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My Fear Of Losing Him.

The tragic

...The two lovers who where highschool sweetheart stayed strong and ended up being married couples their life is like a dream a dream that they thought that would last forever but tragedy struck before their eyes her lover was dead and the reason is unknown she want to avenge her lover....

she cried her heart out for her heart that was shattered into pieces she can't accept the fact that this is the reality.

her sadness quickly turn into rage how could you imagine Something will ever happen to their peaceful life.



"WHO ARE YOU SHOW YOURSELF WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY TERRITORY?!" she said after hearing someone coming. "excuse me do you know the way out I think I'm lost?" she was shocked after hearing a familiar voice.

it was her Dead husband she was too shocked to even utter a word…

I guess her wish come true…

But in the end it was all just a dream that she will never forget a dream that she want to last forever.

she said "why do you bother showing up in my dream you will always left me alone in my dream just like what you did to me"she always dreamed about her past lover the one she will ever truly love she said "I will never love someone again sa much as I loved you. So don't worry you are one of I kind in this whole universe you will always be in my heart" she said remembering their past memories where they laugh together the memories that will always be kept deep in her heart.

their precious memories together that will never ever be forgotten. "The fresh flowers that you gave to me our small walk together the corny jokes that i made that will always make you smile and laugh so hard the scent of your perfume the smile on your face."


I woke up to find myself laying in bed alone, wondering where my husband was until I realized he was no longer here. I want to hear your voice,I want to smell your scent I miss you my love I hope you don't forget about me remember I'm always here for you."

She was bedridden for weeks but after that she goes into a mission to find out who really killed her husband and she was ready to take revenge she was ready to kill someone without hesitation for the one who take away her husband needs to pay she said "after my mission Im willing to go with you my love just wait for me after they pay up I will be with you forever and no one could ever seperate us."

The Truth

I finally found the truth, the truth that broke my heart. About Cael my husband I found out that he didn't even love me from the start, it was all an illusion, it was all an act, it was all planned, it was all fake. Because it was a way to get closer to my sister Diana.

I can't even compare myself to Her I mean look at Her she's perfect in every inch of her body I can't even blame Cael but it's not an excuse to play with my heart I loved you for years just to find you love my sister? And above all of that you killed yourself because of Her you didn't even think about me, my feelings, my heart? you killed yourself because she didn't choose you she didn't marry you because she knows how much I loved you, adore you, and care for you.

But I know Diana her heart is already belong to someone and it's not you but it's your Best friend. You can't accept the fact that she already chose someone over you.

But you know what I was there the whole time ready to give you my heart yet you wouldn't even look at me like you look at her you treat us differently you treat her better that me I'm your wife not her the whole time you only think about her I wish you realize that I was a person who can also love you.

I think I made the wrong decision I should've just admired you from afar not desire you now look at me looking all pathetic.

I bet His hands are saying that he wants to hold her. His feet are saying that he wants to chase after her... He's probably forgotten that I'm here, beside him.

Maybe I was destined to forever fall in love with people I couldn’t have. Maybe there’s a whole assortment of impossible people waiting for me to find them. Waiting to make me feel the same impossibility over and over again.

I guess all they say is true like the saddest thing is to be

a minute to someone,

when you've made them your eternity.

I guess in the end it didn't change my heart I will always love you Cael. Nothing had changed. I was the stupid one again. I was the girl who never understood who she was to people.

When you experience loss, people say you’ll move through the 5 stages of grief….

Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance

….. What they don’t tell you is that you’ll cycle through them all every day.

Cael my Cael I want you to know that I miss you so much.

It’s difficult for me to imagine the rest of my life without you. But I suppose I don’t have to imagine it... I just have to live it.

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