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Arthur And Merlin



In the mystical land of Camelot, where magic was both revered and feared, two young souls destined for greatness were brought together by fate. Arthur Pendragon, the heir to the throne of Camelot, was a strong and valiant young man, with golden hair that shone like the sun and eyes as blue as the deepest ocean. He was brave, noble, and determined to follow in the footsteps of his legendary father, King Uther Pendragon, and become a just and honorable ruler.

On the other side, Merlin was a mysterious and enigmatic boy, with unruly raven-black hair that seemed to defy gravity and eyes that held a hint of ancient wisdom. Born with the gift of magic, he possessed extraordinary abilities that he had to conceal from the world, for magic was strictly forbidden in the kingdom. Despite his unique powers, Merlin was compassionate and kind-hearted, always using his gifts to help others, even if it meant putting himself in danger.

From a young age, both Arthur and Merlin were aware of each other's existence, but it wasn't until they reached their teenage years that their paths truly crossed. They met one fateful day during a bustling festival in the heart of Camelot, where people from all corners of the kingdom had gathered to celebrate the prosperity and unity of their land.

As Arthur wandered through the colorful stalls, his eyes caught a glimpse of Merlin's peculiar booth tucked away in a secluded corner. Surrounded by herbs, enchanted crystals, and ancient spell books, Merlin appeared to be nothing more than an ordinary merchant of curiosities. But Arthur sensed something more beneath the surface, an aura of magic that piqued his curiosity.

Intrigued, Arthur approached the young boy, who looked up with a knowing smile as if he had been expecting him. Arthur introduced himself, and Merlin's eyes sparkled with recognition. He had heard tales of the prince, and though their positions in society were vastly different, Merlin felt an inexplicable connection to the future king.

As they spent more time together, Arthur and Merlin's friendship blossomed, and they discovered that they shared more in common than they could have ever imagined. Both burdened by the expectations placed upon them by their roles in society, they found solace in each other's company, a refuge from the pressures of their respective worlds.

Merlin showed Arthur the hidden wonders of the kingdom, taking him on secret adventures to places few knew existed. Together, they explored forgotten ruins, witnessed the beauty of untouched landscapes, and encountered mythical creatures that whispered forgotten tales of old. In these moments, Arthur felt truly alive, free from the constraints of royalty.

In return, Arthur brought Merlin into the heart of Camelot, introducing him to the world he would one day rule. He taught Merlin the art of swordplay, and though the young warlock had never held a blade before, he quickly proved to be a natural. They trained together, their movements mirroring each other as they danced the delicate dance of combat, growing closer with every passing day.

But as their friendship deepened, so did the complexities of their feelings. Arthur found himself drawn to Merlin's gentle smile and fierce loyalty, while Merlin admired Arthur's unwavering sense of justice and the selflessness he showed toward his people. Their hearts became entwined, and though they tried to suppress their growing affection, destiny had other plans.

As Arthur's 18th birthday approached, a grand tournament was organized to celebrate his coming of age. Knights from across the kingdom gathered to compete, displaying their skill and valor in hopes of catching the prince's eye. But it was Merlin who captured Arthur's heart completely, and as the tournament neared its conclusion, Arthur could no longer deny the love he felt for his loyal friend.

Their love, however, was not without its challenges. Magic was still forbidden in Camelot, and the consequences of their forbidden romance were dire. If discovered, both Arthur and Merlin would face severe punishment, and Camelot could be torn apart by the revelation.

Despite the risks, they could not deny the depth of their feelings. Their love would be tested in the face of adversity, and the destiny of Camelot would forever be shaped by the bond between the teenage prince and the teenage warlock. As their tale of love and destiny unfolds, they must navigate a world of secrets, betrayals, and sacrifices, learning that true love knows no bounds and that the choices they make will forever echo through the annals of history.

Chapter 1

~Chapter 1~

In the days leading up to the grand tournament, excitement and anticipation filled the air of Camelot. The bustling streets were adorned with colorful banners, and the castle walls were lined with cheering crowds eager to witness the knights' epic displays of bravery and skill.

Arthur, with the tournament occupying much of his attention, had been training diligently, honing his swordsmanship and strategizing for the battles ahead. Yet, despite his royal responsibilities, his thoughts often wandered to Merlin, whose enchanting presence had captured his heart.

