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Alpha's Love

Audrey Winston.

"Winston's fashion designing"
Ellie Hamilton [Omega]
Ellie Hamilton [Omega]
Everyone! Boss is coming!
James Johnson [Omega]
James Johnson [Omega]
What?! 🤯
Harry Morgan [Alpha]
Harry Morgan [Alpha]
This early?! 😵
Ellie Hamilton [Omega]
Ellie Hamilton [Omega]
Yes! Be quick!
Ellie Hamilton [Omega]
Ellie Hamilton [Omega]
On your positions!
James Johnson [Omega]
James Johnson [Omega]
Eh! I haven't cleaned my desk yet. 😭
Harry Morgan [Alpha]
Harry Morgan [Alpha]
Me neither. 😭
Ellie Hamilton [Omega]
Ellie Hamilton [Omega]
Be quick, guys!
James Johnson [Omega]
James Johnson [Omega]
Yes, yes...😭 *Starts to clean desk*
Harry Morgan [Alpha]
Harry Morgan [Alpha]
*Cleaning desk* Oh god, we are dead for sure. 😭
James Johnson [Omega]
James Johnson [Omega]
*Stunned* Eh...
Harry Morgan [Alpha]
Harry Morgan [Alpha]
*Stunned too* No... No...
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
*Enters* It's a prank!! 🤣
Ellie Hamilton [Omega]
Ellie Hamilton [Omega]
James Johnson [Omega]
James Johnson [Omega]
Are you both serious? 😭
Harry Morgan [Alpha]
Harry Morgan [Alpha]
You both are so evil. 😭
James Johnson [Omega]
James Johnson [Omega]
See, I almost wet my pants. 😭
Ellie Hamilton [Omega]
Ellie Hamilton [Omega]
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
Harry Morgan [Alpha]
Harry Morgan [Alpha]
James Johnson [Omega]
James Johnson [Omega]
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
*Enters* What's happening here, huh?
James Johnson [Omega]
James Johnson [Omega]
Harry Morgan [Alpha]
Harry Morgan [Alpha]
Ellie Hamilton [Omega]
Ellie Hamilton [Omega]
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
*Still laughing like an idiot* Oh, god... James, you're... Hahahaha...🤣
Ellie Hamilton [Omega]
Ellie Hamilton [Omega]
*Signing her by whispering* Daisy...
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
What? 🤣
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
*Noticed Ellie*
Ellie Hamilton [Omega]
Ellie Hamilton [Omega]
Ellie Hamilton [Omega]
Ellie Hamilton [Omega]
Daisy...*Grabs her arm and faced her Audrey*
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
Omoo! 😶
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
What's wrong with you? Why are you laughing like an idiot, huh?
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
Uh... B-Boss... Ac-Actually...😅
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
It's James's fault.
James Johnson [Omega]
James Johnson [Omega]
Eh!! I didn't do anything. Why are you lying? 😭
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
Eh! I'm lying? It's your fault.
James Johnson [Omega]
James Johnson [Omega]
No, boss. I did nothing. 😭
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
Stop lying, and just accept it.
James Johnson [Omega]
James Johnson [Omega]
No...😭 Boss, trust me. She is lying. 😭
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
Boss, listen to me...*Grabs Audrey's arm*
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
*Releases immediately* I'm-I'm sorry...😅
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
Back to work, right now!
Ellie Hamilton [Omega]
Ellie Hamilton [Omega]
Yes, boss...
James Johnson [Omega]
James Johnson [Omega]
Yes, boss.
Harry Morgan [Alpha]
Harry Morgan [Alpha]
Yes, boss.
Everyone went on their desks and starts to work immediately.
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
You, follow me.
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
Yes, boss.
"Audrey's cabin"
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
*Sits on her chair* What's the status of the new project?
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
Boss, the status of the new project we've launched is pretty bad...
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
People are not liking what we are doing. They want something new.
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
I see.
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
And, because of their bad reviews and ratings, the company is in loss this month.
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
How much?
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
Approx... 1 million dollars.
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
Oh... that's too bad.
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
Yes, boss.
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
And, Mr. Henry said he would come today to take a look.
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
Yes, boss...
To be continued.........
Author Aei
Author Aei
How is the starting? 👀
Author Aei
Author Aei
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Author Aei
Author Aei
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Author Aei
Author Aei
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Henry Winston.

"At 1pm"
Henry Winston [Audrey
Henry Winston [Audrey's Father] [Alpha]
*Enters Audrey's cabin* I don't understand, Audrey.
Henry Winston [Audrey
Henry Winston [Audrey's Father] [Alpha]
What the hell are you doing, huh?
