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Choi Y/N:

Age: 28

Occupation: Author, Screenplay Writer

Personality: Dedicated, independent, finds comfort in familiar relationships (especially with Chanyeol), introverted but expressive through writing, witty and insightful.

Physical Appearance: (Customize as desired cuz it's basically you. You're the main character.)

Strengths: Determined, creative, intelligent, loyal, good listener.

Weaknesses: Can be overly self-critical, struggles with expressing emotions verbally, prone to overthinking.

Park Chanyeol: a low profile chaebol family member

Age: 29

Occupation: Model and Actor (didn't reveals his true identity to the media)

Personality: Sweet, kind, gentlemanly, great sense of humor, supportive, loyal, initially introverted but has grown more outgoing (Golden Retriever personality).

Physical Appearance: Tall, handsome, great physique

Strengths: Reliable, dependable, optimistic, protective, encouraging.

Weaknesses: Can be overly trusting, sometimes indecisive, struggles with expressing his deeper emotions.

Kim Yinji:

Age: 26

Occupation: CEO and founder of the company Euphoria, Professional art critic, Art Collector, Gallerist.

Personality: Elegant, fearless, outgoing, with a bold personality, passionate about art, natural-born leader, possesses a sharp wit and sense of humor.

Physical Appearance: ??? (You guys decided I added this character because I wanted someone who can force the direction of the story without the main character getting hate so blame all the things on her as she is me who will be poking in others business to make the story progress)

Strengths: Confident, decisive, adventurous, enthusiastic, great at connecting with people, supportive.

Weaknesses: Can be impulsive, sometimes overbearing, can be overly critical in pursuit of perfection.

V (a mystery)

Age: Unknown

Occupation: Mysterious

Anonymous Artist

Personality: Enigmatic, introspective, passionate about art and emotional expression, possibly carries a hidden vulnerability (based on his melancholic art).

Physical Appearance: Unknown (remains a mystery)

Little note about him: Exceptionally talented artist, possesses a deep understanding of human emotions, conveys powerful narratives through his art.

Kim Seok Jin:

Age: 27

Profession: Cafe owner and barista (handsome, kind, charismatic) a secret chaebol only Chanyeol and y/n knows

Personality: Openly gay, confident, tends towards narcissism, ultimately kind-hearted

Appearance: just one word Handsome

Strengths: Charismatic, entrepreneurial, supportive of his friends

Weaknesses: Self-absorbed tendencies, prone to dad jokes (can be endearing or annoying depending on the situation)

NOTE: Favored cafe owner and friend of chanyeol and y/n.

Kim Nam Joon:

Age: 28

Profession: rich, successful philosophy professor (calm, mature, responsible)

Personality: Intellectual, thoughtful, calm demeanor, possibly bisexual (undisclosed initially)

Appearance: well you guys all know he's just daddy material

Strengths: Intelligent, insightful, good listener, responsible

Weaknesses: Can be overly analytical, struggles to express emotions openly

Choi Seung-cheol (Y/N's brother): one of the most youngest successful chaebol

Age: 2 years older than Y/N (adjustable based on your story)

Profession: Businessman, heir apparent to their family's business(Choi's electronics)

Personality: Responsible, hardworking, gentlemanly, protective of Y/N

Appearance: another daddy material, an alpha (we all know)

Strengths: Determined, reliable, supportive of his family

Weaknesses: Can be overly critical of himself and others, might struggle to express emotions freely

Relationship with Y/N: Close sibling bond, understands her artistic aspirations to a certain degree, offers support and guidance, helps keep y/n maintain a low profile and away from the business matter to focus on herself.

The other characters will be revealed later as the story progresses... Stay tuned

Embracing A New Beginning


The steam from my coffee danced a silent jig, mimicking the nervous flutter in my stomach. Chanyeol sat across from me, the morning sunlight catching the flecks of gold in his brown eyes. We were just two friends, right? Sharing coffee, commiserating about life, the way we had for the past five years. But today, something felt different.

The air crackled with unspoken tension, a stark contrast to the comfortable silence that usually filled these mornings. It had been a long, arduous journey to get here.

His voice, hesitant and soft, broke the silence. "So," he began, "this is...different."

I met his gaze, a playful smile tugging at my lips. "Different how?"

He leaned closer, his voice dropping to a husky whisper that sent shivers down my spine. "It used to be, Two friends sharing coffee and commiserating about the world."

My heart skipped a beat. Memories flooded my mind - stolen glances in crowded hallways, whispered secrets under the cloak of night, the lingering warmth of his hand brushing against mine during moments of shared grief.

Taking a deep breath, I reached across the table, my fingers brushing against his. The contact sent a jolt through me, a silent confirmation of the unspoken feelings that had simmered beneath the surface for so long.

"Maybe we've changed, this has changed but ..... it's a good change," I whispered, my voice barely a breath.

A slow smile spread across Chanyeol's face, his eyes mirroring the hope blossoming in my own. "Then," he said, his voice thick with emotion, "let's embrace it."

