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Super Gene


By a stony creek in a valley, a black-clad young man was holding a black beetle with a metallic sheen that looked like a cross between a crab and a Hercules beetle.

Holding a dagger in his other hand, the young man swiftly cut the still-struggling claws off the beetle, revealing white and tender meat.

Almost without hesitation, the young man sucked the meat out of the claws as if he were eating a crab, and swallowed it together with larger pieces of tougher meat.

"Black beetle killed. No beast soul gained. Eat the flesh of the black beetle to gain zero to ten geno points randomly."

"Black beetle flesh eaten. Zero geno points gained."

A strange voice sounded in Han Sen’s mind, and some data also appeared.

Han Sen: Not evolved.

Status: None.

Life span: 200 years.

Required for evolution: 100 geno points.

Geno points gained: 79.

Beast souls gained: none.

"I have received zero geno points from more than thirty black beetles in a row. I must have eaten too much black-beetle flesh to evolve from it further. Zero points! When will I ever finish the first evolution and gain status." Han Sen looked frustrated.

Over a hundred years ago, science and technology reached a very high level, and humans finally mastered space teleportation technology. Shockingly, when they tried to be teleported, they found that they were neither sent back to the past nor teleported to the future. They didn’t even travel from one planet to another. A completely different world lay at the other end of the space teleport channel.

A world that human beings could not have imagined. In this world, all scientific and technological means lost their function: a machine gun in this world was not even as useful as a steel knife. Missiles and nuclear weapons would not explode, same as a heap of scrap iron. No mechanical or electronic equipment would work either.

All kinds of horrible creatures inhabited this world. Human beings, who used to stand on top of the food chain because of their wisdom and technology fell to the bottom.

But when people killed certain relatively weak creatures and ate their flesh, they were surprised to find that their own bodies changed considerably and evolved quickly in ways that science could not explain.

What made people pleasantly surprised was that in this world, with the evolution of the body, their lifespans also increased, which was amazing news to all mankind.

In the following century, more and more people entered this world called "God’s Sanctuary," gradually became familiar with the rules of this world, hunted its creatures, and saw their own bodies evolve. The higher the degree of physical evolution, the longer the life. Theoretically, if you could continue evolving, it could be possible to live forever.

In this world, science and technology became completely useless. The only things that could help humans were the most primitive fighting skills. Ancient martial arts, which were almost forgotten in modern society, had an unexpected effect here.

All kinds of ancient martial arts had been re-developed, and after more than 100 years of development, new martial arts schools were formed and became prominent.

In addition to ancient martial arts, God’s Sanctuary offered another tool to enhance humans, the beast soul.

When killing a creature in God’s Sanctuary, a person had a chance to obtain the beast soul of the creature. Beast souls had all kinds of forms and appearances. Some could be summoned to fight for men, and some appeared in the form of armor or weapon.

In addition, some beast souls could even help humans transform so they could take the shape of terrifying monsters, magical birds flying between heaven and earth, or insects drilling underground.

Neither martial arts nor beast souls had anything to do with Han Sen.

Even in modern society, advanced science and technology were in the hands of just a few people.

Han Sen completed integrated compulsory education and entered God’s Sanctuary when he turned 16. What he had learned from school was no more than the beginning level new martial arts that everyone knew.

As for beast souls, they were so expensive that Han Sen couldn’t afford even the cheapest.

Without martial arts and beast souls, or even advanced man-made alloy weapons, Han Sen was only able to kill some low-level creatures to eat their flesh and evolve, and he was having a difficult time in God’s Sanctuary.

But the more meat of low-level creatures he ate, the less effect of evolution he gained. Three months in God’s Sanctuary and he still could not complete a physical evolution.

Han Sen had tried to kill some of the more powerful creatures, but even the weakest primitive creature, the copper-toothed beast, almost took his life. He had to rest for nearly a month before returning to God’s Sanctuary.

By this time Han Sen had eaten all kinds of ordinary creatures around him, and it wouldn’t help to eat their flesh any more. If he didn’t risk hunting more advanced creatures, he would never evolve.

When he was about to try to kill a copper-toothed beast, Han Sen saw something climbing out from the ripples of the creek.

