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The Prince Belongs To Me!!


Is today some kind of a special day?" I wonder, looking at all the beautiful clothes that lay in front of me.

Even a stray dog would look like a prince wearing them. Not me, though. If I were to wear these, I would still totally look like a dirty slave that I am. The thought made me glance down at my dirt covered, patched-up clothes that were on me for a long time. These glamorous outfits are supposed to make me look like a million bucks, but who am I kidding?

But my Rag like clothes were a bit better than my own condition. I looked around the room which actually belonged to ‘The Lady of the house’ or whatever she deemed herself, "I don't belong in here" saying to myself I glanced at the huge mirror that was in the corner of the room and walked to it. I had to lift my hair from my eyes so I could actually see. "Another unpleasant sight," I thought to myself while trying to make out of what I saw.

My dirt covered brown hair was falling down on my shoulders, I could've sworn it was a different color last time I paid attention. I shrugged and continued onto my eyes that were hiding behind my huge eyebags. The weirdest part was my tiny frame. "Did I get thinner than the last time I had time to check my reflection in the mirror?". If any outsider were to see me like this, they would totally mistake me for a girl, which I am not. The reflections in the mirror seemed to mock me, showing a distorted image of a person I barely recognized.

Memory lane for me is pretty short. The last thing that I remember about myself is that I'm a guy. Other than that, I don't quite remember anything. My name or age, no clue to that. People just make up a name for me by themselves, leaving me to figure out the real one myself. My family... do I even have one? I don't know. My memory starts from this place, though they had sent me here and there for work, but I always end up getting back here. The only thing that I do know is that these people here brought me up, and they are the only ones who care for me, and they give me work so I can repay their kindness or so they claim.

At my previous work, another disaster occurred, though I was stupid enough to think that I was never coming back here again. But I managed to spill a bowl of boiling chicken soup on the master of the house. Well, that was my ticket out of there. I shuddered at the recollection, the embarrassment and clumsiness etched vividly in my mind.

I was still busy with my thoughts when someone’s voice from behind startled me.

"You…why are you still standing here?" The voice was so loud that it made me jump. I turned and looked at the person standing behind me, a woman covered in thick makeup and dressed like it was her wedding day. "Didn't I tell you to go fix yourself? The carriage will be here any moment." she screamed. Seeing that 'The Lady of the House' was here, I hurriedly sat on the floor and bowed my head.

"Um... I..."

"WHAT?" she screamed even louder and made me flinch.

"Mam... I... I don't know what to do...these clothes... they are beautiful...I... I really don't think someone like me deserves to even look at them..."

"I KNOW THAT..." she screamed again, I raised my head for a little peek at her, and she looked like a red tomato that was about to explode. nah-uh, not looking up, I quickly turned back down. A moment of silence passed, and she sighed, ignoring the figure trembling on the floor she went to the mirror and started applying another coat of makeup.

"Momo..., I know you are a good boy always helping out everyone. But your return last time brought disgrace to our family, you know that, right?" she peeked at me from the mirror, and I gave her a slow nod. "Family… are we actually something like that?” I thought to myself. The families I saw at the places I worked at were kind of… different. While I was busy thinking, she continued on talking by herself.

"The buyers this time, requested someone beautiful and rich to match their exquisite tastes, you're neither of it, I know that, but they were pleasant enough to give us good money for the cause, so… I thought, why go to such lengths of finding someone like that and waste our precious money, oh all these clothes were actually bought from that money". She paused and smirked at herself.

"It’s just an investment, we just have to get someone ugly like for example you and have to doll you up and send you there and when you settle in, you know what you have to do, right?"

She turned which made come back to my senses, she looked down at me and gestured me to get up, I slowly got up with my head still down but she grabbed my face and pulled it up forcefully to face her "You better not mess it up this time Momo" she let go of my face and made a disgusted face while looking at her hand, she wiped her hand with a towel and walked past me towards the door.

"I'll send someone up here to help you, meanwhile go inside the bathroom and take a shower, not that it'll make you look any better but it'll work" she said and left me alone in the room.

"Momo? It was a different name from what she called me last time. " I rubbed my face, which got red at the place she had grabbed it. I rushed inside the bathroom and wondered about the last time I took a proper bath, who knows.

I took the rags off and left them in a corner on the floor. The bathtub was already full so without a second thought I stepped in and the water was freezing, but again it was a while and the feeling of the cold water surrounding my body wasn't actually that bad, it stopped all the voices that were screaming inside my head.

