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The Chronicles Of Canis Lupus: Book One: Rise Of Kiba

Chapter 1: Return of the Dragon-Wolf

"Ahwoo!" a howl shot into the air. But it wasn't an ordinary howl. Sunrise had a shadowy figure in the middle of the valley, a human figure in the middle of the valley, a human figure. "Come out, come out wherever you are!" The figure yelled. The echo went for miles, and then finally large wings appeared in the sky. "I got you!" The figure said and started running in the direction of the wings, so fast it was a blur. "Get back here it's almost time to go home!" He ordered. The wings didn't listen; instead, they shot a fireball in his direction. "You love to play games at the wrong time" the figure grunted. As the fireball got closer it got brighter, revealing a young man in his early 20's. His hair was shoulder length black in the style of dreadlocks in a ponytail. His skin was light brown and smooth. Still running at a rapid rate took out a katana and swings it releasing a whirlwind towards the fireball. The impact made an explosion and it lit up the valley and the sky revealing a dragon and a mountain in the distance. Come on lets go home!" he barked at the dragon. It flew in circles for a while and then finally landed in front of him. "Good boy." The young man said patting its head. "Good training Ozaku, time to go home boy." He said while climbing onto its back. "How come you're not talking today?" He asked the dragon. He could tell something was wrong. It looked back at him with its left eye and gave him no reply and took flight. The wind was cold and harsh in the morning sky; it revealed 4 medallions that the boy wore around his neck. "Almost there, I can see it from the horizon." He said to the dragon. But something wasn't right. As they got closer to their village they could see it was invaded by a foreign army. "Stop short over there." He told the dragon indicating some woods near the village. "Wait here until my signal." He ordered and snuck slowly towards the village. As he got closer he gripped his sword from the sight of a few damaged buildings. Some were on fire, some were broken into, and he moved cunningly to his hut which was untouched yet, but soldiers were getting close. He needed to get in  and fast. He snuck in through the back window grabbed a few items and started to head back out the window but it was too late. A solider came in in the hut. "Found another one!" he yelled. "Now!" the boy yelled at the top of his lungs. Ozaku flew over the village causing a distraction long enough for him to escape out the back window and pull his sword out. One advantage of having a dragon for a spirit partner was telepathic communication. "Meet me at the temple." He signaled. With Ozaku being so large the soldiers were shocked dragons were in such a small region that they barely knew what to do until one gathered up the courage to rally up the troops to fight. Moving as fast as he could the boy zipped through the village heading towards the village temple until he heard a cry in a burning building. As he came to a halt he looked around to make sure the area was clear. It was the medicine doctor's hut. He could see inside and It was the doctor's two kids, his closest friends: his son Rio and his daughter Rya. Rya had long black hair that reached to the middle of her back, and light brown skin. Rio had shoulder length black hair in the style of cornrows, and his skin was the same complexion as his twin sister. Rya saw him and yelled "Kiba! Help me, my brother is stuck." Kiba swung his sword and said a chant. "Aqua de Vida." Causing a small wave of water to put out the fire at the front door. As he walked into the hut he could see a beam fell over Rio's legs and Rio was trying hard to lift it off of himself. Kiba stuck his sword in the ground and helped Rio lift the beam off him. "The rest of the village is captured, grab as much medicine your dad taught you to use, were getting out of here." He told them. They grabbed as much medicine as they could and followed Kiba out. "We're meeting Ozaku at the temple!" he said as they stared running. The doctor's children were twins so they looked just alike, with the exception one was a boy and the other was a girl. "But the temple is on the other side of the village, do we have that kind of time?"  