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Reborn:For Revenge


in a room
A person was standing in front of a big beautiful dressing table and mirror
he was wearing a wedding dress as today is his big day today is his wedding for which he turned the world upside down for which he fought against his family that are his parents and elder brother
but unexpectedly there is no happiness in his eyes only surprise is there as tears flow through them
he was standing there all alone as he looks through himself in the mirror not believing what is happening with him
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
wha.....what happening
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
why......just why I'm here
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
didn't i died from his hands ( terrified as tears flow through eyes)
taehyung just couldn't believe his eyes .... he couldn't believe that he is back to the past ....
taehyung was busy looking in the mirror remembering his miseries just then the room opens starting taehyung... taehyung looks towards the door only to find his elder brother
kim yoongi/ tae
kim yoongi/ tae's brother
tae baby mom.....
yoongi gets shocked as he looks at his younger brother who is standing in front of the mirror with tear filled eyes
kim yoongi/ tae
kim yoongi/ tae's brother
(eyes widened ) tae baby why are you crying
yoongi hurriedly went towards taehyung and worriedly hugs tae and tae he was crying mess feeling his brother warmth
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
kim yoongi/ tae
kim yoongi/ tae's brother
baby what happened..why are you crying 😟😟💔
and taehyung just continue to cry while tightly hugging his brother who died right in front of him while trying to save him
kim yoongi/ tae
kim yoongi/ tae's brother
baby please say something you're making hyung worried 😟 😞
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
hyu...hyung i...i....😭😭
and taehyung just couldn't calm down so yoongi just picked him up in his arms and went towards his bed and making tae sit on his lap while tightly hugging him to chest and starts rubbing his back to make him calm
kim yoongi/ tae
kim yoongi/ tae's brother
my baby calm down what happened...tell hyung....hyung will take care of everything
kim yoongi/ tae
kim yoongi/ tae's brother
just ... just don't cry ( softly)
like this yoongi continued to talk softly to his younger brother who is most precious to him
for yoongi taehyung is his life and seeing his life crying yoongi's heart was breaking into pieces
after sometime taehyung calm down but his tears were still flowing as he looks at his elder brother
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
hyung ( very low voice)
kim yoongi/ tae
kim yoongi/ tae's brother
what happened princess why are you crying like this
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
( shakes his head as no)
kim yoongi/ tae
kim yoongi/ tae's brother
(sigh) my princess if you won't talk to hyung will know hmmm..
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
(keeps quiet while hugging tight)
kim yoongi/ tae
kim yoongi/ tae's brother
wait is it because you're nervous since today is your wedding
kim yoongi/ tae
kim yoongi/ tae's brother
but princess you shouldn't cry this much look i know you'll miss hyung but we'll be always there for you.....
and like this yoongi continued to console taehyung without noticing tae's terrified expression
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
(eyes widened and terrified as he thinks ) i ...i can't marry that bast***
kim taehyung
kim taehyung i just can't because of him i suffered so much my family eomma appa and even my hyung suffered so much( thinks)
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
I ...i have to think of something to cancel this marriage( thinks while panicking internally)
kim yoongi/ tae
kim yoongi/ tae's brother
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
kim yoongi/ tae
kim yoongi/ tae's brother
where are you lost princess ( worried)
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
( looks up and then hugs yoongi putting his head on his shoulder)
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
nothing..... I just missed you ( thinks last part and close his eyes)
now tae was hugging his brother and yoongi was also hugging him while softly carrhis back
both were not saying anything as they enjoy the peaceful silence
yoongi was quietly embracing his most precious person thinking that he'll leave him today
while taehyung was thinking how to cancel this wedding and save his family
both were in their thoughts when room door again opened revealing a beautiful person
to be continued...
well this is my second chay story although i thought about it first
and since my first chat story already going on i don't think I'll be able to update often so read on your own risk


kim taehyung omega 2nd son of Kim's reborn elder brother yoongi father kim namjoon mother kim seokjin
kim yoongi alpha first son of Kim's kim namjoon father kim seokjin mother kim taehyung younger brother
. . .
back to story....