Henry Winston [Audrey
Henry Winston [Audrey's Father] [Alpha]
Why is it in so loss this month, huh?
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
Audrey gets up from her chair and bows, greeted his father politely.
Henry Winston [Audrey
Henry Winston [Audrey's Father] [Alpha]
I want answer, Audrey!
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
I understand, dad, but I'm trying to figure out the problem.
Henry Winston [Audrey
Henry Winston [Audrey's Father] [Alpha]
I know the problem, and that's you. You are unable to make it.
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
Um... Sir...
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
Daisy, leave.
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
But, boss-
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
I said "leave"... please.
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
Daisy walks out of the cabin, and closed the door, because Mr. Henry starts to nag on Audrey.
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
Ellie Hamilton [Omega]
Ellie Hamilton [Omega]
*Reaches to Daisy* Again?
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
Yeah, again...
Ellie Hamilton [Omega]
Ellie Hamilton [Omega]
Poor boss...
Henry Winston [Audrey
Henry Winston [Audrey's Father] [Alpha]
1 million dollars, do have any idea how big that amount is, huh?
Henry Winston [Audrey
Henry Winston [Audrey's Father] [Alpha]
How many times you're going to put this company in loss, huh?!
Henry Winston [Audrey
Henry Winston [Audrey's Father] [Alpha]
Answer me!
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
I know... but, trust me. I'll make it better.
Henry Winston [Audrey
Henry Winston [Audrey's Father] [Alpha]
I don't want better. I want perfect, do you understand?
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
Henry Winston [Audrey
Henry Winston [Audrey's Father] [Alpha]
And, Austin... why don't you give him the attention he deserves, huh?
Henry Winston [Audrey
Henry Winston [Audrey's Father] [Alpha]
Why are you keeping him away? You both are getting engaged next weak, so fulfill your responsibilities.
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
I... I was busy with the work, that's why I couldn't, dad...
Henry Winston [Audrey
Henry Winston [Audrey's Father] [Alpha]
You, and your awful excuses.
Henry Winston [Audrey
Henry Winston [Audrey's Father] [Alpha]
As always, tsk!
Saying this, Mr. Henry leaves.
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
*Flinches & sits back on her chair*
Ellie Hamilton [Omega]
Ellie Hamilton [Omega]
Go, and checkout on her.
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
*Enters the cabin* Boss...
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
*Turns face to hide tears* Leave me alone.
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
*Walks towards her* I understand...
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
*Hesitates, but giving her handkerchief* Here...
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
*Takes* Thanks...
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
I'll be outside, just call me when you're okay to work.
Saying this, Daisy leaves.
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
*Proceeds to wipes the tears with the handkerchief*
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
*Stops* No, better not ruin her handkerchief.
*Buzz buzz* 📲
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
*Buzz buzz* 📲
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
*Picks up the call* Hello...
Austin Jones [Omega]
Austin Jones [Omega]
📱 Hey...
Austin Jones [Omega]
Austin Jones [Omega]
📱 Uh, I'm sorry to call you when you're working.
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
📱 It's okay.
Austin Jones [Omega]
Austin Jones [Omega]
📱 I know, uncle came there...
Austin Jones [Omega]
Austin Jones [Omega]
📱 Whatever he said about us, just ignore it, okay?
Austin Jones [Omega]
Austin Jones [Omega]
📱 I understand your work. I know, you're so busy these days.
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
📱 Thanks... for understanding, but I'm sorry.
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
📱 I'm not giving you the attention and the rank you deserve.
Austin Jones [Omega]
Austin Jones [Omega]
📱 It's totally fine.
Austin Jones [Omega]
Austin Jones [Omega]
📱 You don't have to be worried that much. I understand...
Austin Jones [Omega]
Austin Jones [Omega]
📱 Okay, I'll hang up. I need to go.
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
📱 Mm.
Austin Jones [Omega]
Austin Jones [Omega]
*Hangs up*
To be continued........
Author Aei
Author Aei
I'll update soon! First, Like the episode! ❤️
Author Aei
Author Aei
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Author Aei
Author Aei
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Daisy Hughes.

"At 1:40pm"
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
*Enters* Boss... you called?
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
Yes...*Gets up from the chair and walks towards her*
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
*Giving her handkerchief* Here... and, thanks.
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
*Takes* Oh, that's okay.
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
Go and tell everyone to be present in the meeting room in 10 minutes.
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
Okay, boss.
Daisy immediately leaves to inform the employees.
