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Man Of Order


"Stop kidding. 3 million dollars for these trash? Are you fucking high!" A man on his late 30s yelled at the tanned toned man sitting majestically straight opposite of him.

Even the air around him was filled with richness. His eyes were dark, yelled immense power but still he remained quite.

The man's yell didn't bother him a bit as he still sat with his legs crossed maintaining his powerful aura.

But contrary of him, his men in all black standing behind him perked up at the scene of the angry client yelling at their boss, with no knowledge of dark consequences.

Muscles tensed up in clear anger as the two men in all black, took a step forward ready to deal with the disrespectful client who dared to raise his voice against their boss but Alejandro at that right moment, raised his hand gesturing them to stop at their respectful places.

Granting the order of their boss they backed off quietly, with their jaw tightly clenched.

The angry client scoffed at Alejandro's action as his one hand settled on his waist while he kept his glare on him with mock and a hint of challenge.

He was playing with fire!

"1.5 and we are done!"

He bargained but only an unamused chuckles returned from ahead.

Deep and dark.

"I ain't doing no charity, 3.5!"

Alejandro spoke with his voice firm, dominating the vibe.

The client became dumbfounded while looking at him with his eyes wide opened as Alejandro straightly ignored his said amount and without any warning increased the digits.

"Are you fucking kidding?"

Another yell rang on the silent meeting room as Alejandro still remained quiet.

The client was pissed off at this point, it wasn't like he wanted to be there but he had no choice instead.

Alejandro's weapons are believed to be the best ones in comparison to any other mafia's owned weapons.

His weapons had class and also they had his name tag on it making it a brand.

Leaving all those things aside, the smuggling with Alejandro is a lot safer than any other mafia leader.

His policies were clean even though it was dirty as hell.

Alejandro had connections with the higher ups, in another words he was feeding the government silently. He had his control over the whole damn country as his smugglers obviously never got caught while delivering the weapons and drugs or what not.

Everything with his name tag on was legalised around the country even though they were illegal.

He was the god damn system himself.

As a result he was one powerful mafia among the most dangerous ones.

Many feared him and many obviously wanted to create alliance with him for a safe guard to benefit themselves.

Having all these royalties coming along with his weapons, he had the price of hell too.


Alejandro spoke again tearing the moment of silence with his eyes blank making the client's hand clench, he was indeed a manipulating character.

This was not it.

His weapons surely owned quality but the client was getting pissed off by the behaviour of him.

Licking his lips in frustration he looked at him in anger but also with a hint of silent mischievousness.

His mind flicked something as he smiled suddenly.

Now seeing Alejandro still silently unbothered, he wanted to pull his string.

He wanted to see him act up.

"5 million dollars and your wife for a night!" He stated with no hint of shame.

That's when Alejandro head rose up to look at him for a better view.

Eyes darkened in absolute anger, his jaw clenched making the client kind of proud to receive his first reaction.

He successfully triggered him.

Just to test him more he chuckled at his own, he obviously got what he wanted but he decided to play a little more, unknown to the upcoming destruction which was waiting for him ahead.

"Well, I heard you married that old Draco's second daughter? Damn she was quite famous with words all around because of her curves and beauty. I was wondering how she would taste-.."


The sentence remained incomplete.

Blood spilled out of man's head as a hole right on his forehead was created in the unpredictable moment.

The deep angry sound of Alejandro's gun creepied the walls of the huge meeting room.

His chest rose up and down as he shot him with no hesitation.

Not caring about any outcome too.

He had absolutely no hint of regret on his face while holding the gun up as he looked at the now dead trash who spoke shits about his wife just seconds ago.

Such a dumb human.

Standing up from his seat the next second with his eyes red, he looked monstrous with his dangerous aura.

"Feed him to the dogs!" He ordered as the two guards smirked at the pleasant view in front of them.

No one messes with their boss indeed but this dumb man tried to be too bold and messed up with boss's woman.

What an end he received.


Mild breeze hit her face as she walked ahead with her confident steps.

Eyeing around she found students cheering and laughing in absolute joy. They were enjoying their last day in the high school but she had something different going on with her mind.

Her lips formed a straight line having the crystal clear idea that it was also her last day here.