However, Arthur's feelings were a tumultuous mix of affection and frustration. While he admired Merlin's kindness and magical abilities, he couldn't help but feel threatened by Merlin's ability to effortlessly wield magic, something Arthur saw as unnatural and dangerous.

Unaware of the true extent of Merlin's power, Arthur's insecurities manifested in the form of a facade, a mask of arrogance and bullying that he used to distance himself from those he cared about most. He couldn't allow himself to be vulnerable, especially when it came to Merlin, who had unknowingly become his most significant weakness.

On the eve of the tournament, Arthur found himself in the bustling marketplace, surrounded by merchants peddling their wares. It was in this chaotic setting that he spotted Merlin, his raven hair hidden beneath a simple hood, carefully selecting herbs from a vendor's stall. Arthur couldn't resist the urge to approach him, but he had to maintain his distance, lest his true feelings betray him.

"Hey, you!" Arthur called out in a teasing tone, attempting to mask the tenderness in his voice. "What do you need all these herbs for? Planning to cook up some magical potion, Merlin?"

Merlin turned, his eyes widening in surprise as he recognized the prince. Despite his upbringing as a servant in Ealdor, Merlin had a sharp wit and a certain charm that won him friends wherever he went. However, in the presence of Prince Arthur, his natural confidence waned, replaced by an endearing innocence.

"Oh, um, hello, my lord," Merlin stammered, offering a small smile. "I-I'm just helping Gaius with his remedies. You know, healing the sick and injured. No magical potions, I promise."

Arthur raised an eyebrow, trying to suppress the smile that threatened to escape. "Right, healing. Just be careful not to mix up any spells while you're at it. We wouldn't want any magical mishaps in the castle."

Merlin chuckled nervously, not entirely sure if Arthur was teasing or making a veiled threat. He had always been cautious about revealing his magical abilities, even unintentionally, and being close to Arthur only heightened his apprehension.

As the days passed, Arthur's teasing and playful jabs continued, and though Merlin couldn't deny the pain they caused, he chose to endure them in silence. Little did he know that Arthur's taunts were merely a shield to protect his own heart, a defense mechanism against the overwhelming emotions he felt whenever he was near Merlin.

Despite his rough exterior, Arthur's heart ached with guilt whenever he witnessed Merlin's downcast eyes or heard the faint traces of hurt in his voice. He couldn't bear the thought of causing Merlin any pain, but he also couldn't allow himself to reveal his true feelings.

It wasn't until the night of the tournament that fate intervened once more, weaving their destinies together in a way neither of them could have anticipated.

As the tournament commenced, the knights displayed their prowess in a series of thrilling challenges, each vying for the honor of being named the victor and the chance to stand beside the future king. Arthur stood proudly as he watched the knights compete, the weight of his impending responsibilities heavy on his shoulders.

Meanwhile, in the crowded stands, Merlin watched with bated breath, cheering for Arthur with genuine enthusiasm. Unbeknownst to him, a group of unruly spectators, envious of Arthur's stature and position, had noticed Merlin's support for the prince and recognized him as the servant boy always by Arthur's side.

With mischief in their hearts, the group approached Merlin, taunting him for associating with the prince. Their words stung, but Merlin tried his best to ignore them, not wanting to draw attention to himself or his connection to Arthur. However, their cruelty escalated, and soon they were shoving him, attempting to provoke a reaction.

Arthur, who had been engrossed in the tournament, caught a glimpse of the altercation from the corner of his eye. His heart raced with anger, but instead of immediately intervening, he hesitated, torn between his duty as a prince and his desire to protect Merlin.

Before Arthur could make a decision, something remarkable happened. With a flick of Merlin's wrist, the unruly boys were sent sprawling backward, their menacing grins replaced with shock and fear. The crowd around them gasped, and whispers of sorcery spread like wildfire.

The tournament ground to a halt as the knights and spectators turned their attention to the magical display. Arthur's heart pounded in his chest, torn between his loyalty to the laws of Camelot and his concern for Merlin's safety.

In that moment, their worlds collided, and Merlin's secret was laid bare before the entire kingdom. The consequences of their forbidden love and the revelation of Merlin's magic would shape the course of Camelot's history and test the strength of their bond in ways they could never have imagined.

Chapter 2

~Chapter 2~

The air in the tournament grounds turned heavy with tension as the revelation of Merlin's magic spread like wildfire. Whispers filled the air, and the once-friendly faces in the crowd now regarded him with fear and suspicion. The very same people who had cheered for Arthur's victories now turned their backs on Merlin, their expressions hardened with judgment.

