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An intense pain pulled Sylvia out of the darkness overwhelming her. Sylvia gasp out heavily as she opened her eyes.

The intense brightness hit her eyes making it feel stung, and she quickly shut back her aching eyes.

Finally, she opened her eyes slowly getting use to the sudden brightness. Turning her head, she found the surrounding in front of her unfamiliar.

'Where am I?'

Sylvia opened her mouth to speak but her sparsely dried throat hurts so much, and she could only make a hoarse sound bringing out some inaudible words.

Her struggle paid fort as she finally made some words, "Where am I?"

However, the room was silent and there wasn't the reply she was expecting.

But something magical happened because a voice suddenly sounded in her head.

[Due to the emergency appearance of the void, Susu didn't manage to save the host body but was fortunately to save the host soul and opened a passage another world. Susu will start importing memories of this body to the host. Initializing memory transfer…15%...35%...]

Void? Soul?

Sylvia was still thinking about the situation when a sudden intense pain hit her.

Her brain was suddenly filled with countless memories of another person.

Joy, sadness and countless memory fragments.

[Memory transfer completed. Susu expends a lot of energy bypassing portal. So, Susu will enter a state of hibernation. Susu hope host can absorb more energy for Susu to wake up]

And then the hibernation mode sounded. The mechanical voice with a tinge of intelligence could no longer be heard.

The room was in tranquility.

Sylvia skimmed through the original body memory, and the only thing that could come to her mind was three words.

'I'm dead'

Yeah, she was busy traveling the star when suddenly a black void appeared and sucked her in with the space ship.

The void was a wormhole that most starship drivers feared. But the probability of it occurring was 0.00000001 percent and that probability was what happened to her.

What a bad luck she has.

Well, she has always been a person with bad luck since the beginning. Sylvia was an ordinary girl living with her happy family until one day, everything changed.

Her sweet mother died of cancer. And it hasn't been a week when she was still mourning of her mother death, that her father brings home another woman with two children, a boy and girl respectively.

Her father cheated on her mother. Seeing those kids who were almost up to her age, it shows that he had cheated from the very beginning.

Sylvia couldn't help think of those days, he would smile at her mother and whisper softly in her ear.

Yet, who knew such a scumbag was a chronic cheat who've had two kids outside.

Her mother fell ill when she gave birth to her, and couldn't conceive anymore. Due to what happened, she felt guilty to her husband because of her state.

But who knew the whole person she was feeling guilty for till her death bed, already had two children close to her daughter age outside.

She was 12 when she started to experience the reality of life.

Well, she was still contented since she could still find a job to feed herself.

However, things got much worse when the apocalypse arrived.

This was something Sylvia never imagined to occur. She was later sold by her father and stepmother in exchange for food.

Thank goodness she escaped the predicament and strive to fend for herself. She experienced so many things, hate, betrayal.

There was nothing like humanity in the apocalypse.

Such a young girl live such life filled with evil, till her personality turned cold and expressionless.

She never bath an eyelid when killing. To her, it was just like killing something insignificant.

The apocalypse finally came to an end.

Several technologies where invented.

It was then announced that human life span had broken through the normal threshold.

Humans could now live to thousands of years. And likewise, the good news also came with bad news.

The earth was unsuitable for living, since it had long been polluted due to the apocalypse arrival. So, humans had to migrate to Mars.

But first, an experiment must be carried out.

Sylvia was part of the experiment.

She was injected and planted something in her body, and that was where the mystery of Susu an AI came from.

Once the planet was suitable for living, human migrate in, leading to a life of technology.

And since something like apocalypse could occur, it was not known when something like space monsters could also occur.

She joined in the army to fight against space monsters. Her life was spent in the space till her death, and now there was a new life in front of her.

The original owner died due to poison. But the poison had already been cleared during the body take over.

The original owner was from a rich family.

However, both of her parent died during the beast riot, leaving behind the original owner and her two years old brother.

Sylvia found that this place was very similar to her former living place. There were beasts, and the technology was much more advanced.

The original owner had to take over the company of her parents, but since she was still a high school girl, she left it to her father close personal assistant.

The company could have boomed in the hand of her close father assistant.

However, the original owner was a spendthrift. There was a male god whom the original owner had a crush on.

The original owner would purchase high grade beast core worth of money, and send it as a gift to the male god.

Well, the original owner wasn't the only one chasing the male god. There were other girls who were also wealthier than the original owner, and would buy millions worth of goods to gift to the male god.

Not wanting to be left out, the original owner would also buy and buy, till the company went bankrupt.

