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BEYOND THE CLOUDS - A Story Of Ambition & Loss

EP 1: The Beginning

                 A guy named Raghu sits in the coffee shop. He sees a magazine with the title " Anvar A successful pilot". After that, He was traumatized by thinking about his past and falls unconscious.

The magazine tells the story of Anvar who became a pilot after facing so many obstacles. ,,

Anvar story in magazine:

                      Anvar, a 20-year-old undergoing pilot training, hails from a wealthy family. His father, unlike many parents shares a friendly bond with him, treating him more like a friend than just a son. Alongside his pursuit of becoming a pilot, Anvar cherishes a close relationship with Kavya, his cousin from his aunt's side. Kavya was more than a relative; she was a kindred spirit, a companion who shared his dreams and aspirations. They are in love and their relationship has blossomed over the past two years, and they've both expressed their desire to marry once Anvar completes his training of becoming a pilot.

                        One day, Anvar hears a strange voice. Anvar asks his family members, "What is that voice?" They say they heard nothing, but Anvar still hears those strange voices. He didn't take it seriously. Later that day, he again hears those voices and starts seeing someone who doesn't exist in reality. This happens for weeks. Anvar doesn't have any idea of what's happening.

                        As Anvar's mental health deteriorates, his family becomes increasingly concerned. Despite their efforts to understand and support him, Anvar's condition worsens. He begins hearing strange voices and seeing people who aren't there, which deeply disturbs him. Initially, he tries to brush it off, but as the hallucinations persist, they start to consume him.

                   Anvar's father, noticing his son's distress and distraction from his studies, encourages him to seek help. He is getting lost in ability to think. When Anvar finally confides in his father about the voices and hallucinations, his father is alarmed and decides to seek professional help. Anvar's reluctance to discuss his struggles with his family, and his increasing withdrawal from reality. He also stops loving his cousin and starts avoiding her. But, Kavya takes care of his cousin and treats him to become better.

            Anvar's father decided to consult a psychiatrist. After consulting with a psychiatrist, Anvar receives a diagnosis of schizophrenia. The psychiatrist explains that schizophrenia is a mental disorder characterized by a disconnection from reality, disorganized thoughts and behavior, and a decline in daily functioning, and slowly he can lose his ability to think. It's very rare to get this disorder. Only 1% of the population get this mental disorder. It is very tough to treat him. But, We can cure it by giving therapy sections daily, and mainly he needs love and emotional support to come back to reality.

His mother asked the psychiatrist, what happens if it doesn't cure. The psychiatrist replied, "I have seen some people with schizophrenia wandering on the roads. His condition will be like that if he doesn't get cured." And maybe he can forget his past. Anvar's parents were disappointed about his condition.

Anvar faces many critical situations and problems from this disorder. He almost loses his sanity. However, Anvar's family, especially his father, rallies around him, providing emotional support and ensuring he receives the necessary treatment and therapy.

With the guidance of his psychiatrist, and Kavya giving emotional support to her cousin Anvar to get cured from schizophrenia, Anvar begins his journey toward managing his schizophrenia and reclaiming control over his life...

                               to be continued....

Ep 2: The Situation


It's a challenging road ahead, but with the right support system in place, Anvar is determined to overcome this obstacle and pursue his dreams, including his relationship with Kavya, with a renewed sense of hope and resilience.

He faced many downfalls while he was getting pilot training. But, he doesn't stop his training, his father helps him for his training. He started again and again. He got rejected several times in interviews due to his mental condition. He slowly started getting rid of his disorder and proved himself. Finally, he became a pilot After so many attempts.

He isn't recovered fully from his disorder. He got married to his cousin 'Kavya, Kavya treats him sensitively like a child to get rid of his disorder. and living a happy life

-This is the story in the magazine.

Now coming into Raghu's life style who falls unconscious in the coffee shop:

After Raghu woke up he felt guilty. Raghu, who became mentally ill due to his surroundings and situations in his past.... and he tried to kill anvar's mother to tell anvar how raghu feels.

Anvar's mother gets admitted in hospital and Raghu gets arrested.

Anvar meets Raghu in prison and asks, why did you do that?

