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How to Win Back a Lover Who Wants a Divorce

Episode 1

It was a beautiful full moon night, the moon shone immensely, but not enough to outshine the infinite stars around it.

This night, as beautiful as it was, was cold, and a beautiful omega tossed and turned in his bed, feeling it empty because it was past midnight and his alpha had not yet returned.

Tired of waiting for his alpha, Saki gets up, puts on a robe, and goes down to the first floor of the house, sitting on the sofa while looking once again at the clock that read 01:31 am, making him sigh, and wonder if once again his husband would not sleep at home.

A few minutes passed, only a few minutes to 2 am, his alpha finally arrives and as always, he quickly heads for the door to greet him. However, his joy fades instantly as he realizes that his alpha is drenched in pheromones from another omega, making him bite his lips hard for a few moments, before letting out a sigh and approaching the taller man, and in a sweet voice say...

Saki Preston - Welcome home, alpha smiles

The alpha, in turn, only looks at Saki for no more than a few moments, before averting his eyes from him and, head down and in silence, going to the bedroom, making the smaller man feel an intense anguish in his chest, placing his hand over his chest, and repeating to himself

Saki Preston - It's okay, it's okay, everything is okay, you're okay

Taking a deep breath right away and going to the bedroom, listening to the sound of the water, realizing that his husband is in the shower, then takes off his robe, and lies down closing his eyes waiting for sleep to come

A few minutes later, Edgard comes out of the shower wearing only a towel around his waist, walking past Saki and going to his closet, putting on his pajamas, and coming back, lying down on his back to Saki, and one more night passes with two hearts once in love with each other, sleeping back to back


The next morning, Saki wakes up early getting ready, waiting for Edgard to wake up, something that doesn't take long to happen, but even seeing his husband all dressed up for him early in the morning, Edgard does nothing but again, as always, ignore this attitude and get ready for another day at work

However, this time something broke, something important inside Saki simply collapsed, and the tears he held back with all his might roll down his face like waterfalls falling from a precipice

When Edgard returns from the bathroom and sees the omega who one day swore and risked everything for the love he felt for him crying, something awakens in him, something that was dormant and at that moment was clamoring to make those icy tears full of pain disappear, but before he can say anything the silence is severely broken by the words that Edgard thought he would never hear leave his omega's beautiful lips

Saki Preston - Let's get a divorce

Episode 2

Saki's Vision

I was in that bed again, alone. No matter how much time passes, I can't get used to it. This bed, which was once filled almost every night with the movements of our bodies, always damp with our sweat, was now solitary and cold.

I wonder if it's my fault. Maybe if I tried harder, I could save this marriage that seems beyond saving.

Tired of lying down, I decide to go downstairs to wait for Edgard in the living room. I put on my robe and descend, glancing at the clock again—it's already 1:31 in the morning.

I wonder if he's sleeping out again.

However, it's not long before I hear the sound of the door. It lifts my spirits, and I quickly go to my alpha. But my body feels heavy, and my heart aches as I realize my husband is covered in another omega's pheromones. I bite my lip to hold back tears and simply approach him, offering a welcome that, as always, he ignores.

I repeat to myself that everything is fine and calm down. I head to the bedroom, hearing the sound of water and realizing he's in the shower. I take off my robe and lie down, hoping to fall asleep quickly, which doesn't take long.


The next day, as always, I wake up before him. I get dressed the way he likes and sit on the edge of the bed, waiting for something—even if it's just a simple good morning or hello, just something I can hold onto, something to keep me going.

I just wanted something to cling to, but instead, he just ignores me again.

Am I a ghost to him?

Am I so insignificant in his life?

Did he ever truly love me?

I'm tired, I can't take it anymore. Even if it means I'm the only one who gets hurt?

How long must I endure this?

I don't want this... I'm tired.

These thoughts get stuck in my throat, and I can't hold back the tears any longer. They begin to flow, the tears I've held back for the past three years, ever since that cursed day, are now flooding my face.

I'm done. I don't want to live like this anymore. If this marriage is doomed, then I give up.

"Let's get a divorce," I say, trying to contain my uncontrollable tears. I notice his surprise, and I don't even care. I spent three years of my life blaming myself for that, but it was my baby too, and I never treated him that way. I always tried everything to fix things, to make them go back to the way they were, but if he doesn't want that, then I give up. I won't condemn myself to this life of suffering just to please him... I'm tired.

End of Saki's Vision


Edgard's Vision

E-Edgard Colin - D-divorce?

I stammer, my heart pounding. I didn't want this, couldn't believe what I had just heard. But now, with a voice devoid of emotion and a look I've never seen before—a look of exhaustion, of suffering, a lifeless look—he says to me,

Saki Preston - I should have asked for this three years ago. It would have spared me so much pain. But what's the point of talking when you don't care?

He gets up and slowly walks to our bedroom door.

Saki Preston - I loved her just like you did, but unlike you, I never blamed you for anything. I'm tired. From now on, I'll sleep in one of the guest rooms.

He leaves, leaving me alone.

Episode 3

He's not going to ask for a divorce!

He wouldn't leave me, right?

Edgard's wolf - are you sure about that?

My wolf says in my mind, making me sit on the edge of the bed in doubt, and still in doubt I answer

Edgard Colin - He loves me...

Edgard's Wolf - And you love him, but that didn't stop you from blaming and hurting him for something you did

I notice the anger in my wolf's tone of voice, realizing that he's irritated, I let out a long sigh as I run my hand through my hair trying to put my thoughts in order...

Edgard Colin - I was devastated with everything, and he...

My wolf doesn't let me finish, speaking loudly and angrily

Edgard's Wolf - IT WAS HIS DAUGHTER TOO, DAMMIT. He carried her for 9 months, excitedly happy with everything, and the baby... And you, you just turned your back on him and let him suffer alone, you just got him pregnant, he had her in his womb, he was her mother... you acted like he did it on purpose, like he was a criminal who killed his own daughter...

Edgard Colin - He shouldn't have left...


Edgard Colin - ...

Edgard's Wolf - What would have happened if you had hired more security? If you had taken him somewhere safe? If you had stayed close to him in those moments of danger instead of just acting like nothing was happening? Whose damn fault is it that it happened? Don't forget you worm that it was from inside him that she was ripped out in cold blood

Edgard Colin - I don't allow you to talk to me like that...

Edgard's Wolf - You don't have to allow anything, I hope he leaves us, even though I love him, I prefer him happy with someone else than suffering with us. And you... you're just trash and I don't think there's ever been a wolf more disgusted than me to share this body with someone like you

My wolf falls silent, leaving me alone with my thoughts, and the memories slowly taking over my mind, reminding me of my nightmare, suffocating me and making me realize that I really don't deserve the omega I have...

I wonder if it's too late to try to fix everything

Can I still save this marriage, and heal the pain I caused my omega?

Edgard's Vision Ended


Saki's Vision

I entered the room, locking the door and lying on the bed, I can't hold back my tears so I just cry myself to sleep.

I wake up later that day to light knocks on my bedroom door, I wonder who it could be, as I sit up in bed rubbing my eyes that were swollen and sore from crying so much. I get up slowly and go to the door

Saki Preston - Who is it?

I ask standing behind the door, there is silence for a few moments when I finally hear a familiar voice on the other side

Edgard Colin - Edgard... Can we talk my omega?

I don't know what to do, I don't want to see his face but I vaguely remember the last time I heard him talk to me so affectionately, feeling my heart race and my cheeks burn I answer

Saki Preston - Leave me alone please, I don't want to talk right now

Edgard Colin - ... Alright, I'll let you rest more but please eat something, it's past noon and you still haven't eaten

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