But rather than enjoying like others she was walking away from them.

Still in her school uniform, skirt reaching her mid thigh and white buttoned up shirt tugging inside formally... she clenched her bag pack hanging loosely on her left shoulder before stopping her steps in front of the headmaster's cabin.

Raising her right hand up, she lightly knocked on the door making the headmaster aware about her presence.

"Oh Genelia?" It sounded more like a question. The lady on her early 50s raised her head up to look at her with a frown.

While everyone in the campus were celebrating their last day in the high school, there was she who visited her alone. It was unexpected.

Genelia entered inside the cabin, witnessing the confused look on the principal's face she inhaled.

Reaching for her bag pack the next second, she took the application form out which she was given by the high school.

"I wanted to talk about my scholarship Mrs.Claire!"

She spoke as Mrs.Claire nodded her head in understanding, with a small appreciating smile on her face she took the application form from her.

"You didn't have to bother yourself by coming here dear. I would've collected your form later-..."

She spoke as Genelia decided to cut her words off instead.

"I am not accepting the scholarship!" She spoke gaining Mrs.Claire's eyes with no efforts.

The application form which Genelia handled her was blank. She didn't fill the form?

Another deep frown of confusion formed on Mrs.Claire's face as she looked at her for a better view.

Genelia was the top student of their high school. The scholarship was one of her best achievements, it was offered to her by the school itself.

They wanted to sponsor her university studies because of her recent impressing grades.

Mrs.Claire always praised her for her polite qualities and having the idea of her love for studies, this was something unexpected coming from her.

"Why?" Mrs.Claire asked her as she stood their still hanging her bag on her back.

With a small smile on her face she seemed hard to read. "I am quitting my studies!"

Genelia replied shortly.

Mrs.Claire looked at her dumbfounded. Coming from a bright student like her, it was something weird to hear her out.

Genelia had a very promising future and obviously she herself has always been so loyal to her studies. So why all of a sudden she would want to quit everything?

Mrs.Claire knew she was going a little over board to ask her about her reasons but still she decided to inspect about this matter more.

"Is something of the matter? Are you being forced?" From that Mrs.Claire clearly was indicating her family.

That was the only possibility otherwise knowing a student like her, she wasn't the kind to give up on her studies.

"No!" Genelia replied short again as her expressions seemed genuine to the headmaster but that was something obviously very strange to digest the fact.

"Then why?" Mrs.Claire had serious expressions written on her face while asking her the reason directly.

Genelia for a mere second looked at the earth before inhaling to maintain herself.

"I am getting married!" Genelia uttered with a short sigh passing her lips then.

Mrs.Claire's eyes lost emotions after hearing her reason. It was indeed surprising to know about that fact cause the world we live in now is modern and formalities like that have now became outdated.

Now marriages are the second priority after career and it was hard to digest that fact.

But she was also aware about what background Genelia belonged too.

She wasn't any normal student like others.

"Are you sure? We are talking about your future now and this very decision of yours will never change!" Mrs.Claire had a hint of warning in her voice with obvious concern.

'This very decision of yours', decision comes with choices and how ironic, she got no choices in this.

Genelia's eyes wore blankness again. She was aware about what was going to happen from now but she was also aware about the fact that this was something she cannot run from.

Obviously not when she knew from where she belonged.

Throwing a small smile again, she seemed more fine then. "I've made my mind Mrs.Claire!"

She exclaimed before turning back to the same door she entered, she very soon walked out of it making the headmaster sigh.

World is indeed cruel towards the real talents.

Genelia was always the kind to speak and express less, that's what her family morals taught her to be.

'Never let your emotions control you!'

That was one of the reason for her to be a less social person, she walked with people serving her since childhood. She had everything before even asking once.

A life like that maybe a luxury for others but for her it was choking her limits.

Though she knew she was trapped but she never complained. She belonged to a world where she cannot escape and hence trying will be useless. So she simply accepted it.

She was a straightforward and righteous person but winning over her fate was something very difficult to do.

Sighing soon she walked out of the high school only to look at the man in all black standing with his both hands shoved inside his pockets.

Looking down he was tapping his foot on the ground with no chill, it seemed as if he was waiting.

Wearing silence, Genelia walked towards him with her head straight.

