NovelToon NovelToon


The day I die

“Well first up let me explain a little but about my world.

First of all it’s common knowledge that the universe is expanding and there is life on other planets. But not only that monsters demons , spirits and gods are all real as well. The first experience the human race had was the first great cataclysm. A war raged between every nation on the planet but this war between humans begged an ever nigger enemy to come from the shadows. The malice hatred, death and destruction in the world attracted hordes of demons from the Demi-plane. The Demi plane was a dimension where the demons lived and although it wasn’t infinite , it felt as if an infinite amount of demons could come from there. Demons poured into the world destroying everything enslaving eating Toturing and massacring humans. Eventually as time went on demons ruled the earth enslaving humans. But the amount of negative energy on the planet beckoned another enemy. The gods. The gods notcied this and traveled to the earth to support the humans . Though when they arrived the situation was worse than they expected. The planet was already infested with demons. Still there were a very good number of humans. Out of all the population of the planet humans still made up about 6/10 of the planet. Since demons couldn’t stay in the human world for long they couldn’t kill of all the humans. The gods took this as an opportunity. Since the planet was already heavily saturated in magical energy due to the demons arrival the gods began to bless humans with high potential with unique skills to help them fight back . The gods freed small bases of humans and raised their power and repeated this process until they had an army l. That’s when the 2nd great cataclysm began . The world was engulfed in war once again . This time the humans were triumphant, with the help of their new abilities and the gods they overran the demons and reclaimed the earth. But things didn’t go back to howthe humans thought. As compensation for freeing them the humans now had to worship the gods. Gods who are worshipped gain a boost to all of their abilities and in some cases gain new abilities depending on how many worshipers they have. The gods split up certain aspects of the humans everyday life like agriculture, domestication, emotions and etc and split them up to have people believe in different gods for different reasons. Stronger gods rules over larger aspects like the oceans and skies and earth. But no gods were bestowed the title over death life time or reality . Those phenomena were already controlled by even higher beings ….. after the gods took over the world began to progress at a rapid rate and soon was back into futuristic times. Humans were at peace . That is until aliens arrived . The first alien invasion was handled pretty well. Over the years humans upgrade their skill and abilities and grew in their ability to utilize magic so they could protect themselves from threats but in the second invasion the enemy was just too strong . A unique alien species attacked the planet with their outrageous strength and powers . The humans were helpless. They pleaded to the gods they once fought bedside but to no answer . After the fighting was over and the humans lost they found themselves in slavery once again. When they were huddled and grouped together with slaves from other planets they found out the solar system was in a galactic war and theses people were a race on conquest to conquer planets. This was surprising to humans but not as suprising as the masters ruling over these aliens. When they summoned their rulers through a portal the one who stepped through were none other than the gods that the humans have been worshipping. The human race felt betrayed but there was nothing they could do . Seconds later an even bigger god with an even more menacing energy stepped through the portal, even the gods bowed to this being , this being was called an ancient. The humans knew in that moment how insignificant they were . even gods weren’t at the top of the food chain. The ancient integrated the humans in with 6 other races and force then to work on the post apocalyptic earth working and mining resources for his warriors in the galactic war.

But that’s all problems of the past

Things I have nothing to do with

Just a little background info

What’s happening right now in the present is whats really the problem

Due to the galactic war the star of this solar system has become unstable and for the past 100 years has been releasing consant solar flares. None strong enough to wipe out the system but enough to mutate planets and species and cause global catastrophes. Sometimes Portals are even created at random that connect different planets . And while that could be useful it is also dangerous. The portals could show up anywhere on either planet. Hordes of monsters can raid a high school or a hospital can get flooded with poisonous water from a lake in a different planet. Anything could happen. In order to compensate , warriors and adventures guilds have been formed to combat these portals and help planets even in the time of war. I am one of those adventures and yes the world I live in is a peice of work but still I continue to live my life regardless. I wouldnt live any other way …..or atleast I wouldn’t have

Oh yeah hi my name is malykai cypress and this is the story of how I died.

It began a long time ago with me and my co adventurer Tria exploring a cave…


8 humans in armor and gear walk slowly through a. Dark cave

The first

4th and last ones had torches to light the way

The gurl second to last turned around and said

“Hey Kai do you think this was a good idea?”

