NovelToon NovelToon

City Of Witches


→ Slave of Witch City (1) ←

Amidst the cold autumn rainfall.

No matter how much time passed, the feeling of having cold, wet skin constantly brushing against the rough leather of the blue overalls, in the middle of autumn, was something impossible to get used to.

“Fuck, it’s filthy and heavy.”

Shin Siwoo couldn’t help but mutter curses while continuing to scoop up piles of mud from the clogged drainage pipes with his shovel.

As someone who is neither brave nor strong enough to go against his superiors, this invisible act is only the way he could vent as a form of rebellion.

A mildewy stench lingered on the rain-bearing raincoat, which heavily weighed on his back. It was a stench he was already familiar with from the ponchos he wore in his military service.

The sight of the stagnant water finally being drained after removing the last clump of mud clogging the pipe gave Shin Siwoo a small sense of satisfaction.

The Trinity Academy’s Magic Library uses a sophisticated drainage system that harvested all the rainwater, which would then converge straight into one huge drainage channel, though nobody knew where the drainage, consisting of more than 20 meters long and straight path, would go from there. However, as long as it was effective, nobody cared where the waste ended up getting disposed of.

At the end of the day, the end result was Siwoo getting covered in filth and mud.

After putting down his shovel, he then straightened out his back, producing a loud popping sound which was a testament to his long and arduous work.

Fortunately, that was the last chore he had to do this morning.

Once his morning chores were complete, Siwoo had the chance to rest in his room until 2 pm, try chewing on a few pieces of dry bread, and then pass out for around two hours. For a man like him who had to work for more than 12 hours every day, having the ability to take a power nap was an extremely useful and necessary skill.

Shin Siwoo desperately wanted to get out of this shithole as soon as possible.

When he looked above him, the first thing he saw was a small pair of pretty-looking feet.

“Hey, Janitor, can’t you clean any better than this?”


Whether it was the Academy’s Assistants, the Professors, or the Researchers, they all referred to Shin Siwoo by the title of ‘Janitor’. Despite only being referred to by his title, instead of his surname or first name, in reality it was a surprisingly humane treatment, though it would seem otherwise at first glance.

When it comes to slaves affiliated with the Central City Hall, having an actual title was nothing short of a blessing.

Usually, depending on where they were assigned, slaves would only have titles along the lines of ‘you’, ‘hey’, ‘you there’, or ‘slave’.

“Yeah, yeah… sorry ‘bout that.”

Focused more on climbing his way out of the waist-high drain than apologizing half-heartedly, once Siwoo finished climbing, he immediately backed away from the woman’s side.

This kind of treatment wasn’t anything special here.

“What do you want?”

“Today, we will be having a lesson on the bodily fluids of human males and the relationship it has with magic. Have your clothes changed by 12:00 and then wait at the entrance of the 2nd academy building.”

After being enslaved for over 5 years, most would start to pick up on certain things.

Actually, Siwoo had already started to feel uneasy once he had noticed that somebody like her, an Associate Professor, had personally come to a filthy place like this.

His ominous premonition had come true once again, as always.

“About that… by the time I finish washing up and changing my clothes, it would already be past noon…”

“Is there a problem…?”

Siwoo could clearly see that the Associate Professor was upset, judging from the expression on her pretty face. There was a contrast between her neatly tied back, lustrous blonde hair, and her alluring lips pursed into a disappointed frown.

At a glance, she was obviously upset, but Siwoo knew that behind the gleam in her mystical sapphire eyes lay an expression very different from the one she was willing to show…

“You don’t have any complaints, do you?”

As soon as hard labor was finished for the day, this Associate Professor, Amelia Marigold, would immediately drop her facade and reveal her true nature of being a witch who is obsessed with the man known as Shin Siwoo.

However, one thing shouldn’t be misunderstood.

The reason behind Amelia being called a ‘Witch’ was not because of some cruel personality or sociopathic tendencies.

Rather, this beautiful young lady, who looks to be not a year over 20, was literally a ‘Witch’. In other words, a genuine sorceress who had already inherited the Witch’s Brand from her predecessor of the ‘Marigold’ line of Witches and has already been alive for countless decades.

“No, no, I’ll get ready as soon as possible!”

Siwoo profusely apologized once more and hurriedly began bowing his head repeatedly. In this city, witches were considered to be above everyone else.

Nobody would ever bat an eye even if a lowly slave such as Siwoo were to be killed simply because a witch disliked his choice of words.

“Stop right there.”