What prompt the original owner to commit suicide, was because of yesterday event.

Yesterday, the original owner confesses her feeling publicly to the male god, but was rejected brutally in front of the whole school.

Sad, the original owner ran home crying, but when she saw the video of her confession went viral on the web, her heart broke down totally.

Making it worse, was the letter of expulsion she receives from the school, which prompt her to commit suicide.

Sylvia didn't care about whatever the original owner was feeling. Since she was so courageous to eat poison, that shows that she wasn't willing to live.

This was a body Susu found for her and now that she has taken over it, she would start over afresh.

The only thing she could do for the original owner, was to take care of her left behind younger brother, who was now four years old.

Cold and expressionless, Sylvia got out of the bed and went into the bathroom to wash her sticky body.

In the reflection in the bathroom mirror, she saw a face quite similar to hers, but there were still some differences.

Her back then, was thin, and suffered from malnutrition, that even after the apocalypse ended, she was still frail and thin, but the image in front of her was healthier.

Sylvia stepped out of the bathroom and walked into the cloak room. There were so many bright dresses that it stung her eyes.

She saw the rainbow color clothes in the cloak room, and her face which was always expressionless suddenly showed a rare stunned look.

After rummaging through the clothes, she finally found a black sportswear to wear. That was the only suitable dress she could find for herself to wear.

She put them on and stepped out of her room.

The Austen's parents, that is the original owner parents, bought a huge Vila to live in with their children. Who knew that not long they move in, their life would be lost.

There was a sound of laughter down the stairs. Sylvia looked down, and saw the original owner brother, Asher playing with the AI robot in the sitting room.

Asher was so absorbed in playing that he didn't know when Sylvia approached him.

Sylvia watched as Asher played with the AI robot.

This kind of cheerful feeling, it's been long since she experienced it.

Even when the apocalypse ended, one could still notice the cautiousness in the eyes of the people whenever they move about.

Therefore, she was very novice when facing this kind of feeling.

Asher finally notice her standing at the side. His face suddenly showed a shocked look. "I…I…." The four-year-old boy trembled as he tried to find a word to say.

Sylvia almost forgot that the original owner never liked her brother, and never see to eye with him. However, she wasn't the original owner.

She raised her hand and beaconed to the still trembling boy.

Asher walked forward slowly and stammered, "I… don't hit me." The boy shut his eyes when he stood in front of her.

Sylvia's lip showed a rare smile, and she bend lower to the kid heights. "I'm not going to hit you."

Stunned, the boy opened his eyes and looked at her with an innocent look.

Children knows whether someone likes them or not. So, when Asher looked at Sylvia and didn't detect any malicious intent, he was then assured that she wouldn't hit him. "Okay."

Sylvia wasn't good at talking with kids so she didn't know what to say next. Struggling to find something to say, she finally spoke, "Have you eaten?"

"Ehh." Asher nodded. The food Sylvia was talking about was a solution liquid called nutrient solution, which comprise of the daily nutrients the body needs.

"Then continue playing. Sister will go out and will be back immediately."

"Okay." Asher watched her left and finally talked to the robot. "Bai, sister spoke to me. Does that mean sister isn't angry with me and likes me. I don't want sister to get angry with me."

Bai the robot who had no idea what Asher was talking about: "…"

Totally Lost it

Outside, Sylvia walked around the house. Upon reaching the garden, she saw several strange plants and also found some familiar plants like cabbage.

Uh? What's a cabbage doing in a flower garden?

She didn't think much and find some seat in the garden, ready to know more information about this place.

There was a bracelet on her hand which also had the function of a modern-day phone, but more advanced. She clicked on it.

A blue Interface suddenly showed up. Sylvia first clicked on her profile.

[Name: Sylvia Austen]

[Gender: Female]

[Age: 15]

[Combat strength: E]

[Mental strength: F]

[Contract beast: Null]

(Remark: This person is so weak)

She glanced at this information without fluctuation in her face.

This body was generally weak. Hence, she didn't gloss over the information and directly went to the net to know more about this world.

Just as she was about to start reading, a call came through. It was Mike, the original owner father personal assistant, who has been managing the company.

Sylvia instantly picked the call. "Hello, uncle Mike."

Mike face appeared on the virtual screen. It looks so tired and haggard.

There were some subtle on his chin, which shows that he hasn't shaven since so long.

"Yiran." Mike smiled. "How are you doing?"

"I'm doing great."

"What about Asher?"

"He's inside playing with the robot Bai." Mike asked some normal questions, and she answered them gently.

