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Me, You ? Fųck ? BL

First day

Damien's Pov

today would be my first day at Casper's ministry college. I had recently been homeschooled most of my life with my mom being a teacher and all alongside my brother who had autism. My dad insisted that i should at least give real school a Chance, my brother on the other hand was definitely not ready to leave yet and honestly I didn't think I was


time skip

I woke up and got my hair and skincare done. I picked out a white button-up shirt with a blue checkered baggy sweater vest and some white tights. I walk downstairs and see my mom Downing some hot coffee in the kitchen." It's a bit early for school bus don't you think ?."she asks." Yea I'm I'll just wait for school bus" I smiled back. "So excited we wanna to see the gates open I see?" she teases, and it made us both laugh. We finish talking and having breakfast, and I'm out for school. The bus arrives, and I see the bus is full. Damn. Am I the only one who HATES sharing seats ?. I see a boy about my age in the corner and I take the risk to sit next to him. The bus stops to have a pick and drop and by the amount of people moving you can tell it's a busy place. In the crowds of people in the corner of my eye I see a blond tall girl in a white dress squeezing admist all the people, she looks at the guy next to me and smiles, she skips towards us and hugs the boy next to me. As the bus moves again I take some time to notice the boy sitting next to me as he talks to his friend. He had dyed blue hair with black roots, pale skin, and a slightly muscular physique you could see through his pink hoodie paired with some white sweats.

The bus finally stopped and as I got off I saw the boy and girl on the bus walk toward the school. I followed faithfully behind them because I low-key forgot the directions. We got to the gates and a site for a bit before the gates opened. " Hey you must be the new student." he said as I wondered what have it away, and he realized. " When u do this job for a few years you get kinda used to old faces and spot the new." I laughed, and we shared an awkward handshake before leaving to get to my first class.

I waited outside like the teacher had told me to, so she could introduce me. " Ok every one this is Damien, please try to welcome him." As I walked to my seat I heard every one whisper 'why does he look like a girl?' they giggled, and it made me wince, like I'm gonna explain my identity to them !. I sat in an empty seat and got all my stuff out and got ready for the lesson.

Halfway into the lesson a figure walks in panting and giggling at the same time. I peak my head further to see it was the guy on the bus. He gets scolded by the teacher and sits right next to me. He looks my way and grins like an idiot immediately realizing me and i can't help but smile too.

" Hi, I'm Jamie."

Text session

Damien's Pov

On Friday

The last day of class was uneventful and boring. Geography. As I walked out of The classroom the teacher handed me a flyer, I stuffed it in my bag before going to catch the bus. When I walked in I saw Jamie and his friends and he smiled at me, I decided it'd be safer to sit next to them. I sat down next to them, and he gave me a warm smile, the bus started moving,and I noticed that his friend look like she was about to burst,I smiled and waved at her, and then she grabbed it and started moving me up and down. "Hey!!, I'm Angelica, but you call me ange or angy or A, just about anything you want!!". The trip back home remained fairly bland, Angelica just kept being a bubble of sunshine gladly babbling away, even though I'm pretty sure she knew I wasn't listening. we all got down and Jamie and Angelica both said goodbye and walked in the same direction. I could've sworn that Jamie's hand touched my butt, maybe it was an accident, right ?.

I got back home and made a beeline to my room, I heard noises coming from my brothers room. I pressed my face against the door to listen and then the door got opened from the inside. I fell flat on my stomach as my bag rattled and jiggled on my back. My brother came up to me and gave me hug and I did the same I saw Nellison, my brothers friend who was his age and I waved at her through the hug. After what felt like forever my brother let me go and instantly went back to playing with Nellison.

I walked into my room after dusting myself off and changed into my PJ's as I took of my leggings I saw a piece of paper sticking out of the back pocket, I took it out and saw some numbers one in black the other in red. I turned to the other side of the paper and saw that these were Jamie and Angelica's numbers, so that's what he was doing, I smiled and saved them first before I went downstairs and saw Amanda. "Hey Damien, I'm here to pick up Nelly."

"She's upstairs in Acidah's room" she thanked me and went upstairs to get Nelly, I sighed because I knew that she didn't really like her, that's why Nellison liked coming to our house so often. After they had left I checked the time" Hey Acidah, it's bedtime" I told him. "Mmm I'm not sleepy yet!" he yelled without looking away from the door.