As our fingers intertwined, a bittersweet feeling washed over me. The past, with its joys and sorrows, would always be a part of us. But the future, once shrouded in uncertainty, now held the possibility of love, laughter, and shared dreams. And as we stepped into this uncharted territory together, hand in hand, I carried the lessons learned, the memories cherished, and the unwavering bond forged in the fires of loss and friendship. This was a new beginning, a chance to write a new chapter in our story, and I couldn't wait to see where it led.


The chime of the cafe door pulled me from my thoughts as Jin, our ever-observant barista and friend, sauntered over with a mischievous glint in his eyes. Balancing a plate piled high with our favorite pastries on his fingertips, he placed it on the table with a flourish.

"Well, well, well," he drawled, his voice dripping with amusement. "Look who finally decided to join the twenty-first century! Took you long enough, Chanyeol."

Chanyeol chuckled, his cheeks flushing a light pink. "Hey, don't blame me. Blame Y/N for taking forever to come around."

I playfully nudged him, a secret smile playing on my lips. "Says the one who was too scared to make a move."

Jin's grin widened, his gaze flickering between us.

"Speaking of making moves," Chanyeol said, his voice teasing, "Btw Y/N have you seen the new regular of Jin's cafe the young professor, he seems to have a lot of time in his hand for a busy person like him to come to an almost 30 minutes far cafe from his university, don't you think Jin? Care to spill some tea?"

Heat flooded to Jin's cheeks as Chanyeol words hit their mark. I stole a glance at Jin, who sputtered, his face turning the same shade as the cherry on top of our pastry.

"Nonsense!" he protested, his voice flustered. "Professor Namjoon is simply a valued regular customer who appreciates my impeccable coffee-making skills."

Chanyeol and I exchanged knowing glances, barely stifling our laughter. "Sure, Jin," I said, my voice laced with mock seriousness. "And I'm sure you appreciate his extensive lectures on the philosophical implications of latte art."

Jin crossed his arms, a playful pout forming on his lips. "Alright, alright," he conceded. "Maybe there's something there. But don't think this means I'm giving up on my dream of opening a chain of cat cafes across the country."

We all erupted in laughter, the tension dissolving into the comfortable camaraderie we shared. As we savored our coffee and pastries, a sense of ease settled over me. The weight of the past seemed lighter, replaced by the warmth of friendship and the tentative flicker of something new blossoming between Chanyeol and me.

The afternoon turned into evening, as Chanyeol drove me back home, the street lamps casting a warm glow on the road, a comfortable silence settled between us. He stopped the car in front of my apartment, turning to face me, his eyes searching mine.

"Thanks, Y/N," he said softly, his voice laced with sincerity. "For taking a chance."

My heart swelled with a warmth that chased away the lingering shadows of the past. "Me too, Chanyeol," I whispered, meeting his gaze. "Me too."

In the quiet of the night, under the watchful gaze of the stars, we said our goodbyes.

The unspoken words hanging heavy in the air. The future stretched before us, an open book waiting to be written, and I, for the first time in a long time, felt a flicker of hope ignite within me. We were ready to face it together, one chapter at a time.

Curled beneath the covers, I stared at the ceiling, the events of the day replaying in my mind like a bittersweet movie reel. The warmth of Chanyeol's hand intertwined with mine, the shared laughter with Jin, the unspoken promise hanging in the air - it all painted a picture of a future filled with possibility.

...Yet, a nagging emptiness gnawed at the edges of my happiness. It wasn't a void of doubt about Chanyeol, not entirely. He was kind, dependable, and the comfort he offered was like a warm embrace after years of emotional turmoil....

But somewhere, deep within the recesses of my heart, a faint echo of "what if" lingered. What if he were still here? What if the future we once envisioned together had a chance to blossom?

The guilt washed over me like a tidal wave, threatening to drown out the burgeoning hope for Chanyeol.

Was it okay to embrace this new beginning when a part of me still ached for what could have been?

Tears welled up in my eyes, blurring the image of the ceiling. The weight of the past, the unresolved emotions, and the uncertainty of the future pressed down on me, suffocating.

Taking a deep, shuddering breath, I forced myself to sit up. I wouldn't let the past control my present. He would want me to be happy, to find love and laughter again. He wouldn't want me to be trapped in the prison of grief.

With a newfound resolve, I wiped away the tears. Chanyeol deserved a chance, and so did I. We were writing a new chapter in our story, one that wouldn't erase the past but would build upon it, honoring the memories while embracing the possibilities that lay ahead.

Turning off the bedside lamp, I closed my eyes, the image of Chanyeol's smile replacing the teardrops in my mind. The future might be uncertain, but I was ready to face it, hand in hand with him, carrying the lessons learned and the love cherished, one step at a time.

A Serendipitous Encounter

(Y/N's POV)

The late evening starlight streamed through the window, casting cold but elegant squares onto the floor of my apartment. A comfortable silence filled the air as I sat curled up on the couch, lost in thought about how far I had come with Chanyeol through all the struggles he had never left my side and had always been my safe zone.

And now our relationship is taking a new turn, each sharing a moment, a testament, to the growing bond between us.

