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The clap of thunder and lightning echos throughout the stormy night on the vast seas. Accompanying by the sound of screams among the crewmates aboard the ship as they were being attack by a group of hillbillies looking bandit.

" Pirates "

The guards dress in a white military uniform are doing their best to fenced off the attackers. But their are clearly outnumbered and back into a corner. But ever so, they didn't give up and continue fighting.

For the glory of the prestigious royal family. While all that fighting is taking place on deck. Below the crown king looks to be in his near 30's. Rush down the hallway to get to a room on the other end of the hall.

Inside he reunites with a beautiful young blonde maiden with golden eyes and dress like a queen. The Queen names Rebecca, address the man as her husband, King Allen once he enter the room. The two hugs each other before King Allen tells his love that the ship isn't safe right now. And that they need to escape quickly.

Listening to her husband words Queen Rebeeca walks over to a crib in the corner of the room. The baby girl was crying relentless from all the noise and the shaking of the ship.

" There, there, it is all right, mother is here. Nothing is going to happen to you my child."

The Queen holding her child gently rocks her in her arm hoping it would be enough to ease the baby worries. King Allen grip the wrist of his Queen.

" It's time to go," he said.

Running to the top deck of the ship the king who is also a skill sword master fight his way through the group of pirates who stands in his way. Keeping both his wife and child safe from any danger.

They were heading to a life boat that can be use to get them off the ship, but he was halted by a very skill swordman's belonging to the pirates side.

The swordman's recognize Allen to be the king, so he wanted to kill the king himself.

" Go now, I will hold him off," the king shouted to his queen.

Queen Rebeeca with a worry look plead to her husband to be safe and come back to her quickly. Rebeeca hurries to find the life boat. She spotted one, but before she could approach it. She was gang up by some of the pirates who manage to get to her. With a scared expression Rebeeca held her daughter close in her arms as the pirates slowly walks toward her from every corner.

Before they could do anything, the floor beneath Queen Rebeeca foot suddenly broke because of the heavy waves crashing into the ship due to the storm. Queen Rebeeca and her child fell through. Surviving but the Queen's leg got injury badly from the fall. The pirates quickly try to find a safe way to get down and capture the two.

Queen Rebecca, even with her bleeding leg, still holding her child drags herself to find a safe place to hide. But after massive lightning bolt stroke the ship, fire begin to spread both outside and inside the ship at a rapid rate.

Queen Rebeeca made it to the store room of the ship. With the fire spreading everywhere and the pirates closing in on her location. The queen have no other choice.

Placing the baby inside a barrel. She puts a green jaded necklace around her neck. With a teary and heartbreaking eyes. She prays for her daughter survival before closing the barrel and throwing it into the sea. She waves goodbye to her child who the wave have already carry some distance away. Far, far away from the burning ship.

In the horizon of the rising sun. There was an island in the distance. On the shores of the island a pack of wolves runs wildly along the shoreline. Enjoy the beautiful of the wonderful sun rays reflecting on the shimmering water of the ocean.

The nice cool breeze flowing through their thick flurry coat when they run give them a nice relaxing sensation.

As they continue their run they came to an erupted stop after hearing the cry of a young child.

Tracking the sound they located the source coming from a barrel that wash upon their shorelines. Curiously they approach the barrel and after opening it, they discover the crying baby girl. The wolves started to growl angrily upon seeing the child. But the child stop crying upon seeing the big flurry doggy. She laugh relentlessly in a joyful manner.

Which confused the wolves of a bit. One of the wolf who is slightly larger than the others. Approach the baby. It started to sniff the baby using it big nose. The baby continue to laugh, gripping the nose of the wolf with it's small, soft hands. After the wolf manage to get out of the baby grips. It came to a decision.

Grabbing the baby by its diaper using its large jaw and long fangs. The wolf ran off with the child to a village on the north of the island. None of them know what this child would bring to their peaceful settlement. Disaster or great fortunes.

17 long years after that day. The once baby girl have grown up into a fine woman with flowing long blonde hair just like her mother. And ocean blue eyes just like her father. The girl is now name Lora. And she is busy hunting in the woods of the island right now.

As she was stalking a deer that she had her eyes on. She notices that something strange is watching her from a distance.