"Well do you wanna go upstairs ?". He nodded in response. I took him to my room and left him to play a game on his tablet on my bean bag. It was 7 I had three more hours to go till mom got back home. I opened my bag to check the flyer the teacher gave me from earlier. It was about the art department and how the school engages in art and drama related activities. I threw the flyer under my bed where most of the forgotten stuff goes. I grabbed my phone and sent both Angelica and Jamie a 'hey'

Time skip

I turned in my bed and let out a yawn, I grabbed my phone and switched it on, '12:05' it read and 3 new messages from the same person 4 minutes ago. I typed in the password and saw that it was Jamie that had texted me


'its Jamie from French '

I immediately regretted opening the message. I'm not good at making small talk, and if I left his message on read he'd think I didn't wanna talk to him!!. But what was I supposed to say?.

Jamie's POV

I picked up my phone in a mindless attempt to fall asleep, I switched it on and it showed one new message.


Damien's text read.

'Hey, you wanna go to a practice session with me and ange?'

'ooh!!, I'd love to!

Where is it?'

'Just follow us tomorrow'

'Ok!, see ya!!'

Damien's POV

That was the most emotionally exhausting text session I've ever had. Even if it was just five messages.

what are you ?

As promised after school me, Jamie and Angelica got off together and went in the same direction. " Where are we going?."

Damien's POV

"The dorms" Jamie said matter-of-factly.

"Dorms ?"

"the dorms for the art department." Ange chirped kinda loud as she continued to skip.

" So what ?, you two are both actors ?" I said the mockery evident in my tone.

"I just like the independence, besides all I do is backcrew shit"

" I sing!" Angelica yelled again getting into the conversation.

At the dorms

When we got to the dorms Angelica went into her room and Jamie offered for me to stay with him since he didn't have a roommate. We went in his room and I made my self at home on his bed. He went in the bathroom to get changed and I let my self wander around a bit. I looked around before my eyes landed on his neatly arranged desk. I walked up to his desk and run my fingers over the cold wood until I found a notebook it didn't look like a diary or anything personal, so I gave myself the permission to turn open the first page, it was more of a notebook. I kept turning the pages to see notes and ideas and solutions or inferences about human nature, and I have to say in the 30 seconds I looked at this book it got me thinking.

My train of thoughts immediately disappeared when I felt some cold hands on my shoulders. " what ya doing ?". My heart skipped several beats as I turned to find Jamie staring at me. "I'm sorry, I didn't think you didn't want me to see it !" I hesitated." No it's okay, it'd be kinda nice being able to share this stuff" he confessed."couldn't you just talk to Angelica about it" a small smile crept on my lips and I subconsciously realized how close we were."she tries, but she doesn't understand." he slightly shook his head while moving closer. He suddenly spoke again after such and awkward silence it felt like forever."but you seem to get it." and then for the next couple of seconds we just stared, neither of us saying anything.

After a very awkward silence I let out a fake cough and we both moved away he's ruby red eyes travelling frantically around the room avoiding while purposefully avoiding my gaze. I moved myself back to the edge of his bed, my feet barely touching the ground and he sat next to me.

 " What about Angelica ?" I questioned slightly looking at him, but he didn't look back." Don't worry she usually takes forever she'll call." he said as his gaze was still fixated on the cold white walls, I didn't bother giving a response because I knew he wasn't really paying attention. " Hey Damien I don't know if you're okay with me asking this but...." he looked at me ant trailed off and I turned my head to look at him, so he knew I was looking at him. "What's your subgender ?" he asked and it made me smile. "Omega, it's omega". Practically simultaneously there was a knock on the door and Angelica peeked through. " you ready ?" she asked oblivious to the situation. I stood up looked at Jamie and smiled up back at her." yeah we're good."

Jamie's POV

He's an omega, he's my type. I looked over at my desk and opened a drawer, I took out a tablet container and laughed to myself, he probably already knew what I was, he just didn't know i had a problem, a problem that would make him hate me so much I can't even imagine thinking of telling him, I've lost too many people, I don't want to go through that again, even if I'm putting him in danger I don't mind enjoying while it lasts, just *breathe* don't let him find out it can't be that hard right ?. "Hey you coming ?" Angelica said waiting at the door. I dropped the container and walked up to her and gave her a hug and she hugged back." I don't want him to hate me" and as if she already understood." he won't, he's different."






To be continued.......

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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