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Eclipsed Empress: A Tale Of Apocalypse


Luna was walking frantically. Her eyes scanned her surroundings carefully. She felt someone was following her, but she knew it was her hallucination. These hallucinations started from that day.
Luna clutched her bag of supplies and walked quietly.
Luna (Fl)
Luna (Fl)
(I need to go to base or else I will be attacked again.)
Luna (Fl)
Luna (Fl)
(Tsk... Why do I have weak abilities? I have to mostly rely on my physical strength.)
As she was walking, she heard a familiar voice. Her face was mix of emotions. She turned back to see her husband smiling at her.
Luna (Fl)
Luna (Fl)
*emotional* Matt
Luna (Fl)
Luna (Fl)
*runs towards him and hugs him* H.. How a.. Are you, Matt? I really t.. Tried searching you so much.
Camila Reine/Mateo
Camila Reine/Mateo's gf
*looks at her* Sis in law, how can you leave us behind? We were so worried? *emotional*
Luna (Fl)
Luna (Fl)
*looks at her* Camila, I didn't leave you behind. That day, due to so many creatures, I got lost. I am sorry.
Mateo Lu/Ex bf
Mateo Lu/Ex bf
*pats her* It's okay Luna.
Mateo Lu/Ex bf
Mateo Lu/Ex bf
You don't have to worry, my wife. Because, now everything will be alright.
Luna (Fl)
Luna (Fl)
*smiles* Yeah. Everything will be alright. You both have got stronger. That's great. Let's go in the base. I will introduce you to others. *starts walking ahead*
Mateo Lu/Ex bf
Mateo Lu/Ex bf
*holds her hand* There's no need darling.
Luna (Fl)
Luna (Fl)
*looks at him* Why?
Mateo Lu/Ex bf
Mateo Lu/Ex bf
Darling, you won't make it alive from here.
Luna (Fl)
Luna (Fl)
*confused* What do you mean? Are there any creatures here?
Camila Reine/Mateo
Camila Reine/Mateo's gf
No sis in law.
Camila Reine/Mateo
Camila Reine/Mateo's gf
*smirks* There are no creatures. We don't need you anymore.
Camila Reine/Mateo
Camila Reine/Mateo's gf
So, why don't you give us the supplies, so we can kill you easily?
Camila Reine/Mateo
Camila Reine/Mateo's gf
Luna (Fl)
Luna (Fl)
*looks at her sternly* What nonsense are you blabbering Camila? Is this your new prank?
Mateo Lu/Ex bf
Mateo Lu/Ex bf
*grabs her hair and pulls her closer to his face*
Mateo Lu/Ex bf
Mateo Lu/Ex bf
*stabs her from behind*
Luna (Fl)
Luna (Fl)
*groans in pain* Ma… Matt
Luna (Fl)
Luna (Fl)
Mateo Lu/Ex bf
Mateo Lu/Ex bf
She is saying truth darling. We abandoned you before by mistake. But we found you again. It's god's grace. Don't you know you are so precious for me?
Mateo Lu/Ex bf
Mateo Lu/Ex bf
Oh, right! How will you know? *laughs*
Mateo Lu/Ex bf
Mateo Lu/Ex bf
I was so perfect in my act that you believed my every word.
Mateo Lu/Ex bf
Mateo Lu/Ex bf
*looks at Camila* Did I play husband's role perfectly?
Camila Reine/Mateo
Camila Reine/Mateo's gf
*smiles* Yeah. It was so accurate that poor Luna never doubted your intentions. She believed that you really loved her.
Camila Reine/Mateo
Camila Reine/Mateo's gf
*laughing* What a fool!
Luna (Fl)
Luna (Fl)
Luna (Fl)
Luna (Fl)
*kicks on his leg*
Luna (Fl)
Luna (Fl)
You b@stard, how can you play with my feelings like that? I trusted you, I loved you. But it was all fake? You were acting as my husband. For what?
Luna (Fl)
Luna (Fl)
What did I ever do to you jerk? *screams at him*
Camila Reine/Mateo
Camila Reine/Mateo's gf
*pushes her roughly from behind* Stupid Luna, you don't know your worth, b*tch.
Camila Reine/Mateo
Camila Reine/Mateo's gf
*goes near Mateo* Matt, are you okay?