The silence of the grand bathroom enveloped me, broken only by the occasional distant echoes of the Lady's commands downstairs. I never cared about her schemes anyway. After everything I’m still here alone with my conflicting emotions of resentment and confusion. I let out a loud sigh, which echoed inside the grand bathroom.

"Another place, rich people, clothes, good money" I didn't understood a word of what she said but for once I knew that whatever day today is, for me it would be a pretty long day. While thinking that I slowly submerged myself deeper into the cold water.

Found You

A knock on the bathroom door made me realize that I was still sitting in the frozen bath water. I hurriedly jumped out, almost slipping and breaking my neck on the bathtub’s edge. My body felt like a block of ice, taking one step at a time, I wrapped a towel around myself and made my way to the door, wondering if I was even allowed to wear this towel.

I swung the door as my eyes met those of a kid – shorter than me, dark hair and a pair of reddish pink coloured eyes with a purple bruise that adorned his cheek, a blatant signature of 'The Lady of the House’ I wondered.

Curiosity got the better of me as I asked, "Yes?" He seemed familiar, though I couldn't place where I'd seen him before.

“You... were taking too long, so I came to check” he mumbled, eyes darting away. Maybe I still looked like a dirty slave even after that bath.

“I was… ordered to assist you, I already have packed your suitcase and readied the suit that you are supposed to wear. My curiosity deepened, but before I could question him further, he blurted out “oh your hair!” almost making me jump out of my skin.

“Huh? Is something wrong with my hair?” I reached up and felt the soapy mess it was in.

“The Shampoo is still in” he said, embarrassed by myself, I quickly retreated back into the bath, and before I knew it, he was behind me, handling my hair like a pro. A haircut, a second round of shampoo, and he even managed to get me dressed – all without me saying much.

“Done” he said. So I got up and in the mirror, I saw a stranger. Once brown hair now sparkled bright, a fresh haircut framed my face, and my eyes revealed a light hint of blue. I couldn’t even recognise myself.

I turned to the kid, at a loss of words, and he just nodded, like he'd expected my reaction.

“You are going away from here. You should be happy” he said with a smile, his eyes reflecting a hint of kindness. I tried to express gratitude, even though I didn't quite grasp what he had done. The person in the mirror wasn't me – he just played his part in the Lady's game of illusions. Nor that I could tell him that it's my fourth time getting out of here.

Before we could exchange more than a few words, the Lady barged in “Hurry the carriage is here...” she stopped to have a look at me, surprise written on her face “Hey you! what kind of makeup you used, I almost didn’t recognise him” she interrogated the kid, who calmly insisted he only did some "needed grooming." We both bowed to her, and the kid headed outside to load my suitcase, leaving me alone with the Lady.

She beckoned me to sit, and, as expected, she declared a new name for me. I didn’t have a real name anyway, so why not change it every time I leave for work? With a puzzled look, I listened to her briefing about the place I was going.

And just like that, I was ready to leave, hoping this time I wouldn't come back. “Alright from today, your name is Graham. Got it?” we always have this meeting when I’m about to go to work, and like always she’s giving me a different name, but graham…" really?

Carriage rides were the only moments of freedom in my otherwise confined life. But today's journey took an unexpected turn – the carriage came to a sudden halt.

“What’s going on?” I questioned.

“The soldiers are inspecting every carriage at the kingdom’s border, mostly they only inspect the entering ones, but who knows”

I sat back in my seat, wondering what’s up, fifteen minutes of suspense later, the driver's voice piped up again. “Why even his highnesses the prince here?” What a prince, a real prince, interest at its peak. I couldn’t resist peeping out the window. There were soldiers everywhere, and I followed their gaze. There he was – the prince, a tall figure with a black ensemble, a long cape flowing, and a giant sword at his side. He had his back to me, and I also tried to avoid his gaze. As he started to turn, I hastily retreated back into the carriage. Panic set in – what if he saw me?

Just as I began to calm my racing heart, there was a knock on the carriage door. Fear gripped me as I opened it to find a tall soldier standing outside. This wasn't part of the plan. I hadn't done anything wrong. Why was I feeling like I was about to face the consequences of a crime I didn't commit?

As the carriage door swung open, I found myself face to face with a trio of soldiers. The air thickened with an odd tension, and to my shock, the lead soldier froze in front of me, his pupils enlarging. He seemed as perplexed as I was by the sudden halt of our journey. “what the…” one of them mumbled. clearly taken aback by something I couldn't fathom. A soldier hurriedly left, leaving me with the remaining two, who, with a puzzled expression, uttered, "Please step out of the carriage."

