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There is no such thing as peace in the country of Mavernem. 127 years ago it was all of Europe, but now, after it become infested with vampires, it became ‘Mavernem’. Crimson blood always taints the streets in Mavernem. Screams of human souls and vampire chortling and biting at those innocent beings. Humans are no longer at the top of the food chain, now that vampires exist.

Vampire kings and queens rule, and mortals hardly have a right to do anything. One wrong, simple move, can lead to immediate execution. The sad thing? There is no balance. Vampires are strong, fast and can snap a human neck in a mere second. But humans in Mavernem, are weak.

It was all horrible, but there is more.

When a vampire reaches the age of eighteen, they will be forced to drink human blood to stay alive. Vampires under that age can survive without drinking blood, though some families let them drink blood from animals to get them to get used to that red liquid. Or most of the vampires under that age just consume human food until they are eighteen.

So every year, a ‘blood’ ceremony is held outside the royal castle. Where a stage is set, and human girls from ages eighteen to twenty five are dressed in fine dresses and forced on stage. Name tags taped to their chests, where the girls information is listed. Usually the most purest blood is the most expensive. Or how pretty the girl is. The only way for the girls to escape the ceremony is to wed. The human male blood ceremony occurs two months after the human female blood ceremony. For the vampires who prefer Male blood.

But not every vampire drinks blood at this specific age or even choose a blood servent— or at least only ONE vampire didn’t let a single drop of blood go past his lips. This vampire is already twenty three. And to make matters worse, this vampire is Davis E. Dracula, also knows as, prince Davis of Mavernem.

He is a vampire, but he refuses to drink blood. He sees it as inhuman and cruel. But there is nothing human about him, from his sick pale skin to his red glowing eyes and pearly fangs. But really, he had kindness and mystery in his heart.

Our story starts with Davis.


I groan as my alarm goes off, that evil, evil device. My arm lazily escapes my covers and pushes the alarm clock from my dresser to the floor. A smashing sound was made as the clock made contact with the ground. Well, there goes my thirteenth alarm clock.

I press my palms against my bed sheets, trying to lift my body up. But gasp as my arms twists and my face falls on the bed again. Why do I feel so tired if I slept for eight hours straight!?

Circles under eyes, daily dizziness and vomiting, skinny, and weak. And I am the future ruler of Mavernem. I slowly throw the covers off of me and weakly leave my bed. And...I fell face first. Pathetic.

Why do I wake up in the morning, though I’m a vampire? Oh, the humans that I and my parents rule over. They are mostly active in the morning so my duties as a prince is to attend my training sessions. And sadly, one of my sessions are: ‘how to interact with the human race’ which I am not a big fan of.

And suddenly I wish vampires would sleep in coffins again all morning. It would really be easier to catch a prey if their unconscious, really.

I stood up shakingly and looked at the curtains, sunlight seeped through a small space. I pick up my necklace from the dresser, and carefully put it on. It had a topaz, my birthstone, in a web-like silver (not real silver, of course) cage. Vampires wear necklaces with their birthstones, these kinds of necklaces have the power to form an invisible barrier between me and the sun. So vampires can roam freely without worrying to become ashes.

I open the curtains and wince as the sunlight blinds my eyes. Ah, sun. Still annoying as ever. I still can’t comprehend how humans can fall in love with the glow of this hot jewel in the sky.

I make my way to the bathroom and look into the mirror, why do I even have a mirror, why do I even have a mirror? I can’t see my own reflection. It is said that you can see your soul in the mirror. And it is also said, vampires don’t have souls. Which makes me kind of upset.

I look down at my body, which was pale and some parts of my skeleton are visible. Because Of the lack of ‘human blood’. I eat well, from fats and oils in small amounts, fish and meat, milk and cheese to fruits and veggies. But these aren’t very helpful to keep a vampire body healthy. Only blood is the answer.

I took off my garments and open the tap. And immediately, cold freezing water rushed out of the shower head. I quickly shut the tap and hold my body using my arms. Even the royals can’t get warm water in Mavernem! I think I can skip showering for now.

After a few minutes, I wore my ‘Royal Uniform’, consisting of black trousers, a white shirt, a black vest, a grey scarf, and a black cape. I bring the cape closer to my body that it’s covering everything. I hide my necklace under my shirt and quickly grab my crown and run out of my room.

I took a deep breath, and jump up in the air. I smiled as I started to float, but not too high to hit the ceiling, though. I quickly grabbed my crown before it fell, my mother would kill me if that happened.

