NovelToon NovelToon

Soraya (Princess)

Chapter : One

My eyes snapped open, l inwardly groaned at the sound of my phone beeping alarm clock.

It was that high pitched Beep! Beep! Beeeep! You know the one? Well yeah, lt was highly annoying and I was so not ready to get out of bed.

I was exhausted, physically and mentally.last night was a rough one I didn't sleep much at-all with the nightmares l had been having lately and today? Well today I have to get up and go to school. Yeah it sucks but at least it's my last year considering l'm a senior the year should not be too bad.

Kicking my bed quilt cover off lazily l climbed out of bed crossing my room to the bathroom.

My bedroom wasn't small nor it was large. It was simple but warm, consisting of a walk in wardrobe and a en-suite bathroom and the basic bedroom furniture l'm sure everyone else has.

Stripping out of my pajamas l tied my long brunette hair up out of my face before hopping into the shower.

I finished my normal routine pretty quickly washing my body you know the normal things you would do in a shower. I turned the water off clambering out of the shower and wrapping a towel a round my body.

I brushed my teeth and put a little bit of natural makeup on before heading out of the bathroom to My wardrobe.

My eyes drifted over all my clothes l'm not one for spending a lot of time getting ready l get bored pretty quickly when it comes to making decisions.

I pulled out the first outfit My eyes landed on, Agrey vest top , light blue jeans and a pair of white white trainers.

My top didn't completely cover my stomach but I couldn't really pay attention to it, everyone else in school wears much more revealing clothes than I do.

I made my bed and opened the curtains, letting the sunlight brighten up my room. Pulling my hair out of its bun, l let the natural curls of my long dark brown hair fall over my shoulders.

Grabbing a hold of My handbag, my phone and a jacket in-case it gets cold. I headed down stairs to the kitchen.

Drifting My eyes around the room,my Dad was nowhere to be found.

That wasn't a surprise to me l guess as he is always working to the point that he's barely even home these days and my Mom?. Well she left me and my Dad.

If I’m honest l could not really care where she is or what she is doing.

I haven't heard from her in few years. All l know is that she has a new family. A new husband and new daughter, well two new daughters.

My eyes drifted to the clock upon the kitchen wall, If l didn't leave for school now, l would be late for the first morning class so l quickly grabbed a cereal box from the cupboard and a can of coke from the fridge before heading to the front door. I don't really do breakfast not that I don't have an appetite. I'm going to be honest l am just lazy for morning cooking.

I locked the front door on my way out dropping the keys into my handbag. “Need a ride?” A voice came from the left of me.

I smiled turning my head to see our next door neighbor Vincent walking towards me with a sportsman cigarette in hand.

Vincent was the typical bad boy at school, the kind of guy that no guys messed with and all girls drooled over. I'm not to lie he is very handsome like extremely handsome with his green eyes, brown hair,achi-sled jaw and the famously black leather jacket all bad boys wear to clown it all Vincent was for sure hot like hell.

His friend Andrew is my boyfriend of five months, his also has that extremely very handsome gorgeous boy vibe with black hair, brown eyes and defined jawline.

The guys have similar looks for sure.if I'm being honest with myself I won't deny that l am very attracted to both of them, l mean who could blame me?. If you could see them you wouldn't judge me? I won't dare admit my thoughts out loud though.

Vincent lives with his parents next door and Andrew lives on another street.

“How a bout it Princess” l turned my attention back to Vincent “it's okay Andrew should be here any minute to pick me up” l replied to his offer.

“Don't you have a girlfriend to pickup anyway?” I asked with a wave of my wrist in dismissal.

“Ah…technically not my girlfriend princess, She can walk if it means you ride with me” He replied with a teasing wink. The all so famous smirk upon his lips.

I shook my head with a small smile, as you see Vincent would flirt with anything that had a pulse. His flirtatious doesn't bother me though as l have come to know the bad boys over time since he does live next door.

Just on the cue Andrew pulled up.

“Gotta go Andrew's here” l said as l began walking towards Andrew's car.

Vincent followed by my side untill we reached Andrew's car “Hey babe’’ Andrew greeted me through the rolled down window “Bro” Andrew said with a nod of his head in Vincent direction.

Vincent opened the car door for me, l thanked him before proceeding in taking my seat in the passenger side. “Morning” l greeted Andrew with a smile as he leaned in for a kiss 😘

I pecked his lips lightly Andrew encased my face between the palms of his hands firmly keeping me in place in attempt to deepen the kiss.