Rya asked in a worried voice. "I'm positive." He answered. As they moved through the village they saw a few dead bodies of people they knew which made Rya throw up. Rya could do nothing but cry by the amount of bodies. The further in the village they got the more bodies they saw. "We're almost there" Kiba said. He knew the village more than anyone. Especially the temple area. It was required for all priests in training learn the area. As Ozaku became more visible soldiers became visible too. "Rio do you have a weapon on you?" kiba asked. "knife." He replied. "that'll do for now. Just follow my lead." He ordered and pulled out his katana. Ozaku had the soldiers distracted so it was to sneak up from behind. Kiba stabbed one through the back while rio slit ones throat, both assassination style. They cleared the bodies of all weapons and gave rya one. Rya who trained with them never thought she would actually have to kill someone was a little nervous. Luckily for them they had a dragon on their side. Rushing through all the commotion they finally made it to ozaku and flew out of the village. An arrow wizzed past kiba's head nipping his ear and left a scratch on his cheek. "where did these soldiers come from?" kiba asked. From the west." Rio replied. "then we're heading east until we find out what we are up against." Kiba said. "Ozaku I remember when you were just a hatchling." Rya said hoping to get a reply. He still wasn't talking. "what's wrong with him?" she asked.  "I don't know." Kiba replied. "lets stop at the Shanglao village, that's where our parents are anyways." Rio said. Kiba's father was the head priest of their village. "when are you guys going to pick your spirit partner?" Kiba asked it was their year to pick a partner. It was village tradition, kiba was suppose to do the ceremony. "soon." Rio answered while checking through the medicine bag. Rya fell asleep during the ride. "I'm tired."  Ozaku said. "now he speaks." Kiba said sarcastically as they landed. "good boy, take a rest." He said grabbing one of his medallions. Ozaku turned into a ball of energy and shot into the medallion. "we'll camp here I guess." Kiba said taking his shirt off which covered his tribal markings. Rio took his off which showed his as well. Rya's tribal markings were on her face, not large but very visible. Kiba took his sword out and started cutting down trees to make a hut, rio hunted for animals to eat and set up traps around the perimeter. For a while it was peaceful, then they heard what they never thought they would hear. Gallops, but thy didn't hit the ground like normal gallops. Rya's medallion on her neck lit up. "I guess you get your spirit partner quicker than we thought." Rio said. She looked around and from behind a tree came a pegasas. It was black and brown, fine coat, long mane."rya?" it said. "yes." She replied. " you don't know how long I've been waiting for you. I'm Iban." The winged horse stated. The tribal markings on her face started to shift around and she could feel it. "that's normal, you'll get used to it, both of you will." Kiba said while he finished the final touches on the hut. "I'll check on the traps rio, you stay here with your sister your medallion and say the chant like I taught you." Kiba said while running off into the forest. She did as he said and iban galloped into a ball of energy and shot into her medallion which made a light that illuminated the area for five minutes.

Chapter 2: Remnants of the Imani Village

Kiba came back with an armful of trapped animals, and two over the other shoulder. "Snake anybody?" he said with a smale, he loved eating snake, the meat was tender and sweet, depending on what kind it was." You get used to the medallion, it took me a few weeks.: he told the both of them. Rio looked at his and noticed the insignia was different from his sisters, his was a lightning bolt, hers was a wing. He looked at the four around Kiba's neck past down to him from his father. Kiba had wind, fire, water, and earth insignias. As he got closer kibas tribal markings started to shift. He unloaded the animal by the fire and started cooking. The smell was so aroamic their stomachs were already ready to eat. "relics got some kick to em." Kiba noted to rio. Kiba always been optimistic despite the death of his mother when he was 10 years old. He used the fat and a few herbs and mixed them together to make sauce. "Survival 101." Rio knew the deal, it was rya who stayed in the village the most. Kiba used his shirt as a cover for the pot and let it sit there for a whole 10 mins. He lifted the shirt up off the pot, the smell was so good it made you want to dip your head in the pot and lick it dry. Kiba's earth insignia lit up and made three bowls from the pebbles and rock around them. As he scoops them up into the puts the medallion shines again along with rio's but rio's medallion duplicated into two more with a lion insignia and a wolf insignia. Kiba gained another medallion with a wolf insignia. "like I said, relics got some kick to em, you get used to it after a while. But in the meantime we need to start heading out, walk