Mateo Lu/Ex bf
Mateo Lu/Ex bf
*nods* Yeah. That b*tch is stronger than I expected.
Luna (Fl)
Luna (Fl)
*stands up* Why did you play with my feelings?
Her back was bleeding yet she stood firmly. Her whole world crashed with every word he said. She wanted to know the reason for the miserable act.
Mateo Lu/Ex bf
Mateo Lu/Ex bf
*smirks* I will tell you the reason darling. You need to know that you are not orphan. Your family is big shot. I became your boyfriend when I recognized you. I just wanted to kill you and take your property from your parents.
Mateo Lu/Ex bf
Mateo Lu/Ex bf
Poor devastated husband loved his wife, but unfortunately she died. Her last wish was to see her husband happy and rich. Won't they fulfill this wish? *laughs*
Luna (Fl)
Luna (Fl)
Luna (Fl)
Luna (Fl)
*takes her dagger out and attacks on Camila*
Luna (Fl)
Luna (Fl)
I will kill your sister, you scumbag.
Mateo Lu/Ex bf
Mateo Lu/Ex bf
*pulls Camila behind him and kicks Luna*
Luna (Fl)
Luna (Fl)
*falls on ground*
Mateo Lu/Ex bf
Mateo Lu/Ex bf
*grabs her hair again and stabs her in stomach* You are unruly woman!!
Mateo Lu/Ex bf
Mateo Lu/Ex bf
Mateo Lu/Ex bf
Mateo Lu/Ex bf
It was so disgusting to behave as your husband. But now, I don't have to anymore. I know where your parents are, I just have to take your corpse to them. *stabs again*
Mateo released the grip. Luna was lying on ground with her stomach bleeding due to the wound. She struggled to breath. Her anger was coursing through her veins. She glared at them.
Luna (Fl)
Luna (Fl)
I curse you and this b*tch to die terrible death in apocalypse.
Camila Reine/Mateo
Camila Reine/Mateo's gf
Camila Reine/Mateo
Camila Reine/Mateo's gf
Shall I tell you something Luna? I am not his sister. We lied to you.
Camila Reine/Mateo
Camila Reine/Mateo's gf
*goes near Mateo* I am his lover.
Mateo Lu/Ex bf
Mateo Lu/Ex bf
*pulls her close and kisses her*
Camila Reine/Mateo
Camila Reine/Mateo's gf
*kissing back*
Luna (Fl)
Luna (Fl)
Luna's vision was getting blurry. Mateo and Camila left to bring their car. Luna was alone taking her last breath.
Her eyes were getting heavy. She blinked and saw two figures looking at her and discussing something. She felt a strong energy from them. But her body had already given up. She closed her eyes and died.
Luna (Fl)
Luna (Fl)
She heard that familiar voice before dying.
To be continued
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Early Morning

"Search for host completed"
"Connecting to soul state"
"Connection sucessful"
Luna (Fl)
Luna (Fl)
*wakes up abruptly*
Luna (Fl)
Luna (Fl)
*looking around with blurry vision*
Luna (Fl)
Luna (Fl)
(Where am I? Did I survive?)
Luna (Fl)
Luna (Fl)
*rubs her eyes and focuses again*
Luna (Fl)
Luna (Fl)
Luna (Fl)
Luna (Fl)
(This is my room in our home. How is it possible?)
Luna (Fl)
Luna (Fl)
(This house was destroyed in apocalypse)
Luna (Fl)
Luna (Fl)
*gets up with great difficulty* (Am I dream?)
Luna checked her phone and froze for few seconds. She couldn't believe what she was seeing. She checked her phone again and smirked in realization.
Luna (Fl)
Luna (Fl)
Luna (Fl)
Luna (Fl)
(I am reborn.)
Luna (Fl)
Luna (Fl)
*smirks* It's time for showdown. I will kill those nasty b@stards and take my revenge.
Luna (Fl)
Luna (Fl)
*looks at her reflection in mirror*
Luna (Fl)
Luna (Fl)
Luna (Fl)
Luna (Fl)
*looks at phone* Ah.. It's still 6:30 am. It's too early for me to get up.
Luna (Fl)
Luna (Fl)
*goes back to her bed and sleeps*
Meanwhile, Mateo walked into her room and looked at sleeping Luna. His face was gentle.