Amelia’s long eyelashes fluttered as she called out to Siwoo.

Her alluring aura, perfect proportions, and peak beauty seemed as if they were meticulously crafted by God. If it were just based on her doll-like appearance alone, no one would ever think that she was a vicious Witch at all. After a brief pause, Amelia began to speak…

“Are you finally ready to change your answer? I believe that 5 years is plenty of time to think over my proposal.”

While her voice had the same businesslike tone as before, there was now a subtle hint of seduction hidden underneath.

Siwoo’s mind went blank for a moment from the implications behind her words.

Suddenly, Siwoo began to feel a small fragment of an emotion that he thought he had already lost years ago.

No matter what manner of indecencies or humiliation that Siwoo would be forced to experience, he would never lose his pride.

“I won’t change my answer, no matter how many times you ask. Anyways, it’s about time for me to start getting ready, so I’ll be leaving first.”

Siwoo then proceeded to turn around after pulling his shovel out of the pile of mud it was stuck in and head back to his ‘home’.

While standing alone amidst the pouring rain, Amelia’s eyes began to narrow with a dangerous glint.


“That fucking bitch.”

Siwoo hadn’t been this angry in a long time. Most of the time, it would only be at the point where his heart thumps with spite whenever he complains to himself. For some reason, Amelia would always find a way to get under his skin every time she opened her mouth.

It was a known fact that all witches were an extremely privileged group of individuals.

Not only are they immortal, they have the ability to control the mysterious power of magic and would often relentlessly pursue revenge, even for the most trivial of insults to their pride.

Of course, Siwoo despised Witches. He especially hated Amelia Marigold the most!

As he was feeling frustrated that he couldn’t swear as much as he pleased because of the possibility that somebody might overhear, he got startled by the rough hand that suddenly grabbed his shoulder.

From behind, he could hear the culprit’s smug voice.

“‘Sup brother, why the long face?”

“Just who the fuck are you calling brother, you bastard!?”

“Whoa, looks like somebody’s talkative today. Did something bad happen? Come on, you can tell me.”

In this entire Academy, there was only one person who wouldn’t hesitate to hold on to Siwoo’s muddy shoulders. That person was Takasho Mimaya, a Japanese man from Hokkaido.

“Just where the fuck have you been?”

“The majestic Hokkaido pagoda does not distinguish between day or night.”

Takasho gave me a sly expression and wiggled his pinky. So basically, while Siwoo had toiled away his entire morning in the chilly rain, Takasho was having fun rolling around in the bed of some researcher or professor.

Despite appearances, Siwoo and Takasho shared quite a few similarities.

They were both 28 years old, kidnapped from Earth to the wretched city of witches, ‘Gehenna’, and were forced to become slaves of the City Hall.

However, despite their similar circumstances, there was still one major difference between them.

While Siwoo took the honest route of miserable hard labor, Takasho had whored himself to the Witches in exchange for numerous conveniences.

That thought made Siwoo’s blood boil again. All the anger he felt towards Amelia a while ago had suddenly worsened once he saw Takasho’s smug face.

“Are you really that fucking shameless!? Those assholes are the reason why we’re stuck in this trash heap to begin with! After all the suffering they’ve put us through, now you’re just gonna go ahead and sleep in the same bed as those fucking monsters!?”

“It’s always been my dream to be a pimp. Besides, compared to the time when I had to cater to the old aunties back in the day, the women here are even prettier than the most beautiful girls in Tokyo! If you could just stop being stubborn and throw away your pride, this place will become a paradise for you.”

After he finished delivering his little speech, Takasho gave Siwoo a big, toothy grin.

Without fail, every single person from earth who were brought to Gehenna, the City of Witches, would always end up as slaves.

Only two types of slaves existed in Gehenna. You either became a ‘common slave’, which collectively belongs to the City Hall, or a ‘private slave’, who are owned by an individual.

According to this system, the common slaves have to prove their worth in order to receive any kind of humane treatment.

In other words, they either had to be good-looking like Takasho or have the ability to work in public affairs like Siwoo.

Well, even though that’s what most believe, neither Siwoo nor Takasho knew the exact criteria behind being chosen.

However, one thing was clear, and that was the fact that Takasho was using his past experience of working at a host club to the fullest in order to live a comfortable lifestyle in this foreign city.

“That Associate Professor Amelia is interested in you, right? This could be your chance. If you want, I could give you a couple pointers. As long as you follow my lead, even someone as stubborn as her would end up melting in your hands.”

Shoving Takasho off of his shoulder, Siwoo spat out, “Fuck that shit!”