Laughing as I flew through the halls, past the suprised maids. The best thing of being a vampire is flying, it makes me feel so hyper! The butlers and guards greet me a good morning while I flew around them. I pass through the paintings on the wall, waving at them as if I’m a mainiac. What? Can’t I say hello to my ancestors?

I grin, but just as I do so, I feel dizzy. My head spinning and my stomach feels as if it’s dancing.

Not now! I lose control of my flying, and fall to the ground, rolling and harshly making contact with the ground and my face. I think I broke my nose. I pick up my top body and gasp as I held my stomach.

I can already hear the servants running to me in worry and hurry. But it’s too late. I felt acidity climbing up from my stomach to my throat, i tried not to, but I opened my mouth and out it went, all over the carpet. This is the fifth time in three days. I feel sick and tired.

One of my butlers help me up, and kept muttering;

“you should start drinking blood now, it’s becoming too much for you health, Prince Davis.” And I kept shaking my head. I’ll never do that. Making the maids roll their eyes while taking me back to my room.

I promised and vowed to my self since I was young to never drink human blood. And this just doesn’t make my parents happy. And what terrifies me the most is...

will I ever give in to starvation?

Thank you so much for reading!

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Chapter 1

☆Nicole O‘Kiere☆

The clouds cried tears that flooded Mavernem, while a baker’s family was ready to be executed.

”Papa! Mama! NO!” Nicole screamed as the man holding her chuckled, before blocking her screams by putting his large hands on her pink lips. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she watched these creatures from hell devour and play with her parents as if they are just sacks of meat.

Three months. The O’Kiere family didn’t pay their taxes for three months. It was as if they were asking for a death wish. But really, Mr. O’Kiers’s business has been going down hill, and that left the family much more poor than before. And as all of us may know, not paying taxes is punishable by law. But in Mavernem, there is no law, it is immediate execution.

Mrs. O’Kiere, also known as Chloe, locked eyes with Nicole for one last time. Mouthing ‘Be brave’ before the vampire held her by the neck and started to stab her in the chest with his knife three times, one for each month they ignored the taxes. Scarlet liquid dripped from Chloe’s mouth, lidded eyes and her fair skin becoming pale. The vampire drops the knife, finding no need of it anymore.

Nicole’s Father, Zane, wide eyed as he watched his lifeless wife thrown to the wall, her limp body falling on the ground. Nicole was balling her eyes now, she’s only twelve. Zane screamed loudly, for all of Mavernem to hear. He looked at Nicole, his eyes that were always fiery and full of bravery were full of sorrow.

He didn’t fight when the vampire held him up by his hair, nor did he do anything when the vampire traced his neck to his Adam’s apple. The vampire grinned and sunk his black long nails through Zane’s neck, blood spilling everywhere before Zane’s body fell to the ground, while the vampire holding the corpse’s head before dropping it to the ground. His head rolled until it was at the small feet of Nicole.

The man holding Nicole dropped her, palms on the wet ground. As she stared at her parents that will no longer be with her as she grows to become a woman. No longer will clap as she made her first steps to success. No longer will buy her a candy bar every time she aces a test at school.

The two vampires stare at her for a few seconds, looking at each other as they whispered vulgar words to each other. Execution is forbidden for ages eighteen and below.

”Do we just leave her here?”

”I’m not sure, but I know she won’t survive on her own.”

”let’s leave her here and let her rotten.”


They grin and kick dirt at her face, before walking away as she kept mourning her parents. After a few minutes, a couple of vampires picked up her parent's bodies, and now Nicole laid on the ground in the corner of an alley, where she whimpers and shrunk herself as the cold night embraced her. Her parents were gone, now she has no one to take care of her nor love her.

But instead of sadness in her heart, there was anger flowing in her veins. She raised her head as the rain continued to fall on her petite body, spotting the knife left by the vampires. She stands up, shaking as she picked up the blade. She traces her finger on the sharp weapon, drawing blood from her finger.

She looks up in the night sky before closing her eyes. Revenge was all she could think of right now.

”I’ll end them. I’ll kill a royal vampire.”

Her idea is to end the royal vampire family. The king and queen will be difficult, but if she ends the prince...trouble will rise. That will be no heir for the throne. That will spark a rebellion against the vampire kingdom, and that will end the vampire race and humans shall rise up again. Quiet a large plan for a twelve-year-old.

_ _ _ _ _

The sun rose up, shining in full glory above the the large country of Mavernem. People left their homes, carrying anxiety and fear on their shoulders as they traveled to work. Vampire children flew around town, laughing at the scarred humans while their protective necklaces were under their shirts.