"Let's go!"

She spoke without any expressions as his head rose up to her with wide opened eyes. Nodding his head he took care of her bag back, hanging it on his own shoulder.

Biting his lips, he wore pin drop silence. His eyes were awkward and he took glances of her face in every short seconds to take notes of her expressions.

He walked first towards the black Mercedes parking not too away from them and opened the backseat for her, still remaining silent.

Quietly sitting on seat she looked blank and reading her silence, it made him more concerned about his young miss.

Soon starting the car he started driving, the air around him was indeed weird. It was not like any other usual day for either of them.

He knew her more than anything or anyone could ever know her. Though he was aware about Genelia's state of mind even if she spoke nothing, he was also aware about the fact that he was nothing but only her body guard.

He had no right to meddle in her business but still for the sake of the bond they both share between the two encouraged him to be a little bold.

"You did great!"

He spoke tearing the silence.

"That is something you always say!" Genelia replied with no expressions. True, Alvaro always had one phrase prepared for her, which he always used to boost her up.

"I cannot help it, you are always so cool!" Alvaro said while chuckling at his own words and still driving.

The mood lightened a bit as Genelia's lips curved into a small smile. "Am I?"

Alvaro nodded while eyeing her from the front mirror. Soon smiling kindly.

"Want me to take you somewhere to have some peace of mind?"

He proposed knowing well how messed up her mind was. Though she was never to type to show her emotions, he always had the capability to understand her with no efforts all these years.

"You will only have 30 minutes of mine!" Genelia spoke looking out of the window making Alvaro laugh at her choice of bold words.

"That will be enough!"


"The fuck you mean by marriage? Mateo can you be serious, how can you call a silly child betrothal holding no meaning, a fucking marriage?" Leonardo perked up.

His right eyebrow twitched slightly in anger as he stood up at his ground.

Mateo sighed being so done with all this. "It's not me who announced it okay? Why am I to be questioned everywhere?"

Holding the glass up against his lips he sipped his whiskey with his frustrated mood.

His eyes for a mere second noted another man's expression, who was silent from the start...


With his rich aura he rather looked unbothered unlike the other two men in the same space.

Leonardo sighed in irritation.

"The one who is getting married isn't even saying anything then who are we to care?" Mateo spoke rubbing his temples.

"He isn't saying anything because he cannot digest this news okay." Leonardo exclaimed rolling his eyes, while looking at the mute Alejandro sipping his drink feeling unbothered, he sighed.

"How can my brother marry a woman, he have never even seen. Just making up excuses about his child engagement and coming at him just when he took over the business. What was grandfather even thinking?" He spoke with clear anger in his tone.

Marriages are joke to people now a days.

"How do I know? I am just a fucking lawyer bro!" Mateo quarrelled back raising his voice taking Leonardo by surprise for a mere second.

Sighing in defeat he kicked the air after a while.

True, though it was hard to admit but they all were powerless in front of their grandfather.

Not matter how dangerous they all were, they were bound to pay respect to the head of the mafia.

"I literally peed my pants by the amount of glares grandfather was sending me." Mateo confessed looking at Alejandro with his helpless expression, while he still remained carefree by the two men talking about such a big thing related to him.

It was as if the topic of marriage meant nothing for him.

Leonardo dropped his body on the couch again before sighing heavily. "Thank god I refused to be the part of this crazy mafia shit. Otherwise that old man would've played me too!"

Mateo nodded quietly.

Leonardo was the eldest son of the mafia, he was said to be the first heir but at the very time of taking over the throne he backed off wisely.

All the politics going on in their business was something he wanted to avoid and that's what he did.

Hence all the business fell in the hands of the second heir, the underboss of their mafia. 'Alejandro Garcia!'

As for Mateo, he was the adopted son by their grandfather hence sharing no blood relation with them, he rather chose to handle the legal authorities of the mafia than ruling.

"I don't think grandfather was playing around. He never takes back his said words." Leonardo exclaimed.

Mateo sighed again. "He gave his words to Fernandez's. It was even before their child was born. Both Alejandro and their daughter were betrothed when she was still in the womb."