Verifying that it was a wolf, Lora immediately ran away right before the wolf give chase after her. She is incredibly agile as she ran pass the tall trees of the forest. But so was the wolf. Seeing that wolf who is barring its fangs at her as it is catching up Lora with incredible speed.

The girl comes up with a plan to mobilize it.

Taking out her spear that she brought with her on her hunt. She drive it as hard as she can into the ground before bending the stick of the spear backward with all her strength.

Waiting for the wolf to get closer, she release the stick hitting the wolf square in its nose pushing it back. The wolf lands on the ground in pain, unable to move from the hard blow Lora have given to him.

With a proud but yet cheeky expression, she smirks asking the wolf how was her skill. The wolf crying in pain, a bright white light engulf its body, transforming the wolf into a young 12 years old boy with silver hair, silver wolf ears and a silver bushy tail.

" That really hurt big sis Lora," the boy complain.

" Sorry about that Luka," Lora apologize to her little brother.

Silver lotus pack

The two sibling sat on a log near a cliff that have a great overview of the island. They are able to see the sea, the shoreline, mountains, the rest of the forest as well as their village that is just some distance away from where they are now. Lora taking out a bandage to cover the bruise nose Luka he had received from Lora eariler attack.

" Ow, ow. Can't you be a little more gently Lora." The boy cried it pain.

" If you are crying over a little bruise like this, how would you become strong like our father and take over the pack," Lora replied.

Luka complain that it still hurt. Moment later Lora has finish and then pats the boy silver hair for comfort. Luka pushes his sister hand away telling her that she should stop treating him like a baby. Even though earlier he was crying from getting a bandage put on his bruise.

Lora changing topic praises her little brother for getting better at sneak attack. Ever though Lora was still able to pick up on his presence before he could attack.

Feeling a mix of emotion from his sister praise. Lora, seeing the uncomfortable expression on Luka's face asks her brother what's bothering him.

He explained in somber tone.

" It feel great to that my skills have improve, but the fact that you, a human was still able to sense my presence so easily. It just tell me that I still have a long way to go."

The boy ponder on the fact that it take him a lifetime to reach his father level of skill. Lora feeling the boy discomfort rubs the back of his wolf ear that are on his head.

He really like it when his ears are rub like that. It makes him feel like all his anxiety are being wash away.

" Luka you are still young. You have plenty of years to train until you reach father level."

Giving her brother an encouraging smile. She tells him chin up. Luka hearing his sister words reinsure himself that he can do it and is ready to try harder. Luka then feels a slight pain on his ear due to Lora pinching him out of anger for ruining her hunt causing the deer to get away.

Luka quickly apologize in fear and pain. Luka's ear and nose then twitches a bit before he jumps up on his feet in excitment. Claiming that father his back.

" Can you pick up his scent from here?" Lora asks.

Luka nods his head yes, pointing to the road that leads to their village. Taking a look for herself, Lora see dust building up on the road. Her sense of hear and smell isn't as great as her little brother who is a wolf, but she knows that he wouldn't lie about something like that.

Looking down on the road leading into the village. Lora could see some figures heading toward the village. In a exciting tone Luka transform back into his wolf form after the same glowing light from before engulf his body.

" Quick, lets go meet him," Luka quickly runs off.

Lora crying out to her brother to wait on her, but he didn't listen. So Lora had to head down the mountain alone. Luka after reaching his village which is called the

" The northern tribe."

He sees his father in his human form as he is being welcome back by all the villagers of the village along with his large pack following behind him called the

" Silver lotus pack"

Luka quickly transform back in human and went to greet his father who have been away from the village for a week.

Luka running to the muscular looking warrior man with long silver hair going down his back.

" Father you are finally back," Luka jumps into the warrior's arm, happy to see his father.

In a deep but friendly voice.

" Sorry I have away for so long, I hope you were a good boy while I was gone," said father.

" Yep, sis and I have being practicing hard," son replied.

The two chitchat for a bit until Lora finally made it back to the village. She wanted to welcome back her father, but stop mid-sentence. Instead, she wanted to wait until he gets home.

Slowly taking her leave, father saw her leaving and stop her by calling out her name. Which no other option, the girl turned around in a nervous state.

" Welcome home father," Lora slowly turn to greet father with a nervous tone.

Father walks over to her to immediately give her a hug. She feels a bit embarrass once he lift her up in the air.

