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Daddy's Little Brat

chapter 1


She was made to suck my cock. She just didn’t know it yet.

The moment I saw her, my hand reached into my jacket pocket, pulling out

the tattered cigarettes. When I touched one to my lips, it would have only

been fair if it had burst into flame without any heat.

The concrete cool against my shoulder, I took the first drag, my eyes never

leaving her as she bounded down to the platform, lugging a suitcase almost

as big as she was behind her.

I would have recognized her anywhere. Her image was ingrained in my

brain, like a vision I couldn’t shake. The pictures didn’t do her any justice. I

knew they wouldn’t.

She was mine. I knew it as clearly as I knew that she would be twisted

around my cock in a few days, begging for more through tears of pain and


The smoke filled my lungs and then plumed out, billowing in front of me in

the shadow of the train station. She couldn’t see me, but I could see her as

clear as day. Even with people standing and moving in front of her, it was

like I could see right through them. They couldn’t hide her from me.

Nothing could. It was too late to run, too late to hide.

Those long, pale legs, carelessly shown off in floral shorts, would look so

much better with red welts running across them. That plump ass of hers

would be so much riper with whip marks all over it. Her whole body needed

to be taught, trained, shown what it was made for.

To serve, to please, to be used.

And those gorgeous, full pink lips were only made for begging. I could hear

her voice in my head, calling for me, pleading with me, and I hadn’t even

heard her speak yet. I just knew. Like I knew everything about her,

everything she needed and everything she wanted.

Everything she was going to get.

She was smiling, but her expression was strained as she hugged a woman

years her senior. Her blonde hair was tied back in a ponytail and her low-cut

top was showing everyone too much. I had to fight the urge to go to her and

throw my leather jacket over her shoulders, cover her up from the leering


She wasn’t for anyone else’s eyes, just mine. In all her innocence and in all

her shamelessness, she was mine and mine alone and she needed to learn


The smoke felt heavy on my lips, and I exhaled roughly, tersely. She was

moving away now, her face turned away from me.

I knew I would enjoy yanking that pretty little chin of hers up toward me

soon, making her look at me with those big blue eyes even if she didn’t

want to meet my gaze. I would show her what it felt like to get all the

attention she was begging for, and what the price of it really was. What

happened to little girls who didn’t know how to behave.

How she had made it so long without coming across another man like me, I

would never know. I didn’t care to think about it, either.

It could have been so much worse, babygirl, I thought, an unpleasant

memory somewhere just on the edges of my consciousness.

She was mine now. Making it so was just a formality. Everyone, and

everything else, was unimportant.

With her ponytail bobbing in the crowd, disappearing from sight, I took the

last drag of the cigarette and threw it on the ground, stepping on it with a

booted foot. Shoving my hands in my pockets, I pushed myself away from

the building and slowly walked after her and her companion, too far to

really see her anymore, but walking right in her path.

chapter 2

I could smell her in the air. Even in a train station with thousands of people

milling through it every day, it was like I could sense her clearly, track her

without fail. That’s how it is with your property.

You can always find that which is yours.

“Excuse me,” someone chirped, distracting me.

I stopped, frowning as my gaze fell on a redhead that any other day would

have had my attention. She was everything I liked. Young. Innocent.

Needing to be taught some manners.

Her pink tongue slicked over her red lips as she batted her lashes at me.

There was too much make-up on her face. It made her look older than the

barely eighteen she must have been. Her friend covered her mouth and

giggled as they shared a quick look among one another.

I didn’t have to ask what she wanted. It was painted all over her face.

Whether she was going to disguise it behind asking for a smoke or for

directions or for some other bullshit, it didn’t matter. She couldn’t lie to me

as well as she could to herself.

I had to wonder how long she’d been psyching herself up for this. I had to

wonder if she knew what kind of danger she’d put herself in. Not only by

approaching a wolf, but one who was after something much more valuable

than she could ever be. She could be eaten alive, and not in the way she was

begging to.

I turned away from her, not bothering with a reply, instinctively looking for

my babygirl in the direction she’d been walking in. Red grabbed my sleeve,

yanking me toward herself with brazenness far beyond her years.

“Careful, little girl,” I growled, my gray eyes flashing.

She practically jumped away from me. Her friend took two steps back, the

innocence and youth of their years now finally showing on their faces. Both

were dressed too revealing. Both were too dumb to be let out alone.

With a growl in the back of my throat, I grabbed Red by the arm and pulled

her up to me. The excitement burning in her eyes, the way her chest rose

and fell in her barely-there top, it would have made my blood burn any

other time. Right now, though, she was just a fucking annoyance.