This was Tria and she was one of the team’s healers. She had long light brown curly hair with light brown skin like milk chocolate.

“Huh what do you mean”

I responded. I was last in line because I at the time was the weakest . So if something came from behind I would be the first one to o but my screaming would alert the others had a black hair with an uncombed nappy high top and faded on the sides. I had a tall and lean figure with caramel colored skin. The flame flickered in my hazel eyes. As I walked along cautiously amongst the dark damp cave.

“Coming along i mean ? “ she continued “ we weren’t really that useful . I mean we barely did anything but carry equipment. I mean I get you but I would atleast like to gain some experience”

She said in a aggrevated but whispered tone

I get why she would be aggrevated. In this world where us humans are just slaves for the empire we value nothing but the things we can do. Which in our case is hone the abilities we were given. That’s all we really have left so most of us are stuck on the path to “being the strongest”….

‘Ha what a joke

More like


Those were my were my true feelings but I never said it aloud

“Hey didn’t u hear me?” Tria said

“Oh yeah my bad no I don’t think it was a bad idea. Since I have no ability this is the best I can do anyways, I get u want to fight but you can still gain experience in watching right”

“Hey you guys get quiet we are coming up on an opening” said the guy second from the front whispered back.

He was the leader of the group, Striker.A big burly man with a bushy mustache . He carried a bronze shield and an iron longsword. He was an attack first ask questions later type of guy but he still was cautious enough to not make mistakes on a mission. Which is why he led the group.

The opening widened into a room with multiple exits 4 to be exact.

The person at the front of the line in front of striker with the first torch turned to the group and spoke . He had dark green hair , and dark grey skin with pointy ears and red tattoos on his face. His eyes glowed a light green in the dark. He was of the Nature dark elves clan, a race enslaved alongside the humans. His name was Fritz

“Ok we are almost done clearing this dungeon I believe the boss should be down one of these halls . Since there’s four we split into teams of 2. My danger sense skill allows me to sense danger within a 50 meter radius. The hall with the least amount of danger actually none at all is the one furthest to the left. Kai and Tria you take that one . The rest choose one of the furthest 2 the right. This is the most dangerous one so me and the captain will take this.”

Fritz said as he pointed to the second hall.

They started down the second hallway from the left. The captain was a human blessed with a great amount of skills. A hero archetype while the vice captain Fritz was an assassin type , quick and diligent. More importantly …dangerous. He could coat any weapon in poison with his poisoned skil and had poison resistance himself. He could also prod dice small knives and throwable weapons with ease with another skill of his. A great duo. I knew that if the boss really was that way they would easily defeat it.

The rest of the team began there trips down the halls as well

Tria turned to me

“Hey you should let me hold the torch since and it’s just us I will go in first.”

“Oh yeah sure”

I gave it to her reluctantly. Even though I knew she was right it felt wrong that I had to be protected by a girl. Shouldn’t it be the other way around? We began walking into our hallway. Immediately I tripped over a peace of wood and face planted into the ground. I got up but my nose was bleeding pretty bad.

“Wow 2 seconds in and you getting attacked by ghosts. You really do have the worst luck kai”

“Yea don’t remind me about it”

Oh yeah I have the worst luck ever. Well I geuss you can call it bad luck . I just never get what I want . I’m not being childish here seriously I literally never get what I want. Like for example when I was in 3rd grade I wanted another juice becaus mine spilled before I could drink any so I went to go get one from the lunch line and when I did I tripped over my own shoe lace and knocked a broom over that dominoe effected to a tv that fell off the wall onto the table of juices breaking the tv, the table and bursting all of the juices . Like how is that even possible , but come to find out later that day all the kids were sick due to the juices being old and out of date. I mean I was saved from being sick but still I really wanted that juice. There were other cases to like when I was walking home one night from a mining camp when I was younger. I ran into a group of thugs . They robbed me and beat me before sending me on my way hurt . When I got home my orphanage guardians didn’t like the fact I was empty handed they figured I spent my earnings on myself instead of bringing it back to them. So they beat me more. Then I was sent to my room. All I wanted to do was go home … that’s how bad my luck is. I heard those guys who robbed me ended up getting drafted to war so they probably didn’t live much longer but that’s not the point . I always have the worse things happen to me. literally never get what I want and here is another case of helpless kai in a dungeon being protected by a girl . She’s right why did I even come .

