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The Alpha King's Breeder

Alpha of Drogomor

“In a few days, we will have all the money we need, and she will be one less problem for us to worry about.”

The rain was beating down on me, and the pain in my body from pushing myself hard was agonizing. The burning in my lungs was becoming too much and my legs were cramping, but I knew I was in for far more pain if I didn’t make it on time.

Last time I was late by only two minutes, and I got beaten so hard that I couldn’t lay down for a week.

I only slowed down as I got closer to my father’s office, panting to catch my breath. The voice of my stepmother drew my attention.

“Harland, sweetie…In a few days, she won’t be our problem anymore.” The subtle smugness and malice in my stepmother’s tone made me instinctively aware that they were talking about me.

What did she mean?

My heart was pounding from the running and from what I had just heard, but I couldn’t help but quieten my footfalls as I listened.

I knew I shouldn’t be eavesdropping—anything I did without permission would come back to bite me. But her words made me stop in my tracks. I had to know more.

“…they’ll take her, and we’ll have the money.”

My eyes widened and my body began to shake uncontrollably.

What was she talking about?!

“Tick tock, Rosalie. You’re late again,” said a voice behind me.

I snapped my head around and came face to face with Derek’s sinister smile.

My stepbrother’s gray eyes were looking me up and down in my drenched clothes, as if he wanted to peel them off with his gaze.

Ever since he first met me when I was fourteen, he had been trying to lay his hands on me. I didn’t even want to know what he would’ve done had my stepmother not forced him to leave me alone—only because I was the one who had been making money for the family.

I tried my best to avoid Derek, and that no doubt angered him. That was probably why he got sick pleasure from seeing me chastised by my father or stepmother.

But at this point, Derek wasn’t my greatest concern.

I noticed that the voices in the office had fallen silent. They had heard what Derek said.


My father’s voice set my nerves on edge. I was done for. I almost tried to flee, but I knew Derek would stop me.

Nothing like a good beating to end the night.

Gloating, Derek moved around me and pushed open the door.

I took a deep breath, suppressing my fear, not daring to look up at the people in the room.

“Father…” my voice trembled.

“I told you she was a troublemaker, hiding and eavesdropping like a mouse,” My stepmother said with a smirk. “Who knows what she’ll do when she grows up?”

“You were eavesdropping on us?” my father growled.

I smelled the familiar whiff of alcohol and began to tremble uncontrollably. I knew how horrible my father could be when he was drunk.

I lowered my head, afraid to look him in the eye.

I had to redirect his attention. “Here’s the money I earned today…”

Isis giggled. Her voice was like nails on a chalkboard.

“Look how slick you are, trying to cover up your crime with just a few bucks? Not only are you late, you’re also eavesdropping… Looks like someone needs a little lesson,” she said, wrapping her long- manicured nails around my father’s upper arm.

My father raised his hand.

Out of reflex, I lifted mine to cover my head. Trembling, I bit my lips so that I would not scream out— screaming would only bring more brutal chastisement.

One second, two seconds… the expected pain did not come.

Instead, I felt my wallet being pulled out of my hands.

I opened my eyes to see my father with money in hand, gloomily surveying me. Instead of feeling relieved, I felt even more scared.

The look in my father’s eyes told me that something worse was going to happen.

He hefted the wallet in one hand and frowned. “Is that all?”

I shuddered and whispered, “It’s raining hard today, so not many customers came to the restaurant… I’ve given you every penny I’ve earned…”


A heavy blow struck my face, knocking me backward and onto the floor.

I slumped to the ground, hearing my father’s angry roar faintly over the ringing in my ears.

“What do you mean? Are you saying that I’m dependent on you for support? How dare you mock me?”

Fists fall down on my head and back like a heavy rain.

I cradled my head in my arms and cried out, “No, I am sorry… So sorry… Please stop…”

The intense pain put me in a trance, and my vision began to blur.