Suddenly, my phone buzzed, the familiar ringtone jolting me from the present. A wide smile bloomed on my face as I saw Kim Yinji's name flashing on the screen. My best friend and Chanyeol's cousin, who resided abroad, was rarely in Korea, making her calls all the more cherished

"Hey, stranger!" I exclaimed, picking up the phone.

"Y/N! It's so good to hear from you," Kim Yinji's voice vibrated with warmth. "There's actually a reason I called. I'm in Seoul for a business trip right now."

Excitement surged through me. "No way! That's amazing. How long will you be here?"

"Just a week," Kim replied. "But I wanted to see you while I'm there. And...... You know what ...?"

She paused tantalizingly, leaving me hanging. A playful suspicion sparked within me.

"What?" I prompted, a hint of amusement in my voice.

"You remember my favorite mysterious artist, V right?!" she asked, her voice filled with excitement.

V, the anonymous artist whose work had captivated the art world, was a frequent topic of conversation between Kim and me. His paintings, imbued with a melancholic beauty, resonated deeply with both of us.

"Of course, he's your favorite artist!" I exclaimed. "His work is incredible."

"Well, guess what?" Yinji announced, barely able to contain her enthusiasm. "He's having an exhibition next week!"

"That's incredible, Yinji!"

I exclaimed.

A mischievous glint entered Kim Yinji's voice. "Well, and I was thinking..." she began, dragging out the sentence, "that maybe you and Chanyeol could go there as a date, I luckily have just two extra tickets for the exhibition."

My cheeks flushed a light pink. Chanyeol and I had been navigating the uncharted territory of our newfound feelings, and the idea of attending an art exhibition together felt like a thrilling step forward.

"You know about Chanyeol and me?" I stammered, a touch surprised.

Kim let out a hearty laugh. "Y/N, you practically glow whenever you talk about him. How could I miss it?" she teased. "Besides, wouldn't it be the perfect opportunity to have a date surrounded by just amazing mesmerizing art!?"

A smile tugged at my lips. Kim Yinji had a point. Attending the exhibition with Chanyeol could be a unique way to connect, to explore our feelings amidst the captivating world of V's art.

"Alright, I guess..." I conceded, a playful smile dancing on my lips. "We could use a date, Thanks Yinji."

"Great!" she declared, her voice filled with satisfaction. "And promise to tell me all about it afterwards. And let's go shopping to celebrate my return tomorrow, I would have come to your apartment right now if I could but I'm kinda busy with stuff right now."

"It's already late, and you just arrived don't you get jet lag." I asked jokingly.

"Nope, not even a little bit. I still have a long way to go before I start having jet lag, unlike elderly you...!" She teased me.

"Hey! You're just 2 years younger than me okay...! " I snorted.

Both of us burst out laughing, we always had this age mocking joke all the time.

"Kay! Kay! anyway back to our shopping plan I'll come early tomorrow morning and let's spend the whole day together we have a lot of catching up to do, your apartment passcode is still the same right."

"Yes it is, ok then let's have a blast tomorrow, can't wait gurl!!" I said beaming with excitement.

"Great! See you tomorrow then. I'm hanging up now, love ya gurl!"

"Bye!" I smiled hanging up the phone, a flutter of excitement filled my stomach. The prospect of seeing Kim Yinji, coupled with the prospect of spending time with Chanyeol, painted a picture of a week filled with promise and unexpected excitement. It seemed like fate was unfolding, weaving together the threads of friendship, art, and burgeoning love, creating a tapestry of experiences waiting to be unraveled.

Author's POV


As the call with Y/N ended, a mischievous grin spread across Kim Yinji's face. She glanced at Chanyeol, who was busying himself pretending to read a book on the couch all the while listening to Yinji and Y/n conversation.

"So," Kim Yinji began, her voice dripping with amusement, "did you hear that? Seems like you've got a date next week."

Chanyeol quickly stood up and placed the book back on the shelf his cheeks flushed a faint pink as he turned towards her, a playful smile tugging at his lips. "A date..." he repeated, feeling all bubblely.

"Don't play shy, cousin," Kim teased. "You gotta step up your game if you wanna impress my best friend Y/N and this art exhibition sounds like a perfect date plan to me."

Chanyeol's smile widened.

The prospect of spending time with Y/N, surrounded by art and conversation, sent a thrill through him. He'd been yearning for an opportunity to solidify their newly established relationship, and this seemed like the perfect chance.

"Well, then I'm glad I managed to snag those extra tickets," Kim Yinji said, holding up a pair of shimmering gold invitations. "Consider it a gift from your favorite cousin."

Chanyeol chuckled, his eyes sparkling with gratitude. "You're the best, Yinji. You know, you're not just my favorite cousin, you're kind of a cupid, too."

Kim winked playfully. "Just aiming my arrows at the right targets, Chanyeol. Now, you better impress her with everything you got. I expect a full report back after your 'art date.'"

Chanyeol, his heart brimming with excitement, nodded eagerly. The idea of exploring his feelings for Y/N amidst the captivating world of V's art felt like an exciting adventure, one he wouldn't trade for anything. As he held the invitation in his hand, a promise bloomed within him: to make this date an unforgettable experience for both him and Y/N.

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