"Sylvia, be truthful. Uncle heard that you were expelled from school, is that true?"

"Well, I guess so. My academic results are nothing to write home about, so the school decided to expelled me."

Actually, the reason the original owner was expelled was not so. The original owner was expelled because of the confession she made to her male god.

Actually, when the original owner was confessing publicly, there was also one of the male god chasers standby watching.

After the confession, the male god chaser was so furious, that she angrily used her connection to get the original owner expelled from the school.

Compiled with original owner bad results, the school has a big reason to expel her from school.

Looking at Sylvia calm expression, Mike finally sighed when he saw that he was worrying over for nothing.

The girl in question was calm, so how could he be thinking about some horrible things.

Mike then showed a smile. "I will get you admitted to another school. It might not be better than your former school, but it's still great."

"Okay." Sylvia thought and finally said, "Uncle Mike, about the company—".

"Don't worry about the company." Mike quickly cut in. "Leave the company matter to me. It just bankruptcy not the end of the world."

Sylvia who had experienced the end of the world, nodded along with him. "Actually, why don't we start another company afresh." She suggests. "Once we get some money from the new company, we can then input it to the company."

Sylvia knew that this body parents were into technology product company.

The robot Bai was a product of the company.

However, the capital input in such company were very huge.

The company were already having losses when the Austen’s parents died and now coupled with the previous owner lavish spending, the situation turn more worse.

"Okay." Mike was also tired. The situation in the company took toll on him.

Several of his business partner agreed not to help him.

The company was in a complete state of bankruptcy and there was nothing he could do.

It's better to start a new company, but Mike still feels guilty to the Austen's deceased parent.

He didn't keep his promise to them, and made the company bankrupt.

Although everything was caused by Sylvia. However, to Mike, it was all his fault.

"Why don't you come to the house tomorrow and we can brainstorm on the idea of the new company together?" Sylvia proposed.

"Okay. Uncle will visit tomorrow." After saying bye, the call was ended.

Sylvia stayed outside for long to absorb some information about this era on the net.

Although, she could exert them from the original owner memory, she didn't want to stress herself skimming through those irrelevant memories.

The original owner wasn't interested in learning at all and all that was in her head was about her male god.

If you could give her a book now to write about the certain male god, she could write a book fill of it. Therefore, rather call her an empty vessel.

After looking through all the information on the net, she finally found a good idea on a company to create and the profit is absolutely hundred percent.

She went back inside the house and saw Asher who was already asleep on the floor.

The robot Bai who was standing beside Asher, turned its head and looked at Sylvia as she walked in.

"I'll take Asher inside." Sylvia patted the robot head and carried the sleeping boy up the stairs.

After placing Asher back into his room, she went back into her own room to look for something.

After searching around, she finally found it. It was the gift box the previous owner was holding when confessing to her male god.

Sylvia opened the package and took out the shiny object lying inside it.

This was what the original owner purchased that made the whole company went bankrupt. A beast core belonging to an SSS class level beast.

Hearing the name SSS could make one suck in a cold breath, knowing that such a thing could only be bought with a tremendous amount of money.

It should be said that the original owner must be stupid, because, how could you want to gift such a precious thing to a so-called male god.

Sylvia was really thankful that the male god didn't accept the original owner confession.

She held the core in her palm. The power in the beast core contains the exact power belonging to the beast and absorbing it could make one upgrade.

This was a SSS level beast core. How strong would she be by the time she absorbs it all.

Sylvia motto was 'only when you're strong enough could you be able to fend for yourself'.

The apocalypse had taught her a lot and the quote will always stick to her mind.

This body was weak which made her so uncomfortable, so she was ready to get out of this shell.

She sat on the bed cross-legged, ready to absorb when the core in her hand suddenly turned into dust.

Eh? Her expression showed a crack.

[Ah, such a tremendous amount of energy. More, more. I'll be able to fully recover when I absorb more of this]

Her expression finally cracked totally. If the person who spoke right now was in front of her, she bet she would have killed and killed that person over again.

"Ahhh! What the fuck did you just do." Sylvia totally lost it. "That was mine to absorb. Mine! Just why the fuck… Ahhh!" She felt like killing someone.

Susu at this time knowing it has done something out of order, finally choose to keep silent.

After puffing out all her grievance, Sylvia was finally calm.

The core… Although it's painful to say, but she had to accept the fact that there was nothing she do about it.

Taking a deep breath and reverting back to her cold expression, she called, "Susu, come out."

Susu trembling with its non-existent body stammered, [Ho…host]

"Hmmm. You're awake."