" Quit it would you," she embarrassingly said.

" Sorry, couldn't help myself," he replied joyfully.

Lora doesn't mind the affection toward her from her father, but considering her place and view point from others in the village.

Lora looking at the muttering villagers whispering among themselves. Not able to hear them Lora is already familiar with their eyes of disgust toward her.

Lora was hoping not to trouble her father by greeting him outside, but he always insisted.

When father notices the whispering and couldn't take it anymore, he growls loudly that silent everyone.

A very large man with scars covering his body name Kong, who is the

" Omega"

Making him the second in command of the pack. He addresses father who is the

" Alpha "

The pack leader by his name... Wayne.

Kong reminds Wayne about the meeting with the elders. Remembering the meeting father leaves with the rest of his pack to go see the elders at the submit. So Lora and Luka should wait on him at home.

Lora knows that everytime father goes to the submit it is due to something important. And most of the time, it always have something to do with Lora. So later that night, Lora sneaks to the submit, which is a large building in the middle of the village made out of bamboo, just like all the other houses in the village.

She climbs on the side of the building getting to an open window where she spot her father standing in the middle of the ring surround by four elderly people sitting on high chair at each direction of the large open area room lite up by torches.

They were discussing something about a very important and special event coming up that is held once every five years. And their village will be the host this year. Lora also heard them discussing something about the son of the former alpha of the

" Black moon pack"

from the

" Eastern village."

Making an early appearance. Intrigued by the topic about the other villages. Lora leans in further to learn more, but her hand slip and she fell right Into the middle of the submit that surprises everyone.

Lora getting up from the pain realizes what she have gotten herself into by interrupting a special meeting. She quickly tries to come up with an excuse to leave.

" This isn't the bathroom, my bad. I will leave so don't mind me."

Lora cluckles while specking before taking her leave. But was stop by one of the elder who release a power beastly growl that send out a wave of strange energy. Stopping Lora in her tracks as it felt like her entire body have been paralyzed out of fear.

" Human girl, please stay, it save yours father the trouble for explaining it himself," said the elder in a condescending manner.

The elder giving off a very intense stare at Lora as he continue to say that what goes next is especially for Lora. Lora is having a bad feeling about this.

Special guests

Walking along the grassy ground of the village, under the luminous rays of the full moon, daughter and father console with each other about what happen at the submit meeting with the village elders.

Both of them are having they own feeling on the matter. But the one who is piss off the most about it is Lora.

With an upset and grumpy face, she walks miserable ahead of her father who is trying to comfort her.

" 17 years, I have being living in this village for 17 years and those old fart head still treats me like I am some kind of bad omen," she complain.

Angrily kicking up some dirt as she walks.

" You know, it is your own fault for interrupting an important meeting like that," said father

" That's not what I am angry about, it the stupid order they gave you."

Lora mind flashes back to the conversation with the elder after she accidentally interrupted them. The elders explained that the son of the former alpha of the black moon pack from the eastern village along with the granddaughter of an elder from the same village will be coming over to stay at the chief's house, aka father's house.

Father being both the chief of the village as well as the alpha of the northern village pack the silver lotus.

Side note * The position of chief and alpha are two different position. The chief is the one in charge of village affair such as law, housing, the expansion of the village, farm land and even trades.

The alpha is in charge of military affair such as defense, hunting for food and other resources and even training of other wolves to become warrior and hunter. Normally one person would fill the role of each but because of certain issue, father ended up filling the role of both positions. *

Back to Lora, she is upset that she is being force out of her own home because of the hatred wolves have toward human. The elders do not want Lora anywhere near the two special guest.

Especially since the child of an alpha, chief and even an elder are all treated like royalty in any village they enter. So they don't want Lora to cause any issue that will ruin the good reputation of the northern village.

Lora's father doesn't want his own daughter to be force away from home because of something like that. But even if he is the chief and the alpha, the elders have the final say in any matter involving the village and the people.

Father explain to Lora that it won't be for long, just until the " Great hunt " begin.

The great hunt is a special and very important event that is held once every five years. It is when all packs representing each villages, the northern village, western village and the eastern village compete in a great hunt inside the " Forbidden land "

The forbidden land is very mysterious and supernatural place that is fill with strange but dangerous creatures. But it is also a place that is fill with all kind of resources such as mining stone use to make weapons and can also be use for currency.

