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Dream (Ambition)



                    “If a person acts kind and good to everyone, then do you really think that person is kind?”

It is the new year. It is Tara’s first day of high school. She woke up and started getting ready for the new year of her life.

“Will life be good this year?” Tara said.

As she said this, she felt like she was missing something or she was forgetting something. She tried to remember it, but the only thing she remembered was that it was related to her dream.

“My first dream came true when I was around 9 years old. I was shocked at first; I thought it was some kind of coincidence, but then I observed, and it was like my dreams became reality, but not the ones I wanted. The dreams that came true just appeared randomly,” Tara reflected.

As Tara reached her new school, she found out that her middle school friend (Lily) was also there. She was so glad to be reunited with her. They entered the classroom, and a little later, a guy named (Kim Oh Jun) entered the class. Lily got shocked after seeing him.

Upon seeing him, Tara remembered that he was the one she saw in her dream. She could not seem to remember the dream, but the only thing she remembered was him. He also seemed shocked for some reason.

The bell rang, and the teacher came into the class.

It was the custom of the school that as the new year starts, they held a festival for students, but it was canceled due to a reason.

“You must all know by now about what happened. So due to the students’ safety, the principal has canceled the festival of this year,” Teacher Park said.

The teacher asked the students to introduce themselves.

After everyone introduced themselves, the teacher wanted candidates for class president and vice president.

Only Tara and Lily raised their hands, so they were elected as the class president and vice president.

Upon hearing this, Oh Jun said,

“So your name is Tara now…”

The bell rang, and the lectures finished, and it was time to go home. Lily and Tara were going to the arcade, but then Tara remembered something and said,

“I gotta go now.”

Lily did not want to go alone because recently many people were being murdered, and that was the reason why the festival got canceled. But Tara still went alone. As she was going, she saw Oh Jun talking to some weird people. She stopped to see if it was related to her dream or not, or maybe she remembered something about her dream.

But unfortunately, she did not remember anything, so she started going on her way. After Tara left, Oh Jun looked at Tara’s back and said,

*     “We meet again. I hope you have been fine.You have changed a lot.  Will I be able to help this time or not?"*”*



**                                                  Chapter 2: “THE DAYS OF ANOTHER LIFE”**

    “Are you really happy or are you just smiling?”

Tsk, tsk, voices of things falling down. A girl was running to find someone. As she went, she saw someone fully covered in blood, and she could barely see his face. The girl ran to help him, and as she got closer, she remembered that it was her friend. She said,

“Lee Sung, what happened? Are you okay?”

The boy whispered something in terror. After hearing this, the girl got shocked, and then:

Blood splattered on her face, and…

“No!” Tara shouted.

Tara’s mother rushed into her room and saw that Tara was completely covered in sweat, and she was in extreme terror. Tara kept saying something in a low voice. Tara’s mother asked her multiple times, but she didn’t reply. Then, suddenly, she asked her mother.

“Mother, who… who is Lee Sung?”

Her mother was shocked and said,

“What are you talking about? Did you have a bad dream?”

Tara said,

“Will he die?”

Tara’s mother asked,


Tara’s mother went to Tara and shook her vigorously. After a while, Tara finally came to her senses.

After that, Tara went to her school. While walking, she wondered that this was the first time that she had an intensive dream like this.

“I don’t want this dream to come true,” Tara said.

“Lee Sung, I should find someone with the name Lee Sung, but I can’t. I really wish I could save him,” Tara

Suddenly, Tara heard Lily’s voice. She wasn’t feeling well, so she couldn’t find her. She went on her own way. She felt like it hurt her so much, and she was so confused because no other dream had hurt her like this. While thinking of all these questions, someone shouted


Tara turned and didn’t see anyone familiar. Then a guy came forward and said,

“How are you?”

Tara got shocked, and she couldn’t seem to remember him, so she asked,

“Who are you?”