“Siwoo, I can definitely tell that you lived an honest life back in Korea. However; even if your attitude is considered to be honest where you come from, in Japan, it would be considered to be extremely arrogant.”

“I already said I won’t go through with it! Why are you being so damn persistent today?”

“Oh, come on, bro, I was just trying to lighten the mood.”

With his experience as a former host, Takasho was easily able to notice that Amelia had taken a particular interest in Siwoo.

On his first day working at the Academy, Siwoo had refused to attend to Amelia that night.

Back then, Siwoo was still a na?ve young man who didn’t know all that much about witch culture and got embarrassed, so he ended up refusing her invitation… He never would’ve guessed that Amelia would still be holding onto that grudge 5 years after the fact. However, even after learning more about witch culture, he decided not to change his answer.

One could say that it was a matter of pride. There was conviction in not throwing away one’s pride, even if one knew that the end result would be the same, regardless.

“Anyway, I’m busy right now. Get out of my way.”

“Again? But you just got back! Sheesh, must be tough being a scholar.”

Despite his annoying sense of humor, Takasho was still a good friend. Takasho had helped Siwoo a lot over the years by smuggling him some stuff he could get from his more affluent environment. Besides that, he was also the only person Siwoo could openly speak with.

If serving military service for two years with somebody was enough to become best friends, being forced into slavery together must be enough to practically become brothers. Anyone would become close friends after that.

“Is the next job being the Assistant again?”

“Yeah, and it’s being the Assistant of that bitch too. God damn it.”

While Siwoo kept on fuming, Takasho had an interesting look on his face.

“So then it would be… that class, huh?”

“Yeah, that class.”

Takasho was confused when he saw Siwoo’s downcast expression.

“If that’s the case, then why are you so depressed? Shouldn’t you be happy about something like this?”

Knowing the content of the class, any other guy would love to be in his place.

“Looks like the comforting sight of newbie apprentice witches is something a guy like you could never understand.”

“Whoa, look at this old pervert. You do know what happens to anyone who touches an apprentice witch, right?”

If anyone tried to do something like that, their head would instantly go flying. Such a taboo topic is better left alone unless you want to end up getting buried 6 feet under.

Seeing the solemn look on Siwoo’s face, Takasho answered with a big smile.

“Haven’t you ever felt that sometimes, even just the act of looking at flowers can make you happy? Anyways, if you really don’t want to go… How about I take your place?”

“Trust me, I would love that, but that’s impossible. Associate Professor Amelia summoned me personally.”

“Tch, what a tough situation you found yourself in, huh?”

Takasho clicked his tongue in regret.

From the point of view of a guy who loves women, this was like handing him a wrapped gift that he wasn’t allowed to open.

However, for someone like Siwoo, who had an average libido, a job like this was tougher than any other labor.

“In that case, I’ll be on my way as well. I also have some work to do right now, so I’ll see you later.”

Takasho patted Siwoo on the back in an attempt to cheer him up, and then disappeared at the end of the hallway. Judging from that response, he probably had yet another ‘patron’ waiting for him.

Since Siwoo was delayed by Takasho earlier, he had to quickly wash himself and get changed in order to show up in time. An endless amount of complaints await him if he doesn’t make it to Associate Professor Amelia’s appointed time.

Once Siwoo finally finishes changing into his lab coat, he would then need to wait 5 minutes in advance at the meeting place.

He heaved a deep sigh.

“This wretched city.”

That was the only thing Siwoo could utter. He had nothing else to say besides that.


→ Slave of Witch City (2) ←

If there was anything that the Academy lacked, it was modern conveniences such as a bathhouse.

Basically, the concepts of running water or indoor plumbing don’t exist here.

After peeling off his grimy work uniform, Siwoo squatted down right by the nearby well and began to pour ice-cold groundwater all over his body.

Each time a dry lump of mud melted, his body would begin to shiver as more of his flesh was exposed to the chilly breeze.

If only he wasn’t on such a tight schedule, he would have at least taken the time to boil some hot water.

Once he realized that Amelia was the one behind this suffering, Siwoo clenched his teeth in fury.

“It’s cold as fuck!”

It’s been 5 years since he was kidnapped to Gehenna and became a slave.

In order to fully explain how absurd this city was, first it was essential to describe what witches were.

After reading about them from books he found in the library and living together with them for 5 years, Siwoo already had a deep understanding of what kind of existences they were.

Witches were all arrogant, dangerous, selfish, and insane people.