I pulled away not allowing our kiss to be anything more since we did have company.

Andrew frowned “ Is that all l get?” He asked.

Vincent groaned “Andrew your are killing me here” He confessed to his friend.

Vincent smirked his oh so famous bad boy smirk that has every girl in the school swooning over “ sorry bro, but l need a ride? Vincent asked.

Now l was the one to frown didn't Vincent just offer to give me a ride? Did l imagine that? Now l am confused the lack of sleep must really be taking it's toll on me.

“Yeah Man,” Andrew replied nodding his head in the direction of the back seat.

Vincent shut my door gently before proceeding to clamber into the back seat. I pulled my seat belt on , Andrew started the engine and began driving.

It was kind of awkward,l barely spent time with the two of them together.

I only really ever talked to Vincent when I was at home, sometimes in trigonometry class and few times we hung out with friends of friends.

The boys talked about some party they wanted to attend on the weekend l kind of zoned out of their conversation the whole ride to school.

I just wanted to go back home and go back straight to sleep.

Since school was only about thirty minutes drive from my house.

We pulled up into the parking lot in no time.

I took my seat belt off before we all climbed out of Andrew's car.

“Thanks for the ride bro” Vincent thanked his friend over my shoulders.

“See you in trigonometry class princess,” Vincent flashed a smile. I smiled giving him a small wave as l watch him Walk away.

I was unexpectedly spun around as Andrew grabbed my wrist pulling me towards him roughly. “ What was that?” He asked clenching his jaw.

I frown his mad? “W...What” l stuttered a little.

Did l mention that Andrew can get a little jealous so metmes.

Honestly I hate it when he gets off on one can get quite scary at times when he can't control his anger.

“That with Vincent? Since when does he call you princess?” He gritted.

I pulled my wrist out of his tight grip. Vincent calling me princess is nothing new to me nor should it be new to Andrew, it's not a big deal.

Andrew it doesn't mean anything. Vincent and l are just friends. He cut me off “Friends since when?.”

Andrew scowled at me.

I rolled my eyes “we are neighbors remember besides I met you through him did you forget?” I said looking into his stomy blue eyes.

Andrew was classed as one of the most handsome guys in our school along side his friend. Andrew was on our school's football team and one the best players they had.

Without another word he crashed his lips to mine dominantly.

I kissed him back allowing him to have the control.

“Your mine Soraya” he breathed into our kiss as he held me tightly by my waist.

Usually l would have butterflies erupt in my stomach at the feel of his lips on mine but I guess his out burst temper hard scared them away.

After a while he pulled away.

“ Come I'll walk you to class” he said. Through his left arm over my shoulder we walk side by side to our first class that we where now almost fifteen minutes late for.

I apologised to the teacher when we finally arrived to the class.

She wasn't too impressed that we disrupted her class by walking in late but what can I do about it now? What's done is done.

I took my regular seat next to my bestfriend Prissy, Andrew sat with two of their friends Dickson and Noah

Prossy and I have been friends since we where in junior years.

With red hair and blue eyes she was pretty no question about that.

My mind kept drifting off to how angry Andrew had gotten in the parking lot leaving me with a million questions. One being does he not trust me? The other being why was his jealousy reappearing again it's been calm for a while now.

Prossy spoke up taking me out of my thoughts “ You having lunch with me today?” She asked giving me puppy dog eyes.

I sighed, Prossy eats with her boyfriend Michael and his friends.

I do the same eating with Andrew and his friends.

The only problem with that is our boyfriends are two different social circles. “ Sorry l already told Andrew l would eat with him today.” I informed her with a soft smile.

“Why! You eat with him and his dumb friends everyday”she whined.

I let out a small laugh “ And you eat with Michael and his dumb friends everyday” l retorted.

Prossy rolled her eyes at me.

“ Fine but date night tomorrow night? There is this party l want to go to and you are going with meeee” she dragged out the me.

I could actually do with some me and Prossy time party seems like perfect place to let loose.

“ I will have” l began but she cut me off

“ Don't even say it Soraya” she said firmly.

“You didn't even let me finish” l said with a frown.

“ That's because I already know what you are about to say, you to ask Andrew's permission blah blah blah hhhh” Prossy rolled her eyes at me for the second time.

I groaned putting my hand on my face she hates Andrew.

“ Its not asking permission it's just seeing if he minds me going to party with a bunch of drunk and drugged up sexually frustrated teenagers” l defended.