“Father… please stop…”

“You’ll kill her.” My stepmother’s voice sounded like it was coming from a very far away place. “Harland… Sweetie, remember… That pretty face and voice of hers are her biggest assets. We don’t want to ruin things, do we?”

My stepmother Isis. I used to be happy that my father found someone after my mother died, and she seemed to make him happy. I used to wish I could make her happy, too. I had naively hoped that, one day, things might get better between us.

“She obviously isn’t working hard enough! This money is nothing! Pennies compared to what

I was expecting. Why did the moon goddess give her such a talent to begin with?” my father roared.

I leaned against the wall and cowered on the floor, looking at my father in fear, afraid he would raise his hand to strike again.

“Well, sweetie,” Isis stopped my father, “she obviously is more of a disappointment than we expected. No matter. You already spoke to Talon this morning. You know what the plan is for her. In a few days, we’ll have all our financial issues sorted and she’ll be one less problem for us to worry about.”

My father’s drunk expression turned from anger to amusement. There was something sinister lurking in his eyes, giving me goosebumps.

“You seem confused, daughter.” My stepmother looked back at me with a subtle smile. “Do tell her, Harland. I bet she will be excited about the news. I know I am.”

Isis’s grin had me terrified. If she was happy at this moment… it wasn’t for a good reason.

My father squatted down to my level, and I couldn’t help but flinch backwards in fear. He raised his hand and pressed it on my head—which sent a shiver down my spine.

“You are going to do a big job for me. In fact, one that will change our lives forever.”

My heart was pounding with fear, but I remained silent waiting for my sentence.

“You are going to serve the Alpha of Drogomor. It seems he is in need of a… maid, and is willing to pay a lot of money to obtain one.”

I gasped in disbelief.

My father! I called him father, but he sold me, as if I was just a sheep… How could he?

I was terrified, shocked, and speechless. This couldn’t be happening!

My eyes frantically went back and forth between Isis and my father as he stood up. The look on Isis’s face showed nothing but amusement and confirmed the truth of what he was saying.

“Don’t look like that, Rosalie,” Isis said. “You should consider it a huge honor to work for the wealthiest and most powerful of all Alphas. He may have done his fair share of killing and hurting people, but he is well renowned, and to be a part of his pack… well, that’s the greatest of honors,” she added with a smile.

The Alpha of Drogomor, the ruler of the most powerful pack of the West.

He was known for his cruelty and hatred for the ill-mannered. Rumor had it that he killed most of his servants, and his reign was steeped in blood—including his own father’s.

There was nothing that man wouldn’t do to make sure those around him followed his every command. Manipulation wasn’t something he had time for. He would rather slaughter the weak and bathe in their blood under a harvest moon.

Even his wolf was said to be a monster, with red eyes that glow in the shadows—watching its victims before tearing apart their bodies limb from limb.

And I was going to be sold to that ruthless killing machine, by my own father!

I gathered all of my courage and begged. “Father, please don’t. Please, I’ll work harder. I promise. Let me stay!”

Isis seemed to be in a fairly good mood. She smiled at me, but her smile was vicious. “Rosalie, don’t stress your father like that. Begging gets you nowhere in life.”

They couldn’t be serious. I was his only child. The only one to carry on his bloodline!

“There’re many things I can do here to help make you more money… Please, give me another chance to show my worth to you,” I pleaded with tears in my eyes.

I even turned to Isis. “Isis, please… say something…”

The hits that came next were harder than the previous ones.

I let the tears roll down my cheeks.

“Don’t you dare speak to her like that!” my father yelled.

“Father, please don’t do this to me…” I sobbed on the floor. “Don’t send me to him, I beg you…. If mother were still alive….”

But I could not finish my words.

The defiance drove my father crazy. I watched his gaze turn murderous as he whirled around and grabbed me by my throat, lifting me into the air.


He screamed at me, and before I knew it, my back hit the wall, hard. All the bones in my body felt like they were broken, and the intense pain made me almost pass out.

Sliding to the floor, I began to cry. I no longer cared if he saw me. I missed my mother more than anything right now.

