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Iron Sword

The Elite Rev Adventurer

This is a world of magic ,ruled over by the great 7 races of their own respective kingdoms, it is a world not yet fully explored and filled with uncharted areas ,seas and dungeons along with sky islands

In this world there are animals and beast so big that they are called walking ecosystem and flying islands ,there are also deserts so big that they rival some countries and capitals, forest containing over 1000 different types of carnivorous animals and magic beast and seas so dangerous that those that died in it can never rest in peace.

The world of Earathelm

And this story will tell the tale of a young man, a young man called Chris ,an elite ranking adventurer of the lower caste at the human kingdom of Avelier .

Ack a aak aaaak

A loud crowing of the rooster of the neighborhood woke up the young man with a frown

" Arrg "{ I'm gonna buy that roosters and eat it one day }" jeez "

The young man got up and tidied himself and his bed before having breakfast, after food he sat down on his couch and began to ponder on his plans for the day

" hmm { should I take a quest? I already made my quota for the month though } , guess I'll take one { nothing to do anyway, might as well make some extra units } "

With his plan in mind the young man began to suit up in his adventurer gear, armed with a one-handed crusader sword wearing a light leather armor, metal helmet, boots and gauntlets and also a utility belt filled with essentials, he took off towards the guild

On the streets he greeted and was greeted by his lower cast neighbours

" oh morning Chris "

" Out on an adventure? "

Big John and the farmer Mrs Barny who was on her way to the farm greeted him

Chris :" Morning (waved at the guy first) ,yeah I'm out to make some extra cash Mrs Barny and please eat that rooster of yours already, it's already so big "

The adventurer suggested with an earnest smile only to recieve a dry look from the farm

" Don't suggest that again ,clucky is plenty useful "

Chris could only sigh and apologized as he made his way into the castle walls

His town was the outer city or so it's called, harboring the lowest class of Revs that were not allowed residence inside the wall where the middle and upper classes lived

On his way to the guild he would often think about this inequality in their society but as a mere adventurer he would be but an ant resisting being stepped on

And as usual after a one hour long walk he entered the guild, the Sky dragon guild of Hrisse ,the capital of the city of Rasimerica

,being one of the 5 great guilds of Avelier it was a big guild that housed many powerful adventurers including the 5 Mythical ranked adventurer who were said to be demigods

And now as usual it was bustling, and being rather unpopular due to me being a mere Rev yeah my social standing could be said as shit and at rock bottom but hey atleast I was allowed to work as an adventurer

" hmm it's that rev huh "

One of the adventures with a staff sitting with his party of 5 already spotted me and yeah the gossips began but no one approached me atleast, messing with people Rev or not inside the guild warrants a severe punishment after all

"(sighs) {Well it's nothing new} now let's see "

Making his way to the quest board for elite ranks, Chris began to look through the quest ,three of the following quests got his attention

Elite ranking quests

• Wolf slaying

[ Location - Garn village's forest ]

[ Reward - 200 silver ]

[ Time limit - till the end of June ]

• Harvesting Himla flower at Mt Ivory

[ The mountain is full of lower class monsters]

[ Reward - 190 silver ]

[ To be delivered back to the guild ]

[ Time limit - The following week ]

• Scouting Illina's dungeon

[ The dungeon has respawned some lower level monsters , clear them out and bring back the monster crystals ]

[ Location - Mt Illina ]

[ Reward - 250 silver ]

[ Time limit - This month (May) ]


Chris :{ Monster extermination, Herb gatherings and dungeon type quests }" Hmm Mt Illina, yup (took the quest){ It's been a while since I went there } "

Taking the quest Chris went to towards the receptionist

The receptionist,a pretty young brown haired girl in her teens looked at the approaching Chris after just sending off a party to their adventures furrowed her brows with much annoyance

{ Ugh That rev again, he sure is a persistent } " How may I help you today Chris? ".

Chris who notice the receptionist clear annoyance quickly showed her the quest

" I'll take this quest today Lilie "

" Hmm oh a dungeon type quests, (looks at Chris with small faked smile ) okay I'll process it ,good luck on your quest "

" Thanks I guess ".