The chirping of birds disturbing Nicole from her sleep. The brunette woman raised from her pillow and stretched her arms and pushed her covers away from her. She looked out of the window with her deep brown eyes, staring at the birds that flew by.

She hopped from her bed and made a beeline for the bathroom. After only a few minutes, she showered in cold water and dressed up in a long skirt reaching below her knees and a purple blouse with black shoes. She pulled her long waist-length hair into a neat ponytail after brushing it. Before grabbing her purse, hiding her small blade in there and grabbing an apple before leaving her apartment.

_ _ _ _ _ _

Nicole works at a library, and they name her ’Emotionless Nikky’. Ever since that ’execution’ involving her parents ten years ago, she barely displayed any emotion towards anyone. She puts on her name tag and proceed to carry books back to the shelves. No matter how much her co-workers and manager greet her, she just looks at them with a blank stare and continue with her work. People think she is just shy and introvented, but really, she is not going to risk trusting someone.

Nicole pauses and her gaze fell on an interesting title of a book. ‘The Blood Servant’. Nicole opens the book to the middle, flipping through the pages before looking at the back where the description is supposed to be. Nicole looks down at the authors name. ‘Ami Fesori’ the Author that wrote about the poor decisions and actions of the kingdom of Mavernem. The author was executed twenty four years ago, yet, her books are still widely popular and sold legally.

‘The Blood Servant’ is one of the most beloved book in her collection. It is based on real life events she have been part of. Ami was a blood maid, sold to a rich vampire family. She was bitten, beaten, and unfed. But the family immediately got rid of her when she spoke up; when she wrote her first story that went famous and sparked a bit of hope in the humans.

Nicole puts the book back on the shelf and sighs before making her way to the counter, reaching for another stack of books before the door bursts open, startling everyone in the library. A red-haired golden-eyed vampire almost breaks the door, he smirks before starting to pass papers in his arms to everyone in the library.

”The blood ceremony is in one day, ladies and gentlemen! Make sure to be there or else your head will be chopped off!” He laughs as he examines the terrified reactions of each one of them. Until Nicole’s calm reaction tipped him off. Nicole never been to the blood auction, she is about twenty-two. Because when she was eighteen she was still at the orphanage and her nana didn’t give her up, but now, nana is dead and Nicole is independent and thus, she will be forced to attend this blood ceremony.

“Why are you so calm? A beauty like you will definitely get bought! Haven’t you thought of that?” He flew to her, resting his arm on her shoulders, before she pushed him away. Nicole faced the other way and tried to ignore him. But the vampire isn’t going to give up easily.

“And aren’t you afraid? The prince is going to join the ceremony for the first time this year!” Now, this caught Nicole’s attention. She has a chance to start her plan. She looks at the grinning vampire, then looks down at the paper he handed to her. And there was a small black crown at the bottom, with small words ‘The prince will join and choose a blood concubine on behalf of his parents, the king and queen’ Nicole narrows her eyes at the paper before ripping it. The vampires jaw dropped.

she looked at him and handed him the ripped paper.

”Leave the library, please.”

_ _ _ _ _ _

Nicole takes out the large bag from under her bed before unzipping it gently. She digs in through the objects in there till she finds the treasure she was looking for. She takes out a blue dress that once belonged to her mother. It was very simple, no complexity only that the bodice was decorated in small dark blue flowers.

Nicole stares at the dress before standing up and putting the dress carelessly into her washing machine for a quick clean up.

Nicole walks to her kitchen counter and stares at the blade she owned from about ten years ago. The same blade used to kill her mother. She traces the handle and smiles.

“I’ll just have to make sure the prince chooses me. And then, I can end him when he comes close” she speaks to no one In particular. Well, she will get her revenge. Maybe.

_ _ _

Davis stares at his parents in awe, before looking down at the paper then at his parents.

”This has to be a joke.”

“No, Davis. We are just worried about you—“ The Queen was interrupted rudely by her son.

”I don’t care! I’m not choosing any one and I will never do-“

“Davis, one day, your body is going to do actions you can’t control. Your body will grown hungry for blood and will not only drink blood from the victim— you will devour the victim completely and you won’t even notice.” Davis’s eyes widen, devour, in like, eat!? He thought, that is even worse than drinking someone’s blood. His mother, Annebeth sighs.

“Dear— tell me, would you rather eat flesh or drink blood?”