As well as herds and different plants that are use for medicines.

At this point Lora isn't to bother about everyone dislike towards her. Lora have learned about the conflict between wolves of the island and humans invaders that resulted in a great war 20 years ago that destroy the southern part of the land, Including the southern village located there.

Many wolves have lost their lives and since then they grow to hate humans.

But that isn't what have been bothering Lora, the thing she is concerned about is her father reputation after taking her, a human into his home, into the village and rising her like his own.

She is grateful for his kindness. No one knew what happened to Lora's parents after she was found washs up on the shores of the island when she was baby. If it wasn't for her father kindness, she would have probably been died.

But Lora can't help but to feel sadden by the talks behind her father's back from the villagers about his action. It is the same reason why she didn't want to greet him in public after he came back.

" Why did you bother caring for someone like me?" the golden girl asked her father who is still walking some distance behind her. Lora's back still turn towards him when asking in a serious tone.

 Father feeling the girl anxiety and worries put his massive tight palm on her head.

" Do you think that you are causing me trouble being my daughter?"

Lora stay silent, slowly turning around to look her father I his big silver color eyes. The warm of his smile and hand laying on her head. She always love this feeling. With a warmth smile. Father gave Lora his words.

" Lora, I have told you this many time already, I will never regret my choice of taking you in. You are my strong, proud and beautiful daughter no matter what others say. "

Seeing that Lora is feeling better. The two quickly when home. To the chief's house located on the top of the highest plane of that overlook the entire village.

It is a massive two stories house that only the chief of each of the villages process.

Inside father's wife, Lulu. A tall and beautiful woman with silver hair who act as Lora's mother figure. Have just finished setting up the dinner table along with Luka. Who welcome them both home warmly.

Lulu gave Lora a slight scolding for sneaking to the submit again. Accepting her mistake Lora sits around to table with the only people in the village who doesn't talking bad about her because she is a human.

The next morning, Lora packing up a few things such as clothes and her hunting weapon and tools quickly leaves the house before the special guests arrive.

She is planning to stay at a friends house until the day of the great hunt. Luka wanted to go with Lora, but mother stop him. Being the son of the chief it is only right for Luka to stay behind and greet the guests.

Lora quickly leaves the house, while going down the road leading away from the house. A very stylish carriage passes by her, accompany by a group for at least 8 - 12 warriors.

Lora can tell from their black hair, dark color skin and black eyes, they are the black moon pack from the eastern village. Inside the carriage are the two special guests.

A teenage boy with long and smooth looking black hair tied in a dreadlocks, he has black color eye and dark skin. He is the son of the former alpha of the eastern village as well as the new alpha of the black moon pack. His name is Ottar.

He excitingly looks out the window and amazed by the beauty of the northern village.

" This place is amazing, far bigger and more populated than the eastern village."

The boy can't stop his exciting being that it is his first time entering another village. The young girl around the same age as him who also have black but shorter hair, black eyes with dark skin.

Her name is Aisha and she is the granddaughter of an elder of the eastern village. With an upset look she kicks the shin of Ottar's leg causing the poor boy to yell in pain.

" What was that for Aisha?" holding his left leg in pain.

Aisha in a bad mood replied.

" You jerk, you are more excited to be in another village than to appreciate the new dress that I am wearing."

Aisha dress was quite beautiful and it is the lastest trend in the eastern village as of late.

" I know, but I have been training my whole life for this day. The day I was selected to become the new alpha is the day my destiny have been decided. This time for sure, the black moon will be victorious in the great hunt."

Ottar gripping his fists spoke with confident and passion. One of the pack members on the outside inform the two that they are approaching the chief's house shortly.

" Speaking of the chief, did you hear that he had adopted a human."

Aisha brings up the topic with a bit of a disgust look in her eyes.

" Yea, I heard that too, I am quite interested in meeting this...human," Ottar voice his desire.

Aisha with stern look ask her friend why would he want to meet such a disgusting thing. Doesn't he know of the war the humans cause on the island 20 years ago? They are nothing but greedy and vile creatures.

Aisha quote.

Ottar still with his calm demeanor.

" Even so, I still want to meet... this human."

" I wants to know if the rumors surrounding them are as bad as people say they are."

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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