“Yeah .. yeah, your are coming no buts” she said sternly sending me a look telling me no point in fighting her.

I felt like I was being told off by my mom. If I had a mother around that is.

I smiled at my crazy bestfriend.

“Okay but we are getting ready at my pla” before I could finish she cut me off yet again. “Yesss deal” she said smiling widely at me.

I shook my head at her excitement. A small laugh escaping past my lips.

I'm not going to lie l'm excited for the party it's been a while since I have attended one or spent a little time having any kind of fun with Prossy.

Chapter : Two

The school day went pretty quickly.

I zoned out of most of it and as usual I sat with Andrew and his friends at lunch,all in all it was a pretty normal day.

It was now the end of the school day, Andrew had football practice so I was now sitting on the bench waiting for him to finish so he can give me a ride to home.

Prossy usually sits with me to watch practice but today she was spending time with Michael going on a picnic or something l really don't know.

Michael is one of Vincent's friends.

His pretty cool his a really chilled out guy him and Prossy look good together with Michael having blonde, brown hair, defined facial features and blue eyes. They really do look perfect together.

Andrew doesn't really like it when I hang out with Prossy since she is always with Michael and the rest of the group not excluding Vincent. Prossy being the only girl l guess his worries are understandable I mean, would l like it if Andrew was to hang out with four girls? No sure probably not, although I’m no really the jealousy type.

I'm not sure why he has a problem yeah she hangs around with all guys but it's not like l would cheat on him. So he doesn't need to worry.

My phone buzzed in my hand,l took my eyes to phone screen a text from my Dad.l opened the text message he was letting me know. He won't be home for a few days as he has to att a business trip.

I sighed locking my phone and ignoring it l understand he has to work but it frustrates me that he barely have time for me like ever.

“Why the frown princess?” Avoice came from the right side of me.

I looked up to see an approaching Vincent. “Take a guess” l said bluntly turning my attention to gaze out onto the playing field as the players jogged off into the changing room.

Vincent knows about my father barely being home.when l need fresh air l like to climb out my bedroom window and sit on the roof that is below it.

I usually find Vincent doing the same since his window is opposite mine and the houses almost touched a tree being the only one thing between them.

We usually end up talking about our problems or just random stuff and subjects.

His pretty cool guy to have as friend . But our friendship doesn't go past being in the same place at the same time.

The roof top is how I have got to know Vincent his actually listening and knows the right thing to say.

Andrew isn't a ware of me spending time with his friend. It's not like l’m hiding it from him it's just never came up there's not really much to it.

If I was to Andrew l could only imagine he would go all cave man on me and probably force me to never talk to his friend again just like he has previously with other guys.

I really didn't need that his my neighbor forbids sake and it's not like we plan to spend time together we just end up in the same place at the same time. Nothing more.

I was brought out of my thoughts as Vincent nudged my shoulder gently with his.

I looked up connecting his green eyes to mine “what was that in the parking lot this morning with my friend?” He asked not removing his questioning gaze from me.

I frowned “ what do you mean?” I questioned.

“ It looked like you two where arguing” he clarified.

I sighed at this reminding me of the problems in my life, Andrew's jealousy and aggression “it was nothing” l said looking down at my hands to avoid his eyes.

I didn't want to tell him of the reason we where arguing l mean that would just be embarrassing right?

I could feel Vincent's eyes on me.

Only enticing an unfamiliar feeling to wash over me why l was feeling like this because his eyes where on me.l don't know but I shrugged it away ignoring it.

“ Well princess looks like practice is over” Vincent announced as he began standing to his feet.

Thankful that he didn't push on the subject anymore, l lifted my eyes to look up at him “ You're coming?” He asked holding a hand out to me.

I nodded my head to his question taking his hand he pulled me to my feet. We headed to the parking lot side by side to Andrew's car.

After seven minutes waiting by the car Andrew finally came out.

He marched towards us taking long strides. He seems pissed like really fuckingly pissed.l could feel the anger radiating off of him from all the way over here.

Without a greeting to me or his friend he placed his hands to My hips tightly.His lips crashing to mine with a force that resulted in making my back hit off the side of his car.

His hold on my hips only growing tighter as his finger tips dug into my skin.

I didn't know what was wrong with him but he seemed extremely pissed off so l allowed him to kiss me letting him have complete and totall control.

Vincent cleared his throat “ Bro l got shit to do can I get this lift or what?” Vincent said frustratedly.