I reached down and grabbed the piece of wood i tripped over

I’ll atleast carry my own weight.

“Here set this on fire I don’t want u to have to worry about me having to see if u have to fight .”

“ Oh that’s actually pretty smart ok “

She said lighting my stick on fire

And so we both had torches and began walking. As we got deeper in the tunnel the walls became old and molded. A stench filled the air that was rancid like death itself.

On the walls carvings began to appear . The further they got the more frequent they appeared until they reached an area where there were carvings and red paintings all over the walls . The tunnel seemed to end here . a dead end museum of art.

They held their torches up to the walls and scanned the carvings. They found what looked like the beginning of the carvings and tried to decipher it . It was made like a story or a timeline so they deciphered as they walked . The carvings were fairly simple . There were enormous creatures engraved into the wall . These creatures had their handsOut, stretched with strings, coming from their fingertips, leading to the next carving into the next creatures head. And this creature did the same to the next, but each creature was getting smaller on every carving.

Until you made it all the way around. The room to the last 2 drawings. They were different . The third to last drawing is a creature with strings connected to the next, like all the others, but the difference of the second to last drawing was that it was more than one creature there was about five. They had strings attached to their heads coming from the previous one,but they didn’t attach any strings to the last carving. The last carving was even more disturbing it was of a hooded figure sitting crisscross with its outstretched arms as thin as a skeleton. His left hand ( or right depending on how u looked at it.) was pointing towards the carving of five creatures and the other hand towards first carving of the largest creature. I didn’t get it . Was he the beginning or the end . But Either way he wasn’t attached to either of them. What threw me off even more was that all of the carvings were drawn in red like blood, but the hooded figure was drawn in black.

I was so absorbed in the carvings i didn’t realize Tria started walking back towards the tunnel

“ hey let’s go they are probably heading back towards the opening. We need to meet them before they think something happened. I don’t really get these carvings, but we can tell them about it later.”

“ OK I’m coming”

‘Ofcourse she wouldn’t get it. She is only obsessed with fighting. She doesn’t ever use her brain but me I can’t get over this. What is this is carvings they have to meet something this being is so ….. ominous.’These thoughts ran through my head distracting me .

“ hey watch out ___ ____ ____”

She tried alerting me of something but I was to busy thinking to hear

‘I want to come back here as fast as possible. I need to record everything here to take it back and…..wait did she just say look out for something? ‘

I had refocused my eyes and put my torch foward looking above thinking something was crawling on the walls

“ what did you say look out for W-“

but Before i could finish my sentence, i was already descending into the darkness , the light of Tria’s torch was getting further away by the second. I had no time to react he could only think one thing.


I closed my eyes and wait for the inevitable crushing of my body against the ground

And that’s it

Thats’s the end of my life

Ethereal plane

Well I geuss im a liar

But you probably knew that since this is chapter 2

I really did think I was going to die

But that inevitable


Never came

As I descended further into darkness I eventually opened my eyes again

Wind rushed past my ears

I fell faster

I was so far I couldn’t even see trias light anymore

I knew that eventually I’d hit something. I just didn’t get why I didn’t yet

I tried to look down

But it was hard with all the wind

Still I happened to get a glimpse of light coming from below

Then suddenly everything to my right opened up

It was only for a few seconds

With how fast I was going but it was a world of Lucius green life

There was a water fall in the distance and it was warm

But craziest thing of all was the dinosaurs that roamed around

Some big and some small

But the scene past quickly

I continued to fall down the endless hole

Until there was another opening to my right

This time it was a desolate land with dead plants that still seemed to flourish and cracks all through the earth

Strange looking humanoids wondered around the treacherous planes

But once again the scene past

This happened a few more times

Each opening would be something even more bizarre

One with bizarre beasts

Another with reptilian , and dragonooid type people eating another smaller race

And the deeper it for the scarier it got

The last 2 planes were the scariest

The 2nd was a plane of monsters ghouls and a scene monstrous land scape

But that couldn’t prepare me for the last one

It wa s a scene straight out of hell

Demons roamed the lands of jagged rocks and pulsating festers

Pools of different unknowns liquids were everywhere and there were demons of all types and sizes

I even saw a large black one standing in something that looked like a graveyard from this distance

It must have been fighting because it released a huge beam of energy that engulfed a distant area in destruction

But once again the scene came and went

That was the last one i saw

Seconds, hours , maybe days passed

I didn’t know anymore, I was thirsty and hungry

Was I even falling?