With that Chris promptly left

Lillie the receptionist on her station looked at the adventurer leaving and thought to herself

{ 3 years in the elite rank yet he just refuses to quit, well he'll have to quit eventually }

" Hey Lillie "

Her fellow receptionist, another young woman in her teens ,with blonde hair, white skin and blue eyes called out to her

" yeah? "

" Don't you think that rev is kinda hot ? "

" (-‿-) Well you got a point Vivian ,but his status is an eyesore you know ,but yeah he would make a fine slave "

Vivian could only narrow her eyes at her eyes with shock hearing her seniors remarks

" { Well that's how it is in society i suppose }"

Outside the castle walls on the main roads

Chris :" Aaaachoo!!! aarg is someone talking about me? "{ well it's highly probable considering how infamous I am }

Being the only rev adventurer in town truly made someone famous

" Okay then onto the Illina mountain "

The trip towards the mountain consisted of a long 310 km walk that took the whole 3 days, on the way through a forest he had to battle a few wolves ,slimes and goblins but as an elite adventure he quickly made light work of non magical beasts and lower monsters with his swordsmanship alone

Through our the journey Chris camp in the wilderness all the time as no village was around Mt Illina due to the environment around it being mostly rocks ,the place was due south of Hrisse, and right now the sun had set and he was once again making camp infront of a fire he started using magic flames stones

Looking at the flame that he started with the hard found firewoods in the area after eating the dried meats he prepared for dinner along with some wild rock berries he sat on the rocky surface of the the place he made camp on and looked up the mountain

" Hmh { As high as ever } I wonder if the monster in the dungeon will be undeads this time "

End of chapter

Illina dungeon

Drip drip drip

The following day ,at dawn the young adventurer woke up earlier that he planned due to his hard bedding location, indeed sleeping on a rocky mountainous surface doesn't provide good sleeping environment at all

Chris right now is proof of that, feeling his scalp being itchy, aching and uncomfortable, he got up and quickly did some stretching to make him think about something other than the uncomfortable feeling not only on his head but back too

" URG, this is why I hate camping in this place haaa(took a deep breath) ... Well then let's get this mission done shall I? "

After eating a quick breakfast while making sure to eat and drink just enough to not affect his battle prowess, Chris began climbing up the tall mountain

Bark bark

" hmm? oh !(Draws out his sword) {Mountain wolves, 3 of them} "

Above of the young adventurer who was walking up the rocky mountain were three giant gray wolves ,being much taller than the average man this species of wolf were considered barely within an elite's capabilities and are tougher than normal wolves because of their sturdier bones and due


Chris could easily make out the fact that these 3 wolves were probably the scouts of the area, however even said scouts of this species wouldn't hesitate to attack him ,after all ,humans below a certain rank were fodders to them and unfortunately Chris wasn't much in terms of strength

"{ Well it's not completely hopeless(glances at his sword) my sword is made of magi-steel, so I can cut through their fur and } "


As the beast jumped on the adventurer ,Chris already anticipated how they would move, as a veteran adventurer he was no stranger to these beasts, these mountain wolves tend to attack in a certain pattern in a group after all, the strongest leads the attack while the others flanks their prey from the rear so



As one of the wolf of the 3 ,the strongest jumped ahead, Chris who instead of jumping back dashed forward slashed the wolf and split it horizontally through its jaws, the magisteel blade met some resistance but Chris who strengthened his sword through mana killed the first and then used basic swordsman foot work to narrowly slip through the other 2 wolves who jumped him from the sides and attack them from behind with a wide slash and sharp stab attacks

" hmm "

Looking at the dead bodies of the wolves he was rather certain that the pack would get here soon from the scent of their dead pack members so Chris quickly took out a perfume from his utility belt ,it was a perfume to mask one's scent

After using the perfume he quickly got out of there after taking some of the wolves's fangs, he rather regretted not being able to get the pelt of the other two the he killed but nothing could be done now

Not long after that ,after climbing up and walking through the rugged, dangerous and small roads ,Chris could finally see the familiar dungeon once more after a long time

Looking at the dungeon's entrance he forced a smile out and thought to himself

{ Aah the days when I was green and new, I remember those days when I first explored this place }

The time he fell for a mimic

The time when he was swallowed whole by a giant slime

And the time he actually got lost for 3 days

" Truly, many valuable yet hateful memories"

Chris stated with a big frown ,but nevertheless he went in said dungeon without much reluctance ,he was an upper elite now after all ,not a weak and new Warrior rank adventurer

And with that he entered the Illina dungeon

"< Ember >"


With a small flame on his left palm ,Chris walked through the dark cave while keeping a basic sense enhancement spell called < Double senses > active at all times, it did consume mana but it's consumption was low ,so Chris who was rather a cautious man favored to be safe the sorry