Mateo Lu/Ex bf
Mateo Lu/Ex bf
*in soft voice* Luna baby
Mateo Lu/Ex bf
Mateo Lu/Ex bf
Wake up
Mateo Lu/Ex bf
Mateo Lu/Ex bf
It's morning. Don't you have to go to work?
Luna (Fl)
Luna (Fl)
*irritated* It's 6:30 am, you dipshit. Scram
Luna (Fl)
Luna (Fl)
Let me sleep ❄️
Mateo Lu/Ex bf
Mateo Lu/Ex bf
Mateo Lu/Ex bf
Mateo Lu/Ex bf
*continues smiling* What happened Luna? Why are you irritated? Did someone bully you? *sits on bed*
Mateo Lu/Ex bf
Mateo Lu/Ex bf
Tell me baby.
Mateo Lu/Ex bf
Mateo Lu/Ex bf
As your boyfriend, I will listen to you and support yo-
Before he can finish his sentence, Luna kicked him harshly. Mateo fell on his face. His head and teeth started aching. He got up and glared at Luna.
Mateo Lu/Ex bf
Mateo Lu/Ex bf
*trying to maintain his soft voice* Luna baby, what's wrong with you? Why are you being violent?
Mateo Lu/Ex bf
Mateo Lu/Ex bf
I just wanted to help you. Keep your anger aside.
Mateo Lu/Ex bf
Mateo Lu/Ex bf
*goes near her and touches cheeks* Calm down baby.
Luna (Fl)
Luna (Fl)
*slaps his hand and gets up* Tsk... Didn't I ask you to shut your damn mouth? You ruined my sleep. ❄️
Mateo Lu/Ex bf
Mateo Lu/Ex bf
*shocked* Luna, mind your words. You are being rude. 💢
Luna (Fl)
Luna (Fl)
*looks at him coldly* Does it look like I care?
Mateo Lu/Ex bf
Mateo Lu/Ex bf
*angry* You are not in good mood right now. I have to meet the director today, I don't want to ruin my mood. I don't know what happened to you all of a sudden. But try to relax.
Mateo Lu/Ex bf
Mateo Lu/Ex bf
Luna (Fl)
Luna (Fl)
*rolls eyes* (He is a good actor. I was fooled by his sweet words for so many years)
Luna (Fl)
Luna (Fl)
*clenches fist* (No more. I won't let anyone trample on me easily.)
Camila Reine/Mateo
Camila Reine/Mateo's gf
*peeks in room* Luna, what happened? Mateo looked pissed off. Did you guys fight?
Luna (Fl)
Luna (Fl)
Why are you so worried about it? ❄️
Camila Reine/Mateo
Camila Reine/Mateo's gf
*goes near her and holds her arm* Luna, why are you being rude with me? I was worried about you two.
Camila Reine/Mateo
Camila Reine/Mateo's gf
*hugs her*
Camila Reine/Mateo
Camila Reine/Mateo's gf
You are my soon-to-be sister-in-law. I don't want your relationship with Mateo to get worse.
Luna (Fl)
Luna (Fl)
*pushes her off* Don't touch me ❄️
Camila Reine/Mateo
Camila Reine/Mateo's gf
*angry but maintains her smile* Luna
Luna (Fl)
Luna (Fl)
*glances at her coldly* GET LOST ❄️
Camila Reine/Mateo
Camila Reine/Mateo's gf
*snorts* Ugh okay. You need to control your anger, Luna. I am hurt by your actions.
Camila Reine/Mateo
Camila Reine/Mateo's gf
Luna (Fl)
Luna (Fl)
*chuckles coldly* Hurt by my actions? Seriously?
Luna (Fl)
Luna (Fl)
(I can't waste time on these fools. I need to get ready for the apocalypse. But that doesn't mean, I will let you go easily.)
Luna (Fl)
Luna (Fl)
(Mateo is struggling actor. I am not married to him yet. He kept our relationship secret so that it won't affect his career. He will propose me in 2 months. The apocalypse started 1 month after our marriage.)
Luna (Fl)
Luna (Fl)
*thinking* (I have 3 months before apocalypse. I need to be prepared.)
"Loading completed, abilities are unlocked"
"Permission required"
Luna (Fl)
Luna (Fl)
*startled* (What is this voice? Where did it come from?)
Luna (Fl)
Luna (Fl)
*looking around*
As Luna was looking around, a white transparent screen popped up in front of her.