My father, the Alpha of our pack, had changed when she died. He was never like this before. I had been his pride and joy, and so much more. He used to let me ride on his shoulders and call me his “little lark.”

He loved me, once upon a time, and thinking about it broke my heart.

“Derek!” My father ordered.

“Yes, Alpha.”

“Take Rosalie upstairs so she can clean herself up. Our distinguished guests are arriving soon, and I don’t want her looking the way she does.”

My entire body was in unutterable pain. I could not breathe. My vision blurred.

As Derek got closer, the last thing I heard before I passed out in a heap of tears was Isis persuading him not to ruin my face or my voice, the two assets of mine that might get them even more money from the buyer—The Alpha of Drogomor.

New master

The tugging at my body made my mind swirl.

What was going on?

As soon as I forced my eyes open, my heart almost jumped out from my chest with horror–Derek loomed over me half naked with a lustful smile. What was he doing to me?!!

Then I realized where I was… on my bed, and my clothes were all but almost gone.

“Ahhhhh!!!” I let out a scream in absolute horror, but he quickly grabbed me and covered my mouth with his hand so I couldn’t make a sound again.

“Um…!!” I pleaded with my eyes, but without avail.

He pulled me close to him and whispered, “Don’t look at me like you’re stupid, Rosalie. I mean, I know you’re a bit dense, but you and I both know you want me…”

I frantically shook my head, but that wasn’t enough to change his mind.

My eyes filled with tears as he stared down at me greedily.

Derek held me down with his knees and his hands began to touch every inch of my body. I tried to scream out and did my hardest to fight against him, but it was no use. Tears fell from my eyes as I struggled.

“Wow, Rosalie. You developed quite nicely, didn’t you?”

Nothing but disgust filled me.

As his mouth descended down, trying to capture my nearly-bare breast, I heard Isis’s heels coming down the hallway.

“Derek?” She called out, and for once, I had never been so happy to hear her voice in my life.

Derek let up just long enough for me to use all my weight to roll out from underneath him. I grabbed the only clothing that I could spot on the bed and ran towards the bathroom while Derek’s laughing voice could be heard from behind me.

Locking the door, I tried to control my tears and breathing. I had to stop hyperventilating, or I was going to make myself sick.

I listened as the door to my room opened, and Isis walked in.

“What’s taking so long?” Isis screeched.

“Just having some fun.” Derek replied.

“Where’s your f*cking clothes! Derek?!” Isis’ voice said angrily before she began to bang upon the bathroom door.

“How dare you seduce my son, you sl*t! You’re nothing but a f*cking wh*re! I can’t believe I ever tolerated your existence!”

How could she think I was trying to seduce him?

Inside the bathroom, I couldn’t stop the tears from rolling down my cheeks as I crawled on hands and knees towards the shower. The hot water cascading down over my body was a welcome release, and I made sure it was hot enough to turn my skin red. and I was desperate to remove the feeling of Derek touching my skin. I want no trace of Derek’s hands upon my body to be left.

I tried to be quiet as I cleansed myself and as fast as I could.

Please make him leave, I thought. I need him gone.

Up until today, Derek hadn’t been able to do anything sexually agressive to me, thank the moon godess. His mother had been keeping a close eye on him. After all, I was too valuable to her. I was a meal ticket waiting to be sold.

And now, they found the perfect buyer – the murderous Alpha of Drogomor.

The tears ran until there were none left to come.

Outside, their argument continued.

“Are you kidding me?!” Isis raised her voice so I could hear it with the water in my shower running. “Stop f*cking around with this sl*t, Derek. Our distinguished guest is almost here, and we can not keep him waiting. Honestly Derek, I don’t know why you have such interest in this thing.”

Derek snapped back, “Mother why don’t you go find something to entertain yourself with, and stop worrying about what the h*ll I do. I’ll do

what I want with her.”

“Then feel free to explain to Beta Talon why you are late!”

Isis obviously knew exactly how to handle her son. This time Derek, did not say anything. At least, not something I could hear through the bathroom door.