My heart raced, am I going to the jail. But perhaps it might be better than the place I just left. I slowly descended, only to be met by a colossal force slamming into me. Gasping, I braced for impact, even stumbling forward and panicking that there might be another round of beatings when a deep, almost refreshing voice cut through the tension.


An almost familiar name echoed and made me turn abruptly, before me stood the most beautiful pair of red eyes, filled with a kindness that left me breathless. "How..." the voice trailed off, a mixture of confusion and recognition etched across his features.

“Sir…” a soldier interruption snapped him back to reality, though he refused to release his grip on my hand. I, too, snapped back to my senses, finally realizing the identity of the person who had spoken the almost-familiar name – the prince.

Stumbling over my words, I managed to croak out, "My name is Graham," though the name he had spoken earlier sounded more fitting. Confusion washed over his face, and he took a step back, scrutinizing me from head to toe.

“Get the driver” he ordered a soldier, The driver was brought forward and interrogated, and I couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy, knowing he had likely concocted a well-rehearsed story to protect me. Throughout the questioning, the prince's gaze remained fixed on me, intensifying my unease.

The soldier returned with the driver, who appeared noticeably nervous. "I picked him up on the road, sir," the driver stammered, the words sounding rehearsed. "Just an act of kindness, you know?"

The prince arched an eyebrow, scepticism etched on his face. As he was unknowledgeable about the fact that the driver and I shared a secret – both slaves from the same place I originated. It was clear now; the Lady had orchestrated this narrative, ensuring that even the driver played his part seamlessly. Sighing, the prince nodded, eyes still on me, and then back at the soldier.

"Put him on a horse." The command hung in the air, I realized that this unexpected encounter with royalty was steering my journey in a direction I hadn't anticipated. “Take the driver too” I swallowed hardly at the prospect of a horse ride under the watchful eyes of the prince, adding a new layer of uncertainty to the already mysterious path ahead.

Come With Me

“Put him on a horse,” the prince’s words kept echoing in my head, uncertainty hit me hard. Could I defy the prince's orders? Was that even an option?

As my mind spiralled into internal panic, a soldier approached me. “Sir Riley, please come this way,” he said, using that name again, and the confusion in my head intensified. Was I the only one in the dark about what was happening? Everyone’s eyes were fixed on me, which made me feel like a dissected body under scrutiny. Terrified, I begin to step backwards and collide with a person – the prince once again. He took a good look at my frightened face and gestured the soldiers to leave.

His serious red eyes bore into me as if he could see me inside out. My whole body trembled in fear while my eyes dropped to the ground.

“What’s wrong?” His voice was surprisingly calming, making me blink away the forming tears. Without waiting for my response, he dipped his head to my level, and our eyes met again. His expression shifted from stern to kind as his hand gently wiped away a stray tear. Confusion enveloped me.

“What’s wrong?” he repeated, his voice a soothing balm. I had planned to keep my distance, but the warmth of his hand on my cheek melted my resolve. “I... I can’t go to the castle... I have to go to work... sniffle, my master will be mad at me”

His other hand moved up to my cheek, and his kind eyes searched mine. “Do you like your work?”

It was a chilling question, suddenly sending chills down my spine. Work? Endure beatings and inhumane treatment. Do I really have to go through that all for the lady’s profits. The prince's serious gaze intensified, and the weight of his question hung in the air.

“Hmmm?” I was snapped from my thoughts as he continued, and I shook my head. Surprisingly, the corner of his lips curled up.

He grabbed my hand and squeezed it. “Then come with me” his words resonated loud and clear, quieting the chaos in my mind. I simply nodded, unable to articulate a response. He released my hand, leaving behind a tingling warmth, and smiled one last time before going back to his serious and expressionless face as he gestured towards a soldier. Once I had settled, I finally got a good look at the prince. Even though I didn't know his name yet, his body language spoke for itself.

He carried an air of authority evident in his every move. His chiselled facial features prove that he undeniably was a part of royalty – carved with determination, reflecting strength and poise befitting a true prince. His jet-black hair and eyes, akin to rubies with a piercing intensity, held stories untold.

Standing tall and graceful, every move he made demanded attention, showing off his natural leadership. I couldn't help it, and i let my gaze linger onto his detailed body. The fabric of his suit clung to him, unveiling the sculpted lines of his abs. With an athletic build and a noble posture, he was like a mix of power and charm.