I pulled away trying to break the kiss but Andrew began trailing kisses down my neck.

“Andrew stop let's go home”l said cupping his face in my hands and forcing him to look at me.

His eyes bore into mine searching them for what? I'm not sure.

Andrew reluctantly pulled away from me unlocking his car and opening the door for me. I took my seat, Andrew slamming the door shut harshly.

They both clambered in their seats.The whole ride home Andrew kept his hand on my thigh rubbing the pad of his thumb back and forth across my Jean clad thigh.

Vincent climbed out the car rather quickly “laters” He said not looking back as he made his way to his front door. I turned to face Andrew who was already looking at me his jaw licking as he clenched his teeth together.

I inwardly groaned this is probably because I was talking to Vincent at the football pitch.

“What's wrong?” I frowned.

“ Are you fucking my friend?” He spat his voice laced with anger.

My eyes went wide at his unexpected question l was expecting something about talking to Vincent not this. Is he serious?

“What?” I asked scrunching my face up in confusion.

“ Answer the fucking question” he yelled. I flinched at his suddenly raised voice.

“ No” l replied raising my own voice slightly.

Is he being serious does he really think l would cheat on him? With his own friend? Does he think that low of me?.

“Don't raise your voice to me Soraya” he gritted “l see you both at practice, do you think l’m blind” he let out.

He can't be serious? Is he?

“Don't be stupid Andrew we where just talking” l replied honestly.

My whole body jumped as he punched the steering wheel of car. “Don't lie to me!! I saw the way he was looks at you” he roared.

I flinched again at his anger “l said No’’ l yelled back in defense.

This is ridiculous . I could literally say one more word to a gay guy and he would still act the same way that he is right now.

Opening the door of the car l stepped out quickly, reaching back in the car to grab my bag but l was too slow as Andrew reached my bag before me. He quickly exited the car.

I slammed the door shut not in the mood for one of his outbursts. I was enjoying the time we had while his anger was dormant.

By the time I had turned around Andrew had reached me.

Grabbing both of my upper arms harshly he forcefully pushed me against his car caging me in-between his arms, his palms face down on either side of me.

As small gasp passed my lips at the pain that spread across my back from the impact of the force he had used.

He was angry like ranging and l didn't want to look at his intense burning gaze any longer so. I turned my head to the right in an attempt to avoid it.

“ Look at me Soraya” he gritted.

I took a deep breath ignoring him.

I refuse to let him treat me this way when l haven't done anything wrong.

Andrew didn't like that as he grabbed my chin tightly between his fingers and thumb forcing me to look at him.

The look on his face made me gulp he was so angry nothing ever good comes from that look “l told you Andrew, nothing is going on” l began but he cut me off.

“I don't want him around you”h said sternly giving me a look that warned me not to disagree with him.

“ He is my neighbor ho!! He cut me off again yet.

I don't care you are not to be around him alone understand” he ordered in finality.

I rolled my eyes at his demand.

He sounds crazy right now.

That only angered Andrew more though. “Don't roll your eyes at me just do as your are told” he roared his pointer finger in my face.

I can't stand it when his like this. “ Fine” l announced with a snarl as l pushed him off of me by his shoulders snatching my bag from his hands l quickly began walking to my door.

Andrew can't control his anger sometimes so I have learned that it is best if l'm not around him when he gets so angry best to not feed the anger.

“ Soraya don't walk away from me” he yelled. His voice so loud.

I ignored him quickly rushing into my house and slamming the door shut behind me. I took a deep breath trying to keep my tears at bay as l Leaned against my front door.

I heard his car door slam shut before the sound of his car sped off a relieve sigh escaping my lips.

I can't believe he accused me of sleeping with someone let alone sleeping with his friend.

I know he doesn't intend to get angry he has anger issues and jealous issues, l have known that for awhile now but sometimes his anger and jealousy can get the better of him.

I dispise it when this side of Andrew appears.

I wiped the stray of tears from my eyes as l made my up to my room. Throwing myself on my bed l let the tears fall freely.

I have never cheated on him or even thought of doing such a thing so why does he accuse me of such things? Hell l'm still avirgin l haven't even gave my v card to Andrew.

So again,why does he think l would give it to Vincent? Or any of the other guys he has accused me of doing in the past.

I lay in bed not being able to control my tears . Eventually l fell asleep to my own thoughts as you know sleep doesn't care if you have problems or not.

Chapter : Three

Vincent’s pov

For some reason it got to me seeing my friend's hands on Soraya's thigh.