I knew Derek didn’t care for what his mother, or even my father, had to say. He had no respect for anyone! It was just shocking to me that even a monster like him would not dare disobey the Alpha of Drogomor.

“Hurry up.” Isis scoffed before I heard the bedroom door close again.

Turning off the hot water I heard Derek tapping on the other side of the door.

“You got lucky, Rosalie. That luck will run out eventually though.”

I quickly made a point to pull the clothing over my head, zipped up the back, and fixed my hair as much as I could.

Taking a deep breath, I tried to still my shaking hands. Hopefully, Isis hadn’t gone far.

Please don’t let him touch me again. Please, goddess help me!

As I opened, Derek’s greedy eyes scanned my body. Now that I knew what he wanted from me, I couldn’t imagine spending a single minute more with him alone!

Before I could walk past him, Derek snatched me by the jaw and pulled me inches from his lips. I whimpered at the thought of what he was thinking.

“When the Alpha of Drogomor is done with you, you’re mine. I will make you beg me to let you have your release, little… sister.”

I was so disgusted that I wasn’t able to say a word.

“Look at yourself, Rosalie!” He said as his hand pulled me into the bathroom by my neck and forced me to look at my reflection in the mirror.

Only then was I able to recognize the beautiful white dress I was wearing.

The strapless design revealed my silky shoulder, on which my reddish-brown hair lay. The elegantly embroidered bodice flattered my small frame. The embellish diamonds sparkled under the dim room light, and the airy chiffon skirt drifted gracefully covering my slim legs.

I loved everything about this dress.

How could I not? It was a gift from my dear mother–the only thing I had left from her.

Mother prepared this precious dress for my come-of-age ceremony, for when I met my mate. When my father tried to sell it a few years ago, I begged and pleaded with him to let me keep it. I knew I would enrage him but I had to. I was able to keep it, but not without the most violent beating of my life.

Mother, I miss you more than anything…

As an Alpha’s daughter, I was supposed to have been respected, loved, and cherished. I would have been spoiled and treated like a princess, and one day, when I was of age, I would meet my mate in this dress, and he would see me as the most beautiful girl in his world.

Maybe my mate would be another Alpha who would declare me as his Luna. That would be something any father and mother would be proud to announce – their little princess becoming the queen she was always meant to be.

But here I was–the lowest of the low, not even worth caring for.

In the reflection, I could see the red marks around my neck. My skin was bruised and scarred from years of abuse. My crystal blue eyes were slightly red from all the crying. I looked like me…. and yet I didn’t.

I only saw a pitiful girl in the mirror.

Why did this have to happen to me? What did I do to deserve to be treated like this?!

Finally, I was able to put on this gorgeous dress. But it wasn’t for meeting my mate.

It was for greeting my new master – a ruthless stranger, and a dangerous man.

Alive or Dead

“This pure virgin body will soon be underneath the most ruthless of Alpha’s. Do you honestly think he will take one look at you as a maid, and not want to f*ck you and make you scream? I already want that, and I don’t know if I should let you go without trying you first.”

Derek’s words pulled me out of my memory.

He sniffed my hair and gave a slight moan. The tears again threatened to spill down my face.

“You can’t,” I said hoarsely. “You will get in trouble, and we don’t need to bring that here.”

I’d lost everything. I couldn’t let him take my virtue, too.

“Trouble… I am not scared of him, Rosalie.”

He laughed in a sadistic manner, but his behavior revealed his fear.

He stared at me before roughly shoving me away. “Now hurry up and pack your sh*t.”

It wasn’t like I had much to pack. The only clothing I had were the few work uniforms that had been given to me for my jobs, and then a pair of leggings I got from an old friend and a few band t-shirts. It wasn’t even enough to fill my small suitcase.

“I am ready.”

My words were barely audible, but Derek was watching me from the doorway, and I knew he understood me.

I had to find a way out of here. Derek was watching me to closely. I had to get away.

But Derek didn’t bother to say anything more as he stepped aside and allowed me to move past him.