Leonardo nodded understanding. "That is what so crazy about it. After all these years of hide and seek Fernandez's finally wants to reveal their daughter to us and grandfather is declaring the marriage out of nowhere. Isn't it insane?"

Alejandro still gulped his alcohol quietly without any care but his ears were actively taking in all the chattings.

His mind was such a manifestation.

Unlike Leonardo, who declined to rule. Alejandro was someone who wanted the throne and was willing become the mafia leader.

He held every potential qualities to rule and he proved it too but yet marriage was something which was like an agreement to secure his position.

It was something important to do sooner or later, he knew he had to do such thing for the sake of his position in the mafia.

Mainly to appease his grandfather.

First he chased after him for the position, now he wants him to get married, then again tomorrow he will bother him for a heir...

the demands of this throne are never ending.

But here they weren't talking about any normal marriage, it was a marriage to uphold the promise which was made decades ago.

Who would have fucking thought that a 7 year old kid caressing a big swollen womb of a pregnant woman actually betrothed with it.

This was insane.

He was going to marry a girl whom he have never seen, whose existence was such a big mystery to him.

"What is her name?"

D A R E D ?

"So this is the place you talked about having a peace of mind?"

Genelia uttered eyeing the small messed up room with her raised eyebrows, her expressions weren't unamused.

She absolutely looked unsurprised.

There she was with her bodyguard who brought her to a soundless dark alley with not even a single soul around.

In a small broken room, somewhere.

Still in her uniform she had her hair tied up in a long ponytail, Alvaro scratched his neck shaking his head to her words, while looking down.

He was never the type to talk much because of his timid cold personality but with Genelia he strangely coordinated quite well.

Was she disgusted?' He thought for a moment.

The place was very small and shabby. Genelia was a lady of mansion. She obviously never once saw such place in her life but surprisingly she wasn't having any weird expressions on her face.

She rather seemed quite chill or she was pretending to be one?

Places like this were new for her. Maybe it made her uncomfortable or worse irritated?

She might be despising the idea of him bringing her in there? But at that moment of time he cared no more.

Handling her something he just cleared his throat ditching formalities.

Looking down to what he gave her, she saw a pair of trousers and a black oversized jacket. A man's clothing.

He wanted her to disguise herself as a man?

"The changing room is on the left!" He spoke feeling little heavy.

Following the instructed way quietly, she soon came out wearing the given garments.

Alvaro had his body leaned on the wall waiting, when she soon appeared in front of him. "You are good to go now miss!"

Commenting formally, he put on a cap on her head to cover her hair and face, while leading her the way out of the small room.

His hands were shoved on his pockets as he walked straight with her on the side.

Calm silence surrounded the atmosphere around the two, Genelia never went out like that.

Since childhood she was surrounded by the servers guiding and helping her in even the smallest thing but today she felt like having her own freedom.

After a couple of minutes of walking more inside the same dark alley, she finally saw something.

A club?

"It's a place where I come to forget about my bad day!" He confessed getting little embarrassed.

At this point the feeling of getting judged by her was again surrounding him.

But rather something else caught her attention.

"Bad day? Am I the reason of your bad days?" She chuckled at his said confession. All about Alvaro's job was to follow her around and protect her.

He tags along with her the whole damn time so by his statement he unintentionally pointed her fault.

"Miss, I didn't mean it that way-..." His eyes widened at her straightforwardness, trying to defend his statement he started explaining himself but her laugh stopped him in the middle.

"Let's go. I want to see what do you do to get rid of your bad day!" With a hint of tease she walked ahead with him leaving behind feeling more embarrassed.

Alvaro sighed in silent relief, at least for a fact she wasn't really disgusted of him!

The club was not meant for girls, it was scary and weird.

Creepy things decorated on the way and one or two men in all black looked quite dangerous.

Alvaro walked with her closely while guiding her inside, lowkey he was still flustered to bring her there.

That was the deadliest club for the gangsters, very few know about that place and that's what makes it ironic.

Members of different gangs go there without caring about their identity.

Though that wasn't a place where a girl so respectful like Genelia should go but today he wanted to bring her there.

Maybe it will be the last time for her? Yes, it indeed is the last day of her freedom.

And he just wanted her to have a little taste of life.

