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The 3 B'S- Beauty, Brains And Bravery.

Fate of Women

{........} means inner thoughts.
. . .
Author POV
Rong Xinghe
Rong Xinghe
Brother, please don't leave my hand
Rong Xinghe
Rong Xinghe
The train is running fast, I will fall down!!!
Rong Xinghe
Rong Xinghe
I don't want to die brother!!!
Rong Xinghe
Rong Xinghe
I will never sing again brother.
Rong Xinghe
Rong Xinghe
Rong Xinghe
Rong Xinghe
Screamed the 13 -year old Rong Xinghe .
Rong Yufan
Rong Yufan
You should've thought that when you took part in this stupid Reality Show in this country just for singing and fulfilling your so-called dream.....
Rong Yufan
Rong Yufan
A woman from a family like ours should be sitting at home with grace and manners and not flaunting herself in front of the world like you did...
Rong Yufan
Rong Yufan
The fate of women should be serving her husband.....
Rong Yufan
Rong Yufan
You are dead to the Rong family from today
Rong Yufan
Rong Yufan
Go die...
Rong Yufan left Rong Xinghe hand.
She falls down from a running train...
The moment her body falls on cold railway tracks ... blood starts flowing from her body.....
Maybe due to shock or betrayal ... her voice doesn't come out
More than the pain in the body ....there is pain of helplessness and hatred
Hatred towards her own family....
No one comes to her rescue....
Next morning some locals observe her and take her to the local hospital.....
She is alive ! ! !
The doctors exclaimed. As they didn't expect that.
Assistant Doctor
Assistant Doctor
Please contact the patient's family .....
Assistant doctor ordered the receptionist as he gave her the phone of Rong Xinghe and went into the operation theatre.
As the receptionist checked the phone and saw the emergency contact list .....
6 names ....
Su Rogguang
Su Rogguang
Su Rogguang
Mo Zixuan
Mo Zixuan
Mo Zixuan
Zhi Xi
Zhi Xi
Zhi Xi
Zhi Bo
Zhi Bo
Zhi Bo
Zhi Al
Zhi Al
Zhi Al
Lu Wei
Lu Wei
Lu Wei
The receptionist contacted the 6 men unknown that she was calling the 6 most influential people of not just country X , but the world...
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Save my sister

{........} means inner thoughts.
. . .
Author POV
Total of 4 hours were over since Rong Xinghe was in the Operation Theatre
When heavy footsteps were heard in the empty corridor of the local hospital ...
Business tycoon Zhi Xi and industrial businessman Lu Wei arrived with a team of 20 surgeons and clear concern in their eyes...
Zhi Xi
Zhi Xi
Save my sister
Zhi Xi commanded as the team of doctors entered the O.T.
16 hours
It took 16 freaking hours for the surgery to end.....
Among all the battles these two men fought in their lives, this was the toughest one...
Their 'lady-luck' ; their 'kiddo-sis' was lying pale-faced on the deathbed without any movement.....
They couldn't wait to just hear her laugh....
They couldn't wait to see her tease them....
They couldn't wait to hug her....
They couldn't wait.....
But they had to wait for these 16 painful hours to just know about her survival.
Lu Wei
Lu Wei
When are Bo and Al arriving
Zhi Xi
Zhi Xi
Their chopper will land in approx. 2 hours
The Zhi family had three sons. Zhi Xi, Zhi Bo and Zho Al, Zhi Xi was the eldest brother who took over his family business, Zhi Bo was the middle brother who was a world reowned artist whose art ranged from paintings to calligraphy. And the youngest was Zhi Al who was a software developer as well as an ethical hacker/coder. All the three brothers were in harmony regardless of their family disputes.
The other two brothers of Rong Xinghe, Mo Zixuan and Su Rogguang kept calling Zhi Xi and Lu Wei to get an update on her situation.
They both were in the USA and couldn't arrive their easily due to legal formalities....
Mo Zixuan was a journalist and was doing a correspondence course in crime journalism in the USA. He was an orphan and only had Rong Xinghe as his family because she considered him her brother. Hence, she was his only family.
Su Rogguang was a doctor and was doing his post - graduation in the USA. Even though he was a doctor, he still couldn't afford to look at his sister Xinghe getting a small injection let alone be a surgery.....
One thing was a given, all the six brothers of Rong Xinghe went through a torture of 16 hours along with her.
Reason was simple - Love....
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I am sorry

{........} means inner thoughts.
. . .
Author POV
Lu Wei
Lu Wei
How is she?
Lu Wei asked anxiously to the surgeon who walked out of the O.T.
She is alive.....
The Doctor said with hesitation.
Zhi Xi
Zhi Xi
Can you make it clear....
Zhi Xi fumed.
Zhi Xi
Zhi Xi
What do you mean .....alive?
Lu Wei
Lu Wei
Honest Condition
Lu Wei said in a chilling cold voice which was enough to make the doctors shiver.
Lu Wei and Zhi Xi were the people who the surgeon could never offend .... there was a reason they were said to be the kings of business world ...
Um Mr. Lu, Mr. Zhi.....
The doctor mustered up the courage.
Ms. Rong lost a lot of blood throughout the night due to here injury at back. She hit her head to the railway tracks resulting in dilation of blood vessels in she may develop a migraine. Her legs were hit hard as well and hence her ability to walk again depends on her willpower.....and ...
Lu Wei
Lu Wei
Lu Wei asked with the last bit of voice left in him after hearing the situation of his lovely sister.
She is in a vegetative state, i.e., her life is supported by the medical technology, and she might be in coma for a long time. So, about the consent of the patient's family.....
Zhi Xi
Zhi Xi
Keep her alive, don't dare to turn off the ventilator
Zhi Xi said in a threatening voice.
Lu Wei
Lu Wei
Get out
Lu Wei ordered everyone in the corridor.
As the people left, both the men had defeated and scared expressions on their faces.
Zhi Al
Zhi Al
These doctors know nothing. They are scaring us bro. Our sissy would never leave us.
Came the voice of Zhi Al from the end of the corridor.
He had tears in his eyes because he could show his vulnerable side only in front of his eldest brother.
With him, stood Zhi Bo with a solemn expression.
Zhi Bo
Zhi Bo
Can we see her?
Zhi Bo asked.
Lu Wei
Lu Wei
Lu Wei said.
All the four entered the room where the little girl lied.
In the dark room , came the little bit of sunlight which touched the soft and tender yet bruised skin of the 13-year old.
All the four sat surrounding her bed .
Rong Xinghe
Rong Xinghe's Siblings
{The girl who would've jumped upon us the moment she saw any of us didn't even move.}
Rong Xinghe
Rong Xinghe's Siblings
{It pained. It was painful to see her like wonder how many times she has screamed our name throughout the night while groaning in pain.}
Zhi Xi
Zhi Xi
I am sorry.
Lu Wei
Lu Wei
I am sorry.
Zhi Al
Zhi Al
I am sorry.
Zhi Bo
Zhi Bo
I am sorry.
All the four said collectively.
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