I couldnt feel my skin anymore due to the wind pressure and my ears popped along time ago so I couldn’t hear a thing

Was I already dead?

Maybe I died instantly on impact?

Maybe I’m hungry and thirsty because I’m in hell?

No this can’t be hell

not after I saw that place …

All of these thoughts went through my head I began to lose my mind slowly but then my eyes adjusted to the darkness

I actually had stopped falling

But into what exactly

It felt as if I was submerged In dark purple water like substance

Except the substance didn’t move like water

It was so restrictive you could barely move an inch but at the same time you floated effortlessly through it in whatever direction you were going endlessly.the tint of the water was so dark the purple almost looked black. There was clearly some light shining down from the surface of the water.

I wondered

“Where am I ? What is this? Why can’t I feel anything”

I tried speaking but no sound came out, i tried moving but I felt nothing .

I didn’t even feel my heartbeat .

I suddenly realized I didn’t even feel hungry or thirsty anymore.

And even more I couldn’t feel myself breathing. I was clearly underwater. I could see a light above the surface. But I never knew I was even under water til now and I was breathing normally. But now I I started to doubt I was even breathing at all. I sort of panicked thinking that mayb I would run out of breath but that eventually seems silly to me since I couldnt even tell if I was breathing in the first place plus it never happened. I didn’t suffocate or even feel the slightest bit of dizziness. I continued feeling nothing.

At this point I figured that mayb I did die

Or even worse

I figured that I would drift endlessly through this nothingness for eternity

I didn’t sink but I didn’t rise either.

I had now way to steer or direct myself to the surface so all I could do was lay here

So I did

Time passed by

Or maybe it didn’t

In a place like this time doesn’t even seem real

Nothing does

And with that I have caught you up to the present everything from here is just as new to you as it is to me

So here i am

I floated through the nothings at the bottom of the endless hole

I had nothing but time to think about my life

I contemplated all the mistakes i made

All the chance i should have took

But I knew that even if i could have it wouldn’t have worked out for me. Nothing ever does.

Except for in one place

I realized i might have been blessed with the best solution ever

Since i always had a rough life i loved when night time came because i could venture into the land of dreams where anything was possible . In my dreams I could be GOD. Where i got EVERYTHING i wanted.

So once again i closed my eyes and began to dream.

I lived in my dreams happily imagining anything I wanted. Reimagine my life the way it should have been. Even throwing in some useful abilites… well more like overpowered abikites. It was the best time. I felt truly alive for once. I was always a dreamer, and I prided myself in a “special ability” I called it.

Well it wasn’t so special I’m sure other could do it. But I could control my dreams. Even in deep sleep I would contain my consciousness and control the way I wanted my dreams to be . It’s what made dreaming so fun for me, but up in the real world I was limited , I would have to wake up at some point, but now my imagination can run wild .

There was barely a difference between me having my eyes open or closed it was just as dark so it was easy to submerge myself in my sub-consciousness and dream away.

so i did.

I dreamed An endless dream

That is until

I hit something …..

“Hey watch where your goin”

The voice was strange. It sounded as if a man and woman were speaking in unison .

I was deep in my dream so i assumed it was a mistake of his brain but the voice spoke again abruptly waking me up

‘Huh did I hit something , I thought this place was empty and I was having such a nice…. Wait what the hell’

I thought. But I opened my eyes

to see something i never imagined

A giant hooded figure sat with its legs crossed, elbow on its leg and its hand balled up propping his chin up like the thinker statue.

It’s hand was bony like a skeleton but the face was hidden behind the shadows of the hood

“And who might you be?” Said the giant figure

“I…uhhh….my name….umm….kai …..what ….I mean who are you?”

“Who me my a name is athius”

“And umm….no disrespect but what might you be.”

“I am a primordial”

“Huh a primordial what’s that?”

As he said this he realized the person was getting further away, he wondered why but than it occurred to him that he was still in the water. But now he was on the surface. He could tell be cause his sense had returned. He could feel the water on his back it was thick and heavy like he was on a water bed of some sorts.