He originally thought it was a black beetle, but immediately noticed something different: all black beetles had black shells, but a bright golden color caught his eye.

Han Sen gazed at the creature climbing out of the water. It really was a black beetle, but different from the ordinary ones because of its golden body as big as a basketball. It was like a sculpture carved from gold, and its eyes were crystal clear, like gems. It did not even look like a living thing unless observed carefully.

"Why is this black beetle so strange?" Han Sen stared at the golden black beetle. magic

Recently he had killed countless black beetles and knew everything about them. Their vision was poor, but their hearing was very sensitive. As long as he remained still, even in close proximity, a black beetle would not notice his presence.

Han Sen stared at the strange beetle, and unexpectedly, it climbed toward him.

Without hesitation, when the golden black beetle crawled next to Han Sen, he held down the golden black beetle’s shell with one hand and swiftly cut into its fragile joints with the dagger in his other hand. He made six clean cuts vertically and horizontally to remove all six claws of the beetle.

The golden black beetle struggled and flipped over. Taking this opportunity, Han Sen pierced his dagger into a white mark on its belly and turned it sharply. The golden black beetle suddenly stopped moving.

"Sacred-blood creature black beetle killed. Beast soul of sacred-blood black beetle gained. Eat the flesh of sacred-blood black beetle to gain 0 to 10 geno points randomly."


Han Sen was stunned by the sudden voice in his head, and he could hardly believe it was true. Sacred-blood creature and sacred-blood beast soul: were those even real?

The creatures of God’s Sanctuary were divided into four parts: ordinary creatures, primitive creatures, mutant creatures and sacred-blood creatures. Different geno points could be gained by eating flesh of creatures of different types.

At that time, there were four God’s Sanctuary phases known to men. With each physical evolution completed, access to the next space would be permitted. The more powerful the geno points used in evolution, the higher the likelihood of surviving in the next space.

Sacred-blood beast souls were without any doubt the best beast souls. Any sacred-blood beast soul could be sold at an enormous price.

When Han Sen finally realized what had really happened, he was almost trembling. Holding the dagger to pick open the shell of the black beetle, he filled his mouth with meat as tender as jelly.

"Flesh of black beetle eaten. One sacred geno point gained."

Feeling the flesh turn to energy and hearing the voice in his mind almost brought Han Sen to tears.

He grabbed a claw and sucked out all meat from it, feeling waves of energy hitting his body and boiling his blood.

There was not much difference between eating a sacred-blood black beetle and eating a crab. After sucking the meat clean from all six claws, Han Sen started to cut the meat inside the shell.

"Flesh of black beetle eaten. One sacred geno point gained."

"Flesh of black beetle eaten. One sacred geno point gained."

The strange voice continuously sounded in Han Sen’s mind and made him feel on top of the world.

As Han Sen was cutting away, he felt his dagger cut into something hard that made a sound like metal. Han Sen stopped.

Black beetles and crabs are alike: They looked tough, but inside their shells there would be nothing but boneless meat, so how could there be metal?

He removed the dagger, pulled aside the meat that had been cut, and saw a corner of black metal. Han Sen cut open all the meat surrounding it, and soon the black metal was completely exposed.

At first he thought it was metal, but taking it out, he discovered that it was a black crystal the size and shape of a pigeon egg.

Han Sen took the crystal in his hand and didn’t feel anything abnormal. The crystal was just like a beautiful, rounded black pebble.

But with a closer look, there seemed to be millions of stars shining in it, creating incredible beauty.

"Here is the easiest area in God’s Sanctuary," Han Sen thought. "Even primitive creatures are hard to find here, let alone sacred-blood creatures. How did this sacred-blood black beetle suddenly appear? And I’ve never heard of a sacred-blood black beetle before. Black beetles are such low life after all. And this sacred-blood black beetle is so outrageously weak. Is its appearance related to the crystal?"

There was no clue, so he simply ate all the rest of the black beetle meat and was stuffed. He gained a total of seven sacred geno points.

Seven sacred geno points were beyond his wildest dreams. With his background, he needed to risk everything even to kill a primitive creature, let alone a sacred-blood creature.

The shell of the sacred-blood black beetle was also precious material, so Han Sen picked up all the claws and stuffed them into his pocket, together with the upper and lower shells.