Chapter 2


Davis was laying on his bed, his breathing sharp and rapid. His hand on his chest where his heart is and his arm on his forehead. He was hungry, no— starving. His father locked him in his room and forbid for any type of food to enter his stomach, Until he agrees on fully participating in the blood ceremony.

It’s been nine hours since he ate that toast at breakfast with chocolate milk. And the ceremony is in only a few hours.

Davis’s Bombay cat, Inky was leaning close to his face, licking his cheeks trying to wipe Davis’s tears away. Though, just the smell of Inky’s blood made Davis cry harder just at the thought of consuming his own best friend.

”Why are my parents like this...?” He chokes out, his crimson eyes on his feline cat, where he gave him a sad look. Davis reaches out and rubs behind Inky’s ear, making the cat purr in pleasure.

”If there was a smaller, weaker cat than you, would you eat it or drink it’s blood out? Because I wouldn’t.” Davis felt stupid for talking to a cat that doesn’t understand his language. And the fact the He was comparing himself to a cat made him feel dumber.


The sound of knocking on his door startled Davis before he fell out of his bed, hitting his head harshly against the ground.

“Ow...ow...” he groans, rubbing his head before standing up and sitting on his bed again.

”Come in.” The door unlocked and a human maid came in with a tray of vitamins, a glass of water, a slice of bread, bandages, a syringe with a strange pale liquid, and medicine.

The castle is filled with human slaves that work for the vampires, they are much easier to control than vampires. The maid closes the door behind her and places the tray on Davis’s bed. He looked at her with confused orbs.

”I thought they won’t feed me?”

“No— this is from your mother, she was a bit worried.” The maid picks up the bread knife and slices off smaller pieces for the prince. She takes out three types of vitamin pills from the three jars and pours the medicine into a spoon. She watches as Davis eats all of the bread in speed. Before swallowing each vitamin pill with water. He wipes her lips with his napkin and looks at the maid.

“May I have the medicine spoon, Madilyn?” He asks, outsretching his hand to reach for the spoon. She hesitates before handing it to him and watching him drink it.

Madilyn served Davis for almost six years. Since he was sixteen and she was fourteen. Davis trusts Madilyn as if she was his friend.

He hands her back the spoon, sitting up straight before he backs further on his bed and start to unbutton his white shirt, taking it off then laying down.

Madilyn puts her hands on her lips, trying not to cry at the sight of his skeletal body. Becuase of his training sessions and fencing lessons, he had scars all over his chest. And his body was nothing but flesh and bones.

Madilyn bites her lips trying not to scream or cry and picked up the syringe and a wet cloth. She walked near his body and dabbed a spot on his upper arm, before piercing his skin using the needle. He turned his head away so he won’t see her saddened face.

Inky stares at both of them, sitting on the dresser facing Davis. Inky meowed and nudged Davis’s hand with his paw, causing Davis to smile at his cat.

Madilyn takes out the needle and puts the syringe and cloth away, putting a small circular bandage on the spot. She started to help him unwrap the old bandages around his body, before replacing them with new bandages to wrap his body with. Davis uses bandages to decrease pain and hold his body together.

After she was done, Madilyn leaned down and cupped his face, he lets out a sound of surprise at the sudden action. She leaned closer so her forehead touched his. And her light blue eyes were connected with his red ones.

“Davis— I’ve worked for you for six years, I’ve seen you cry I’ve seen you laugh.”

”I’ve been loyal to you and you were loyal to me, We have been friends ever since the first time we met.”

Her eyes started to water and Davis was as confused as a deer in the road. Her hand traced his jawline before pressing her lips against his, causing his eyes to widen as large as balloons. Her lips were sandwiched against his in a awkward way, like an unsolved puzzle.

She parted her lips from his cold ones, and his cheeks were a dark rosy colour. She looked away and laid her head against his chest. She takes a deep breath and clenched her fists.

”But, I’ve been disloyal to you. Just right now,” she raises her head to meet his eyes again.

”The medicine you drank containes Megestrol acetate. Your parents wanted this, I’m so, so sorry, Davis.” Madylin places her hands on his chest, lifting her self up before picking up the tray before leaving the room with a teary face, the door locking behind her.

It took a while for Davis to understood what she just said. Megestrol acetate is a medication that stimulates an appetite. And Davis is a vampire. Vampires have appetites for blood. Davis places his hand over his mouth, hoping he will just vomit it out. But nothing happened, nothing but his body starting to shake.

Tears started to escape his eyes as he felt as if the medicine is stabbing him in the stomach. And suddenly, he felt hunger— for blood. He looks at Inky, saliva escaping through the corners of his lips.


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