My thoughts got interrupted by a soldier's call when a beautiful, tall white horse was brought to me, a sight so breathtaking that my mouth hung open. “You’ll be riding this one” the soldier said while patting the majestic creature.

“But... I don’t know how to ride a horse” I mumbled, earning a surprise look from him.

“Huh? but you’ve been riding since you were eight”

What? The revelation left me dumbfounded. Was I the only one oblivious to my own past, the soldiers, the prince – they all seemed to know more about me than I did, then again, they might be confusing me for another person. Horses in my life had only been attached to carriages or confined to stables I cleaned endlessly.

“How about I ride with you?” A voice interrupted from above, and I turned to see a ghost-like figure appear on the tree next to us, making me jump two-feet away from it. Calmed myself, I glanced up only to see a black-haired guy hanging upside-down from a branch of the tree. With another jump, he landed gracefully in front of me. Our height was about the same. Though he was dressed in ordinary peasant clothing, I assumed him to be a trickster until the soldier approached.

“Prince Adrian, welcome back”

Prince? Another one? Although he resembled the first prince, sharing the same sleek black hair and those eyes painted in a shade of red. However, unlike the first one, he wore humble clothes. The other prince approached him.

“Adrian...” he trailed off.

“Your highness”, prince Adrian bowed respectfully.

“How was it? You... got something” the prince spoke in a low, concerned tone, to which Prince Adrian shook his head. An air of tension filled the surroundings, although my curious mind was more interested in what they were talking about.

With a moment of silence, Prince Adrian spoke again.

“So, what’s going on here? I see some interesting people here” he said, glancing at me.

I wondered if he, too, confused me with Riley. Both princes and the soldier seemed unable to answer his question, so I decided to take matters into my own hands.

“I’m Graham” I said, receiving the same reaction from him that I got from everyone else.

“Oh, did you change your name or something, I liked the other one better though...” Prince Adrian laughed awkwardly. Maybe he attempted a joke but really failed at it, which made me laugh so loud that all eyes turned towards me. What else could I do? Finally, someone voiced the same thoughts I had been harbouring.

Amid the awkward pause, the prince explained the situation to Prince Adrian, and also that they needed to investigate further to confirm whether I was the mysterious Riley or not.  

“So, what are we waiting for? Let’s head back” Prince Adrian declared.

“Yes, leave most of the soldiers here so they can continue the investigation, and the rest of us will be going back to the castle” the prince commanded.

“Understood,” the head soldier said and left, leaving the three of us.

“So… what were you two talking about before I got here” the prince looked towards me and Prince Adrian.

“Heh”, a mischievous smile crossed Prince Adrian’s face. “Nothing important” he replied, shrugging.

“Hmph” the prince didn’t say any further and went back.

“Hahaha” prince Adrian laughed hysterically, “this is the first time in a while that I saw him getting pissed”

Huh, the prince was angry, but why?

A little while later, Prince Adrian persuaded his brother to let me ride the horse with him. Surprisingly, he was also shocked to know that I couldn’t ride one myself. Things worked out, and we were on our way to the castle. I couldn’t help but be fascinated by the prince's skill at horse riding. His black horse complemented his personality well.

As much as i was absorbed in watching the prince, my curiosity about his brother was at its peak, so I finally glanced back at him and asked him.

“Um... prince Adrian”

“You know we’re both the same age, so you can just call me Adrian” he said. The revelation caught me off guard; how old was I anyway? I never really thought about it. “I can’t do that. You’re still the prince even if we’re about the same age” not to mention that I’m a slave and you are royalty.

He paused, leaving out a chuckle.

“Okay, call me whatever you want”

“Ah, so I wanted to ask you... about your clothes”

“My clothes, oh you mean why am I wearing peasant clothes” I nodded.

“Well,” his tone grew more serious “I had an investigation to do in a village nearby, and these clothes I wore to blend in better. If I go there in my usual clothes, I might have been exposed the moment I stepped in” he laughed and I couldn’t help but smile at the familiarity I felt around this person, well I needed the answer to feed my curiosity anyway.

While we chatted, the prince brought his horse closer to ours.

“Is there something wrong, your highnesses?” Prince Adrian asked.

“It’s nothing…” the prince replied, making Prince Adrian chuckle again. Is he mad again, I thought, trying to decipher the subtle dynamics between the two brothers.

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