" hmm the walls are damp { Seems like the boss monster changed again ,an ice type or something that can affect temperature} Well I can only report this { After I clear out the lower level monsters I'm out ,a boss monster is out of my league anyway } "

In this world dungeons can remain even after beating the boss monster ,and another boss monster would be born after the dungeon get's enough mana , however this can be prevented if one destroys the dungeon core located in the boss room however by doing that the dungeon will disappear along with all it's valuable resources like mana crystals and dungeon herbs and other treasures

But as usual Chris wasn't after such treasures as those kinds were only in the bossroom, he was just gonna do his job and after diving in the dungeon for 3 more minutes Chris began encountering many lower level monsters like goblins, blue cobras ,giant roaches and cave bats ,and as per his request he began to kill the monsters and take out their cores as proof all in all it took 2 days of constant diving and monster slaying to fully clear out the lower level monsters ,all in all he sustained some injuries like bite wounds from the giant roaches and venom attacks from the blue cobras, some few cuts from the goblins were also there and his mental fatigue too was no laughing matter, sleeping in the dungeon was no easy task after all ,yes he did not sleep and used stamina potions to last 2 days without sleeping so he was mentally tired as hell

Bleeding with his armor in tatters ,his gauntlet and boots bloodied, his sword also lost its edge after the non-stop slaughtering, he had to use 3 mp potion and 2 hp potions, and now he only had 3 of each left .

Sitting straight down with his back against the dungeon wall ,Chris took a sigh of relief and took a moment of rest while looking at the big door at the end of the tunnel

He had ventured into the deeper levels to take care of the larger group of monsters after all and here he was in front of the boss room, looking at the giant door while resting


" It's cold { It must be an ice type boss , I'm certain at this point } (turned his gaze to his sword with an exasperated expression) I can already hear Mr Glavis (sighs) welp "

Standing back up slowly he sheathed his sword and turned around

" I'm sleepy {First thing I'll do is sleep outside ,even if the mountain is hard af} Humm I wish I had a magic bag { It would be dope to carry my own sleeping bag }"

He then took a step to head back up but then after a few steps


He abruptly stops and quickly drew his sword and turned around and faced the door with a battle stance

Fear , adrenaline and terror started to corrupt his clarity but he held firm, was on constant activation so he was sure that what he heard-

{ - It came from there, the boss room, someone, something knocked the damn door from the other }


Chris : " (grips the blade tighter and slowly steps back upwards) "


However before the door was out of his sight it opened from within

End of chapter

A crimson and warm embrace


The door opened yet nothing came out of it but the adventurer did not let his guard down ,but he stopped moving backward ,he could feel it from the temperature

{ It's behind me, this thing }


The chilling cold that came from ahead,from the boss room shi, now its location, the boss monster had escaped and , now the chilling cold came from behind

' haaaah '

Chris felt his heart sinking in despair and terror ,the boss was outside the room now and was behind


{ shoulder?? }

On his right shoulder on top of his armor was a hand, a pale hand that grabbed him from behind, one look was enough for Chris to realize what type of monster it was from it's hand

{ An ice wraith }


" Gg "( gritted his teeth )

That hand that grabbed his shoulder began to release a lethal frost magic that began to freeze his body, but before the frost spread out ,the adventurer in panic hurriedly jumped to his left

Not minding his frozen shoulder Chris immediately looked at the ice wraith that nearly froze him solid, what he saw as expected gave him a grave expression and a realization of how much this place hates him

" Holy shit "

Floating in the air at least 3 meters in height with a ghostly pale transparent body while being enveloped in ice energy, it had no head like structure but one eye red on it's upper body and black veins visible throughout it's body, it had no legs and simply floated like a ghost with it's two skinny arms

Chris, although he had heard and read about this monster ,this being his first time see it

' Aaargaaarrg '

Hearing it's soft and hollow grunts along with see it's inhumane look of wrongness up close his went completely pale with Shiver running down his spine

Seeing the fear in the human's eyes the wraith suddenly jetted at Chris with it's body enveloped with lethal cold energy that would freeze anything it touches to death in a blink

Chris perceived the incoming attack but to his despair his body reacted a second too late due to his terror and what resulted was him blocking the incoming coldness with his arm covered with all his remaining mana to prevent the ghost from passing through it however

He was sent flying back towards the door and crashed into the room with a loud thud

