NovelToon NovelToon



hyy guy how are you
but before I start let me remind you this is dark book,so if you are not comfortable in reading then it's your choice but please no hate no report
so now I introduced you to my story
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Name : AURORA KNIGHT meaning: dawn AGE : 16 ACADEMIC YEAR : 11
Name : NESTORE ROMANO meaning: traveler AGE 17 ACADEMIC YEAR 12 elder twin
Name : GARRETT ROMANO meaning: rules by the spear 17YR ACADEMIC YEAR 11
RACHEL ROMANO Age : 42 married to MARK ROMANO 4 kids: nestore, Garrett, Alex, Mia
MARK ROMANO married to RACHEL ROMANO father of Nestore , Garrett, Alex, Mia
ALEX ROMANO age 12 academic year 6
camelia age 17 academic yr 11
Zen age 17 academic Yr 11
Olivia age 16 academic Yr 11
Evelyn 17
Liam age 16
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I hope you'll enjoy it........give me yours bht sara pyr( lots and lots of love)
or haan please 🥹🥹 like comment krna nhi bhulna okay 😚 ( don't forget to like and comment)😚😚

episode 1

hope you enjoy the 1st chapter
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Aurora POV
I step out of the car, and look up at the farmhouse in front of me, seeing cows in the padlock and a couple of horses in another
they live on a farm
Rachel open up the boot of the car, grabbing out my bags
Aurora knight
Aurora knight
I can take those
Rachel Romano
Rachel Romano
you sure??
I smile politely, nodding my head
Aurora knight
Aurora knight
yeah, it's fine
she smile and passes me the bag. I smile at her, throwing the lighter one over my shoulder
she closes the boot and smiles up at the porch
Mark Romano
Mark Romano
welcome back, honey
I look over and see an older man carrying a young girl in his arms. he smile at both of us
Rachel Romano
Rachel Romano
come on, honey
she gently places her hand on my back, leading me up to the front porch
Mark Romano
Mark Romano
I'm Mark
he says with a polite smile as he holds his hand out towards me. I smile politely and shake his hand
Rachel Romano
Rachel Romano
you are going to say hii??
Rachel Romano
Rachel Romano
Sorry, she's a bit shy
I smile, shaking my head
Aurora knight
Aurora knight
that's okay
Rachel Romano
Rachel Romano
wanna go inside??
I nod my head, following her inside, Mark holding open the door for us
Rachel Romano
Rachel Romano
where are the-
Garrett Romano
Garrett Romano
Rachel Romano
Rachel Romano
never mind
Mark Romano
Mark Romano
he yells loudly, causing me to jump a little. Aunt chuckles quietly, rubbing my arm gently
Rachel Romano
Rachel Romano
gotta warn you, he yells alot
Mark Romano
Mark Romano
it's the only way they'll listen
I chuckles quietly and so does Aunt, shaking her head
Garrett Romano
Garrett Romano
Rachel Romano
Rachel Romano
Boys meet Aurora
Rachel Romano
Rachel Romano
Aurora meet Garrett
she says as she moves to other one, who gives me a shy smile causing me to smile back
Rachel Romano
Rachel Romano
and alex
Alex Romano
Alex Romano
Aurora knight
Aurora knight
it's good to meet you both
Alex Romano
Alex Romano
pleasure all mine
Garrett Romano
Garrett Romano
you need help with any of your bags??
Aurora knight
Aurora knight
oh no-
Rachel Romano
Rachel Romano
good idea Garrett,there are a few boxes in the car you can grab, and Alex, can you go grab your brother??
Garrett nods his head, where Alex groans
Alex Romano
Alex Romano
Rachel Romano
Rachel Romano
he rolls his eyes ND reluctantly makes his way up the stairs. Garrett smiles at me before walking out the front door, I look around, my eyes scanning everything they can
Aurora knight
Aurora knight
your house is beautiful, by the way
Rachel Romano
Rachel Romano
thank you
Mark Romano
Mark Romano
we design it ourselves
Aurora knight
Aurora knight
Mark Romano
Mark Romano
right, hun
Aurora knight
Aurora knight
it's gorgeous
Alex Romano
Alex Romano
got him
Nestore Romano
Nestore Romano
why did I need to come down here??
I turned around, facing the stairway and seeing a really attractive guy walking down them. He notices me, his gaze darkening as he stops on the stare
Nestore Romano
Nestore Romano
Rachel Romano
Rachel Romano
don't be rude
she scolds
Nestore Romano
Nestore Romano
how was I rude??
Nestore Romano
Nestore Romano
I barely said a word
Mark Romano
Mark Romano
Rachel Romano
Rachel Romano
We'd like you yo meet Aurora. she'll be living with us from now on
he nods his head slowly, his eyes trailing down my body, causing me to look down at my fidgeting hands
Nestore Romano
Nestore Romano
Nestore Romano
Nestore Romano
that was a waste of my time
Rachel Romano
Rachel Romano
she says,annoyed as he turns around and walks back up the stairs
Rachel Romano
Rachel Romano
I'm so sorry about him
I smile slightly, shaking my head
Aurora knight
Aurora knight
it's ok
Garrett Romano
Garrett Romano
where do you want these??
Aurora knight
Aurora knight
oh, ummmm
I look at aunt
Rachel Romano
Rachel Romano
upstairs in her room
Garrett Romano
Garrett Romano
Garrett Romano
Garrett Romano
wanna help Alex?? there's quite a few
Alex Romano
Alex Romano
Garrett Romano
Garrett Romano
I'll show you to your room
Aurora knight
Aurora knight
oh, right
Rachel Romano
Rachel Romano
Rachel Romano
Rachel Romano
I'll start dinner
I grab my bags and start following Garrett up stairs, and I look different doors. he walk one of the furtherest away from us and open thes door, balancing the box
Garrett Romano
Garrett Romano
there you go
he says as he pushes open the door with his foot, letting me in 1st. I walk inside, seeing a really nice decoration,spacious room
Garrett Romano
Garrett Romano
sorry for the mess it used to be mums old studio
Aurora knight
Aurora knight
Garrett Romano
Garrett Romano
don't worry
Garrett Romano
Garrett Romano
she never uses it anymore
I heard a loud thu, causing me to jump a little as I look over to the doorway and see Alex with a box on the floor in front of him
Alex Romano
Alex Romano
Garrett Romano
Garrett Romano
be more careful with the boxes
Garrett Romano
Garrett Romano
there could be breakable stuff in there
Alex Romano
Alex Romano
right, sorry
I smile politely, shaking my head
Aurora knight
Aurora knight
there's nothing important in that one
Aurora knight
Aurora knight
watch out for the red stickers though
Garrett Romano
Garrett Romano
you labelled the fragile ones??
I node head
Aurora knight
Aurora knight
mom, gotta be more careful with these things
Garrett Romano
Garrett Romano
(chucked) come on , Alex, let's grab the rest
Aurora knight
Aurora knight
thank you
Garrett Romano
Garrett Romano
Don't worry about it
Alex Romano
Alex Romano
you're welcome
as they both walk out of my room, I collapsed onto the bed, staring up the ceiling, my thoughts wandering off to the last couple of months. basically they've been tortures and the worst months of my entire life
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please do like and comment
have a good day 😊