and eat. It's getting close to sundown, forest lions and wolves are going to be out soon." Kiba said filling their bowls with the remains. As the three began walking both of their wolf medallions lit up and lifted up as if they were directing them where to go. Rya's medallion lit up and Iban shot out. She climbed on Iban and followed Kiba and Rio from behind. As they walked deeper into the forest it got darker. The only light was their illuminating medallions. The bushes around them rustled and rustled. The next thing you heard was a growl so low it made them stop in their place. From out the bushes came two packs of wolves. Each pack had a wolf larger than normal. "I'm Urakai." One said "And I'm Genkai." The other said. They signaled for their packs to leave. Urakai went into rio's medallion and genkai went into kiba's medallion. "Shanglao is right on the other side of these woods." Kiba noted. "I wonder if they are done building the space center." He said unsheathing his katana. Cutting down branches along the way they suddenly came to an opening, shanglao was in view in the distance. Only thing that was wrong they were in forest lion territory now. The sky started to cloud up and roar, meaning they were close. Rio decided to lead the way, forest lions were on top of their game this time of year due to it being their hunting season. Zip zip zip. The sound surrounded them. Zip zip zip. Rio got scratched across the cheek but he showed no fear. That's the last thing you wanted to show a wild forest lion, fear. Zip zip zip. Kiba had enough and pulled out his katana. "Ahwoo!" he howled in anger. Zip zip zip. King dug his katana in the ground and pulled it back like a lever. The surrounding ground broke and shot up. Zip zip bonk. The forest lion was revealed to the right of them. Forest lion are ann interesting breed, they strike most in lightening. Storms. Suddenly rio's other two medallions lit up and the lion shot into one but as the other one glowed brighter storm cloud formed above them. Suddenly a lightening bolt struck his medallion surrounding him in light. When the light disappeared rio's armor and weapons had a brand new appearance. He looked at kiba for an explanation. "hell if I know, first time I seen something like that." Kiba said lifting his sword out of the ground. "your armor and sword looks awesome tho!" headed while getting a closer observation he tried to touch the armor and got shocked by a spark of electricity." Woah dude, your armor is off the hook." Kiba said with a laugh. "lets try to get to Shanglao before nightfall, I don't wanna wait till morning for them to open up the city gates, I heard it gets pretty crazy in the camps outside the city walls." Kiba stated as he started walking. The walk was long, so long that iban got too tired to carry rya on his back so he went back into her medallion for some rest."and oh yea, the telepathic communication will take a while to get used to as well. I thought I was crazy when I first heard Ozaku in my head." Kiba noted. Bein the head priest son put a lot of pressure on him back home, kiba always got in trouble or started fights because of it. He began to wonder if the soldiers were from a rival village he got in a fight with one day. "Tomorrow is my birthday. You know what scripture says: when sin is full grown death begins." Kiba said. Which was another gift and curse he had to live with being the head priest son he had to study scripture everyday. He also noted: "It also says a friend loves at all times and a brother was born for a time of adversity." Kiba was an only child due to his two older brother dying in a war. "valiant men they were: is what their tombstone read. They died 5 years before he was born so he didn't get to know them. "scripture also says better is a poor and wise man than one who is perverse with his lips and a fool." Rya reminded the both of them. "shanglao is a big city, be wise." She added. Surely enough when they finally arrived it was too late, the city gates were closed. The tribal markings made them stand out only a little bit, but you could tell they weren't from around here. As the night went on several fight went through the camps. Kiba almost got himself in one but rio stopped it. Kiba was liable to kill one of the unarmed challengers without using his sword, so it was a good thing rio stopped them. As the sunrise the city gates opened. "alright lets find the space center." Kiba said as they walked in. the city was huge, one side of town was as big as their village itself. It didn't get hard to find the space center because you say ships getting shipped out. As they journeyed deeper into the city they saw soldiers similar to the ones that invaded their village. Naturally