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"He's here Your Highness"a gaurd says.

"Very well.Let him in.."The King,

Yoon Sanhee,ruler of the Sapphire Kingdom replies.

As soon this was said a Man with a serious aura around him came in which made a few gaurds hung their heads down.

"At your service,Your Majesty."

"Well,Soldier Choi Seungcheol,I congratulate you for catching the intruder of the former unsolved crime of a prude gang of rouges who had been taking people's worth and young girls' dignity.I hereby declare you as the chief General of war and Finance".The King says.

"Thank you O lord.I,Choi Seungcheol am,will and forever will be grateful for Your Highness.."

"And I have a request for you"

"Do I know What is it Sire?"

"Will you have a chance to make my heir,Yoon Jeonghan into a suitable knight as I give you the right to be his tutor?"

The man thinks for a moment and says

"It is such a honour to me Your Majesty.

I will fulfil my duties and will never let you down your highness"

He says these words and leaves with a bit of confusion and confidence..


Says Seungcheol after reaching his home where he and his darling live.

"YEOBO!!"Says the girl who is referred to as Sayoung.

The young girl runs and hugs her lover.

"I missed you"he mumbles these words

"I missed you too"

"What's for lunch?.I missed your cooking"

Sayoung frowns.

"Yaah.Don't you miss me.You just came home.You didn't even ask me how am I?"

Seungcheol replies

"Well as much I see you have became more beautiful"..

As soon he says these. She blushes.


"Huh, where is she?......AUNTY WHERE ARE YOU?"says an Etheral male, frowning.

"Yeah Your Highness I'm here"says a sweet old woman.

"HI! Did you check up on Ruby?"

"Rub-who Oh!Yeah the cat.Yes she's doing well.Got  minor injuries but she's fine now."

"Oh"says the male.The heir of the great Sapphire Kingdom Yoon Jeonghan.

Known for his beauty and not so delinquent manners."Please take care of him."

The maid says"Why are you so kind Your Highness.I will take care of that fluffball don't worry!"

"So how's your health?"

"It's the normal"

"How's Yeonjun?"

"He's well too!Your Highness?"


"Does your Highness know Choi Soobin,Son of the Former Count,Choi Dongho?"

"Oh him!Yeah.What about it?"

"Oh nothing,this brat has been going to his house and explaining me that's he's a "friend"."

"Hey he's not a brat.But that's suspicious"The prince gives her a all-knowing look."

"Uhh.Enough about that brat Your Highness"

"I just heard that the King has appointed a soldier to train Your Highness."She says as she smiles.

"Oh Who's going to be my new victim"The  male says while smirking.

The old  maid laughs and says"Poor him".


so uhmm hi guys

I'm continuing my story

In a novel type

Please support me


Seungcheol enters the chambers as today his job as the Prince's personal trainer starts.He gets confused of the way and asks a maid.

"Excuse me.Where's the Royal dining hall?"

"Oh you must be the trainer the King has appointed!It's in the second floor,the fourth room"

"Thank so much Madam"

"Oh Child"

"Yes Madam?"

"Be careful"


"Oh you'll understand it later"she says and leaves

'What was she warning me about'he thinks and goes where he's supposed to go.

The Prince,all Impatient was  waiting for a knight to come.Until someone was knocking the door.

He was ready to blow up on him for being late and explain him about his dutie-Wait! Maybe later cuz he looks like the person who would throw him out of the window if the Prince says a word.

"I apologise for the late Your Highness,Please forgive me"says the mysterious man with a serious aura and voice.

Jeonghan smirks as he was ready to say something which was actually shocking.

"Well, aren't you too young to be my knight in shining armour?"he murmurs a bit loudly

"I-Im Sorry?"Seungcheol says confused.

"Oh Nothing.So shall we start?"

"Oh certainly Your Highness"says The General with nothing but a cold face.

"So let us start with the swordsmanship as a prince should be able to protect himself and it's a good defense......"

While the general was saying all these things The prince was trying so hard not to yawn.And of course Seungcheol noticed this but didn't say anything and stops talking.

'So much arrogance for a prince'

Seungcheol thinks.

'So much seriousness for a human'

Jeonghan thinks.

Both of them were in their own thoughts until Jeonghan decided to break the silence.