The light from before was brighter nut still very dark . It was emanating from a dark purple sun high In the sky…or darkness I geuss you could say. The sky was pitch black, the sun seemed to only emanate light down onto the water but that was all. I looked around to see an endless ocean of this water. There was only me and the being.

I saw that the being wasn’t moving at all even though he was ontop of the same water

“Hey you mind helping me out I want to continue our converstion but I’ll keep floating away.”

I asked him

“Ahh Ofcourse you wouldn’t be able to control the ethereal plane.”

The being waved there free hand and Kai stopped immediately his body than began to slowly slide back to his position in front of the giant being. Once there he stopped and didn’t move

It felt as if he was locked in place but now he could move his body freely

He turned from laying down to sitting up like the being

It felt weird using water as a solid surface but I did it.

“So as you were saying what is a primordial and you called this place the ethereal plane”

“Yes I am a primordial being , you have heard of gods yes?”

“Yes I have”

“And you know that above gods are the ancients ?”

“Yes I have never seen them before but we have been taught about them”

“Well above those beings are celestials and finally above them is oldest and strongest of them all the primordials”

“So you are 3 ranks above the gods”

“Yes that should give you an in inkling of my ability and background

“I can I get what you are , a really old god basically , but what exactly is this place u said ethereal plane or something right”

“Correct this is the ethereal plane, an ever expanding dimension of primordial fluids known as aether and nether. But at the same time is my original form . The form you see now in front of you is a physical manifestation of this void a person”

“Ok your saying a lot of things I don’t know now what this aether and nether u speak of. And if this place is you does that means it is alive and has its own will.”

“Aether would be the primordial “lightside” to all of existence while nether would be the “dark side”.”

“Ah I see so they are like 2 sides to the same coin. Yin and Yang”

“Correct. And to answer your second question yes and no. While this essence does have a will its own it does not act as a mortal being would.”

“I don’t get how a space could have a will. But if this place is a mixture of light and dark why is there no light in here everything is dark and murky”

“Ahh great perceptiveness. That would be because everything that is comes from that which isn’t”


“Something has to come from nothing right?”

“I mean I geuss but I don’t really see how.”

“You humans have a saying that goes , what came first the chicken or the egg. But with either choice it doesn’t explain how the chicken or egg got there in the first place. If the chicken was first how was it born. If the egg was first where did the egg come from. The answer is Simple . It came from nothing.”

“That makes no sense at all how can something come from nothing.”

“Just think of it this way ,everything that is known was once unknown. With time everything changes, the past is full of ideas that the present will never get to see and the same can be said for the future . Things are learned and forgotten, new ways are learned and forgotten again. In the same way , Everything that is something was once nothing . And from that nothing, creation is inspired once again. That is why everything here is void of creation because this is the natural state of things until change occurs.”

“That’s a little easier to understand but I get it nonetheless. So that leaves me to my last question . Why are you here.”

“Ahhh. It is could ask you the same now couldn’t i”

“Well how about you go first then I’ll share” I said back to him noticing the hint of a personality although it said it doesn’t have act lik a human

“Sounds like a fitting deal to me . Hmmm where should I start. Well I’ll give a quick review since i have been alive since before the beginning of time. This may also may give you insight on why I say this place has a will of it’s own. My life story is of god who never got what he wanted.”

‘Hey this sounds familiar’ I thought

I died again?

‘Hey this sound familiar’ I thought but h me continued

“Since the day I was born I was lucky but at the same time unlucky. On the day of my birth when i popped into existence I was all alone. There was nothing. I had neither a physical or spiritual body . I was simply a consciousness that awakened amongst the nothingness. For a while a continued amongst the vast emptiness never knowing the possibilities of my potential. Then one day I had a thought. ‘Why am I alone if I had consciousness surely there could be others’ so I searched myself for anything anyone with consciousness. Ofcourse what would I find is nothing. Just as I gave up hope a light sparked amongst the infinite darkness. It shown brighter than anything I had ever seen although I’d seen nothing . It was beautiful. I was scared my darkness would suffocate it but it continued to shine . I tried to convey messages to this new thing, but it did not respond, after an unknown amount of time I finally heard it .