episode 1.5

let's continue
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as I was resting, I heard a quite knock on my door
I look and see uncle Mark standing at the door way
Mark Romano
Mark Romano
dinners ready
I nod my head
Aurora knight
Aurora knight
I'll be down soon
he nods and walks out the room. I rub my eyes tiredly and get off bed stepping outside, I look up and see Nestore exit a room , he looks over me briefly before walking down, I follow him down as I'm not sure where is the kitchen or dinning room
I walk into the kitchen and look around, aunt smiles at me as she's finishing off dinner
Rachel Romano
Rachel Romano
find a seat, honey
I smile slightly and sit down at the table on opposite of Nestore. I look up and he's fidgeting with his fork
Garrett walks into the room, a dog following close behind him
Garrett Romano
Garrett Romano
it smells good in here mum
Rachel Romano
Rachel Romano
(chuckle) thank you
the dog walks over to me , wagging his tail as he sniffs me. I smile and pat the top of his head
aunt starts to set the dishes on the table
Rachel Romano
Rachel Romano
help yourselves, guys I need to go grab your father
Garrett sits down next to me after washing his hand ,and ale, next to him
Garrett Romano
Garrett Romano
pass me your plate
Garrett Romano
Garrett Romano
I smile slightly and give him my plate, watching him as he serves a slice of pasta bake and a bit salad on it
Aurora knight
Aurora knight
Garrett Romano
Garrett Romano
yeah no problem
I look across to mia after aunt and uncle walks in she's staring at me , a small smile on her face
Mia Romano
Mia Romano
are you a princess
I smile slightly and shake my head
Aurora knight
Aurora knight
you are the one who looks like a princess
she giggle quietly and hides into Nestore side ,causing me chuckle
Mark Romano
Mark Romano
so, how are you feeling, Aurora
Mark Romano
Mark Romano
and about the move
Mark Romano
Mark Romano
it's a massive change
Mark Romano
Mark Romano
I'm not used to being in the country side
Nestore smirks slightly, shaking his head a little but doesn't say anything
Garrett Romano
Garrett Romano
don't worry
Garrett Romano
Garrett Romano
I'll show you the ropes
Aurora knight
Aurora knight
Rachel Romano
Rachel Romano
you ready to start your new school tomorrow
I shake my head
Rachel Romano
Rachel Romano
Boys, she's starting at your school tomorrow. will you please make her feel welcome
Nestore Romano
Nestore Romano
I'm not being her bodyguard
Rachel Romano
Rachel Romano
you don't have to be
Rachel Romano
Rachel Romano
but you will drive her in tomorrow
Nestore Romano
Nestore Romano
fine ( roll his eyes)
Garrett Romano
Garrett Romano
hang with me tomorrow
I smile gratefully, nodding my head
Aurora knight
Aurora knight
I will
Aurora knight
Aurora knight
thank you
he smiles and I glance over to nestore as I feel his eyes on me, and I catch him staring,
he raises his eyebrows just the smallest bit as a smirk appears on his lips, looking away from me
I frown in confusion. what was that about?? why does he keep looking at me like?? I focus on my food, my leg starting to fidgets nervously from his looks
A new school
A new place
new people
my life completely different now
I'm alone
and I'm a mess
thanks for reading☺️
do like and comment guys🥹

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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