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
"Meeting room"
James Johnson [Omega]
James Johnson [Omega]
I'm scared. 😭
Harry Morgan [Alpha]
Harry Morgan [Alpha]
Eh? Why?
James Johnson [Omega]
James Johnson [Omega]
James Johnson [Omega]
James Johnson [Omega]
Is she going to fire us? 😭
Ellie Hamilton [Omega]
Ellie Hamilton [Omega]
I don't think so.
Harry Morgan [Alpha]
Harry Morgan [Alpha]
Yeah, there must be something else.
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
*Enters the meeting room* I hope everyone is well.
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
*Enters too*
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
Daisy, take a seat.
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
Okay, boss...*Goes to Ellie and sits beside her*
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
Today, I called you all here for a talk.
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
We need more ideas for our designs.
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
As Daisy told me this morning that our company is in lose this month...
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
People's bad reviews and ratings says that they want something new.
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
I'm here to hear some good ideas from you all.
Harry Morgan [Alpha]
Harry Morgan [Alpha]
*Raises hand*
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
Yes, Harry?
Harry Morgan [Alpha]
Harry Morgan [Alpha]
In my opinion, we can try Asian style. That's pretty famous this time.
Ellie Hamilton [Omega]
Ellie Hamilton [Omega]
Yes, and, countries like Japàn, and Koreà. People likes their styles.
James Johnson [Omega]
James Johnson [Omega]
Yes, boss. Recently, people are liking Asian style and culture a lot.
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
I heard too about that. We can try that, boss.
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
Asian style...
Ellie Hamilton [Omega]
Ellie Hamilton [Omega]
Boss, I can make some samples, if you say so.
Harry Morgan [Alpha]
Harry Morgan [Alpha]
Yes, and I can search more about Asian style.
James Johnson [Omega]
James Johnson [Omega]
I can collect the latest data and guide them.
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
That's good to hear.
Ellie Hamilton [Omega]
Ellie Hamilton [Omega]
Yes, boss. Don't you worry, we won't let this company down.
Harry Morgan [Alpha]
Harry Morgan [Alpha]
Yes, boss.
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
Alright. Go for it. I will see your result tomorrow, is that okay?
Ellie Hamilton [Omega]
Ellie Hamilton [Omega]
Absolutely, boss.
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
Okay. You all can go home. Today is off.
Harry Morgan [Alpha]
Harry Morgan [Alpha]
Okay, thank you, boss.
James Johnson [Omega]
James Johnson [Omega]
Thank you, boss.
Everyone leaves... except Daisy.
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
Daisy? You're not going?
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
Oh, actually, boss... my father was supposed to pick me at 5pm...
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
It's still 2pm, I don't think dad is free from his work.
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
Oh, if so, then, I'll drop you to your home.
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
Yeah, do you have any problem?
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
No, no... but... I will take cab.
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
I'm also going home, so I will drop you. Let's go.
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
Uh, but, boss...
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
"Let's go".
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
Ha! Okay, I'm coming.
"While driving"
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
There is the pin-drop silence in the car.
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
*Inhales heavily*
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
You okay?
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
*Nods* Yes. Yes, boss. I'm okay.
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
Okay, good to know.
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
Yes... I...*Hesitates*
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
What is it?
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
I heard... you're getting married, is that true, boss?
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
Yeah... Dad wants me to marry Austin, my childhood friend.
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
Oh... childhood friend, so it's against your....?
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
No, but I'm not ready yet. I really don't want marry.
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
Oh... congrats.
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
*Stops the car aside* Here we are.
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
Thank you, boss...
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
No problem.
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
Drive safely, bye...*Gets out of the car*
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
Audrey Winston [Alpha]
Yeah, bye.
Saying this, Audrey leaves.
Daisy sighs and went in her home.
Femke Hughes [Diasy
Femke Hughes [Diasy's mother]
Oh, you're back.
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
*Walks upstairs without listening, or speaking anything*
Femke Hughes [Diasy
Femke Hughes [Diasy's mother]
Omo... is she okay? Seems in a bad mood.
"Daisy's room"
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
*Locked the door and walks towards the bed*
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
*Sits and flinched the blanket while tearing up*
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
*Starts to cry* Why?
There are lot of Audrey's pictures, magazines, posters and photocards on Daisy's desk, wall and on the whiteboard with written Audrey is cute, lovely, happy boss, our first selfie, "my love" and a lot.
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
Daisy Hughes [Omega]
*Sobbing* Why are you getting married?
To be continued.......
Author Aei
Author Aei
I'll update soon! First, Like the episode! ❤️
Author Aei
Author Aei
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Author Aei
Author Aei
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