He wasn't scared to bring her there to be honest. It was rather a small percentage of insecurity which got covered up with her male disguise besides he knew he will be there if any danger occurs.

And also she wasn't so weak herself to not avoid any attack, she was a tough lady to deal with so he remained carefree.

The smell of sweat and drugs were like an essence. Soon following her closely he brought her to a big boxing court.

It mesmerised her guts.

Her eyes were fascinated to look around the fight show, no wonder why he loved to be here.

Good thing, she didn't judge the place too soon.

Alvaro for a moment looked at her face eyeing the wrestling with her pleasing eyes. "Today you're not the young miss I know!"

He mumbled to her as such for only her to hear.

An ironic smirk formed on her face getting the meaning of his words.

"I like it!"

A loud bell rang around the huge court hinting that the previous match got over. "NEXT FOR 500$. Against our beast, SIMBA!"

The host proudly announced out loud as Genelia's eyes fell on Alvaro again with a hint of challenge and dare.

"Win me the amount and I'll drive you back home!"

She dared him, wearing a small smirk on her face which made Alvaro chuckle at her bold words.

"You said it!"

He clicked his fingers cockily before walking away from her towards the boxing ring.

"I am in!" Alvaro yelled taking his black leather jacket off.

Genelia smirked at the view of Alvaro ready to fight. He was indeed an man of his own desires.

Wild and free.

Today is the first day of her witnessing his this side. This was weird but true, he wasn't the type to talk much, instead he was always the quite and cold guy she knew.

An Introvert you name it.

They coordinated well because he understood her without even talking to her while she was the type to never meddle in his business.

Though she sometimes used to boss him around but he never complained about it.

"Kill him, kill him!" Cheers were loud and she scoffed at the anti audience.

They wanted the match to be deadly now? but they had no idea, who was on the ring.

Now she was more excited to see what he would do.

Not one bit, she regretted sending him in.

"Kill him, kill him!" The cheers became more loud when the bell rang signalling the match to start.

Alvaro fisted his hand but never attacked first. Another scoff left her mouth at his actions to not hurt anyone first, she can read him like a wide open book.

The first one who attacked him was the man who was his opponent.

And that's when Alvaro's eyes gained energy. Aggression and anger towards him raised in his body as he then started to fight.

Watching all this from quite afar she remained silently busy when she suddenly felt someone bumping their arm on hers from the left abruptly.

"Aye boy drop 10$ for the show!" A feminine cocky voice from the left warned her ears.

Looking at the source of the sound she saw a lady on maybe on her 20s holding a box in her left hand while holding a cigarette up to her lips from the right one.

She seemed like a member of some gang.

Clothes were weirdly ripped showing much of her skin purposely. Her hair was bright red and her bitchy makeup was quite annoying to look at.

Putting her hand inside the jacket's pocket Genelia remembered she had a disguise of man plus she had no money with her.

"I don't have any money!" Purposely making her voice deep she spoke as the lady in front of her made an annoyed face.

"Then who fucking allowed you in, You beggar?" The lady yelled causing a disrespectful push to her making her body back off from her place.

"Watch out!" Genelia spoke not appreciating the action, her voice was deep and obviously angry. It was her first time on a crowded place like this and behaviour like hers were obviously new for her. The woman, with her clothes ripped and weird get up was the first person in her life to talk to her that way.

Also she dared to touch her violently.

"Oh and what if I don't?" She ignored Genelia's warning with an arrogant scoff. Now pushing her shoulder more aggressively than before.

She perked Genelia's temper causing her to be annoyed.

Tearing her eyes from the scene of her bodyguard fighting in the ring, she moved her eyes upon the arrogant woman beside her and saw her disobeying her words.

The thing she hated to the core was one's disrespectful attitude towards her.

"You will regret it!" Genelia warned with her voice holding a valid warning now.

"Oh boy, are you going to cry now? Then go call your mommy-..." A laugh of mock left the lady's mouth as she raised her eyebrow up and was about to push Genelia again but at that right moment Genelia held her hand and twisted it behind in an unpredictable second.

The action took the lady off guard as the box she was holding fell down with a thud.

The loud groan left her mouth when she felt the sudden attack spraining her whole arm. Genelia's force impressively numbed her whole shoulder in a mere second. "Ahhh!"