However, this was simply Siwoo’s impression that he got from spending 5 years with them and was far from the actual definition or concept of witches.

Personal feelings aside, a Witch was anyone with a ‘brand’ engraved somewhere on their body and had the ability to cast magic.

Siwoo had first gotten this information from the slave trader who had kidnapped him and taken him to Gehenna.

That slave trader with a scar on his face had given Siwoo some ‘advice that couldn’t really be considered advice’.

‘Unless you’re feeling suicidal, then you should never oppose a Witch.’

Now that he thought back on it, he got a bit pissed.

Siwoo was just living life normally when he suddenly got kidnapped. Then after getting kidnapped, the guy who was going to sell him had the balls to give him such shitty advice?

Even then, the look of instinctual horror on that slave trader’s face was still engraved in Siwoo’s memory.

Now, 5 years later after being sold to a City Hall Official at a slave auction and then being assigned as a Janitor of Trinity Academy.

Siwoo finally understood the slave trader’s advice back then, after listening in on Amelia’s lectures or reading the books kept in the library.

The fear of witches did not just stem from their ability to wield magic.

What was actually frightening was their purpose and how they went about achieving it.

The purpose of all witches was to achieve the great magic used by the ‘Witch of Creation’.

For witches who are always pursuing higher paths of witchhood, pushing the limits of ethics and morality were common.

In fact, it was said that being a private slave was more dangerous than being a common slave. Some private slaves even end up dying during secret human experiments.

Well, that explanation might be a bit hard to understand.

So, in a nutshell, witches were crazy magic wielding bitches.

The insane cravings of a middle-aged menopausal woman was nothing compared to a witch’s obsession with magic.

“They’re really crazy bitches…”

What would have happened to him if somebody other than the City Official had been the one to buy Siwoo at the slave auction?

Every time he thought of that possibility, chills would run down his spine.

Anyways, he had to hurry before he ran out of time.

After drying himself off with a hole-filled towel, he put on some loose white clothing, choosing to go without underwear.

The white uniform was a stiff material without any synthetic fibers, and resembled a dress that barely covered the body.

This garment, called a ‘lab coat’ within the Trinity Academy, was more worthy of being called a ‘cleaning rag’ than ‘clothes’.

If you looked closely enough at the skirt-like hem, Siwoo’s national treasure would be revealed in its full glory.

After finally putting on the lab coat that he would never get used to, despite the many times he had already worn them, Siwoo headed straight towards the 2nd school building.


Trinity Academy was located within a place known as Lenomond Town.

This was a place where apprentice witches were trained, and fully fledged Witches could perform their research.

The academy’s campus was built in the shape of a cross, perfectly aligned with the four cardinal directions: East, West, North, and South. All of the buildings were made of stone, in a mix of Gehenna’s unique architectural style and the 17th century Baroque style.

Among them, the most recently renovated 2nd academy building in the North was reminiscent of the Palace of Versailles on Earth. It could be because of how luxurious and lavishly decorated it appeared.

Although Gehenna’s class-based society, system, and origins left a bad taste in Siwoo’s mouth, even he couldn’t help but admire how amazing the architecture was.

As he entered the 2nd academy building through a corridor that was connected to all rooms; Siwoo was greeted by the sight of crystal chandeliers, candles lit with a soothing light, and a ceiling painting portraying the wonders and beauty of magic.

In front of him stood Amelia Marigold, who was looking down with a troubled expression on her face.

Sometimes she would get lost in her thoughts like this.

She wore poulaines, those shoes with pointed tips witches always wore in fiction, a mermaid dress which accentuated her figure, and a cloak that wrapped around her shoulders.

Her overall color-scheme was themed around dark colors.

Seeing how it was a class for instructing apprentice witches, she had dressed formally.

Each piece of clothing that Amelia inherited from her predecessor ‘Marigold’ was a size larger than what would normally fit her.

Thanks to that, along with the fact that she was currently holding a book half her size, the frowning Amelia appeared very small.


Siwoo’s mind went blank for a moment as he stared at her side profile as if he were possessed.

Even he must admit, although he hated witches, they were indeed beautiful.

Her luscious blonde hair freely draped over her cloak, her red lips that were akin to the forbidden fruit, and her soft curves that showed through her clothes…

She was so dazzling that her beauty could no longer be considered to be within the realm of humanity.

Amelia, who appeared to be perfectly sculpted like a statue, was able to easily blend into the scene of this gorgeous and luxurious hall.

“Associate Professor.”

Amelia slowly blinked at Siwoo’s call.