Grant permission to access system in player's mind? Accept Decline (Note: If player declines, player will die)
Luna (Fl)
Luna (Fl)
To be continued
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I know I updated this chapter late. I am sorry, I am spending time with my family. I will try to update the next chapter, but it will be late.
I won't flirt in this chapter... Such a pity 🙂
I need to go 🙂
See you later my lovelies *gives flying kiss*

Systemized Space

Grant permission to access system in player's mind? Accept Decline (Note: If player declines, player will die)
Luna (Fl)
Luna (Fl)
Luna was shocked to see the screen. She rubbed her eyes and focused her gaze. The screen was still visible. Luna was contemplating on what to do. In end, she decided to accept.
Luna (Fl)
Luna (Fl)
*clicks on accept*
As soon as Luna clicked on accept, the screen swirled around her in circle. The screen was illuminating with a bright light. Luna closed her eyes due to the harsh glare.
Luna (Fl)
Luna (Fl)
*opens her eyes*
Luna (Fl)
Luna (Fl)
*looking at the surrounding with confused face* Uh.. Where the h*ck am I?
Fluffy: Space/System
Fluffy: Space/System
*pops in front of her* You are in space.
Luna (Fl)
Luna (Fl)
*scrunches her eyebrows* Huh?
Fluffy: Space/System
Fluffy: Space/System
*blinks* I am Fluffy, the guardian of this space and operator of system.
Luna (Fl)
Luna (Fl)
A talking fluffball...
Luna (Fl)
Luna (Fl)
*pacing back and forth* Am I dreaming? This has to be a weird dream. Is this some kind of glitch while coming back in time?
Fluffy: Space/System
Fluffy: Space/System
*pouts* I am not some glitch. You got a chance to change your future. I am like a helping tool for you.
Fluffy: Space/System
Fluffy: Space/System
You can close your eyes to gain all the information related to systemized space.
Luna closed her eyes. The information related to the systemized space flowed in her mind. She opened her eyes with satisfied smile.
Luna (Fl)
Luna (Fl)
So, this is a system operated space and I will be owner once I complete all tasks.
Luna (Fl)
Luna (Fl)
*happy* That's great. With space, I don't have to worry much.
Luna (Fl)
Luna (Fl)
*points to hut* According to my strength and level, this small house is the only space I own?
Fluffy: Space/System
Fluffy: Space/System
*nods* Yeah. You can store anything here.
Luna (Fl)
Luna (Fl)
*starts walking towards the house* I can learn anything if I purchase the course.
Luna (Fl)
Luna (Fl)
*looks at fluffy who was floating beside her* What about farming?
Fluffy: Space/System
Fluffy: Space/System
*floating in air* The space is endless. You can farm, but everything is locked. You have to unlock it with space coins.
Luna (Fl)
Luna (Fl)
*stops* And what if I start digging right now?
Fluffy: Space/System
Fluffy: Space/System
You can't but if you want you can try.
Luna (Fl)
Luna (Fl)
*looks at him suspiciously* I doubt that.
Fluffy: Space/System
Fluffy: Space/System
*sits on her head*
Fluffy: Space/System
Fluffy: Space/System
*laughs* You are right master. If you try using the area that's not unlocked then your space coins will be deducted.
Luna (Fl)
Luna (Fl)
*nods* Okay.
Luna (Fl)
Luna (Fl)
I want to upgrade my level and I also want to unlock a parking slot.
Luna (Fl)
Luna (Fl)
And I want a land for farming. Even a small plot for now is okay.
Fluffy: Space/System
Fluffy: Space/System
You have one unread message. Swipe right and click on envelope.
Luna (Fl)
Luna (Fl)
*swipes right and clicks on ✉️ option on screen*
For welcoming the player, 1000 space coins are rewarded. You can check your balance: Here
Luna (Fl)
Luna (Fl)
*clicks to check the total coins*
Total Space Coins: 1000
Luna (Fl)
Luna (Fl)
*in disbelief* Only 1000? Can't you be more generous? *raises hand*
Luna (Fl)
Luna (Fl)
¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ ͠⁠°⁠ ͟⁠ʖ⁠ ⁠°͠⁠ ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
Fluffy: Space/System
Fluffy: Space/System
*laughs nervously* Well, that's uh um
Fluffy: Space/System
Fluffy: Space/System
Forget it master. You can unlock 50 sq.ft farm by 1000 space coins. This discounted price is valid for today. *laughing nervously*
Luna (Fl)
Luna (Fl)
*looks at him casually* Shouldn't you be giving me 50 sq ft area as a welcome gift? You are stingy with the coins.