The crowd who was busy in cheering now dropped their chill. Each and every attention fell on Genelia dealing with the lady while having no idea about who she was.

Watching the show of Genelia twisting her arm was so terrific to witness. They all became quite.

"I said you will regret it!" She spoke jolting the woman's body down skilfully to the ground abruptly making her groan more when her small body slammed the floor hardly.

"Weak!" She scoffed under her breath witnessing the woman crying out in pain and unable to fight back her small attack, she somehow stood up from her ground and glaring at her angrily now.

"You fucker!" She yelled taking something out of her pocket and it was a small knife.

In an intention to stab her, the lady ran towards her but at the very moment Genelia dodged her knife making her frown dumbly.

This was indeed one new show for Genelia but not weird.

She knew well the street side gangsters are short tempered rebels. They talk the language of violence and seemingly she wasn't the type to be polite towards such people either.

A mere girl like her can never harm her.

Punching her face angrily she made her jaw bruise up and bleed the next second. The lady's eyes for a moment wore terror while backing away from her in defence.

As Genelia shook her hand out of slight pain for punching her jaw too hardly.

"You-You are dead now!" With her almost broken jaw the woman uttered with her shaking voice backing off in pain and then running away while palming her lower face.

Genelia didn't understand the meaning of her words at that time but it wasn't difficult to get that, she threatened her that moment.

She dusted her jacket and adjusted her cap more while breathing sharply.

Looking at her red knuckles she was still feeling the pain.

The force was indeed very hard.

Still looking at her knuckles another big hand pulled her hand towards him.

Alvaro's eyes were dark yet concerned as his thumb caressed Genelia's knuckles just to ease her hurting sensation when Genelia's eyes looked at him with slight surprise.

"Weren't you fighting?" She asked with her flat tone.

Looking around she witnessed everyone's eyes from the crowd upon her and Alvaro. Even the fight has stopped and she didn't have any knowledge when.

Now watching her all stunned the crowd of men started mumbling to themselves.

"We shouldn't be here, Miss!" Alvaro mumbled as she looked at him with her eyes blank. "That woman was a member of Garcia's."

"No wonder why she was so proud!" She scoffed taking her hand back from Alvaro as he breathed sharply, seeing her feeling all unbothered.

"Miss, Garcia's are... they are your in laws!"

Alvaro spoke with his hesitant voice more descriptively for her to get him correctly, as then his statement gained her eyes in pure shock.

For a moment she forgot who Garcia's were... and what was her relationship with them!


"What is her name?"

With his raspy voice, Alejandro finally said something earning both Mateo and Leonardo's ears.

Looking at each other for a second they looked at Alejandro who was sitting with his eyes intimidating the air around them.

The whole damn day he didn't talk a single word now he asked about his fiancé?

Mateo opened his mouth to answer his question when suddenly someone interrupted his voice, barging inside their VVIP room with her desperate steps.

Crying out, Chloe opened the door without knocking it for once. "MASTER!"

She sobbed feeling the taste of blood in her mouth. But entering inside he wasn't alone.

With him 2 other people were sitting there too, his brothers...

"Don't you know how to fucking knock-..." Leonardo angrily scolded her when Mateo cut his words off first with his voice, concerned.

"Geez, what happened to you?"

Alejandro's eyes quietly followed the lady's face and eyeing the view of her bloodied hand holding her bleeding jaw, he frowned.

"Master, someone-someone attacked me!" She cried out narrating the whole incident back in the boxing court to Alejandro.

Leonardo stood up at his ground angrily.

"Who dared to raise his hands in our place that to in our man!" Leonardo yelled angrily.

He was already frustrated regarding his grandfather's sudden announcement when another news made him perk his adrenaline rush.

Mateo frowned in anger as well.

It wasn't any normal thing to happen.

The club was owned by them recently. It wasn't even a week when Leonardo bought it under the name of Garcia's and officially declared it as their own possession since then and the fact that someone literally attacked their man in their own place raised a question on their own dignity now.

Who dared to do this when everybody clearly knew who is the new owner of the club.

The Garcia's weren't easy to mess up with.

"Let me check!" Mateo stood up angrily but Alejandro's deep husky voice cut him off.

"I will go!"

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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