Picking up my bag I walked towards the stairs—but not before he took the opportunity to smack my backside.

I stilled in that moment, and started half running away from him.

“Why are you running? So eager to see your new master, you wh*re? Slow down.”

Derek also picked up his pace, chasing after me.

He reached out his arm, trying to grab my shoulder. I tried to keep the distance and glanced from the corner of my eye.

“Derek… please don’t.”

He gave me a death stare that made my skin crawl.

He was going to hit me.

“You dare f*cking tell me what to do?!” he yelled.

I flinched in preparation for the blow, but it did not come.

Derek clenched his fists, yet with great effort, he held it back.

I was curious what made him stop when I noticed that our conversation had drawn the attention of the crowd downstairs in the foyer.

Within the shadows of the dimly lit foyer were my father, Isis, and a man that I couldn’t quite make out. He was very tall, and the feeling he gave off intimidated me. Next to him stood two others cloaked within the shadows. They didn’t move, and all I could see were the silhouettes of their figures.

As I took in the scene, I heard Isis’ lighthearted tune: “Doesn’t she look beautiful? She was taking her time making sure she was perfect for your arrival, Talon.”

The Beta in front of me didn’t seem to care what my step-mother had to say. His eyes did not leave mine from the moment I saw him.

“Do what she said.” The leader of the group directed his order toward Derek.

He wasn’t loud or rude, but everyone in the room heard him clearly, and I had the feeling that no one dared to disobey him.

“Why does she have bruises on her?” Talon’s voice was deep, and set my nerves on edge.

“She fell down the stairs earlier wearing those cute new heels, didn’t you, Rosalie?”

I gazed at Isis and my father and saw their stern glares.

“Yes, the stairs. My apologies…” I stuttered, before looking back at Talon.

Please believe the lie, I thought. Please believe it.


He didn’t seem to believe what we were saying, and, to be honest, I wouldn’t believe it if I were him, either.

“Yes, the stairs. Why don’t we all take a seat, and talk about a few things.”

My father was trying to get the conversation going, but from the look of the man in front of me, I doubted it would be a long conversation.

“No, we don’t need further discussion. We already discussed the situation over the phone.”

“Well, Isis prepared a small dinner for you and your accomplices. You must be starving from your trip here…”

“No. We will not be eating.”

Then Talon nodded to me, gesturing for me to come closer.

“Move,” Derek growled from behind me.

I hesitated to take the steps forward towards the newcomers. I was trying my hardest not to cry, and felt frozen on the spot. But I knew I had no choice.

A smack to my rear end caused me to jump a little, and at the same time I lost sense of my balance and went to tumble down the steps. I let out a cry.

How stupid I was, making such noises in front of the guests… I was done for.

I never hit the floor, though. Instead, I found myself in the main guest’s arms.

Before I could process what had happened, he quickly set my feet upon the floor. He made sure I regained my balance, gave me a nod, and released me.

He saved me?

“Tha… thank you!” I managed to give him a smile.

“You’re welcome, Miss Rosalie….” He did not smile, but I could tell from his tone that he meant no harm.


I heard the cracking noise followed by Derek’s scream. “Arghhhhhhh!”

What just happened?

Turning around, I saw Derek at the bottom of the stairs. One of the dark alluding figures was beating him, and it seemed like it would be to the death. Blood covered the floor, and I heard another set of screams coming from Isis.

“Please! Beta Talon, please stop this!” she exclaimed, pleading with man next to me.


the Beta of Drogomor, was unmoved.

Blow after blow, Derek took the beating that was being given to him. He didn’t stand a chance against this person. They were relentless.

Derek’s shrieks wer getting weaker, while Isis continued begging Talon in tears. No matter how much Derek rebelled against Isis, he was still her son.

I was mortified. I did not like Derek, but if they continued, he might die.

I looked towards Talon, not sure whether I should say something to stop them.

Luckily, before I could speak, Talon gave his order while he watched the scene unfold.


The figure stopped momentarily, but only to wait for further directions.