kiba assumed they were definitely in the right place. "hurry up, we have to report back to base in Bongshay." A soldier ordered. Kiba over heard it and kept walking. "so we know where they are from now. After we do what we gotta do at the space center were going to Bongshay."kiba said as they got closer to the space center it got louder. Less houses and more shops surrounded it. The tension was so thick you needed an axe to cut through it. "stay alert, I got a bad feeling guys." Rio said while trying to hide his medallion as it lit up. If you followed anyones gut instinct, you followed Rio's, e been in just as many fights if not more fights than kiba. That's actually how him and kiba first met, on the playground kiba was getting jumped, kiba started it of course. Ever since then they been close friends. "aye ever seen a vampire?' kiba asked. "dude I am one remember." Rio stated. "I know just testin you, ever seen a werewolf in full form tho?" he said referring to himself. Rio's medallion stopped glowing after it divided into another half the new insignia had a bat. "Looks like true colors are showin bud." Kiba said with a laugh. "But tonight Is the night of my full phase. I might need a little space. You know roam the city a lil bit." He said with a wink. "If you get what I'm saying."while pointing at the soldiers "got you." Rio replied. "do some damage for me." He added. "got you. Blessed is the man who walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stand in the way of the sinners, nor sit in the seat of the scornful, but his delight is in the law of the lord."he quoted while pulling out his katana. "and doth he meditate day and night." He added as he sheathed it."get a hotel, I'll find you guts, trust me." He said wile running off. The twins looked at each other and smiled. "side street hustle." They said in unison as they day went on kiba stalked soldiers finding all of their whereabouts, calculating every attack, he had anticipated a fought that would be a workout. Rio and Rya hustled up some money doing tricks and tending to the sick that couldn't afford a regular doctor. Advantages of being a tribe they were savages so they knew how to survive. "Do you need to feed sis?" rio asked. "Cause food isn't just doing for me, I need some blood." he added. She shook her head. "Go catch up with kiba, I'll get the hotel." She replied. Most people didn't believe their kind exist, even back home so it was easy to blend in.

Chapter 3: The hunger of the beast

Rio took off looking for kiba. As it got darker the streets got lighter and lighter with people in them, so it wasn't that hard to find him. " I was wondering when you was gonna catch up." Kiba said punching him in the arm. "Here's the scenario." he added while pulling out a map. Rio smiled and let his fangs out. "Tonight's gonna be a good night my friend." The moon started to peak over the horizon and Rio took off his hat which shaded him in the sun, normally he didn't need it but in an area with a space center it was necessary. They both took off their shirts and their tribal marking shifted in coordination with the moon. "back up." Kiba grunted. Transformation was painful, bones shift, expand, claws become more clear to see, on top of a tail sprouting, hair had to grow. By the time he was done transforming the moon was midway up in the sky he had full control of all his abilities from that point forward, he was a full-fledged werewolf. "Ahwoo!" he howled. Rio walked out and started laughing. "I'm bout to let my dog out on you guys." He said as a joke. The soldiers all pulled out their weapons and started to charge but before they got to rio he disappeared in mid-air. They looked around confused then started to stand back to back. Kiba came around the corner in a rage and started to slash away with his claws rio reappeared behind one soldier and bit his neck and took him up in the air. Minutes later the soldier dropped to the ground lifeless. Kiba kept slashing away and when he cornered the last soldier he ripped his jugular out with his fangs. Rio landed next to kiba and looked at him. Race ya to the hotel.: he said. They both darted off. Finding the hotel was the hard part. Moving as fast as light the two left a good amount of marks in the street. When they finally found the right hotel thee moon was at its highest point. Walking into the room kiba turned back to his human form which was painful as well. All the killing made him tired but revenge was bittersweet rio was tired as well but his bloodthirst was taken care of. Rya threw a blanket at the two of them and took the bed indicating that they had to sleep on the floor. The room was quiet for the most part. Rio and kiba both snored, it was as if they