I ignored the feeling inside of me telling me to loose my shit but instead I decided on making a move to leave the car.

“Laters” l said quickly jumping out of the car and making my way into my house. I haeded up the stairs and straight to my room.

I kicked my shoes off before taking my cigarette out of my pocket.

I opened my bedroom window about to climb out but halted seeing Andrew's car still parked.

Soraya was still in the passenger seat they looked as if in a heated argument.

Soraya hurriedly climbed out of the car as did Andrew who looked absolutely fucking livid.

My fist and jaw unintentionally clenching at the sight in-front of me.

Andrew slammed Soraya into car harshly.

His actions made my blood boil.

I wanted to go beat the crap out of my friend that one action alone.

But l stopped myself,l couldn't interfere this is between Andrew and Soraya.

I watched as Soraya turned her head, Andrew gripping her chin tightly with his hands as he forced her to look at him. They began talking more calmly now making me unable to eavesdroppe on their conversation but before some reason minutes it only angered me that l couldn't hear what Andrew was saying to her.

I was about to turn away and mind my own business as it looked as if things had calmed down but l stopped hearing Andrew's voice boom “ Don't roll your eyes at me just do as your told” he yelled at her.

“Fine’’ Soraya screamed back as she pushed him off of her by his shoulders.

Soraya rushed into her house leaving Andrew yelling behind her “Soraya don't walk away from me.”

Damn my friend was angry for sure as he got in his car slamming the door loudly before speeding off my guess back to his parents house.

I clambered out my window sitting on the roof l was angry seeing my friend physically hurting Soraya it's not the first time either l've noticed how he manhandles her when he get pissed off or the bruises on her wrist at times,l know he is the cause of those but vl could never question Soraya or my friend until I was sure.

Seeing him act like that towards her with my own eyes it really angered me. Soraya isn't like the girls Andrew is used to dating, she the innocent type and that just confuses me more since Andrew usually goes for the cheer captain and not the calm minding her own kind of girl.

My eyes caught glimpse of Soraya through her window, she was crying as she stepped into her room.

I grounded my teeth together watching her break because of my dumb ass of a friend who doesn't know how to treat a girl like her.

Since we moved in here l have got to know a little about the girl next door.

Like for instance she lives with her father who is literally never around, the woman she calls mother who lives with her new husband and two step daughters but never actually visits her real daughter.

It's not only the big stuff in the life l know of, l pay attention to Soraya and the little stuff too.

For example she has a love for all genres of Music, she can sing, damn she can really sing.

The way she bites her lip when she gets nervous, Twirls her hair around her finger when deep in thought or how she never lets her guard down around people acting as if she is fine at all times but l see through it. I see through her.

I have always felt a pull towards Soraya ever since we moved in next door to her about one year ago but l always pushed it away ignoring the feeling l get when around her. I'm a player acheat,l am really bad news for a girl like Soraya. She deserved to have the best,to be treated in the best way.

When she got with my friend six months ago it wound me up to much seeing them together.

Man it still does but what can I do? She has my friend the only thing I can do is leave them to it is so l did and l have been.

I shook my head, Shit load of good that's done me.

The pull towards her gets stronger every time l lay eyes on her , and the way Andrew treats her it stir something up inside of me giving me the urge to defend her to protect her even.

I don't do relationships,l have always just fucked around for a few weeks and then let the girl go. How is it possible? That the girl next door is driving me crazy and she's not even my girl. She is my friend's girl.


I woke up disoriented not knowing what the time was or what day it is for that matter. I sighed as my thoughts instantly drifted to Andrew.

I need fresh air, l need to clear my head standing up on my feet l picked my phone up seeing l had five texts from Andrew ignoring them l checked the time. It was nine at night,l haven't eaten dinner yet and l'm not that hungry if l'm honest all l want right now is to get some fresh air and calm down.

Opening my window l climbed out on to the roof slowly making sure my clumsy self wouldn't slip off and break my neck “ l wondered when you decide to keep me company” Vincent's voice came to my ears.

I raised my head to see him sat on the roof below his window with a cigarette in hand as usual.

I sat down carefully, taking a deep breath of fresh air l placed my head in my hands. It was silent for a moment before Vincent spoke up breaking the silence “Why do you let him treat you like that?” He asked softly.

I raised my head connecting my eyes with his. He was talking about the argument me and Andrew had earlier. “You have seen that huh?” I asked.

