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Enough Is Enough


Hollow, absolute hollow, emptiness & immense numbness. I can see myself hovering above my body, on the hospital bed in the OR. The doctors operating on me as I watch them doing their job. I can see myself, with fresh bruises & such, my clothes which were taken off were covered in blood. Mostly my blood but also of another being who was within me. Can you guess who or rather what it was. A baby or would you say a fetus of about 5 weeks old. Not knowing whether it would be a boy or a girl, does it matter? No, not at all, it was taken away from me so viciously just like everything else. The baby was my only hope for happiness, to stay alive & to cherish. But alas, it wasn't meant to be like everything else in my life. It was all taken away from me by those monsters, those heathens. Not one not two, mind you but three, thats right, I had mentioned three cold-hearted monsters. They are actually siblings if you have to know, they call themselves the Thornes. Indeed they are nothing but permanent thorns in my life for the past 3 years. Those horrible f**king days & months of agony. All due to that so-called angelic 'bitch' named Harmony Thorne Summers. Ugh! The one who had dragged me into this hell I've been going through all because of her ego. Her two demon brothers are known to be her 'guardian angels'. They were at her beck & call, at whatever crisis she has been having in her life. Trust me they are nothing like angels, they are billionaires so they practically own half the city. Their riches began after WWII. The Thorne brothers are Sebastian Thorne & Alexander Thorne. They are not only devilishly handsome but are also known as cosmic twins. Actually, Sebastian is the oldest but Alexander is a year younger than him. Both share the same birthday Feb 19. Harmony was 3 years younger than them & had them wrapped around her little finger. She is the same age as me but 2 months older & she never lets me forget it. Now how my life became a living hell? For that...! BEEP! BEEP! I began to feel an odd pull, what the?! Everyone began to scramble about, they were saying something but I can't hear them properly. Feeling anxious I left the room, by then I was at the corridor where the patient's family usually waits. I could see & hear people going about. Suddenly I hear shouting to my right, I was shocked to see the two brothers, arguing with each other. I see Alexander holding Sebastian's collar in a tight grip, his face was red due to shouting. There was Garrett Brown & Tyler Summers, they were trying to pull them apart. Garrett was both the brothers best friend, he is gay & Tyler was Harmony's husband of 5 years. They worked together at the same company, the Thorne & Sons Corp. Naturally both brothers were co-Ceos, Garrett was COO & Tyler was General Manager. But Tyler resigned before I came in the picture for he had opened a chain of restaurants within a year. His dream of becoming a chef came true & believe me he is good. There was Willard James Thorne, their father, who had retired but is currently living with his new flavor of the month. Chelsea, who is African-American, she is a year older than me but is very sweet. She was watching the brothers arguing but she hasn't the courage to interfere while the senior Thorne was on his phone, pacing about. The only person who was oblivious to this whole scenario was Harmony. She was on her phone & occasionally taking a selfie. Jeez! But what really baffles me is what the hell are they doing here? I thought they'd be out somewhere with their own bimbos. Leaving me in my miserable state as they had been doing the whole time. After Sebastian did his damage on me as usual he had then stormed off. Now who had brought me to the hospital? Why Alexander seems so distraught, the brothers were really close to each other. They practically share everything together even women. As for Sebastian, well as usual his face was blank, emotionless. Like always, besides Alexander & Garrett no one can guess what that devil is thinking. Before I could figure it out I felt this ominous pull again, everything went black.

Alexander's POV 

I just couldn't believe he did that & behind my back, without hearing me out. After that dreaded phone call Seb told me that 'she' was cheating us. I mean really, how & why would she? It felt like deja vu, he did the exact same thing 9 years ago. It was horrible, none of us could stop him yet the damage was done. Dad as usual covered it up by claiming it as a suicide case. But not this time, not with her. Good thing Tyler & Garrett were already there. They brought her here while I was stuck in a meeting with the Sheikh from Dubai. Harmony was with me after I picked her up from a parlor. She was going through the surgery once I had arrived. All I could feel was nothing but rage which I never had before. This time my target was my own brother.

Alexander: "Have you completely lost it. How could you do that to Sarah? Can't you hold your temper back for once or at least you should wait for me! You had no right...!"

Dad: "Alright, alright, break it up, Alex, let go of your brother. This is a hospital so calm down, boy."