Less than 5 seconds later, she looked up at Siwoo with a cold expression.

She then pulled out a pocket watch from her cloak and checked the time.

“It’s three minutes past noon. Does it look like I have the time to idly stand by?”

“I had arrived on time, but I didn’t want to disturb the Associate Professor. You seemed to be deeply contemplating something about the secrets of magic.”

Actually, he was spying on her side profile, but this was best left unsaid.

“Wrong. You should have called out to me instead of just standing there. The confirmed arrival time of Janitor is three minutes after the appointed time. Meaning that you are late. Unless I’m aware of it, there’s no way to tell if you’re on time or not, correct?”

“I apologize.”

Siwoo was quick to apologize. It wasn’t his first time being in such a situation.

Amelia always looked like she was about to chew him out, but she didn’t scold him too much if he immediately apologized.

She seemed to think that it was beneath her to let a mere slave criticize her.

“Never mind. I would rather teach a lab rat magic than to expect wise judgment from you.”

“I deeply apologize.”

But today, Amelia’s admonishments ended up being long winded.

Amelia’s scolding session continued as Siwoo kept his head bowed.

“I think I have pretty much overlooked Janitor’s mistakes so far. Since you weren’t properly punished, you’re still repeating the same obvious mistakes.”

Siwoo suddenly felt a sense of foreboding.

“For the next week, after you finish your afternoon work, clean up my lab.”

“I beg your pardon?”

This was outright harassment.

If she used her magic, she could easily clean up her lab in 3 minutes. Meanwhile, Siwoo, who was not a witch, would need more than 3 hours to clean such a complex lab.

Siwoo was already working more than 12 hours a day, and Amelia had just given him 3 hours of overtime just because he was three minutes ‘late’.

“Are you not going to do it? You didn’t arrive at the appointed time.”

Siwoo couldn’t talk back.

Amelia ended the conversation by saying that she would not accept any objections or complaints.

Then she threw the large book towards Siwoo’s chest, before walking up the stairs.

Siwoo almost couldn’t hold back the curses he was about to start spewing out of his mouth.

He could see Amelia’s back as she climbed the stairs, and the long cloak that was dragging on the floor, which was too long for someone of her stature.

Siwoo really wanted to step on it and make her trip.

However, he didn’t have the confidence to deal with the consequences.

In the end, feeling even more burdened than before, Siwoo began to follow Amelia.


“Sit down.”

Amelia entered the classroom and began the lecture without any sort of greeting.

The classroom, with colors which did not fade even in gloomy weather, exuded a certain type of elegance. It had a structure similar to a terrace with a desk centered behind a large blackboard.

Compared to common lecture halls which are built to accommodate a large number of people, this space could only fit 20 people.

That wasn’t a problem, however, as there were only two apprentice witches attending this class.

The two girls were clinging to each other, as if they shared one body. They were grinning at Siwoo from behind their desks.

The atmosphere became a bit tense, probably because they had been chattering up until now.

Siwoo put the heavy book down on the table and stood next to Amelia.

Once he turned around, he got startled by the two pairs of purple eyes staring at him.

The girls were identical twins, to the point where it appeared as if they were clones of each other. They had been paying attention to Siwoo from the moment he and Amelia had entered the classroom.

Odette and Odile.

They were currently the only apprentice witches who had been taking classes at Trinity Academy since 2 years ago.

Their hair was dark and they had bright violet eyes.

They were sitting there innocently, as if they didn’t know anything about the world, but Siwoo already knew.

Just because someone was innocent didn’t mean they were good.

As an example, think of a child stomping an ant to death with an innocent look on their face.

It could be argued that the innocence of these twins was similar to that kind of ferocity.

“Professor Amelia! Is today’s class with Assistant Shin Siwoo?”

“Professor Amelia! Is today’s class with the assistant?”

They spoke at almost the same time. Their voices were clear and high, akin to the chirping of a small bird.

Even their voices sounded similar. Unless you looked closely at their mouths, it would be impossible to know which one was currently speaking.


Amelia secretly sighed, as if she was already tired. At the same time, Odile and Odette faced each other. It almost looked like there was a mirror between them, giving off some sort of uncanny feeling.

““What kind of experiment are we doing today?””

Amelia, the 15th Witch of the Marigold line, was an Associate Professor at Trinity Academy and had already achieved a high realm of 22 Paths.

She was a ‘Baroness’, an extremely rare noble within the Witch society.

In other words, the twins, who were just apprentice witches, couldn’t just talk to Amelia however they wanted.