“Hello is anyone there, I’ve been alone forever I wish I had someone to speak to , this infinite nothin is unbearable”

I was a little hurt that it Called me unbearable even though I had been trying to communicate this entire time . No matter how much I wanted I could not speak . How this ball of light was able to achieve it I could not understand. So I sat and watched. Everntually the light shaped itself into a form more easier to move in then did something unexpected. Itbegan to vibrate violently and within seconds it split into 2 . With the splitting of the light one got brighter and changed colors from white to orangish white , while the other ball had a different color and took a dark black appearance with white spirals of energy sprinkled across its membrane. They then spoke

“Hello “ light energy

“Hello” responded the dark energy

“What is this”

“This is conciousness, I have split myself into 2 parts so that I was no longer alone.”

“Consciousness? So there is just me you and nothing.”

“Yes. So what shall we do.”

“I don’t know I was just born there is nothing to do is there.”

“Well I took the infinite space within me to create you so I could use more of my energy to create things to put into your domain.”

The dark energy agreed . And they began working. The light energy created planets , stars, moons, animals and lots of species to live within them. The dark energy held all of this within himself and watched over the endless creations of his partner in astonishment. The things light created were so beautiful . Even I could see that. But one day the dark energy changed . Or maybe it was within him from the beginning but one day he was watching over a planet. Which had risen in population ti the point where people could no longer live comfortably and they were beginning to look sickly .

At the time death was not a thing so these creatures would continue suffering for eternity . As a kindness the dark energy used his darkness to consume the souls of the creatures that were sickly as to end their suffering but in doing so it corrupted the dark energy. It took an immediate liking to the feeling of death . After that it began coming up with excuses to purge planets and life across his domain. Light energy was to busy creating so she didn’t see anything . I knew she needed to be warned before all of her creation went to waste but i couldn’t talk. As I was watching the light energy create a new star I said to myself “what a shame” and the light energy stopped what it was doing and turned around. It looked around for the source of the voice it heard.

Than I thought again “wait can it hear me”

The light energy looked around more frantically and then said

“That voice is unfamiliar you aren’t dark energy who are you and where are you.”

I was suprised I doesn’t know why but i could speak. I told her about how I was the infinite nothingesss and how i been watching and trying to contact it for the longest but couldn’t .

It responded with “that’s weird once I wanted to do something I could just do it I wonder why a being older than myself could not.”

“Maybe it was because I was older but ignoring that there is something you should know. Dark energy is spreading darkness throughout your creation destroying things and causing death.”

“Death? What is that.?”

“He is ending the lives of your creatures”

“What how dare he what has gotten in to him”

It immediately darted off to go to dark energy. When they met dark energy had corrupted half of the creations up until now. He was moving at tremendous speeds. Light was distraught at what she seen and enraged she lashed out at dark energy. They clashed in a battle of light and dark. Energy leaked out and flung from there battle effecting existence in multiple ways.

In the end they used up all of their energy fighting and both of them lost their physical form . The resulting damage existence was severe. The energy’s release from the battle gave birth to a multitude of new beings later called the primordials. These powerful beings immediately had sentience and were completely omnipotent. Their knowledge me of everything that happened before there brith was incredible. They were born and immediately started working on the universes like it was their purpose.

“Hey I thought u said you were going to shorten this.” I said realizing it was going to be a long story although I wasn’t in any rush

“Ahh yes let me skim ahead then. Well you see after millennia passed by there were now gods primordials celestials and ancients .And although they all achieves forms I still had not . As much as I wanted it I never got it.

Then one day when I least expected it happened I jus spawned in. I was suprised . Although I had been watching everything it was always from an omniscient perspective. First person was a new experience. My body was humanoid , the most common body type in this era. I spawned in on a planet that was green and lush with water and abundant life. I went up to the nearest ponds and looked at my reflection. I was quite a sight to behold . My face wasn’t distinct . I couldn’t tell if I was a man or woman . And my arms and body was made of bone . No flesh or organs. I could feels and taste nothing but I could see hear smell. Although ur wasn’t perfect it was a body .

I was happy enough for what u got no matter the reason . I began exploring, I didn’t need to eat or sleep , and eventually I learned how to control basic things like the environment and my own body, I learned to fly fairly easily too. Whenever the situation arose the ability would just show itself, I was able to move through the Universe with complete omnipotence. Soon I met other gods. They could tell I was a god but not how old due to the lack of energy I gave off. Plus they were young gods they wouldn’t know about the void only primordials would. Still they welcomed me. As I lived amongst the gods I could tell how twisted some could be and figured it was a result of the dark energy released during the fight .