Huffing, I let go of his collar, Sebastian simply straightens his collar before scoffing & sat down in one of the chairs. Groaning, as I sat a little further from him. He wasn't fazed at all nor has any remorse. Of course, why would he for this has been going on for the past 3 years. This wasn't the first time Sarah has been admitted in the hospital. Which my late grandmother whose name was also Sarah. She died when Harmony was a baby yet we had fond memories of her. She was a nurse so my grandpa, George had this hospital built for her. Anyway, I wait for the news about our wife, that's right I truly meant ours. Sarah Jefferson now is Sarah Thorne, surprisingly it was Sebastian's idea. As a deal for our Aunt Sylvia who has been constantly trying to set us up & wanting both of us to settle down. Especially for Sebastian due to his womanizing ways & such, but hey so am I. To get her to back off he chose the girl even though both Dad & Aunt Sylvia at first disapproved. Somehow as usual Harmony managed to convince them or as Tyler insists that she manipulates us. I mean c'mon she is our baby sister, after Aunt Sylvia she was born 30 years apart. There were hardly any daughters in the Thorne family so she was special. My Dad has only one brother named Damien & he has 2 sons who are about Harmony's age. Aunt Sylvia was my mother's older sister & she is pretty much single, after her divorce 5 years ago. No kids of her own, don't ask why. I watch Harmony consoling my brother while Dad was talking to Garrett & Tyler. Chelsea sits next to me hands me coffee in a styrofoam cup.

Chelsea:(Shrugs)"We might be here a while so drink up. I'm sure the way you rushed in here it was past your lunchtime."

I was taken aback by her correct assumptions, I had skipped lunch for I was having this bad feeling about today & I was right. Sighing I slowly start sipping, not sure whether Sebastian had his lunch or not because he had rushed to the mansion before the meeting. All I was told by Mindy, his secretary that he had received an anonymous package. According to her they saw those suspicious pictures of Sarah of not one but her so-called affairs with multiple men. Jeez, I mean seriously, how could she possibly leave the mansion without our permission. In fact Sebastian has practically imprisoned her in own private suite for the past year. Even though sometimes I let her out to browse about either in the garden or the library. Tyler, who often told us that Sarah reminds him of his baby sister, Tanya, who had died 4 years ago. Harmony told us that she had committed suicide because her one night got her pregnant. Feeling ashamed the 18 years old Tanya killed herself by cutting her wrists. Tyler was really devastated for his sister was his only family before he married our sister.  His parents died in an accident a year ago. My mind drifts back to Sarah, with whom I had developed a soft spot for the past few months. True in the beginning I had treated her badly yet her beautiful soft brown eyes captivated me. I tried to explain these feelings to Sebastian but he simply brushed me off. According to him she is still the tormentor, our sister's tormentor. Because of her older brother & father who had been sexually harassing Harmony while she was visiting with her friends. During that time both of us & Tyler were too busy to join her. They were staying at one of our penthouses in Ohio. There she met the Jeffersons, Sarah's Dad owned a mechanic shop while her brother Drake runs a small cafe plus bakery. Long story short, Sarah used to taunt our sister while knowing who she was & everything. Both Drake & Josh Jefferson, Sarah's Dad had been blackmailing Harmony. For they had made some obscene videos of her while using their bathroom in their house. Sarah had befriended her & had invited her over a few times, that's when they did what they did. On top of that Drake was engaged to be married to our rival named Wanda Austen. She is the only daughter of Oscar & Rita Austen. They have been our rivals for years & one of our top competitors uptil now. She was half Filipino, half American & holds a black belt. I have met her a few times, let me tell you she is a beauty but she was oblivious to both our charms. In one of the best CEO awards ceremony she had introduced us to the love of her life, Drake Jefferson. He was about our height & was slightly, muscular built with boyish good looks. Both Sarah & him had the same soft brown eyes the same charm. It really irked Sebastian to see Wanda staring at the boy with love in her eyes. I was shocked too for she was known as the ice-queen, she never had any affairs nor a boyfriend until then. We both tried to woo her in our own way but she totally ignored our advances. Last we heard that she was pregnant before we took Sarah with us. She was in Singapore, opening a new branch office which she managed to snag it from us. As for coming back to the present, I was afraid, petrified even to hear about Sarah's condition, hoping against hope that she pulls through this time. This wasn't the first time Sebastian mistreated her this harsh. I felt as if this was strike three from my brother's behavior towards her, the last straw.

Tyler:(Pats my shoulder)"I know what you're thinking, Alex. I can feel it too. God, this time Sebastian went too far, too much. She didn't deserve it, you know, I mean she is still so young. Are you sure about his accusations being...?"

