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Streams Of Love; Haimatolab


*someone is reading*
Mr. Yoo
Mr. Yoo
*having trouble breathing* I-It hurts me...
Mr. Kim
Mr. Kim
*crying while smiling* You wanted to destroy all the things that I treasure?
Mr. Yoo
Mr. Yoo
Mr. Kim
Mr. Kim
(Was it me? Hahaha) Just how much do you hate me for you to go against your morals?!
Mr. Yoo
Mr. Yoo
*looking at him with pleading eyes* STOP! PLEASE STAY! DON'T DIE!
Mr. Kim
Mr. Kim
*twist the dagger that he stabbed himself with in his stomach* You call this a mortal sin, Yeah? Don't hate me too much...
Mr. Yoo
Mr. Yoo
*crying heavily as he tries to free himself from the restraint of the chains with thorns that continuously stabbed his flesh*
Mr. Yoo
Mr. Yoo
*fighting the urge of losing consciousness* *slowly becoming weak* Yet you're taking pleasure in seeing me powerless to save you... (Why won't you let me save you?)
Mr. Kim
Mr. Kim
*coughing blood* (It never crossed your mind, did it?) How far I could go and how low I could be- (to protect you...)
Mr. Yoo
Mr. Yoo
(I'm the one who's supposed to die) Stop taking responsibilities that suffocate you, please...
Mr. Kim
Mr. Kim
(I'm indeed unaware of how my actions right now will affect you-) I made the right decision *looking at him like a kid wanting to be praised*
Mr. Yoo
Mr. Yoo
NO WAKE UP!!! I- *all his energy had been drained by the electric collar on his neck*
Mr. Kim
Mr. Kim
*lying on his own pool of blood*
Mr. Yoo
Mr. Yoo
*his bracelet that is connected to the chip in Mr. Kim's heart shows no sign of life* (Kim-) you promised to return to your family in one piece... *he saw his comrades body with no movements*
*hit him at the back of his neck*
Mr. Yoo
Mr. Yoo
*lose consciousness in an instant*
Someone knocked on the door
Knock, knock my princess, are you there?
I'm just reminding you that if you don't hurry up, you'll be late for school....

Ep 1

Luisa Quill
Luisa Quill
*Closes and hides the book* I'm almost done dad, don't enter...
Luis Quill
Luis Quill
*chuckles* I will if you still don't go down to have breakfast.
Luisa Quill
Luisa Quill
Gosh, how could I forget what day it is today!
Luisa Quill
Luisa Quill
Still, I don't have the energy even though today is a special day *groan*
Luisa Quill
Luisa Quill
*finished preparing and about to go downstairs*
* stealthily go to Luisa's front door*
Luisa Quill
Luisa Quill
*opens the door*
Maurice Quill
Maurice Quill
Luisa Quill
Luisa Quill
Maurice Quill
Maurice Quill
It's big sis, you shorty. And my name is not Mary it's Maurice, Maurice! M-A-U-R-I-C-E!
Luisa Quill
Luisa Quill
You were about to end my life right there *go downstairs together*
Maurice Quill
Maurice Quill
Well, you sound like you're dying with all the cries since last night. Remind you that the wall is thin, so what happened?
Luisa Quill
Luisa Quill
Don't you dare go to my room...
Maurice Quill
Maurice Quill
ahh! so it's that day of the month
Luisa Quill
Luisa Quill
What do you mean *felt offended for no reason*
Maurice Quill
Maurice Quill
Well you only keep reading the things that break your heart whenever you have- *got her word cut*
Luisa Quill
Luisa Quill
*Shouts as she enters the kitchen* Momma, it smells amazing!
Melissa Quill
Melissa Quill
Now, now behave yourself. I heard everything, young ladies. *Gives Luisa a hot chocolate and Maurice a milk* go drink something hot before taking a bath then come have breakfast
After Breakfast
Maurice Quill
Maurice Quill
Luis Jr. We're going to be late!
Luis Quill
Luis Quill
*almost choked on his food* hahahahaha.
Melissa Quill
Melissa Quill
This man *looking at Luis worriedly* you almost hit your mug full of hot coffee!
Luis Quill
Luis Quill
Sorry, sorry hahahaha. She's taking care of your bike's flat tire at the back door.
Luisa Quill
Luisa Quill
It's done, let's go.
Maurice Quill
Maurice Quill
Maybe you should consider having bangs...*intently looking at her forehead*
Luisa Quill
Luisa Quill
i won't give you a new way to bully me Ms. Color Blind. (She just can't be straight forward) *smiles*
Maurice Quill
Maurice Quill
You-, eyy what's with that smile? You remembered something hmm?

Ep 2

At school
*The teacher is talking*
Hello class, your homeroom teacher just resigned yesterday... I will be your temporary teacher until further notice.
the room became noisy
Patricia McArthur
Patricia McArthur
Please be quiet for a moment and if you're going to talk, talk in a moderate voice, yes? My name is Patricia McArthur, and the subject I'm in charge of is Philosophy.
Luisa Quill
Luisa Quill
*listens to the teacher but is looking outside the window*
Patricia McArthur
Patricia McArthur
*Noticed Luisa* Let us begin with the basics... What is Philosophy?
*look at Luisa* same habit *murmurs*
Luisa Quill
Luisa Quill
*talks to her self in her mind* Basics she said? Then she should have started asking the root word of philosophy and its meaning.
Patricia McArthur
Patricia McArthur
*accidentally drop her sight at Luisa writing her thoughts* (didn't they say she has amnesia? How come she's still as intelligent as before?)
(somehow I don't feel good about this tempo teacher)
Luisa Quill
Luisa Quill
(speaking of philosophy, I know the new semester just got started but I already wanna study about the Human Person as Oriented Towards Death already)
The lesson continues
Patricia McArthur
Patricia McArthur
...for your assignment, I would like all of you to review our lesson for today as we will be having a short quiz next meeting.
Patricia McArthur
Patricia McArthur
That's it for today. Goodbye class
Everyone bid the teacher goodbye
(The teacher acts professionally but her words sometimes don't align with her persona...maybe it's just me being paranoid since she keeps staring at Isa (Luisa) that's why I was observant of her)
Luisa Quill
Luisa Quill
I didn't know I had a competent classmate... Who was he again? Agghh, to think I'd forgotten someone like that so easily.
Maurice Quill
Maurice Quill
Luisa Quill
Luisa Quill
W-what?! (Mau?!) *runs fast*
Luisa Quill
Luisa Quill
(what is happening?! the sound seems to have come from that dark alley... Barely a few students go there... Please let her be safe-) *bumps into something*
Well hello there? How lucky to have encountered you here Vilma. *Grabs Luisa's arms*
Luisa Quill
Luisa Quill
Ack *struggles on the guys tight grip* (who is this guy) got out of my way!

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