taehyung and yoongi look up only to find their mother
kim seokjin/ taehyung mother
kim seokjin/ taehyung mother
kim seokjin/ taehyung mother
kim seokjin/ taehyung mother
oh god yoon! I send you here to check on tae and what the hell are you doing like this
saying like this jin walked towards them while complaining when tae hurriedly got out of yoongi's embrace and ran towards jin hugging him tightly
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
mamma......mamma...( crying and mumbling)
jin stumbled when tae hugged him but balanced himself but what worried him was not this but tae's crying while calling him
jin got worried and hugs back tae tightly
kim seokjin/ taehyung mother
kim seokjin/ taehyung mother what happened why are you crying
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
(just hugging jin and mumbling while crying )
jin then looks at yoongi and just when yoongi was about to speak once again door opened
kim namjoon/ taehyung father
kim namjoon/ taehyung father
kim namjoon/ taehyung father
kim namjoon/ taehyung father
jin have you checked the guests beverages.....
namjoon asked his wife while entering the room but when he saw taehyung crying like a baby and hugging jin he got worried
namjoon hurriedly went towards them and put his hand on tae's back head slowly stroking his hairs
kim namjoon/ taehyung father
kim namjoon/ taehyung father
tae little princess ( softly)
listening to namjoon tae broke the hug and turned around and hugged his appa tightly in a koala hug
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
appa.....appa.. ( mumbling and crying)
tae just couldn't control his emotions and tears when he saw his family once again whom he had lost once
namjoon just hugged back his son his little princess tightly in his arms and looked at jin whi shake his head as no
kim yoongi/ tae
kim yoongi/ tae's brother
appa eomma don't get worried he's just nervous and sad to leave us
listening to yoongi jin and namjoon sighed with relief as they just couldn't even breathe properly seeing there child crying like this
after sometime taehyung calmed down but he was still hugging namjoon who was gently stroking his hair
then namjoon went and put taehyung on bed while kneeling in front of him and wiping his taers while jin and yoongi side hugged him
then namjoon took tae's hand in his hands
kim namjoon/ taehyung father
kim namjoon/ taehyung father
my princess don't be sad hmmm..
kim namjoon/ taehyung father
kim namjoon/ taehyung father
appa eomma and your hyung will always be there for you no matter where you are
listening to namjoon and feeling his family warmth once again tae's heart was breaking into pieces and his tears just won't stop
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
( if only .....if only i didn't marry that bast*** my family my family wouldn't have died in front of me) thinks
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
but i..i promise eomma appa and hyung I'll make each and every person who is the cause of our family demise suffer ( thinks)
while thinking like this taehyung calms down as a fire of revenge burns inside him which will engulf every person who is the cause of his tears
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
( make namjoon stand up and hugs him)
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
appa i don't want to marry ( low voice but everone heard)
kim namjoon/ taehyung father
kim namjoon/ taehyung father
really 😁
kim yoongi/ tae
kim yoongi/ tae's brother
really 😁
kim seokjin/ taehyung mother
kim seokjin/ taehyung mother
namjoon and yoongi say at the same time while jin rolls his eyes at them while shaking his head
kim namjoon/ taehyung father
kim namjoon/ taehyung father
yoongi go and announce that the marriage is canceled 😄
kim yoongi/ tae
kim yoongi/ tae's brother
ok appa.....
kim seokjin/ taehyung mother
kim seokjin/ taehyung mother
one step kim yoongi and I'll burn your bed and pillow ❄️
kim yoongi/ tae
kim yoongi/ tae's brother
noooo... 🙀
kim seokjin/ taehyung mother
kim seokjin/ taehyung mother
and kim namjoon ❄️
kim namjoon/ taehyung father
kim namjoon/ taehyung father
( gulps )
kim seokjin/ taehyung mother
kim seokjin/ taehyung mother
don't spout nonsense 😒 ❄️
kim seokjin/ taehyung mother
kim seokjin/ taehyung mother
and finally kim taehyung ❄️❄️
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
( gulps) eo....eomma
kim seokjin/ taehyung mother
kim seokjin/ taehyung mother
taehyung marriage is not a game that you want to do it and at the last moment don't want to ❄️❄️
kim seokjin/ taehyung mother
kim seokjin/ taehyung mother
marriage is a sacred knot tied down between two people so don't make joke of it ❄️❄️
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
eomma 🥺🥺
taehyung then slowly goes and hugs his eomma
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
eomma I'm sorry i didn't mean that its just i don't want leave you and appa and hyung 😔
kim seokjin/ taehyung mother
kim seokjin/ taehyung mother
(sigh) my baby we will always be here for you so don't worry hmmm
kim seokjin/ taehyung mother
kim seokjin/ taehyung mother
(cups tae's face kissing his forehead)
to be continued...