Not that Amelia was sensitive enough to care too much about that kind of thing.

“Men’s bodily fluids and…”

“Kyaa! It’s so indecent.”

“Kyaa! How can you be so obscene!”

Odile and Odette had already begun to make a fuss before Amelia could even finish speaking.

Seeing Amelia biting her lips, Siwoo felt extremely satisfied.

It was almost only when she was dealing with the twins that Amelia ever looked this frustrated.

Siwoo had no idea how Odile and Odette, who were only green apprentice witches, were able to get such a reaction out of Amelia.

But still, this rare sight of Amelia finally gave Siwoo some satisfaction for the troubles she had given him.

“…its relationship with magic.”

“Is he going to strip?”

“He’s going to strip, right?”

“That’s right.”

But alas, he could only feel satisfied for so long.

Amelia might have been left frustrated by the twins but Siwoo must be careful around them no matter what.

Else, he would be forcefully humiliated in front of the twins yesterday, today, and probably tomorrow as well.

A fact that would never change until he could escape this wretched city.

“But before the actual experiment, we need to check how well Ms. Odette and Ms. Odile are following the class.”

“But theories aren’t interesting.”

“That’s right, that’s right. Witch Gemini said that magic theory without practice is meaningless.”

However, Amelia couldn’t be toyed with by the twins forever.

She had the dignity of an Associate Professor. Once she sets a serious tone, the twins would be forced to follow suit.

Amelia slammed down onto the desk, now completely ignoring the twins’ complaints.

“Please submit the last assignment I gave you.”


“Yes! Professor.”

The twins glanced at each other, suddenly turning into obedient children, and submitted their bundles of paper.

They may be young and immature, but they were still Apprentice Witches.

Looking down at the papers, they seemed to be filled with complicated magic formulas.

Siwoo, who was interested and tried to peek at the contents of the assignment, suddenly became startled.

He could feel that the eyes of the twins were fixated on him.


→ Slave of Witch City (3) ←

Amelia began to go through the twins’ assignments.

Was she even reading them? Since her ruby-adorned red quill pen glided across the pages at an extremely fast pace.

At that moment, the eyes of the twins also turned to Amelia.

In Siwoo’s opinion, the apprentice witches were prime examples of the Witches’ obsession and madness toward magic.

The Witch of Creation was said to be able to conjure something out of nothing.

Every Witch lived in hopes of reaching her level, a realm which was nothing short of being a God.

Just as one would expect after seeing Amelia, who despite existing for over 150 years still possessed a young and beautiful appearance, witches had already gained eternal youth after receiving their ‘Brand’.

However, just because they had an infinite lifespan, did not mean that they were able to develop indefinitely as well.

Some Witches would soon be forced to face an insurmountable wall in their progress, forever stuck in their own perpetual cycle.

After failing countless times for hundreds of years, numerous Witches, even the most stubborn ones had to eventually admit their defeat.

They had to accept the fact that it was impossible for a single individual to be able to make any achievement that could ever rival the achievement made by the Witch of Creation.

Normally, most people who had some common sense would simply give up at this point. However, witches were a group of people who lacked that common sense to begin with.

After realizing the inevitable truth, they had finally decided.

If they were trying to achieve a feat that was impossible to try in just one life, they would just try again in their next life.

They would start by looking for somebody who had a completely different mindset and talent from themselves. Once they found themselves a suitable successor, then they would pass down their research, allowing the successor to continue the research in their predecessor’s stead.

Inside every Witch’s Brand carried several generation’s worth of precious research their predecessor was working on.

It was thanks to the Apprentice Witches, such as Odile and Odette, that the witches’ brand was able to be accepted and the research of the predecessor would be able to be passed down to their disciple.

It wasn’t only the life of others that were disregarded by witches in the pursuit of magic.

To people like them, even something like their own life would become nothing more than a tool necessary to complete their magic.

Amelia stacked the papers together after having finally checked every single one.

“Now then, come here and take back your graded assignments.”

Amelia returned both assignments in less than 15 minutes.

She didn’t pay much attention to the exact score given to an assignment.

According to Amelia’s theory, magic was not something that could ever be specifically graded.

“As I always say, the corrections that I have made are only one possibility. Don’t ever give up and just accept the solution as it is, but rather continue to constantly reflect on it and question that solution.”

““We understand, Professor!””

Surprisingly, the strict Amelia was actually pretty good at teaching.

Whenever she taught a class, the first thing she always did was acknowledge the possibility of an alternate path existing apart from her own.