No matter how old I was they all treated me like a new young god and I allowed it due to the fact I couldn’t do much otherwise they all had greater powers than i did atleast that’s what I thought . One day an anomalie appeared. A massive black hole opens up in the middle of the planet axis a planet of gods , the anomalie completely wiped out every god there except one . Me . Immediately my power reacted and completed revived every living thing in the planet. Even more suprising I was able to completely nullify and absorb the anomalie. I don’t know why my abilities activated . I didn’t have much attachment to the gods so I wasn’t particularly upset that they died. So I don’t get what the catalyst was to activate my abilities. Still I assumed the gods would be happy and finally give me my respect after saving them but it wasn’t the reaction I expected. They were afraid and frightened of my power. Up until that point they believed I was a minor god But my manipulation of the universe showed that i was a primordial which the gods feared. Not because primordials were violent towards god but simply because their egos wouldn’t let them submit willingly to being that was so much stronger. Although in most cases gods acted mannerful in front of ancient beings and above they resented them, feeling as if they should be the most perfect and powerful beings.

The fact that a primordial saved them all stuck at their core. They couldn’t accept it . Over the next year I had hundreds of attempts on my life. But everytime a god attempted to kill me my power would activate on its own and protect me in some way . After realizing I was to powerful to kill they all devised a plan.

One day I was exploring . I had gotten use to activating lower level abilities that most gods could use and I saw a minor god that was being attacked by a mystical beast so I decided to put my abilities to good use for a defenseless god. but when I did the magical beast turned into another god and they both jumped onto me and held me down. I tried to resist but all of a sudden I couldn’t use any abilities. Right now when I wanted to use them most I could not. Other gods popped out from the back ground and 2 had an item called godbox.

A godbox had enough energy to eliminate an entire universe . With the 2 god boxes the gods focused there energy into it amplifying it’s ability. with the energy from the godbox they expelled me from existence into this ever expanding nothingness. I was trapped. Or more like banished back to my original state. Although now It atleast has a seperate space. I can still watch the universe as I please but I can’t interact with it. I have been here for another millennia or 2 since then watching over the world waiting for you.”

“Huh wait what waiting for me .”

“Yes . My apologies for pretending to not know you before I figured it would be easier than me acting as if I have known u for years but I knew you were coming, I have been watching you , my savior “

“Savior what do u mean , I’m jus lt a human with horrible luck.”

“No as I have said I have been watching you . Your life is heavily connected to the ethereal plane even before you got here. Your existence alone is meant to bring balance.”

“ More like disaster. Everywhere go something bad always happens to someone else but good to me . And even though it’s good it’s never what i want”

“That is the will of ethereal plane. It always provides what is needed., not what is wanted. I figured that out after a millennia of waiting down here. How you may wonder ? Well I thought about it . my ability always acted in way that protected me providing any ability I needed in order to do so but not only that using the ability to react to whatever situation occurred .I thought that I could use these abilities at free will but to no luck .

Soon I realized though that the ability also naturally protected the world around us as well . After coming here my body began releasing ethereal aura. That is everything you see here the darkness that you float in , No world could withstand this aura emanating from me. Any more time there and I most likely would have killed everything around me even the universe I was in. I don’t believe it was any coincidence I was sealed here. In order for that to happen the gods had to realize I was a primordial and in order for that to happen I had to excercise a huge amount of power in front of them . I strongly believe the ethereal plane which at the time resides solely inside of me willed for the anomalie to occur and also willed for me to be helpless when I was attacked by gods. It knew what it meant for me to stay in the real world and decided it was time for me to leave. At any rate the ethereal plane decided my life and just as easy decided yours , no matter what the ethereal plane was leading you here , keeping you alive , for this very moment .”

“But why I don’t get it you’re stuck here just as much as me so how am I a savior.”

“Ahh yes but you did come in here did you not ? So you must also be allowed to leave. As a matter of fact I have already seen it all”

“You’ve seen it ? Meaning you know the future?”