As the commotion grew, the knights and guards hurriedly approached, forming a protective barrier around Arthur. The prince's heart wrenched at the sight of Merlin being cornered by the hostile crowd. He longed to rush to his friend's aid, to shield him from the cruelty being directed his way. But fear held him captive, chaining him to the secrets that bound them both.

Merlin, on the other hand, stood his ground with a mixture of defiance and resignation. His eyes searched the crowd, seeking solace in the hope of finding a sympathetic face among the sea of disapproving gazes. But all he saw was disappointment and betrayal reflected back at him.

Tears welled in Merlin's eyes, threatening to spill over. He had always known that his magic would bring trouble, but he had never imagined the depth of the animosity it would inspire. The weight of the onlookers' judgment bore down on him, making it difficult to breathe.

Just as Merlin felt his resolve waver, a voice rang out above the murmurs and hushed conversations. It was Gaius, the court physician and Merlin's mentor, who pushed his way through the crowd, his expression a mix of concern and determination. He approached Merlin, placing a steady hand on his trembling shoulder.

"Merlin, come with me," Gaius urged, his voice filled with quiet strength. "We must leave this place before the situation escalates further."

Merlin nodded, grateful for Gaius's guidance in this bewildering moment. Together, they maneuvered through the crowd, slipping away from the chaos that had consumed the tournament grounds. The glares and whispers followed them, but Merlin found solace in the unwavering support of his mentor.

Meanwhile, Arthur watched with a heavy heart as Merlin disappeared from sight. The prince was torn between his duty to the kingdom and his overwhelming desire to protect the boy who had stolen his heart. The weight of his own silence pressed upon him, suffocating him with its burden.

Minutes turned into hours, and the tournament continued with a subdued atmosphere. The knights resumed their displays of bravery, but the joy and excitement that had once permeated the air were replaced by a somber unease. Arthur's heart remained heavy, his thoughts consumed by the predicament Merlin now faced.

As dusk settled over Camelot, Arthur found himself wandering the dimly lit corridors of the castle, seeking solace in the quietude. His steps were heavy, each footfall echoing his internal turmoil. He couldn't escape the nagging voice in his mind, reminding him of the consequences that awaited Merlin if their secret were to be revealed.

Lost in his thoughts, Arthur nearly collided with Guinevere, the kind-hearted and perceptive handmaiden who had long been a confidante to both him and Merlin. She took one look at Arthur's troubled expression and placed a gentle hand on his arm.

"Arthur, something is weighing heavily on your heart," Guinevere said softly, her eyes filled with concern. "You can trust me, you know. We have always been friends."

Arthur hesitated, his mind racing with conflicting thoughts. Guinevere had been a loyal friend, but could he trust her with the truth, with the secret that threatened to consume him? His heart ached, torn between his desire to confide in someone and his duty to protect Merlin.


he spoke, his voice low and filled with emotion. "It's Merlin. There's something about him you need to know, but I fear the consequences of revealing it."

Guinevere's expression softened, and she led Arthur to a quiet alcove, away from prying eyes and listening ears. "Tell me, Arthur. I promise I will do whatever I can to help."

With a deep breath, Arthur confided in Guinevere, revealing the truth about Merlin's magical abilities and their growing affection for one another. He spoke of his love for the boy who had captured his heart, but also of the fear that love would destroy everything they held dear.

Guinevere listened intently, her heart going out to her friend and to Merlin. She understood the complexities of love and the burdens of responsibility, but she also knew the power of truth and the strength it could provide.

"Arthur," she said gently, "you cannot allow fear to dictate your actions. Secrets have a way of unraveling, and it's better to face the truth than to let it consume you. You and Merlin share a bond that is stronger than any judgment or prejudice. Trust in that bond and trust in the love you share."

Arthur contemplated Guinevere's words, realizing that she was right. Keeping Merlin's secret and his feelings hidden only caused pain and separation. He needed to confront his fears and take a stand for the love he felt, no matter the consequences.

Summoning his courage, Arthur set out to find Merlin and face the truth together, for only then could they overcome the obstacles that threatened to tear them apart. As he walked the moonlit streets of Camelot, his heart beat with a newfound determination, knowing that the path they chose would shape their destinies and the fate of the kingdom they both loved.

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