“Take his hand.”

“NOOO—!! Please! Don’t do this to him. He will never touch her again. I swear!”

My step-mother was on her knees, begging for Talon not to hurt Derek further. He didn’t seem to care, though.

And my father just stood there watching.

A blood-curdling scream drew my sights back to Derek, and blood pooled around him. I realized his hand was lying on the ground.

Only then did the figure step back from Derek and make its way back to the its position next to the man who was supposed to be collecting me.

I moved one step away from him.

I couldn’t go with them.The fear that flooded me wasn’t like the fear I had when it concerned my father or stepbrother. I was terrified for my life.

There’s no way I would survive such ruthless cruelty. My father, he couldn’t be serious…How could he send me to them?

Isis fell on the ground, screaming. She then snapped around and charge toward me.

“It’s all your fault, you wh*re!! I’ll kill you!!!”

She tried to grab me but Talon stepped forward and blocked her way. However, she didn’t stop cursing.

“You c*nt! If it wasn’t for you trying to seduce my son, none of this would’ve happened!! ”

“Control your Luna, Alpha,” the man said slowly, his gaze turning to my father.

“Isis, take him to the pack hospital,” were the only words my father got out.

“Derek is your son, do something… Harland, you can’t just let them treat him this way!!” I had never seen my step-mother this desperate.

“ENOUGH!” My father cut her off. “Take him to the pack hospital. Do make me repeat it a third time.”

I saw Isis’s face turned from shocked to red, and then pale. She looked at my father with disbelief.

A few seconds later, she got up, picked up the unconscious Derek and his hand, and left the room with two of my father’s warriors without saying any more words.

Her eyes as she passed me said it all, without words even leaving her lips.

She wanted me dead.

“I am terribly sorry for the trouble, Talon. It seems that my step-son needs to learn his place. I will make sure that is taken care of.”

My father’s voice was completely different now. He seemed lighthearted and yet authoritative.

“Rosalie!” He called my name. The focus of the crowd was pulled back on me.

I lowered my head and could not look him in the eye.

Was he really my father? I thought he didn’t like me because I remind him of my mother, but what about Isis and Derek?

I heard my father continue, “As you can see, Talon, she is a beauty, and very compliant. She is such a joy to have around. It almost hurts to see my baby girl go, but she just wants this so much.”

He lied! I bit my lips and clenched my fists.

“Very well. We need to be going. The payment will arrive in a few days, once the Alpha has seen her.”

“My apologies… I thought we would receive it on your arrival?”

I looked at my father and could tell he was getting angry. But something in him was afraid, especially when Talon’s annoyed gaze turned to him.

He was trying to remain polite towards Talon. I couldn’t remember my Alpha father ever being polite.

“Yes, to my pack. Are you trying to renegotiate with the Alpha?” Talon said firmly.

My father quickly shook his head.

“No, of course not. Just a miscommunication. Trust me, I understand how it can be as an Alpha. Making sure the deal is worth it is always important.”

“Yes. Just a reminder, Hartland… She is Alpha Ethan’s property now. She no longer belongs to you, and never will again. She will never return here, ever. Alive or dead, she belongs to our pack.”

Alive or dead.

I looked at my father, and his eyes flickered to me with slight hesitation before he smiled.

“That’s fine.”

My father’s words took away my only hope.

“Good. We need to go, now.”

Talon turned towards me. “Do you need anything else? Is this all that you have to take with you?”

I knew I had no choice but to nod.

“Very well. Let’s go. We have a long drive ahead of us.”

Talon wasted no time before turning to walk towards the car. The two shadows next to him had moved to my sides.

One step, two steps…I moved towards their car, but every step I took, I became more scared and uncertain about my future.

Glancing back at the pack house from outside, I tried to save an image of a home my mother had once been a part of. She would be ashamed of my father.

“You will never return here,” Talon had said.

There was nothing for me to say, though. Nothing I could say would change anything, so what was the point? I stayed quiet and followed him to his car.

My life was no longer my own—nor would it ever be.

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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