I didn't know what to say to that so l just stayed quiet. “ Did he hurt you?” Vincent asked sounding genuinely concerned.

My head quickly shot back up at his question “No Andrew wouldn't harm me he just gets mad sometimes” l defended my boyfriend.

“Mad? He slammed you against his car” Vincent say shaking his head as he clenched his jaw tightly.

“Fine he gets really mad sometimes but he still wouldn't harm me l defended Andrew again.

Vincent scoffed taking a large toke of his cigarette “Wanna tell me what you where fighting over” he asked curiously, should l tell him? Or would that just make things awkward between us . Now l’m nervous to tell would definitely make things awkward right? That's it l'm not telling him!

My phone began ringing saving me from Vincent's twenty questions.letting go of the hair twirl around my finger l took my phone out of my pocket Andrew's name popped up on the screen.

My eyes went wide if he finds out l am with Vincent right now he will kick off a fuss and right now l really really don't have the energy to argue with him.

I stood up quickly. “l have to take this, you okay by yourself” l asked.

Vincent nodded his head “l can handle myself, Good night princess” he said giving me a small smile.

“Night, Vincent” l returned the smile quickly climbing back into my bedroom through the window.

“Hello’’l answered My phone.

“Babe” Andrew said from the other end of the line.

Andrew if you have called to argue l….. “l began but he cut me off. I really wish everyone would stop cutting me off midsentence. It's all they have done all day it's actually frustrating.

“I didn't call to argue.l want to see you?” He informed me.

“ So you can accuse me of me of cheating, hell no Andrew l am not in the mood” l replied bluntly.

“ I am pulling up now. Is your Dad in?” Andrew asked ignoring the words l had just said to him.

My heart began beating faster Andrew is here? I thought he would be mad for a lot longer? I hope he is not mad l don't have the energy to argue with him right now.

“ Should I sneak through your window or are you going to open the door?’’ he asked through the phone.

“ I'll let you in” l said before hanging up the phone.l left my bedroom rushing down the stairs to the front door.

I opened the door seeing Andrew getting out of his car. “Vincent friend, you smoke too much” l guess Vincent is still on the roof.

Andrew finally reached me instantly engulfing me in his hold, wrapping his arms around my waist.

I sighed feeling his thumb rub soothing circles on the lower of my back. “ I'm sorry l snapped earlier, l just couldn't help it the thought of loosing you or having another guys hand on you. I couldn't handle it” Andrew apologized.

Andrew leaned his head against mine “forgive me” he asked.

I was silent but already know what my answer would be the same as always.

He began placing kisses on every inch of my face before trailing his lips down my neck “Andrew’’ l breathed lightly before trying to pull away from him.

“ All l want to do is to hold you right now, let me” Andrew asked as his lips brushing against the skin of my neck.

I was dazed at the feel of his lips on my skin “l forgive you” l answered. Andrew smiled widely at my answer as he squeezed me tightly, lifting my feet from the ground he twirl me around.l giggled at his behaviors.

He placed my feet back on the floor and l smiled up at him, “so l take it your Dad is not?” Andrew asked with a raised eyebrow. “ Business trip” l replied sadly.

Andrew grinned even wider than before. I'm glad my father's absence can at-least put a smile on someone's face.

Andrew took me from my thoughts as he crashed his lips on mine.l kissed him back before breaking away for air.

That didn't stop Andrew though as he carried a trail of kisses down my neck sucking and biting at my skin.

A small moan escaped at the feel of his lips on my skin.

I snapped out of my daze quickly “Andrew,last time my Dad went ape shit” l breathed knowing if he kept biting and sucking at the skin of my neck there will be a bruise in which people call a hickey or a ‘claim’ to Andrew who believes it shows people l belong to him.

I pulled away making Andrew frown “ Your Dad's not here which means I have all night to make my mark on you.” He said smirking at me, his eyes darkening with lust.

He was so hot right now l swear I was blushing at his words.

Deciding l should make a run for it l did so turning as l ran up the stairs to my bedroom. As soon as l entered my room Andrew wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me from behind and into his hard chest.

“Andrew” l said in warning. “Got you” he said breathed into my ear before he began his assault on my neck again.

With Andrew's company it was more comforting for me to try sleep, yes it still took me a while to fall asleep but at-least l could get a few hours when in his company.

I hated being home alone it was a fear of mine since the night the house got broken into when I was home alone at the age of fifteen but l don't want to think about that it will only end up with me having nightmares with or without Andrew's company.

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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