The guy replied,

“You don’t remember me? It’s me, Ara.”

Tara shouted and slapped him hard on his head. He smiled and said,

“So you do remember me.”

Tara replied,

“Don’t call me that.”

Tara told him about her dream and mentioned Lee Sung. After hearing Lee Sung’s name, he got shocked and laughed, then said,

“Chill, you know not all of your dreams come true, remember.”

Tara felt a little bit relaxed yet worried at the same time.

After that, she entered the school. She always comes a little earlier than others in the school. She was feeling well because of the dream, so she went to the restroom to wake herself up. Tara entered the restroom and started looking in the mirror. As she looked in the mirror, she saw that something was on the floor. She went to pick it up and saw there was someone in one of the restrooms, and the door was open. So she went closer and

“Ah!” screams.

While screaming, she sat on the ground pushing herself back with the help of her hands, and she kept saying:

“Ah! It’s blood there. And I also have blood on my hands too.”

Said while looking at her hands and rubbing them so there will be no blood. She was imagining blood in her hands as she was scared of her dream. Then she saw blurry images of someone in blood. Then she started losing consciousness due to fear. As she was going to faint, she saw that some people were coming toward her, and she kept saying the same thing before she fainted.


                                                                  Chapter 3: "Reality"

                    "I don't understand. Why are we all still stuck in the past when we are in the future?

"Why are you crying? What happened, Nara?" a boy asked the girl named Nara.

Nara looked at the boy and started crying louder than before, saying,

"It was him, not me. Then why do they believe him but not me?"

The boy reassured her that everything would be okay. No matter what everyone says, he will always be with her and believe in her. After hearing this, the girl smiled and thanked him for believing in her.

"But is he really good?" someone asked Nara.

Afterward, noises of people started to come, and Tara opened her eyes slowly. Everyone seemed so worried about her. Suddenly, the guy (Dong Man) Tara had met in front of the school entered the nurse's room in a hurry and ran towards Tara.

"Are you okay? Are you an idiot? You really can't take care of yourself," Dong Man exclaimed, hugging her.

Tara told him to calm down because she was fine. But he kept saying, "You can't take care of yourself."

 After that, Tara's head hurt, and she asked Dong Man,

"What happened to that girl?"

"The girl I saw in the restroom. Who was dead?"

"What are you talking about? Have you gone mad? You are taking your dream way too seriously," Dong Man replied.

"No. I clearly saw it was a girl," Tara insisted.

"Doctor! Please check her again; she is not well," Dong Man called out.

Tara immediately hopped off the bed and ran towards the restroom. Everyone was in utter shock at what she was saying. Dong Man went after Tara. When Tara reached the restroom, she saw that there was nothing.

"Was I really imagining all of this?" Tara said.

"Look, there's nothing. You were just tired. Let's go," Dong Man said and took her back to the infirmary.

Everyone ignored her saying someone was dead, and Tara laid down to rest. Then Lily went to Dong Man and said, "Was what she said true?"

Dong Man looked at Lily and asked,

"Who are you?"

"Huh? Who are you?" Lily remembered a child saying it and started laughing.

"Why are you laughing? Can you not see that Tara is trying to sleep?" Dong Man said.

"Oh! Sorry. Hi! I am Lily, Tara's middle school friend," Lily introduced herself.

"Okay," Dong Man replied.

"Just okay?" Lily said in an angry tone.

"What?" Dong Man said with a confused face.

"You did not answer my question," Lily said in anger.

"What question?" Dong Man asked.

"Huh?" Lily said in a sarcastic tone and in anger.

"The question in which I asked if what she said was true," Lily clarified.

"If she is your friend, she will tell you," Dong Man answered.

"What do you mean by 'if'?" Lily asked.

"If means if," Dong Man replied.

"Ah!" Lily screamed a little in anger and went outside.

As Lily went outside, she said,

"So it's begun" in a sarcastic tone.

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