[After sensing an energy, Susu automatically absorbs it, so Susu didn't...]

Well, Susu couldn't finish its sentence when it saw how cold its host expression looked.

"Never mind, it's gone so it's gone. There's no need to cry over a spilled milk. I see that you've gain more intelligence."

[Yes, Susu intelligent is now that of a teenager]

"That's great." Although Sylvia didn't know why Susu could suddenly gained intelligence, it's still great that Susu could advance. "You said you upgrade after absorbing this energy." Sylvia was referring to the beast core.

[Yes. Susu can advance to a higher level when Susu absorbs a lot of this] Susu explained.

Turns out Susu could also advance absorbing the beast core.

She quickly throw the matter of the beast core to the back of her mind and said to Susu, "Since you absorb my beast core why don't you also do me a favor."

[What is the matter host?]

"I need all the food recipes back on earth."

Creamery Creamer

That's right. The company Sylvia wanted to start was a food company. After knowing all information about this world, she had found out that the food varieties in this world were limited.

According to the history of Starry sky empire, all the food recipes were lost during the flee of a war a long time ago.

And now, the empire was trying to recreate another food recipes, which leads to the advent of nutrients solution.

Most people rely on nutrients solution as food, but it tasted bland, and only the rich could afford eating cooked food in famous restaurants.

Those who could try cooking end up messing up because, there was no food recipes in this world.

If she could create a food company using the recipes in her hands, and dominate the entire empire with it, wouldn't she become the richest woman in this world?

Like who doesn't like wealth. So, the acquisition of the food recipes was left to Susu.

"Send it to my light brain once you've gathered them."

[Okay host]

Sylvia laid back on her bed and kept browsing with her light brain. To start a food company, the ingredients for making them must be provided.

She went to the food category section under the shopping list. There were several foods listed under it.

Name it, rice, meat, vegetables, and fruits. And also, they were all dirt cheap.

She was wowed when she found some nutrients solution which were hundred times expensive than rice, and the meat listed up there.

Well, since everything is available, she will wait till tomorrow to discuss her plan with uncle Mike.

Sylvia logged out of her light brain and got out of the bed. There were several things she needs to do.

First, is to solve the problem of clothes. She glanced at the rainbow color clothes in the cloak room with intense headache, before ordering some people online to help her donate it to some charity organizations.

After that, she ordered some suitable clothes online. However, they were all black. Black is great.

At least in the apocalypse, you won't have to worry about getting yourself dirty.

Finished sorting the clothes issues, she was ready to go back upstairs, when she saw Asher standing on the stairs rubbing his eyes. Seems like he just woke up.

Sylvia walked towards him. "Are you hungry?"

"Hmm." Asher nodded. It was almost sunset so he was hungry.

"Sister will cook a special dish for you."

Although she wasn't a good cook, at least with her little cooking skills, she could be classified as a top chef in this world.

She ordered some food item online, and they were soon brought to her doorstep minutes after purchases.

Sylvia took the ingredients into the kitchen, and switch on the gas to start making food. She was going to prepare chicken rice bowl.

Therefore, she scoops some rice and washed them before cooking in the rice cooker. The pan was place on the fire and added with oil.

She cut the washed chicken into chunks, added it into the oil and then with garlic paste.

After cooking for a while, she added the diced carrots, onions, pepper, lemon zest, red chili sauce, then soy sauce.

The mouthwatering aroma of the spice spread through the kitchen. She wasn't affected, but Asher was.

Asher rushed into the kitchen. "Sister, what are you cooking?"

"Chicken rice bowl. Asher is going to love it." Sylvia went forward and carried Asher onto the kitchen stool, so that she would be able to see him well.

Asher didn't know what chicken rice bowl was, but all he knew is that the food his sister cooked smells great.

When it was done, Sylvia garnishes the top of the chicken rice bowl with sesame seeds and spring onion.

The two ate at the kitchen stand. She found the food tastier than she imagine. Is it because of the ingredients?

Asher kept eating making his mouth full. Sylvia smiled at the sight.

"Eat gently. Sister will cook another dish for you tomorrow."

"It's so delicious. I want to eat this tomorrow."

"Okay, so eat gently."

She washed the plates after they finished eating, and brought a glass of fruit juice to Asher.

Asher took the cup eagerly and drank the content before squinting his eyes in satisfaction.

"Like it?"

"Hmmm." Asher jumped excitedly while protecting the content in the cup from spilling.

"Sister will cook a lot of delicious food for you in the future." Sylvia pat Asher head gently.

