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Contract Marriage with the CEO Who Secretly Loves Me

Episode 1

Sunday, 7:43 am Los Angeles.

Elisa slept peacefully in her room, to the sound of rain falling outside, but the sound of something breaking startled her awake. Then there were some screams and more things being broken, this caused Elisa to leave her room completely dazed, as she approached the stairs she saw her parents arguing, Gisele going all out for Eduardo, everything that she saw in front of her she threw at him.

Gisele - How could you, Eduardo?

Eduardo - Forgive me, honey... I didn't mean to!

Gisele - Forgiveness, my foot, do you realize the mess you made, you wretch?

At that moment she was about to break a glass jar over her husband's head, but at that moment Elisa comes down the stairs and prevents such an act.

Elisa - Mom, stop!

Gisele takes a deep breath and lowers the jar, putting it back in its place.

Elisa - What happened to you guys? Why are you fighting?

Eduardo - Honey...

Gisele - Shut up, Eduardo, you're shameless, addicted!

Elisa doesn't understand the situation, as she has never witnessed any kind of arguments or fights between her parents, this was new to her, especially since she always believed that the two loved each other.

Elisa - Are you going to tell me what's going on here?

Gisele - Your father is a creep, Elisa, a creep!

Gisele cried with rage, Elisa had never seen her mother like this.

Elisa - What did you do, Dad?

Eduardo - Elisa, my daughter... I... I'm so sorry, but... you need to get married in a few days if you don't want to see your father dead!

Elisa was so shocked by the news that she pinched her own arm to make sure it was real, because up until that point she wasn't even dating, let alone engaged.

Elisa - I don't understand, can you explain?

Gisele - Your father, lost everything, honey, all our money is gone... And now he's in millions of dollars in debt, we can't pay, but in exchange for not being killed, he offered you in marriage!

Eduardo - I had no other choice, my daughter, my life was at stake…

Elisa - How?

Eduardo, entered the world of gambling about two years ago, at first he got it right and won a lot of money, believing that he would always get it right, he started playing every day after work, in this he started to become addicted and greedy, he bet large amounts, the electronics company, which until then was quite solid, began to run out of capital, leading him practically to bankruptcy, he saw an opportunity to recover his capital so he bet what he didn't have and ended up losing everything.

Elisa couldn't believe it, so she let out a loud laugh.

Elisa - Dad, if you're making this all up to see me dressed as a bride, I repeat....

Eduardo interrupts her

- It's true\, Elisa and the only one to blame for all this is me... I confess to you that I am a man addicted to poker\, every night after I leave the company I always stop by a club with some friends\, sometimes I win\, sometimes I lose\, and it's normal\, because luck is not always on our side! But yesterday I was very ambitious\, I was convinced that I was going to win\, I don't know what happened\, there was a lot of money involved and I swore to myself that if I won it would be the last time...

After Eduardo's clear explanation, Elisa's penny finally starts to drop, she feels betrayed by her own father, the man she has always had a great admiration for, and was proud to be the daughter of.

Eduardo - The man I owe the money to is the owner of the club himself, he is a very powerful man, he threatened to kill me if I didn't pay him in 24 hours, but I don't have all that, not even if I sold the company and our house I could not raise the amount! However, he proposed a contract to me.

Gisele hugs Elisa and they both burst into tears, Elisa until then had no plans to get married, she just dreamed of graduating from college in Literature, she loved to read and write, she even had some drafts of possible books to be published in the future.

Elisa - What kind of contract is this?

Still in tears, she asks.

Eduardo - You just need to be married for a year, and be just a trophy wife, going to events, living with him, but I'll understand if you don't accept, you don't have to do this for me, the only one to blame for all this is me, so the right thing to do would be for me to own up to my mistakes, and....

This time, Elisa interrupts him.

- I accept!

Gisele - What? No, no Elisa, you're not going to accept such an absurd thing, we don't even know this man, he's probably a depraved, unscrupulous man, a real man would never do such a thing. Well, your father loves to get involved with criminals!

Eduardo - Forgive me, daughter, I promise I'll work day and night until I get all the money, I promise you won't be married to that man for long, just give me six months...that's it, six months will be more than enough time for me to raise the whole amount!

Elisa - I was proud of you, Dad, I didn't hold back the praise when people asked me about you, now I see that I was deeply mistaken!