"Your Highness do you have your own Sword"

"I don't even know how to hold it"

"Oh,perhaps a dagg-"

"What's that?"

He's shocked.What type of prince is thi-No he can't say this but certainly he can't understand what is going on in the Prince's brain"

"Y-your Highness?"

"Can we go to the royal black Smith to get a sword for you?"

"U-uh of course"

The Prince and the General are now at the black Smith to get a sword for the Prince.

"Which type of steel would you like Your highness?"

"Name some,I didn't even know that there are types of steel."

"Well,Carbon,Tool,alloy and many more.but I would recommend Carbon for reliability"

"Whatever you say since I have no idea what it is about!"

Jeonghan and Seungcheol are now taking a walk in the kingdom since Jeonghan has suggested because 'his legs are tired of sitting'.

While they were walking The General tries to start a conversation but The Prince just tried to end it.

"So...Your Highness,How old are you now?"

"Twenty eight"


Just then a pair of thieves come in their way and...."YOUR HIGHNESS WATCH OUT!"Seungcheol says as he pulls away the Prince from the theives because the thieves were about to pierce that knIfe into the Prince's Neck.

Seungcheol,in order to act fast threw his dagger against a thief.Which made that man to get hurt and fall down.

The both were running until they meet into a dead end.

The thieves were chasing them.

The both were out of breath and stopped.


The theives tried to attack Seungcheol this time.again.

So uhmm guys

If you like the story please comment.I want feedback about my wrIting....bye


"Your highness please turn around."


"You can turn around Your Highness"

"What did you d-"the Prince  became silent.Because all he saw was Seungcheol.a sword.blood.thieves on the ground.thats enough

Suddenly Seungcheol grabs Jeonghan by his arm and pulls him towards himself until both of them were facing each other.And then The General kneels down with The Prince in his Embrace.

"U-uhh.Can y-you leave m-me Sire?"Says the Prince horrified after what has been done by the General.

Seungcheol looks at the wall.The Prince does the same.He sees a knife there.The General looks at him. Jeonghan does the same.He gets what Seungcheol wants to tell him.

"Sorry Your Highness"

He murmurs.

"This wouldn't happen if we did not walk till the Palace"


"Nothing Your Highness".

Now,here are the Prince and Seungcheol.

The Prince,secretly sulking that the fighting clothes are uncomfortable.Seungcheol,

Thinking what to do next.

"So ahem.Can we start Yo highness?(yeah I did that wantedly)


Few hours later

"Your Highness that's enough for today.let us try it again"

"Uh,should we?"

The General makes the first attack.The Prince dodges it.The General points it back to his neck.The Prince knowledgably(wth is this word)back attacks him and twists the general's hand,proud of himself,he smirks.not for long tho.Suddenly the general retracts his hand because the grip was not strong enough and grabs the Prince towards himself and places the sword near his neck.

This position it's a bit... awkward.They were really near to each other.It was like The General backhugging the Prince...

They stayed like that for a bit....

"U-uh is that it Sir?"

"Y-yeah Your Highness.You have to respond like this when someone twists your hand"

"S-so can you leave me?"Jeonghan says while blushing.

"S-Sorry Your Highness"The General says while his temperature is really high.He runs away from there

The Prince in his room now blushing,lying on the bed.

"W-we were really close,AAAAH IM STUPID"

Believe me or not Jeonghan may have thought that Seungcheol looked a little bit handsome when he had met him.

At the other side

Seungcheol standing staring at the sunrise affected by a "light fever".


The King was in his chambers,deeply thinking.The Prince arrived.

"Your Majesty"

He says and he gives a princely bow.

"Ahh! Jeonghan-ah,sit down"

The King said.

"So.coming to the point,I need you to get married to the Princess of the north kingdom,Jeon Hyejin.the wedding will be in 6 months."

Jeonghan's face lits up with shock.

"Your highness I-"

"I didn't ask your opinion.You are dismissed"

"Y-you can't do this to me."

"I can and I will.You can't disagree.If you do.You know the consequences"

"Your Majesty-"

"And also,Man up a bit.We don't want our in-laws to think that we have a weak Prince here"

The Prince's head bows down in shame.

So UMM hi


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