The shell of ordinary black beetles almost had no value, but the shell of a sacred-blood black beetle would probably make a soup that could give him one or two more sacred geno points.

It was the first time Han Sen had eaten a sacred-blood creature. Technically he could max out and get ten sacred geno points: he already had seven from the meat, and the other three should be in the shell.

If he were to sell the shell, he could probably afford a nice private aircraft in Levo Interstellar Alliance with the money he received.

On the way back to Steel Armor Castle, everyone was pointing at him, gloating and laughing, and no one would come near him.

Everyone in the Sanctuary was looking at him as if he were a monster.

Normally, when an ordinary person went to the Sanctuary, even if he were poor, if his martial skills were not too bad, he could always find some companions and kill a few primitive creatures together, and he would be nowhere near as miserable as Han Sen.

However, in the entire Steel Armor Castle, no one was willing or had the courage to have anything to do with Han Sen. magic

More than three months ago, Han Sen had entered God’s Sanctuary for the first time. The moment he stepped outside Steel Armor Shelter, he saw a giant white wolf unicorn standing with its back towards him around the corner of the rampart.

Without hesitation, Han Sen grabbed his dagger and fiercely stabbed the unicorn in the ass.

This stab turned Han Sen and Qin Xuan together into the biggest laughing stock in Steel Armor Shelter.

Yes, the white wolf unicorn was not a beast, but a human like Han Sen himself. She was just transforming using a beast soul.

Qin Xuan was also the most powerful woman in Steel Armor Shelter. She was likely to finish her first evolution with sacred geno points and embark on the path of evolution.

A new guy stabbing Qin Xuan’s rear end became the biggest joke in Steel Armor Shelter. Although no one dared to mention this to Qin Xuan’s face, secretly everyone was laughing their asses off.

And "Ass Freak" became Han Sen’s well-known nickname in Steel Armor Shelter.

Then Qin Xuan declared that whoever spent time with Han Sen would become her enemy. In Steel Armor Shelter, few people could afford to be Qin Xuan’s enemy. Even if they could afford it, no one would risk antagonizing Qin Xuan for the sake of a nobody and Ass Freak.

That was why Han Sen had such a difficult time, but he didn’t really blame Qin Xuan. It was his fault in the first place: He was too nervous the first time he came to God’s Sanctuary, plus he had never seen creatures in his previous world or transformers before, which all led to the unforgivable mistake.

Han Sen was already grateful that Qin Xuan did not kill him in anger.

The only lucky thing was that the teleportation into God’s Sanctuary was always random, and there were no familiar faces in Steel Armor Shelter, so no one knew his real name.


Han Sen returned to his room, made a fire, and started boiling the black beetle claws and shells in a pot. magic

Without tools and know-how, he could only use the most primitive methods to process the shells and extract the geno essence.

The shell of a sacred-blood creature would take more than an hour or two to cook, so Han Sen covered the lid and took out the black crystal to take a closer look.

Still, no clues whatsoever.

Suddenly, Han Sen caught a glimpse of the caged green-scaled beast the size of a civet cat in the corner of his room and suddenly had an idea.

Like black beetles, this green-scaled beast was an ordinary creature. Han Sen used to prey on them and bring them back to cook and eat to increase his geno points.

But later, green-scaled beasts no longer increased his geno points, so Han Sen didn’t eat the last beast and forgot about it. Surprisingly, it was still alive.

He grabbed the moribund green-scaled beast from the cage, hesitated for a moment and was about to feed the black crystal to the beast.

To his surprise, seeing the black crystal, the dying green-scaled beast gathered all its strength to stretch out its tongue, roll the black crystal back into its mouth and swallow the whole crystal.

"There is indeed something magical about the black crystal!" Han Sen was stunned and found that the green-scaled beast seemed considerably more lively after swallowing the crystal, its four claws scratching and head moving to bite Han Sen’s hand, which was on its neck.

Han Sen threw the green scaled beast back into the cage and carefully watched it. The beast, which hadn’t fed for days, completely recovered its vitality, thrashing and scratching wildly in the cage, just like it had when it was first caught.