Alexander:(Groans)"Of course I'm 100% sure about this, Ty. Somehow this time I partly feel responsible for her condition right now. If only I had followed my instinct & told Sebastian about it. Then maybe he would mellow a bit but God knows when or whom had sent those photos. Have you had them investigated that they could be fakes?"

Tyler:(Sighs)"Actually, Garrett has one of his anonymous friends on it. We shall know by 24 hours, in fact Garrett is on the phone with him as we speak."

I nod as we wait for the doctor, it has been almost 2 hours. I wasn't a religious person yet in my heart I was praying for her. My wife, Sarah Thorne, who was also about to become the mother of the next Thorne heir. Ironically besides Tyler & Garrett, my brother doesn't know about it.

Tyler:(Clears his throat)"Um, Alex, aside from us someone else knows about it."

Ookay, now why does it feel like a bad thing?

Sebastian's POV

Harmony:(Squeezed my arm)"Just relax, big brother, you did nothing wrong but you showed that little slut her rightful place. Alex was simply overeacting as usual. He'll get over it once we reveal her true nature."

Sebastian:(Scoffs)"I hope so, I still don't get why he was being so mad about? I told him everything even by sending those pictures through instagram & yet he comes to me with this behavior."

It seems like that little bitch has gotten my brother wrapped around her little finger. I have been noticing the change in Alex's behavior. Alex was kind of softy while I was the dominant, an Alpha male so to speak. Sarah Jefferson, she used to attend the same school in which Harmony used to attend. The little details which I had gathered so far which were unimportant. Sarah was a graduate, second place in the college she was in. She was studying business finance but also knows about fashion, baking & cooking. Her mother died when she was only 4 & her brother Drake was 12. She was about 5 ft, 5 inches, slightly slim tanned built, long brown hair & eyes. So did her brother who looked like the male version of the girl but older but their Dad was blond. I did find the girl quite attractive plus she was a virgin which I had stolen from her, as her punishment. Of course I've been sharing her with Alex as well this so-called marraige. Marraige, scoff, more like a lifetime prison for that slut. After 'taking care' of her bastard father & brother we took her as our sub. Of course we had to train her, both Alexander & I were her dominant, husbands. In the beginning she did resist, claiming to be innocent. Yeah right, our sister told us that despite her young age, Sarah Jefferson was a manipulative liar & a flirt. No matter how much her acting skills were good but I've learnt about such women like her were nothing but gold-diggers. Just like that bitch I gave my heart to 9 years ago. Natalie Williams, my first love & childhood sweetheart. All this time I thought she was mine, I was going to propose her on Valentine's day. But Harmony's one phone call that day turned my life upside down. Alex was in Japan with Dad that time & he had encouraged me to propose her because he liked her too. Of course we didn't share her for he was dating Sandra Erickson. Who died in an accident 2 years later, meh, I never liked her because she wasn't too bright. Anyway, that day Harmony called to tell me that she saw Natalie going inside one of our hotels with an older man. Once I had arrived there I saw her in bed with that bastard, that's when I snapped. Because she had been avoiding me for the past few days so naturally she was cheating on me. Without listening to her lies my hands were around her neck, choking her until her face turns blue. She was dead before the security barged in to pull me away & that scumbag had run away. Dad managed to wrap it up by declaring that incident as suicide & I was cleared. Since then I had given up the illusion of love. As for my so-called little wife, taught her a lesson which she would never forget. Besides, there was another one who shall replace her, another 'couple' who has been harassing my baby sister. Gina Smith & her fiance, George Riley. We have locked up George in our torture room in the mansion while Gina was also held captive there. Also Gina was pregnant by 2 months & yes, George is the father. As soon as that slut, Sarah, recovers she shall be shifted elsewhere in the mansion. I've even arranged for divorce papers, all we had do was sign it. I haven't talked to Alexander about it yet.

Harmony: "You are making a right decision, Sebby, besides she was expendable. Trying to be like me. As if, that little tramp had to be put down & also Gina. They all think they are God's grace."

Before I could comment the doctor stepped out of the OT. Rolling my eyes, not in the mood for the usual banter I decided to head back.

Dad:(Grips my arm)"Son, are you going somewhere?"

Sebastian:(Raising an eyebrow)"Of course, I'm going back to the office & besides I'm not needed here. So I shall take my leave now."

Alexander:(Grits his teeth)"Are you being serious right now? Seb, you are needed here, what about Sarah?"

Sebastian: "Eh, What about Sarah? Seriously?! I don't care, that bitch knew the consequences of defying me & yet she had to provoke me."

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