He felt his back and his entire body going number from the crash but slowly, slowly got his head up atleast ,his sword was still on his hand but it was then a frightening realization hitted him


Screaming in terror, he found that his left arm broken apart from his elbow ,it was frozen down to the bone and broke apart on his crash like glass

" aaa aaaaaaAaa "{ FUCK FUCK!! }

He quickly turned his gaze towards the door only to find the ice wraith looking at him from outside unmoving and simply looking at him with it's crimson eye that showed nothing, no hunger no malice no hatred, it's gaze was simply hollow and empty devoid of reason

" You fucking bastard!! "

The enraged adventurer for a moment forgot his fear and dragged himself up using his sword for support, his expression turned ugly


His breathing was heavy and he was starting to feel the pain, 5 broken ribs , a lacerated lung , hypothermia was kicking in too due to the monster's powers, he was gonna die soon from his internals being messed up ,his potions were low classed ones and injuries of this level would require atleast 5 of them to heal or 1 middle class hp potion

" COME ON!! "

He roared

" COME ONN!!!!!!!! "

Again he roared but the demon, it did not move at all , instead it turned around and and left the cave as it flew up the dungeon

{ Wha...wha?? }


Haaa haaa

Seeing the demon leave,the injured adventurer slowly slowly dragged himself to the walls and sat down ,the cold was too much to bear standing while suffering from internal injuries after all, for some reason even after the ice wraith left ,the cold didn't dissipate one but, he was drained and couldn't move anymore, after sitting down as even the outside was now below 0 degree Celsius, and it was still dropping

Feeling death getting closer by each second Chris looked to his left and saw the dungeon core about 8 meters away ,it was a red or shining like a crimson ruby

Shivering and chattering his teeth Chris thought about how fucked his choice of making quick cash got him and about how he should not just

{ die a dog's death....yeah (grabbed his remaining three mp potions and 2 Stamina potions and drank them all down) } " If I'm gonna die anyway might as well go out with a bang "

Hethrewd the empty potion vials away , feeling his internals healing slightly and his strength somewhat returning his took up his blade again under the freezing hell where even the moisture in his breath instantly condensed up , holding his sword became even harder, but he did and dragged it across the room making his way to the dungeon's core shining on the boss room's altar

Looking at the core shining with its crimson radiance Chris raised his sword and brought it down on the shining core and broke it apart like glass, a shockwave of incredibly dense red mana exploded from the broken core

Chris took the full brunt of the foreign magical exposure and stood strong and as the shockwave of mana dissipated, he fell down ,his body was slowly shutting down from extreme hypothermia, from his calculation he'll likely die in one minute

{ A dungeon's core is the dungeon's heart and source of power, the boss monster is the strongest guard made by the dungeon to protect it's core , however that thing just dipped meaning that it's an anomaly, a boss monster created by an irregular dungeon, it was a monster with free will , since I destroyed this irregular dungeon's core , another anomaly will not be born } " Well ain't I a nice guy? "

His vision turned blurry and he started to feel warm, it was the human body's last vain attempt to save him ,Chris was happy about it aat least,it made him relax as a warm embrace of death came to welcome him

{ This ... Isn't too bad }

However to his disappointment the lethal and hateful cold returned, he instantly opened his eyes to find himself frozen stuck to the ground

" Aaaargg!! (gasping for air he looked around) "

" I... I'm alive??? { the hell am I! ... My internals } "

He quickly spread his mana over his body and to his shock he could clearly tell that he was completely fine,too fine infact, his arm was still missing but and his other injuries all healed up

" one crazy day (smiled) grrg"

He then began his struggle to get out of the frost, using mana to strengthen himself,he quickly got out from the frost and stood straight up to find that although he felt cold ,somehow he wasn't freezing anymore

"{ My cold resistance has increased } (looked at himself) what on earth happened to me? "

He took a moment to check himself and his surroundings to find that he was somehow alive and more resistant to cold as well, and the treasures of the dungeon albeit frozen were still there in the corner of the room ,he was gonna leave instantly but he atleast took a 100 gold coins that he found in the chest inside the room and a sword sheathed in a golden scabbard that was at the back of the boss room ,with that ,while activating most of his detection, stealth and enhancement skills he hurriedly left the boss room without looking back even once ,he was too scared to think about the possibility of another bad luck happening again after all

But while on his way out he noticed some changes on himself

{ huh?? } " Was I always this fast? "

End of chapter

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