Han Sen sat across from the cage and watched the movements of the green-scaled beast. He had a guess, and if he was right, he might have obtained something incredible—something more exciting than a sacred-blood creature.

But Han Sen was afraid he was wrong, so he could only stare at the green-scaled beast anxiously, hoping to see the change that he desired.

Han Sen nervously stared intently and did not realize that he was starving until he smelled bone broth from the pot.

Looking at the time, he noticed almost 24 hours had passed. Rising to check the black beetle shell in the pot, he saw the golden color of the shell had been boiled off and the broth had become golden. It smelled so good that the hungry young man’s mouth watered.

About to scoop up a bowl of soup, Han Sen suddenly heard iron breaking from the cage of the green-scaled beast. He quickly turned around and saw the green-scaled beast had bitten off an iron bar of the cage and stretched out his head from the inside.

Its light green scales had now completely turned a dark green color. Its teeth had become sharp and the tips of its four claws were like iron hooks. The beast was about to come out of the cage.

Han Sen was pleasantly surprised and pulled out the dagger from his waist. He rushed to the front of the cage and stabbed the dagger into the lower belly of the green-scaled beast. With a turn of the dagger, the green scaled beast stopped struggling.

"Primitive creature green-scaled beast killed. No beast soul gained. Eat the flesh of the primitive green-scaled beast to gain zero to ten points randomly."

The strange voice sounded in Han Sen’s mind and left him stunned.

"Primitive green-scaled beast ... Primitive creature ... So the crystal can really make these creatures evolve ... " Han Sen was overwhelmed with joy and did not know how to react.

After a long time, he suddenly cut open the green-scaled beast with the dagger and uncovered the crystal as big as a pigeon egg. Taking no heed of the blood on it, he kissed the crystal twice and then wiped it clean, holding it in his hands like it was a great treasure.

"The crystal was really the reason the black beetle became a sacred-blood creature ... If the green-scaled beast had continued to evolve, could it have become a sacred blood creature too? " Han Sen almost dared not think about it, because it was just too amazing.

He was so excited that his hands were trembling while holding the crystal. He bit his tongue and cried out of pain so as to know that it really was not a dream.

After remaining excited for quite a while, Han Sen carefully put the crystal away, gobbled up the shell broth, and gained another sacred geno point, bringing his geno point count to eight.

Without tools and means, his primitive method couldn’t extract all geno essence from the shell, but it was good enough that he gained one sacred geno point.

Han Sen realized that he had gained a sacred-blood beast soul of a black beetle when he killed the golden black beetle, and he quickly accessed his profile.

Han Sen: Not evolved.

Status: None

Life span: 200 years.

Requirements for evolution: 100 geno points.

Geno points gained: 79 geno points; 8 sacred geno points.

Beast soul gained: Sacred-blood black beetle.

Type of sacred-blood black beetle’s beast soul: Armor.

"What would the armor of sacred-blood black beetle’s beast soul look like?" Before Han Sen finished the thought, a golden shadow shot out of thin air, looking exactly like the golden black beetle.

The golden black beetle flew to Han Sen’s chest, turned into a golden liquid and started to cover his whole body. In the blink of an eye, Han Sen’s whole body, together with his hair, was all wrapped up.

The streamlined gold armor was full of power and impact, and covered his whole body as if it were a suit of gothic Medieval armor instilled with improved aerodynamics—it looked just like a piece of art.

The whole suit of armor felt full of power and speed, making Han Sen look slender and majestic, as if his whole body were full of explosive power.

With shining metallic luster, the armor was gorgeous and had a solid texture. At first glance, it was even somewhat like the gold cloth worn by Golden Saints.

The difference between the gold cloth and the beast soul armor was that the armor covered the head and body completely, with only a few gaps in the joints where different pieces overlapped, just like the black beetle itself, which was the only weakness of the beast soul armor.

Han Sen moved around in the armor and there was no feeling of heaviness or clumsiness. Instead he felt that his body had become a little lighter and full of energy.

"Indeed, this was armor from a sacred-blood beast soul. It is way more gorgeous than the ones from primitive beast souls that I often have seen at Steel Armor Shelter." Han Sen felt ecstatic. He used to envy people in armor of primitive beast souls and had never thought he would get a suit of a sacred-blood beast soul one day.

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