well my college is going to start I'm so nervous


kim namjoon alpha ceo of kim enterprises ( no. 2 company in the world) wife kim seok jin sons kim taehyung , kim yoongi
kim seokjin omega owns min café chains husband kim namjoon sons kim taehyung, kim yoongi
kim seokjin/ taehyung mother
kim seokjin/ taehyung mother
now I'll send the make up ruined your makeup ( caressing taehyung cheeks)
kim seokjin/ taehyung mother
kim seokjin/ taehyung mother
well it's the only thing i got do since from your dress to jewelry your in laws chose on their own....i really hate their choice but what i can i do if my own child is so stubborn ( thinks with a hint of sadness in eyes)
taehyung immediately understood his mother's thoughts and couldn't help his heart hurting again to make his parents so weak for him
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
mamma 🥺 .....( softly)
kim seokjin/ taehyung mother
kim seokjin/ taehyung mother
huh!! ( realize his actions) oh no baby I'm not sad it's just i....i.....
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
(hugs jin ) I'm sorry because of me .....
kim seokjin/ taehyung mother
kim seokjin/ taehyung mother
(interrupt) no baby please don't be it's just may be I'm too ambitious that i want to do everything for my little princess ( pecks tae's forehead)
well every mother has a dream that is to prepare for his daughter's wedding...they want to do or just participate each and every thing from small to big but in jin's case taehyung future in-laws chose everything on their own without asking tae's parents or brother
in his last life tae thought that it is because his in-law like him but now he for sure can say that they must've chosen on their own not to want spend too much money
namjoon and yoongi now feel that the room is getting heavy so namjoon takes jin away not before pecking taehyung forehead
kim yoongi/ tae
kim yoongi/ tae's brother
I'll also leave princess so don't be nervous and sad anymore
kim yoongi/ tae
kim yoongi/ tae's brother
( goes and touch each other's forehead) you know who you are right ??
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
(chuckles with teary eyes) yes ... I'm Kim's little tiger the most precious one 😊
kim yoongi/ tae
kim yoongi/ tae's brother
exactly ☺️ ( pecks tae's forehead and also leaves the room)
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
I'm sorry mamma and appa and hyung for hurting you all and not noticing your pain before ( tras again trickle down the cheeks )
taehyung turns back and stands in front on the mirror looking at his own reflection
taehyung sees himself how innocent and weak he looks... before he thought its his inborn personality which he can't change but now he just feel disgusted seeing himself so weak that anyone can break him
tae harshly wipes his tears
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
now is not the time to cry anymore kim is the time to make those bast*** to pay back with interest 😡😈
after sometime he heard a knock only to see make up artists
they bow to hin to which he nodes a little and they start their work
taehyung got ready and then yoongi again enter room and get surprised seeing his little princess and can't help to get teary eyes
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
although taehyung was looking beautiful but yoongi couldn't help but feel loath towards tae's in-laws
kim yoongi/ tae
kim yoongi/ tae's brother
Kim's only daughter is getting married and her dress and jewelry so simple 😒😠( thinks)
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
( looks at yoongi) hyung
kim yoongi/ tae
kim yoongi/ tae's brother
ah....princess you're looking really beautiful 😊
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
thank you hyung ☺️ (🙃)
kim yoongi/ tae
kim yoongi/ tae's brother
let's go everyone is waiting
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
(questioning gaze although he knew)
kim yoongi/ tae
kim yoongi/ tae's brother
i know appa should be the one to take you but i fought with him because i want to take my princess but since i can't because of the rituals so i decided take you down to father 😁😼
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
just like last time ( thinks with teary eyes)
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
( nodes his head with happiness)
kim yoongi/ tae
kim yoongi/ tae's brother
now let's go ( extends his arm)
kim taehyung
kim taehyung
( takes yoongi's arm and walk outside )
taehyung was walking along with yoongi the corridor seems unexpectedly short and stairs seems to come way too fast
now taehyung and yoongi were 2 steps before standing on the edge of stairs when a sweet voice calls them from behind
to be continued....

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