were having a snoring competition, surprising that rya was able to sleep through it. Rya woke up bright and early and started cooking. Kiba was the next to wake up and took a long needed shower. "This water is cold as hell!" he yelled waking rio up. "Your joking right? He asked. Kiba stuck his face out the bathroom with a look so serious it looked like someone died. "Call room service about it." He said and closed the door. He came back out with his pants on and a towel around his neck. His hair was still wet, it kind of made his hair look cooler than it was when it was dry. "They said they'll be up to fix it." Rio said. Time flew by fast, the day was hot and humid. The hotel air system was broken as well." God sis, you sure know how to pick em." Rio joked. "I know right.: she replied. "never again." She added. "The one back home is better than this one." She added "I'm goin to get the paper." Kiba said walking out the door. The hotel hallway was freezing. The lobby was no better. It was as if the heat was broke and the ac was on blast. Kiba paid for the paper and went back up to the room. " ok so it looks like your team lost again. Don't worry mine is in the same boat, but didn't lose as bad as yours, damn." Kiba said in a jokingly manner. The paper was thicker than the phonebook. "aye wanna know what's ironic? This place is the murder capital." He added. He tossed the paper on the bed. Rio and Rya was huddled by the stove. Then suddenly the heat kicked in. ":Well its about that time, that floor was as cold as a rock!"rio said wrapped up to the nose in a blanket. One advantage of being a werewolf was like having a second sun around you so he wasn't as cold as the twins. "alright so to Bongshay it is." kiba said. "I'll let you guys warm up first tho, I'm gonna finish my shower." He added. He hopped back in the shower and took a very long tome. So long that the twins went back to sleep. When kiba came back out the bathroom he decided to stay in Shanglao for two more days. "Hey guys lets stay here a lil bit longer." The twins agreed. "We need to restock on medicine anyways." Rio said. Kiba went back to sleep while the twins went out to restock for supplies. While they were out they saw more soldiers, three times as much as before. They looked like they were a search and rescue party. More like a huge reinforcement after what rio and kiba did. Rio bargained with the store owner about the prices for medicine. "250 gems for all of it. My final offer." The clerk said. Rio paid the clerk and gave him one extra gem for a tip. Ships started to let out and at the beginning was always the loudest. With all the preparations and ports opening up. On the way back to the hotel rya noticed something, something strange. A ship had stopped in midair and stood there in suspended animation. After a while it was noticeable to everyone. The slipstream system had froze up. And it would take hours to repair no ships was able to come in and none were able to go out. "I wanna go to the moon colony one day." Rya said. "just too see what it's like." She added. It was so windy that Rya's hair looked like an angel was behind her. The street was crowded and hard to move through, a pickpockets dream spot. Kids ran through the street market to market causing trouble. Then finally out of nowhere a gunshot went into the air. "Nobody move! A man screamed at the top of his lungs. " everybody on the ground!"he demanded. Everyone got on the ground except for the twins who were standing next to each other. "Are you deaf, I said get down!"He yelled. "I heard you, doesn't mean I gotta listen to you." Rio said. The tension was thin. "Get down or I shoot you down." The man said. The wind blew and under his scarf revealed a medallion. "Only our village has those medallions." Rya whispered. "Who are you anyways." Rio asked. "It doesn't matter, my village was invaded and I'm just passin through this town." the man said. "The Imani village?" rio asked. The man put his gun down."yea, how'd you know?" the man asked, the mask he wore covered his face and his hair dropped over it. "I'm from that village." Rio replied. "then join me." The man offered. The silence for a moment was still. "under one condition." Rio said. "brother what are you doing?" rya whispered."just trust me." He told her. "we get half of everything you get." He demanded. "good offer, I can always use the help." The man said. He got everything he wanted from the market and then the sound of sirens came from a distance. They made their exit and got back to the hotel. Kiba got used to the man quick, even tho he still had a mask on."so what your name mask guy"kiba asked while sharpening his katana.

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