When you consider just how prideful witches got when it came to their magic, this attitude was extremely flexible.

Along with the sounds of paper rustling, the twins, who had already received their assignment back, started to quickly check through Amelia’s corrections as if they were competing with each other.

Looking at the speed at which they were reading through their assignments, they obviously weren’t able to properly process the information.

No matter how talented the two girls were, they were still too young to completely copy the advanced technique of Amelia, a mature witch.

“My score’s 71. Odette, what did you get?”

“I got a 59. Looks like it’s my win today, sis!”

“You’re lying! It’s impossible for our scores to be that different!”

Odile was in disbelief as she checked the papers that Odette had given her with a smug look on her face.

“The number isn’t the only thing that matters! Look, in mine only one line got corrected, but in yours there’s an entire paragraph that got corrected. See?”

“Yeah, but wasn’t it clear that we bet on the number of corrections?”

Suddenly, Amelia’s fingers twitched.

Her exhausted expression made it look like she was in desperate need of a cigarette right now.

However, now wasn’t the time for Amelia to start smoking.

Instead, she slammed her hands on her desk to silence the ongoing quarrel.

“Be quiet!”

“Uh- I’m sorry. Odette started it, though!”

“I’m sorry, Professor… My sister is a bit immature.”

Amelia waited for the chaos to subside without a word.

After everything had finally settled down, she then immediately started the class without bothering to mention anything about the assignment beforehand.

“There’s something that I want to ask you before I begin. Is it possible for a man to possess mana?”

Every class that Amelia taught began with a question like this.

Confused, Odile and Odette began discussing among themselves.

“The answer is no, right? Isn’t that why it’s only women that ever become witches?”

“That has to be it.”

“But even if men don’t have any mana, why can’t they just inherit a brand instead?”

The moment the topic of men got introduced, the twins got excited as they began to immerse themselves within Amelia’s lecture.

“Well, isn’t the reason because they’re stupid?”

“Ah- no offense to Assistant Siwoo.”

The lively pair of twins turned towards Siwoo with wistful expressions on their faces.

Despite the distractions, Amelia’s lecture itself was still interesting to listen to.

As a high-ranking Witch, she was able to clearly point out the essence of the subject.

“As it is discussed in many myths, the mother who bore the world was the Goddess. The mainstream symbols and systems are used as the basis for modern magic. Modern magic is a set of conceptual symbol systems that contain mana.”

“And while men have the ability to create life, they are not able to harbor the life that they create.”

“Similarly, unlike women, they can directly generate mana within their body. However, they are unable to handle the Brand and its foreign mana.”

Odile and Odette both nodded in understanding at the same time.

“However, that does not completely exclude men from the study of magic. If we Witches were able to generate mana directly within our bodies like men, it would be an innovative discovery that would overturn our current standards of magic theory.”

“Then, is this class going to be learning about the manifestation of mana?”

“Correct. But in order to do that, we need to first check the correlation between a man’s bodily fluid and mana. Anything more than that would be too difficult at your current level.”

Siwoo felt that the time had finally come. Then, Amelia commanded him in an impassive tone.

“Take off your clothes, Assistant.”


The moment that he had been dreading had finally arrived.

The whole time he’d been present in the classroom, Siwoo was treated no differently than a simple training aid.

A training aid that received several curious glances towards his genitals that he was being forced to reveal.

After taking off the lab coat he wore, Siwoo’s completely bare form was revealed. The thin lap coat was already so skimpy, to the point that it took him less than five seconds to take off. Well, that’s why the coat was designed that way in the first place.



Despite having seen it more than a few times already, the twins stared at Siwoo’s bare physique with twinkling eyes.

It was a unique sex education lesson for this pair of twins who had been raised in a greenhouse-like environment, their paths already set to become witches from birth.

Siwoo had a body that could be described as an average adult male, being neither particularly fat nor muscular.

On top of that, his little brother down there was large enough to stand out regardless of what position it was in.

Plus, he hasn’t even gotten erect yet.

Fortunately enough, nobody had mentioned his size anyways.

“How is it always so shiny every time I see it?”

Currently, besides his head, not a single strand of hair existed on Siwoo’s body.

This was because, while acting as a teaching aid, all hair must be removed from the body so that students are more able to clearly identify the ‘subjects’. The hair removal process was done by bathing oneself in a strange liquid.

Siwoo kept his head facing downwards and grudgingly cooperated with the experiment with his hands clasped behind his back.