Elisa's words were like a thousand stabs in Eduardo's heart, he felt like trash and knew that all this was a consequence of his ambition, if he had stopped on the first day, this would never be happening, but no, the addiction spoke louder, when he came to his senses he was already up to his neck in debt.

Gisele glared at the man with such hatred, not even his face covered in tears made her feel sorry for him, if it wasn't for Elisa's presence in the room she would have already put an end to her husband.


Episode 2

Elisa is only 20 years old and dreams of becoming a great romance novelist. From a very young age, she already showed her love for reading, always imagining herself living a love like the ones in the books she read. Elisa has always been a very sweet and affectionate girl, owner of an enviable beauty. At 20, she was still a virgin, never kissed or touched by a man, except for a single peck that had been stolen by a boy from school when she was 12. After that, she dedicated herself solely to her studies. An only child, she was always very spoiled by her parents.


After the turbulent morning, Elisa returns to her room and shuts herself away, distraught. She begins to tear up everything she had spent days writing. She never imagined her life would end like this. Of course, she wanted to get married, start a family with children and a husband, but not now and not like this. She dreamed of conquering her writing career, being known for her romances, being able to bring a little self-esteem to her readers through her stories, but she saw herself far from that dream.

Gisele knocks on the door and insists on talking to her daughter, but Elisa didn't want to see anyone. She needed this moment alone to cry.

Gisele - Please, honey, open up for me.

With great reluctance, Elisa gets up, wipes her face, opens the door, and sits back down on the bed, curled up, hugging her knees.

Gisele - Honey, I can't allow such madness. You can't marry a stranger!

Elisa - What do you want me to do, Mom? I can't let my father be killed knowing that I could have helped!

Gisele - Your father is reaping what he sowed. He didn't think about you when he gave you in marriage to a stranger!

Elisa curls up even more.

Gisele - Do you remember my sister, Teresa?

Elisa - Yes, the one who lives in Brazil?

Gisele - That's her! I talked to her and explained our situation. She's going to help us, my love. I'm buying our tickets today. Tomorrow we're leaving for Rio de Janeiro!

Elisa is thoughtful at Gisele's words, but running away is not the solution.

- I'm going to get married, Mom. It's decided. I can't carry the death of my father on my back. I could never live with that guilt!

Gisele hugs her daughter and they both cry together. Elisa felt betrayed by her own father, the man she always had great admiration for, but she couldn't bear to live with the weight of his death, as it was marriage or Eduardo's death.

Gisele - I filed for divorce, honey. What your father did is unforgivable!

The next day, Elisa went to college as usual, but she couldn't pay attention to any class. Her mind was only on this marriage and on this man who would be her future husband. Filipa, her friend, ended up noticing Elisa's lack of attention and silence.

Felipa - Lisa, what's wrong with you today? You're so quiet. You haven't answered any of the teacher's questions!

Elisa - It's nothing. I didn't sleep very well last night, that's all!

Filipa - You know you can tell me anything, don't you?

Elisa - Thanks, friend, but there's nothing to tell!

The friend didn't press the matter any further. After class ended, Elisa returned home dejected. Her countenance was one of sadness and pain. Upon arriving home, she found her father talking to a man in the living room. In Elisa's eyes, the man appeared to be about 40 years old at most. She gets extremely nervous, because she thought it was her supposed "fiance." Elisa pretends not to notice and starts to climb the stairs, but is interrupted by her father, who calls her.

Elisa takes a deep breath and approaches the two, greeting them only with a "Hello", but she notices a certain smirk on the man's lips. He was staring at her as if he were looking at a piece of fresh meat.

Elisa feels like a commodity with that look upon her.

Eduardo - Elisa, this is Thompson, Mr. Christian Fox's lawyer!

Thompson - It's a pleasure to meet you, Miss. Mr. Fox has left me in charge of resolving all the formalities of your marriage!

Elisa remains silent.

Thompson - Well... Here I have the contract with all the requirements made by Mr. Fox. If you agree, just sign on the two lines below!

Elisa takes the envelope and goes up to her room in silence.

Eduardo - Give her some time. It's not easy what my daughter is doing for me...

Thompson - Time is all we don't have, Eduardo! My boss is in a hurry with this marriage. If your daughter doesn't sign this contract, forget about everything and say goodbye to your shitty little life. You're lucky Mr. Fox hasn't killed you yet.

Eduardo - She'll sign it, I guarantee it!

Tompson - You have until tomorrow. You know Christian Fox. He doesn't have a reputation for being patient!