Fluffy: Space/System
Fluffy: Space/System
*coughs* I can't do anything about this. I am just operator of the system.
Fluffy: Space/System
Fluffy: Space/System
Do you want to unlock it?
Luna (Fl)
Luna (Fl)
*nods* Yeah.
Fluffy: Space/System
Fluffy: Space/System
You can click on menu. You will see a option 'Land'. Click on it and put how much sq ft you want.
Luna followed the process. She bought the 50 sq.ft land by 1000 space coins. Her balance was 0 space coins. They both reached the house. It was 600 sq.ft plot. It was a small house.
Fluffy: Space/System
Fluffy: Space/System
Once you upgrade your level and strength, you will be able to upgrade this house. This house is right now on Level 2. No functions are unlocked. You can only store for now and change the time flow.
Luna (Fl)
Luna (Fl)
*enters the house and checks it* Good. What do you mean by changing time flow and what if the supplies I keep gets ruined or stale as the shelf life finishes??
Fluffy: Space/System
Fluffy: Space/System
*sits on her head* You can set a time flow and weather here. Weather function will be available later. As for time flow, the time in space will differ from outside world. You can decide how many hours or days difference will be between space and outside.
Luna (Fl)
Luna (Fl)
*chirps happily* Good.
Luna (Fl)
Luna (Fl)
Fluffy: Space/System
Fluffy: Space/System
Master, you don't have to worry about the supplies getting destroyed. The space will preserve all supplies. It won't get stale or be ruined. The shelf life will be unlimited but once you take it out of space, you need to consume it immediately.
Fluffy: Space/System
Fluffy: Space/System
It won't stay for long hours.
Luna (Fl)
Luna (Fl)
*nods* Okay.
Luna (Fl)
Luna (Fl)
I guess, this much information is enough for today. I will come later.
Fluffy: Space/System
Fluffy: Space/System
*comes in front of her face and blinks* Huh? Where are you going master? You have to complete your daily task.
Luna (Fl)
Luna (Fl)
*looks at him sternly* What daily task?
Luna (Fl)
Luna (Fl)
A message popped infront of Luna. She opened the message, a screen opened in front of her.
-Task Info- •Daily Task• 100 Pushups 10 km Running 30 mins Yoga 30 mins Exercise
Luna (Fl)
Luna (Fl)
*gasps* Huh? Do you want me to do this today?
Fluffy: Space/System
Fluffy: Space/System
*nods* Yeah or else there will be penalty.
Luna (Fl)
Luna (Fl)
*looks at him* What penalty?
Fluffy: Space/System
Fluffy: Space/System
100000 space coins will be deducted.
Luna (Fl)
Luna (Fl)
Luna (Fl)
Luna (Fl)
Fluffy: Space/System
Fluffy: Space/System
You will be in negative
Luna (Fl)
Luna (Fl)
And how much will I be rewarded for completion of daily task?
Fluffy: Space/System
Fluffy: Space/System
50000 space coins and 100 experience points.
Luna (Fl)
Luna (Fl)
*gasps* You money swindler system!!
Luna (Fl)
Luna (Fl)
How am I earning less than what I will lose??
Fluffy: Space/System
Fluffy: Space/System
So you can complete the daily task. *smiles*
Fluffy: Space/System
Fluffy: Space/System
Master, you should complete daily task *pouts*
Luna (Fl)
Luna (Fl)
*looks at him sternly* You wait fluff ball, I will see you later.
Luna (Fl)
Luna (Fl)
Luna (Fl)
Luna (Fl)
*leaves the space*
Fluffy: Space/System
Fluffy: Space/System
*coughs* (Master is scary)
To be continued
Thank you for reading cupcakes
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I want to flirt but I have to go
*kisses luna's cheeks* I will finish chapter with this
Luna (Fl)
Luna (Fl)
*glares at Austin* Jerk!! I will kick you if you dare kiss me again 💢
*kisses cheeks and runs away* Okay sweetie
Luna (Fl)
Luna (Fl)
*angry* Jerk author

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