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a forced marriage

Do you take her as your law full wife,

yes i do,

do you take him as your law full husband, ah yes I do

Oh why does it have to be me to marry this guy mummers to her self lucy tailor

Damon waltz, if not for this old man's death i wouldn't even stand beside her

All the members started crying as the old man died His last wish was to see his child get married, little did he know that it was just a show.

In a room nearby.

Lucy's mother, with teary eyes if only I could stop this marriage from happening why don't you do something

Lucy's father, just wait until he is dead I'm gonna do anything to get our daughter back,

Lucy comes running Mother mother where are you I don't wanna get married to him please do something in anger, he is nothing but a psycho

Don't worry my child me and your father are going to get you out of this just be patient says Lucy's mother

It's just an unofficial marriage between two families there's still time to cancel this wedding

Lucy's father, Absolutely, nobody knows that you both have been paired we can call it off at any time

A loud call from the room LUCY where are you

Lucy, yes grandma I'm right here!

Now that you're going to be married to Damon let's make it official there will be no objection as it was the last wish of your grandfather you both will be married in 2 months

Damon: But grandma I think it's too early for us to get married Lucy's still a kid her self we can't live like this

Lucy: Haha a kid myself, look who's talking, as if you're a well settled man with a job and a house, don't you think you're being a little too much.

Damon: OO please shut up at least I'm older than you and mature enough to get married but you, you are hopeless.

Lucy: grandma just look at him, I don't wanna spend another second with him

Grandmother: all right all right you both are still childish, a perfect match' your grandfathers got a good eye

Damon and Lucy stare at each other and walk away in opposite directions

Hm, marry her/him in my dreams Damon and Lucy think simultaneously

The family gathered in a room grandmother gives her final call" this marriage is to be done as per your father's wish,

Damon's parents: I think we should give it a thought and let the kids decide what they want we can't just simply rush them into marriage what if they end up hating each other at least let them speak their mind as it is their life that is at stake

Lucy's parents : we think that's a great idea

Grandmother: alright I'll give them a few days to decide

Let them know each other deeply, make them spend time with each other

family business

Lucy's mother : mother-in-law please listen to me why do we have to get them married

Lucy's father : yes mother, that's really unpleasant for me to send my daughter to that family isn't there any other way to turn this around

Grandmother : hmm (in serious thought) "looking at them with an angry expression" igh at them

Well do you even know what they have offered for your grandfather before he died

You should be grateful that 30 % of their property is given to your daughter

Are you sure you want to decline this marriage

Lucy's parents are in shock 😮

What? Are you serious mother 😯 30% of their property that's really too much !

Grandmother: I'll give you some time to think about it and u better be quick or i'mma do what I need to do alright

Lucy's parents leave and have a deep thought about it and decide to carry on a plan

Lucy's mother: Lucy no matter what you have to marry Damon we have a perfect plan for you and do not annoy them and be a good girl until I say so

Lucy : alright mother, tell me what I need to do

Lucy's parents gave her all the details about how to do things and all she needs to do on her own and little did Damon's family know what they were going to face in the future.

After a few days the dates have been set all the arrangements have been done for the marriage everything is ready and well planned all they need to do is take their vows

Bells ring and here comes the newly wedded couple

Although everything seems fine Damon has a bad feeling about this his heart's a mess, he's been all tensed and stressed his parents gave him all the support but still feels unsettled, ooo he wished he could stop everything that's happening.

The very night Damon and Lucy sleep in different rooms although Lucy was fine because she's here for purpose, and so she was happy with everything on the other hand Damon had a long night thinking about what is going on with Lucy and her family as they were good all of a sudden

Early in the morning everyone was on the table for breakfast and Lucy cooked it for them Everybody was happy having a nice breakfast and this went on for a few days and as the days go Lucy has started her plan

One morning Lucy started crying

Lucy:😭😭😭 sob

why OO why did I get married to this man

He neither sleeps with me nor spends time with me, I don't want to live like this anymore

Damon: 😒 I thought you were happy about being alone

Damon's parents : OO sweetheart don't cry, tell us everything we will solve it, you don't have to feel sad about it anymore

Damon sees through her act, all her crocodIle tears but remains calm

Lucy : aunty uncle i don't want to be with your son you are so sweet, but he never looks at nor talks with me, I try to talk to him, but he simply ignores me, is that how a husband should be (sob)

Damon then why don't you give me a divorce, I bet that would make you a lot happy (give her a serious stare)


Everyone in the room became silent and looked at each other



Damon's parents : son what is going on how can you say all that to her what is wrong with you

Lucy: You see that aunty he hates me and wants a divorce after all the marriage, sob… My parents are going to face such humiliation I can't take it anymore

Sob sob

Damon: I'll give you 10 min to decide whether to divorce me or to stay with me the papers are already ready, do get yourself a lawyer

Mom dad I need to talk with you please come with me

Damon and his parents go in a room leaving Lucy alone

Lucy gets her phone and calls her mother for the next step and gets all the stuff ready for the divorce and right after that she starts to act pathetic

Damon: mom dad just trust me in this you have no idea what she has up her sleeves you will regret having her in our family

Damon's parents : son if you say, so we will listen to you, but we need to know what's happening what is going on with you two

Damon: you'll know soon just be patient and do what I say

After 10 min Damon's family returns to Lucy

Damon: times up, are you ready with your decision

Lucy : YES, I need a divorce my parents are on their

Way and we will part our ways

Damon : smirk alright then let's go to the court and get an official divorce right now

Everyone's at the court with their lawyer's and Lucy's family is ready for the fight

They signed the papers while making faces and Lucy's lawyer tells her that she has received nothing from the family in fact she has to pay 100 million in return

Lucy's family are shocked

Lucy : How is it possible it's completely clear that he wanted a divorce in the first place why do I have to pay in return

Damon : smiles at Lucy, did you think that by divorcing me you will be getting all the property in your dreams

I have heard everything that you have said and planned all along, do you think I'm stupid enough to let you take my family's property

(flashback before marriage day : Lucy just get married for now and after a few days start your fight, cry and plan for a divorce we will be signing all the documents today and the 30% of the property will be ours and if you complain about him, we might even get more of his property)

Damon Heard all of this talk and changed all the documents and recorded everything and just waited for her to act up and gave all the evidence to the police and Sued her which backfired for Lucy's family

Every audio was played, and every picture was shown and Lucy felt hopeless and her family was in a total mess and so Damon and Lucy got a divorce and Lucy's family had to pay 100 million dollars in return

But lucy has something else in her mind she has been waiting for all this time now she has to show her wild card.

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