They weren’t the type of people to listen, rather they would ask him to thank them for cleaning his hair off.

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“Stop getting distracted, focus.”

Maybe it was because of his earlier conversation with Takasho??

For some reason, Siwoo felt like Amelia, whom he had thought was entirely incapable of making any kind of facial expression, now seemed to have a tinge of redness on her cheeks.

“Men have the ability to exert mana by their own will, but it is during ejaculation that the most violent mana generation occurs. It is so easy to spot that even beginners like you wouldn’t even need a precision instrument.”

Amelia began lifting Siwoo’s sleeping brother with a long, slender stick.

Right now, she was quite literally treating a man’s flaccid dick like a dried radish at the produce aisle.

“The generation of mana is closely related to the state of mental elevation. And the act of ‘sowing seeds’, which is engraved on a man’s instinct, evokes an instinctive exaltation. Today, we are going to observe it.”

The way she explained made it sound more complicated than it really was.

In simpler terms, his dick would be masturbated until he ejaculated. If the test subject was a pervert like Takasho, they would definitely enjoy it, but Siwoo wasn’t that type of person.

When Siwoo got his semen collected for the first time in order to make a magic reagent, he felt so much shame that he couldn’t sleep for a week straight.

After ensuring that the twins were ready to begin, Amelia began placing a silver pendulum and chalkboard on top of her desk.

She began by drawing a magic circle using chalk on the black chalkboard.

Despite its seemingly ordinary appearance, however, the chalk she was using was not just an ordinary piece of chalk.

It was a piece of Magic Chalk, commonly used as a material for drawing magic circles. It was made by mixing lime stone powder with gold powder as well as some special reagents that helped increase the conduction of mana.

Of course, it was an expensive item that a slave like Siwoo couldn’t even dream of buying, especially seeing how even that small piece being used right now had cost more than a year’s worth of his salary.

A few moments later, the previously blank space of the chalkboard had been instantly filled with runes, geometric shapes and lines.

Somehow, in that short amount of time Amelia was able to draw all of those straight lines and curves perfectly by hand without using any kind of tool. She then placed the pendulum, that was hanging from a tripod, on the completed magic circle.

“This right here is a very simple magic circle that is able to detect the generation of mana. You can properly understand the structure, right?”

“Yes, Professor.”

“Are you going to make him ejaculate now?”

It definitely wasn’t a very complicated magic circle, as even Siwoo, a normal human, knew how it worked. As such, there was no way that the twins wouldn’t be able to understand it.

Once the circle is activated, the pendulum would begin to swing back and forth once it detects mana being generated from an outside source.

The width of the pendulum’s swing would be determined by the magnitude of the generated mana it had detected.

As expected, the twins only had to glance at the magic circle to completely understand how it worked.

Rather, they were much more eager to see my semen spurting out as soon as possible.

Trying to empty his thought as preparation, a certain calmness began to spread in Siwoo’s mind.

He didn’t even know if he could last even one round because of how exhausted he felt, but he will still try to hold on anyway.

After he finished clearing his mind, he continued to wait for Amelia’s signal.

Once she sent the cue, Siwoo had to start masturbating in front of these three women.

“Yes, but we will proceed a bit differently from the experiments we have done so far.”


After rolling up her sleeves, Amelia’s white hand suddenly stretched out and grabbed the hilt of Siwoo’s sword.

She began silently fiddling with his soft member, ignoring the clear look of embarrassment on Siwoo’s face.

“Until now, the ejaculation was self-induced by the Janitor, no, Assistant Shin Siwoo. But today, however, I will be the one to demonstrate how to induce ejaculation.”

“Can we do it too?”

“I want to try too!”

The twins started loudly exclaiming while sticking their upper bodies out over their desks, to the point where it almost looked as though they would die from excitement.

This sudden development completely stunned Siwoo, having expected to be doing it himself. Additionally, as he continued to feel Amelia’s touch on his crotch, blood had already began to rush towards the lower part of his body.

“First, watch my demonstration.”

“Hey, Associate Professor Amelia…?”

Over the years of slavery, Siwoo had learned the importance of remaining silent about any absurdity that occurred.

However, even he felt that Amelia’s sudden action was way too much.

Siwoo’s gaze suddenly met with her bright, blue eyes.

Her gaze was just as indifferent as it always was, however, Siwoo once again could feel a subtle, unknown emotion hidden deep within.

“Is there a problem?”

“Umm, I can do it myself.”

“That’s a matter for me to decide.”

After rejecting him instantly, Amelia’s hand slowly began to move once more.

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