“Yes. This place is similar to a void there is no time or matter here all that resides here is nothing. The ethereal plane exists outside of space and time . Actually I can’t exactly say it exists because it’s literally the nothingness that surrounds all of existence. From here I have access to everything that has been or everything that will be meaning I also have access to everything that is. That is the true ability of ethereal plane.”

“So what I had no other choice but this path my fate was decided from the start.”

“Sorry to say but yes. Everyone and I mean everyone in this world has the ability to fight fate . Due to the fact that everyone has different paths, timelines you could say do to different decisions that they have or it could have made .”

Athius waved its hand again and different timelines of different beings showed all around the plane like flat screen tvs . Then it changed to show lines with names in them representing timelines. Each line branches off in differnt spots changing into millions of different lines representing the different possibilities of their lives.

“Anything is possible for anyone . Except us. We are directly tied to the thing that governs all of existence there fire our path was and always will be decided”

He swiped his hand again and showed my timeline.

It didn’t branch off into millions of different parts like the others. It was a straight line , that never changed its course once.

I was in disbelief I couldn’t believe what i was hearing or seeing .My life was already decided.

That’s when I saw my line began to branch . I was stunned I thought that nothing would ever change but then lines slowly but surely began to spread into its own tree of life.

“What what is that I thought you said…”

“Well that is up until now.”

It touched its finger at the point that begins the branching of the timeline.

A large flatscreen like hologram came up showing in real time everything that was happening at the moment . It showed me and ethiruis looking at ourselves at a flat screen hologram with the same scene on it, continuing an infinite amount of times like the illusionary mirror kai tings you see in museums.

“That’s us right now . Are you saying this moment is what changes everything.”

“Precisely. Up until now no matter what you were meant to only make it to this point . And after that your life becomes your own. I wonder what changes.”

“Me to I thought I would die but it looks like I won’t , why do I get to choose a path.”

“Not quite let me show you something else .”

Another timeline popped up that said Athius. I thought gods lines would be long and infinite . Unlike the human lines that eventually stopped on all of the branches. But for athius his line was the same as mine. It was long and straight , no branches, way longer than mine but the only dinference was that his eventually stopped .

“Wait how is that possible . I thought gods don’t die , especially primordials.”

“Hmm maybe you don’t se the comparison.”

He moved the two time lines next to each other and that’s when it hit me .

Athius’ timeline stops right where my timeline begins to branch off .

Does that mean he is going to die here becaus of me.

“You said I was your savior . What exactly did you mean .”

“It seems you’re catching on . It was very nice this time we spent here chatting but as you probably have already deduced this is where my life ends. And it’s fine with me . I’m tired of living this eternal life , devoid of outside contact. I would rather live one within another”

Athius said this with deep longing as eyes directed at me

“I still don’t get what im supposed to do . I’m just a mortal I can’t kill you and even then if you couldn’t leave what makes you think I will be able to.”

“No worries on any of that I will handle the first half and from the the ethereal plane shall handle the rest.”

“What does that meannn”

“I will sacrifice myself and merge our souls. This will imprint a primordial soul onto your human body. While normally this wouldn’t be possible , it should work due to your connection with the ethereal plane.”

“ Are these all theories or are you sure?”

“You have already seen your future and you doubt still.”

Heidi said sighing heavily

It’s right I already saw that I atleast make it past this point. I definitely saw some branches that came to a stop so it is entirely possible for me to still die . But ….atleast it isn’t yet. I also saw a branch that didn’t end at all so if I make the right choices I could……

“Ok I get it now. But are you sure this is what you want to do.”

“HA HA HA have you learned nothing during our time here. It isn’t about what we want …it never was .”

The towering figure reached down towards me . It pointed its bony index finger onto my chest on the opposite side of his heart. Then he touched his other finger to his own heart.

“This is farewell for now. I can’t wait to see the choices you make from here on . Let’s explore this vast existence…together.”

At that moment something shook my entire core . My heart began beating at an insane rate.

‘Shit my heart is going to fast I can feel in throughout my entire body’

Then he realized it wasn’t just inside his body , the entire realm was beating. At first the 2 beats were off . Then slowly they began to harmonize until finally ……

Athius voice echoed throughout the eternal darkness

“Attempt Succesful

Souls synchronized”

Then everything went silent

My heart stopped beating and so did the world.

Once again I died.

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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