“You shouldn’t try and play with men who are old enough to be your daddy,

little girl,” I snarled at her.

The little sigh she let slip out between her lips was almost inviting. For a

moment, I saw my babygirl in her, like someone had superimposed an

image of her over this teenager desperate to be destroyed by a force she

didn’t understand. It was gone as soon as it hit me.

Red wasn’t good enough to lick her boots.

“Is that what you want? For me to call you daddy?” Red asked, jutting her

chin out and trying to stand tall.

I grinned.

She was going to get herself into the worst kind of trouble. It just wasn’t

going to be with me.

“Be careful with what you wish for,” I said, releasing her.

Instead of stepping away, she nearly toppled into me, wanting to lean into

me so badly.

I could easily see myself taking her home. Tying her tan wrists, pulling her

up by them and leaving her there until she learned some manners. Keeping

her in place until she begged and screamed and wailed for me, telling me

she’d never be bad again, that she’d never be a fucking brat again. Torturing

her by not giving her what she needed until she was a step from losing her

mind, and then breaking her until she was nothing but a shattered pile of


But she was too late. I was off the market. I didn’t have time for trash, time

for distraction.

“Wait,” she squeaked, the familiar rosy pink blush of lust tinting her cheeks

as I left her behind me.

I didn’t look back, just kept walking. Blood surged in my veins. I couldn’t

afford any distractions today, not when I was so close.

I reached for another cigarette, lighting it as I walked and taking a long,

irritated drag from it.

Now that she was so close, every second away from her was too long. I had

to have her.

Right fucking now.

chapter 3


“You’ve been staring

at him all night, Lily,” Alexandra said, nudging

my side with her bony hip. I gave her a mean look and she

reciprocated with an eye-roll.

“You should go over there.” She grinned like a Cheshire cat. She was so

annoying. “Some other girl might snatch him up any minute.”

I saw the way Alexandra eyed him, her chocolate-brown eyes seizing the

man in question. She wanted him, too, and it was exactly the push I needed

to gain some confidence.

“Saw him first,” I said in my sweetest voice. Flashing Alexandra a smile

that said fuck you, I turned on my heel and strode toward the bar. I risked a

look over my shoulder, just in time to see her sulky expression before she

turned her back on me.

I smirked to myself, and then looked back ahead, focusing on the task at


I kept my eyes focused on him as I walked over. He was the epitome of tall,

dark and handsome. The glass tumbler he held in his hand looked tiny in his

grip, like he could shatter it with a simple squeeze. He had dark hair; so

deep brown it was almost black. Gray eyes, stormy, and surprisingly light

compared to his other features.

He was also much, much older than me. I’d gotten in with my fake ID just

fine – I looked older than I was anyway. No one in here probably knew I

was eighteen, my makeup took care of it just fine, and mommy’s money

paid for the best fake ID money could buy.

But this man, he must’ve been in his late thirties, maybe even early forties.

He was gorgeous, almost making me blush by taking a single look at him.

Much, much too old for me.

He wasn’t just handsome. He was the kind of guy who you’d want to get in

trouble for... A guy I’d beg to spank me, and show me just how bad I’d


Subconsciously, I bit my bottom lip. I had a feeling Mr. Mysterious played

rough. Maybe he’d be the one rough enough to hurt me.

His eyes found mine, and a fire burned me from the inside. His gaze held

dark promises. Ones I hoped he would keep.

I strolled up to the bar and stood next to him, all dolled up in my six-inch

heels and a too-short dress that showed off my best assets.

“Hi,” I said softly, giving him a shy smile.

He looked unimpressed as he raised the glass to his lips, taking a long, deep

sip. He was absolutely delicious, even better up close. I felt myself smiling

like a cat, knowing I could be under him with a wink and a lewd gesture.

Fuck, I wanted it.

“Hello, trouble,” he responded in a low growl. His voice made me yearn for

more words. Filthy words. It also made me want to beg for the feel of his

palm slapping my ass. Fuck, I was already in too deep.

“Want to get me a drink?” I asked the stranger sweetly, fluttering my lashes

like a doll. My heart was beating too fast though, threatening to rip apart

my chest. I felt like I’d collapse at his feet at any moment.

His pause was too long, and I took the time to look him over again. He was

good-looking, but with an edge. The kind of man you couldn’t trust not to

fuck you over. Despite his expensive clothes, he looked like he knew the bar well. And that was strange, since it was a seedy place downtown. My

mom would kill me, knowing I’d let my friends drag me along.

The stranger looked at me hard, his strange gray eyes boring into me. “No,”

he said simply. “I want to bend you over my knee and teach you some


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