Elisa enters the room and goes to take a shower, changes clothes, and sits on the bed. She looks at the envelope in front of her, opens it, and starts reading.

* This contract is valid for twelve months only.

* In the event of breach of contract, the amount of the debt will double and the contract will be extended for an additional twelve months.

* You must attend events, trips and any location requested by the owner of the contract.

* Live in the Fox mansion.

* Be submissive.

* Within the 12 months no betrayals and/or extramarital affairs are allowed.

Elisa feels a terrible dread when she reads the word "submissive." In her mind, the dream of living a book romance is dispelled!

It was around 5 pm. The day was quite cloudy and rainy. Elisa read and reread the contract, looking for strength to sign it, but she felt such a great anguish that she couldn't even hold the pen.


Somewhere else, not too far away, Christian watched the rain fall through the huge window of his office. However, only his body was there, as his mind was on Elisa.

Christian - Ah... Elisa, if you only knew how much I want you!

Knocks on the door bring him out of his reverie. He sits on the sofa and tells the person to come in.

Soledad - Son, your lawyer is here.

Christian - Ask him to come in!

Soledad - Of course, son!

She leaves, and then Thompson enters the office, all smiles.

Christian - So?

Thompson - I did as you asked. I delivered the contract to Eduardo's daughter!

Christian - And where is it? Did she sign it?

Thompson - Well... Not yet, but Eduardo assured me that she would sign!

Christian lets out a heavy breath, standing up again.

- It better be that way. I didn't do what I did for nothing. Elisa has to be mine!

Thompson - Now I understand your obsession with the girl. She really is very beautiful. I've never seen a beauty as wonderful as hers!

Christian is extremely irritated by the lawyer's unpleasant comment. He wanted to punch him in the face.

- Keep your damn comments to yourself. I don't pay you to admire the beauty of my future wife!

Thompson swallows hard. He knew very well what Christian was capable of. He stopped at nothing to get what he wanted.

- Sorry, sir. That wasn't my intention!

Christian - If that was all, you can go, and don't come back here until you bring that document signed! Am I clear?

Thompson - Crystal clear, sir!

The lawyer left the office, and Christian went back to looking out the window. He watched the lawyer's car until it disappeared completely from his field of vision.



Episode 3

Elisa throws the document back on her desk and goes to take a shower. Under the shower, she starts thinking about the decision she needed to make and how her life would change drastically because of it.

After the shower, Elisa gets dressed and picks up the document again, takes a deep breath and starts signing...

Elisa — Now, there’s no turning back!

She puts the papers back in the envelope and puts it away. Then, someone knocks on her bedroom door. She opens it without asking who it was.

Eduardo — Honey, I… I wanted to talk to you for a bit, can I?

Elisa — What do you want? I already signed the contract.

Eduardo's eyes widen and he can barely disguise the satisfaction in them.

Eduardo — Really? You mean… You already signed?

Elisa — Yes, here it is! If that was all, Dad, I'm sleepy. I'm going to bed...

Eduardo — Elisa, honey, I want to apologize again. I know you must be hating me now, and it's okay, I understand, but I promise I'll work hard until I get all the money and pay off the debt!

Elisa thinks for a few seconds and gets up, going to the door and opening it.

- Good night, Dad!

Eduardo understands that she doesn't want to hear his words. She is hurt, and it won't be easy to forgive him.

In the middle of the night, Elisa, even though she’s asleep, feels someone kissing her face. She tries to open her eyes, but sleep prevents her from seeing much.

In the morning, she gets up, does her hygiene routine, gets dressed and goes down for coffee. She only finds Eduardo eating.

Elisa — Good morning!

Eduardo — Good morning, dear! Did you sleep well?

She doesn't answer, sits down and pours some coffee with milk into her cup, then takes a sip with a piece of cake. During their coffee, the two don’t exchange a word. Elisa was very angry with Eduardo; she just wanted to get it over with and move on with her life.

Eduardo — Your mother wasn't in bed when I woke up. Have you seen her today?

Elisa — No! Excuse me, I'm already late!

Eduardo also gets up, crestfallen, to go to the company since now he would have to start practically from scratch and alone, as all the employees had left due to lack of payment.

During her class break, Elisa went to the university’s huge courtyard and sat on one of the benches under the trees. It was a sunny day, so she just sat there thinking while the sun's rays peeked through the trees onto her face.

— Elisa? Thinking about life, cuz?