Raghu told about his story,

Raghu story: Raghu, a 19-year-old, just passed his intermediate exams with a 50% grade. He is very poor, and his parents always push him to settle in a career as a job holder, which is easy to get. But Raghu has other ideas and plans about his future as a pilot. He deeply loves a girl named Laila, but she doesn't understand him and looks at him like trash because he is poor and not conventionally attractive. She doesn't know how genuine he is. Raghu has loved her since he was 17 years old, but he's always been too afraid to talk to her. One day, he gathers the courage to speak to her, and she coldly responds, "I know you've been in love with me for three years. I've been waiting for this day." Raghu is momentarily hopeful, but then she crushes his hopes by saying, "I've been waiting for this day to reject you. Life isn't about love; it's about how you live. Be happy and chase your goals, not me." Raghu asks, "What if I become successful in the future? Will you accept me then?" She responds with a hesitant "maybe," lacking faith in his abilities due to his grades and social standing.

Raghu has a habit of writing in a diary. One day, his father reads his diary and beats him after discovering Raghu's feelings for Laila and his aspirations for the future. His father only reads a small portion of the diary and misunderstands Raghu's intentions. He scolded about his intentions on Laila. Later, He confronts Raghu, questioning his desire to become a pilot.

Raghu confirms his dream to become a pilot, his father concerns about his dream he wants to give some support to his son, but his father seeks advice from relatives. Meanwhile, Their relatives criticize Raghu's chances of success to become a pilot due to his academic performance in his school & Intermediate. Raghu's father then expresses doubts about Raghu's ability to succeed as a pilot, considering their financial situation and the opinions of their relatives.

Feeling rejected and misunderstood, Raghu walks away with an angry and sad expression and sits by the sea, contemplating suicide. He is overwhelmed by thoughts of his dreams and Laila, and his palms sweat as he shivers with fear. Eventually, he falls unconscious.

To be continued......

Ep 3: The Love & The passion


Raghu wakes up in the morning and begins his journey back home. His parents are worried about him, having believed he had committed suicide because of the situation that day before happened. His father slaps him and demands to know where he was all night. Raghu explains that he passed out near the sea, and slept without knowing. His father scolds him and tells him never to leave the house at night without permission. Despite being illiterate, his father knows how to care for his son and tells Raghu to rest, promising to discuss his future later.

Raghu fears his father will pressure him into settling for a job again. After freshening up, his father asks about the fees for pilot training. Raghu estimates it could cost between 20 to 30 lakh rupees if he performs well. His father agrees to fund his studies, leaving Raghu wondering if it's genuine. Raghu doesn't fully understand his father, who is good at parenting but sometimes misunderstands him, and vice versa.

Raghu begins his studies with the fear of losing his dreams and Laila constantly on his mind. Years pass, and Raghu studies diligently, nearing his dream of becoming a pilot. His final examination is just two days away, and Raghu prepares rigorously. However, Laila is getting married, as he has no friends to keep him informed.

Once, Raghu goes to her house, after he knows about her wedding preparations. He confronts Laila, demanding an explanation for her decision. Laila whispers that it's not the right time to talk and asks him to leave, as her relatives are present. Raghu persists, but Laila's father intervenes, slapping Raghu and questioning his identity and background.

Frustrated and hurt, Raghu pleads with Laila to accept him, promising a bright future as a pilot. However, Laila rejects him, saying she doesn't want to live with him even if he becomes a pilot. So, get lost. Raghu leaves her house with disappointment and returns home.

When he returns home, he finds his father waiting for him. Despite feeling ashamed of his actions at Laila's house, his father doesn't say anything, having read Raghu's diary and understood his feelings.

His father instructs him to study for his upcoming examination. Raghu, however, finds it difficult to focus, consumed by thoughts of Laila. Two days later, Raghu takes his examination, but when the results are announced, he has failed. He hesitantly informs his father, who is deeply disappointed. His father reminds Raghu of the sacrifices made for his dream, including selling their property and taking a loan.

Feeling defeated and remorseful, Raghu retreats to his room, reflecting on his future and his lost love, Laila. He imagines a life as a pilot, married to Laila, but reality shatters his dreams once again. Overwhelmed by despair, Raghu falls unconscious, his mind filled with regret and longing.

When Raghu woke up, he overheard his parents whispering about his situation and their financial struggles. They seemed sad and angry with Raghu. Misunderstanding his parents' intentions, Raghu decided to leave the house, thinking, "This all happened because of me." He started a new life in another town and began preparing for examinations again. He worked at food stalls and coffee shops to stand on his own two feet. Years passed, and it was time for an interview. Raghu felt confident and eventually became a pilot.

                       To be continued.......

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