson
Christopher Thompson
So what??
Christopher Thompson
Christopher Thompson
Nathaniel is a famous actor,the must beautiful man in all of Landmark
Christopher Thompson
Christopher Thompson
But what about you???
Christopher Thompson
Christopher Thompson
do you really think I would fall in love with an ugly duckling like you with a face full of acne??
Mark Lincoln(Mc)
Mark Lincoln(Mc)
Christopher Thompson
Christopher Thompson
If it weren't for your usefulness,do you think I would have married you?!
Mark eyes shrank to a point,his blood seemed to flow backwards in an instant and his mind went blank.
He relied on his superb medical skills to help Christopher become a normal person From a disabled one,step by step to the top pyramid. Just when he thought he was finally going to be with Christopher,the Lincoln family suddenly received news that his half-brother Nathan had a heart attack and needed an immediate heart transplant
If he wanted to save Nathaniel,he could only take out his own heart!.


Tears of blood fell from Mark's eyes,but he couldn't stop laughing hysterically.....After three years of Marriage,he had fallen in love with a beast
Christopher looked at his almost insane state with disgust in his eyes
Christopher Thompson
Christopher Thompson
(grabbed his hand and ordered fiercely)
Mark Lincoln(Mc)
Mark Lincoln(Mc)
Christopher Thompson
Christopher Thompson
Sign it quickly, Nathaniel can't wait any longer
Mark Lincoln(Mc)
Mark Lincoln(Mc)
No!!.I won't sign
Mark Lincoln(Mc)
Mark Lincoln(Mc)
I would never sign my own death
Mark Lincoln(Mc)
Mark Lincoln(Mc)
I won't do it (shout)
Mark struggled but how could a man like him resist the strength of a big guy like Christopher?
Mark's two twisted words appear on the documents and Christopher breathed a sigh of relief. He handed documents to the person next to him
Christopher Thompson
Christopher Thompson
Quickly give it to the doctor
Christopher Thompson
Christopher Thompson
Nd let him perform the surgery immediately
"yes sir!"
Soon,Mark was forcibly taken into the operating room
After a dose of Anesthesia,Mark lost all h Is strength,but his was still working
Bang-" the door to the operating room was closed. Mark wanted to speak but he didn't have the strength to open his mouth.
At this moment,the side door of the operating room was opened,and his saw his stepmom Mia,who usually treated him like her own daughter approaching him with. Smile
Mark stared in shock!
He saw Nathaniel,who was supposed to be unconscious in the bed next to hers, sitting up and laughing.
Mark Lincoln(Mc)
Mark Lincoln(Mc)
Nathaniel Lincoln (mc stepbro)
Nathaniel Lincoln (mc stepbro)
My dear brother, I'm so touched that you want to give me your heart.
Nathaniel Lincoln (mc stepbro)
Nathaniel Lincoln (mc stepbro)
Unfortunately,I don't need your heart..
That was the moment Mark realize that Nathaniel didn't have a heart condition at all,and he didn't need his heart. What Nathaniel wanted was his Life!


Mark Struggled desperately but his hands and feet were tightly bound,and the effects of the anesthesia made all his struggles in vain
Meanwhile, Nathan wiped away some non-existent tears and looked at Mark on the operation table. In the next moment Nathan stared in disbelief at Mark's face
Nathaniel Lincoln (mc stepbro)
Nathaniel Lincoln (mc stepbro)
Your face(Stammered)
Mark Lincoln(Mc)
Mark Lincoln(Mc)
(didn't give him any attention cuz of pain)
Nathaniel Lincoln (mc stepbro)
Nathaniel Lincoln (mc stepbro) come??
Mark's face, which was covered in red spots had suddenly become flawless Andy stunningly beautiful, without any makeup,his complexion was like the glow of the morning sun on snow and he looked like a character from a historical romance novel.
for a moment, Nathan who was know as the most beautiful woman in Landmark, suddenly lost all his presence
He even dare to conclude that if Mark entered the entertainment industry,he would be a thousand times,ten thousand times popular than him
Nathaniel Lincoln (mc stepbro)
Nathaniel Lincoln (mc stepbro)
how could it be??(stumbled back)
Nathaniel Lincoln (mc stepbro)
Nathaniel Lincoln (mc stepbro)
(face turn pale)
It turns out that ugly duckling Mark is actually so stunning.. Looking at himself in the mirror on the operating table,Mark knew that the hideous red rash on his face had faded away
The red rash was actually caused by toxins in his body. Previously,he naively thought that Christopher was attracted to his inner beauty,so he planned to surprise him tonight by completely clearing the toxins from his body ad showing him his most beautiful self
But what was the result??
His toxins were not comply cleared,and what he got was Christopher forcing him to donate his heart to his half-brother
the seed of Shock and jealousy instantly took root and grew onto towering trees in his heart
Nathaniel couldn't let Christopher see Mark's face!
Nathaniel Lincoln (mc stepbro)
Nathaniel Lincoln (mc stepbro)
Quick! Surgery! Start the surgery immediately!..dig out his heart for me
Nathaniel Lincoln (mc stepbro)
Nathaniel Lincoln (mc stepbro)
(Ordered angrily)
Mia Lincoln (Mc stepmom)
Mia Lincoln (Mc stepmom)
What are you all waiting for?? Start now!!
Since everyone in the operating had already been bought off by them,as long as they didn't say a thing,no one would know that the ugly duckling Mark was actually a stunning beauty
Mark Lincoln(Mc)
Mark Lincoln(Mc)
N..Nathan..Mia..(Mark called out)
Mark Lincoln(Mc)
Mark Lincoln(Mc)
(couldn't make any sound)
Nathaniel Lincoln (mc stepbro)
Nathaniel Lincoln (mc stepbro)
Reading his lips movement*
Mark Lincoln(Mc)
Mark Lincoln(Mc)
I won't let you go even if I become a ghost (mouthed)
Nathaniel Lincoln (mc stepbro)
Nathaniel Lincoln (mc stepbro)!!
Mia Lincoln (Mc stepmom)
Mia Lincoln (Mc stepmom)
Chill baby
Mia Lincoln (Mc stepmom)
Mia Lincoln (Mc stepmom)
Ghost can't kill people
Mia Lincoln (Mc stepmom)
Mia Lincoln (Mc stepmom)
do you know how your mother died? I bribed the midwife.if ghosts could kill people,your mother would have come for revenge long ago!
Mark Lincoln(Mc)
Mark Lincoln(Mc)
Eyes widden**
Mark Lincoln(Mc)
Mark Lincoln(Mc) killed my mother??(mouthed)
Mark Lincoln(Mc)
Mark Lincoln(Mc)
what a despicable person
Mark Lincoln(Mc)
Mark Lincoln(Mc)
what a beast
Mark Lincoln(Mc)
Mark Lincoln(Mc)
Nd I have been treating you two like my own family (tears drop)
Mia Lincoln (Mc stepmom)
Mia Lincoln (Mc stepmom)
Ha ha ha (laughing)
Mia Lincoln (Mc stepmom)
Mia Lincoln (Mc stepmom)
Now you know,you can go and Meet her in hell
Mark's gaze sharpen and he used all his strength to bite Mia's hand....blood gushed out immediately
Mia exclaimed and grabbed the surgical knife next to her, stabbing it fiercely towards Mark's heart.
Mark's vision gradually turned black,nd he finally lost consciousness.
Uh.. guys.. I just want to change my ways of writing,hope you guys are enjoying
Pls stay tuned and continue to support me 🥺🤲
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