Raquel, her cousin, sits down next to her. They were only a few months apart in age and attended the same university, although in different courses. They had been friends since childhood.

Elisa — Yeah…

Raquel — My dad told me what Uncle Eduardo did. I'm so sorry, cuz!

Elisa — It’s been very difficult to digest all of this practically alone!

Elisa cries and they both hug.

Raquel — You know you're not alone, right? I'm always here for you, but what are you planning to do now?

Elisa takes a deep breath.

— Accept what’s to come!

Raquel — You intend to marry that Christian Fox? Lisa, this is crazy! Have you stopped to think that this guy could be a psychopathic maniac, or a murderous mobster, or even worse… What if this man is an abuser?

Elisa is thoughtful for a few seconds. These things hadn’t even crossed her mind, but what her cousin was saying made perfect sense.

Elisa — There’s no turning back now. I already signed the contract that this man sent me. All that remains is to accept my fate, whatever it may be… Unfortunately, my father didn’t think about the consequences that his bad actions would bring!

Raquel — Oh, cuz, there has to be another solution! You can't just accept and that’s it, it doesn't make sense! You are young, you have a promising future ahead of you, are you going to ruin your life like this? And your dream of being a great writer, where does that go?

Elisa — I’m going to have to postpone everything for a year, that’s what we agreed on. I just need to be married for that long! Then, I’ll ask for a divorce, and life goes on.

Raquel — Dad would love to be able to help, but unfortunately all the money has been going towards my mom’s treatment, and the tuition fees are very high. Family business hasn't been doing so well lately.

Eduardo and Raquel's father were brothers. When their father passed away, the inheritance was divided equally between the two brothers, but each went their own way and set up their own business. Eduardo founded his electronics company and prospered until his addiction took him to rock bottom. Edson graduated in law and opened his own law firm, but all the money has been going towards paying the medical expenses for his wife’s treatment, who had been battling cancer.

Elisa — You know, cuz, I would never take advantage of Uncle Edson like that; I know how dedicated he is. He doesn't even seem to be Dad’s brother, but anyway… How is Aunt Celia doing?

Raquel — Oh… Mom’s the same, you know? The medication seems to be never-ending, and she’s getting weaker by the day!

Raquel looks down and tears stream down her face. Elisa hugs her cousin. At that moment, Anderson, Elisa's friend, approaches.

Anderson — Oops, am I interrupting something?

The girls pull away and wipe their tears.

Raquel — No!

Anderson — Elisa, the teacher has already gone to the classroom!

Anderson was taking the same Literature course as Elisa and Filipa. The three had known each other since high school, and since then he had harbored a love for Elisa but had never opened up to her.

Elisa — I’m going now. We'll talk later, cuz, okay?

Raquel — Sure, I’m heading to class too!

The cousins say goodbye and each one goes to their class.

After the end of another school day, Elisa, Filipa, and Anderson leave the campus together, and each one was going home.

Filipa — Elisa, do you have any plans for later?

Elisa — I don’t know, why?

Filipa — I wanted to invite you to go to the mall with me. It’s my mom’s party at the end of the week, and I have nothing to wear! By the way, you guys are invited too. You can bring your cousin as well.

Anderson — Oh, my God, how can you say something so silly? You have a closet full of clothes and say you have nothing to wear! Women…

Filipa rolls her eyes at Anderson’s comment; Elisa just shrugs.

Filipa — So?

Elisa — All right…

Filipa — Great, I'll stop by your house at three, is that okay?

Elisa — Sure!

The two say goodbye and Filipa leaves with the driver. Elisa waits a while longer for the driver to come and get her. She thought it was strange because whenever she left, he was already waiting for her.

Anderson — Want a ride? Looks like your driver isn't coming today!

Elisa — I'll wait a little longer!

Anderson insists until Elisa accepts. It was getting late and her house was a long way off.

On the way, they drive in silence. Anderson was driving and kept looking at her, but Elisa was not mentally there, she was remembering Raquel’s words…

Anderson — Elisa? Earth calling Elisa!

Elisa — Did you say something to me?

Anderson laughs.

— What are you thinking about so much?

Elisa — Nothing, why?

Anderson — Well… You're so quiet, usually you're a chatterbox…

Elisa rolls her eyes and goes back to staring at the road. A few more minutes and they arrive in front of her house.

Elisa — Thanks for the ride! See you tomorrow.

Anderson — See you…

He was actually hoping for at least a peck on the cheek as a thank you, but he was content with her smile.

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