Asher played again for a while before he felt sleepy, and Sylvia carried him back into his room, tucking him back to his bed.

With nothing to do, she could only helplessly go back into her room. Tomorrow, Mike would visit. Then, the establishment of the company will proceed as planned.


Sylvia got up early and made breakfast. Homemade grilled veg sandwich, boiled eggs stir-fry, chili garlic omelet with straw protein smoothie.

Asher was so excited to see such a sumptuous breakfast that he kept eating.

"Eat slowly. I've helped you packed some for your lunch."

Hearing than he was having this as lunch, and not nutrients solution, Asher was so excited that his legs keep dangling under the table.

Sylvia got him ready for school after he finished his breakfast.

"Here's your lunchbox." She handed the excited boy his lunchbox bag. "I packed many of them so you can share some with your classmates."

The school bus arrived and she walked him along into the bus. The bus was a long type flying car used to transport students to school.

Sylvia greeted the bus driver and once Asher had taken his seat, she waves at him, and the little guy wave back.

She watched the bus leave, and she suddenly feels lonely.

But not long, Mike also arrived.


"Uncle Mike." Sylvia greeted him.

Mike got down from his car and walked closer. "What are you waiting for outside?"

"I just saw Asher off to school."

"He's already gone?" Mike checks the time on his light brain. "Oh, it's already past time for him to go. I thought I would meet him home."

Mike was a young man who seems to be in his thirties. Well, that was what Sylvia estimate his age to be, due to his appearance.

However, the Mike who ought to be young and vibrant, now looked more tired than she had seen on the video call.

"Uncle Mike, let's go inside and discuss about the new company. I've made something which would be one of our company products in the future. So as one of the partners in this plan, I'll like to hear your say about it."

"This girl." Mike smiled. "Sure, let's go in." The two, one tall and short walked into the house.

When Mike finally saw the product Sylvia was talking about, he was too stunned to speak.

"This… Don't tell me you made them?"

"Why don't you take a seat and have some, uncle Mike."

Mike sat down manically, still looking at the food in front of him in surprised. "Tell me, you didn't buy this at some expensive restaurant, do you? How much must this have cost."

"You're overthinking uncle, I made this myself. Look, this is a grilled veg sandwich, boiled eggs stir-fry, chili garlic omelet with straw protein smoothie, made with the things I ordered on the net. This would be one of the company products in the future."

Mike brain was still processing what Sylvia said at the beginning of the conversation. "What? You made this yourself and not from five-star restaurants? You can cook!"

"Well, a little." She answered truthfully.

Fuck. You call this little. Even from the smell, he knew it would be fucking good.

"Since you cooked it, then uncle won't be polite." Mike began to eat.

Wow! So good. When did this girl know how to cook so well. Hmmm, look at this, so sweet. Mr. Austen, your daughter is truly a treasure.

Sylvia waited for Mike to finished eating before asking, "How's it?"

Mike replied with a thumbs up, making her smiled. "It's tasty, and it would be very profitable for a business."

"That's great. I still have more recipes."

"The recipes must be kept a secret between us. If any other party knows of it, they might steal it and claim it as their own." Mike said.

Although, Sylvia didn't care about the recipes, but she still knew what uproar this new food would cause to the whole empire.

"So, when are we going to set up the company?" She asked.

"Although, setting company doesn't take time but we have no money at hand right now. However, there is a way we could make money before setting up the company."

"How?" She really want to know.

"The Star virtual net." Mike answered. Sylvia knew of the Star virtual net. It was same as a new world, filled with several people from different planets.

That's right, Starry sky empire was a planet on its own and there exist several planets with their inhabitants.

The former owner had visited the Star virtual net several times, and from what she could surmise, it was a great place to set up a business. A place with high traffic flow and also, high cash.

"When we set up the company, everyone should have known of the company name by then. It's like killing two birds with one stone. We sell our product to make money and by doing that, we're also advertising the company name."

Sylvia agreed with Mike conjecture. "I'll set up a shop in the Star virtual net, and once we have accumulated some money, we can use that as capital input for the new company."

Mike also chimes in, "I'll also log into the virtual net and assist too. You'll be going to a new school, so you won't have time with the virtual net business." Mike stated.

Oh. She's going to school.

"Oh yeah, that reminds me." Mike recalled. "You will be going to school tomorrow. The name is Hermes academy and quite different from Roland academy you schooled before. I hope you don't mind the difference."

"I'm not bother."

"That's set then. I'll call the principal that you'll be coming to school tomorrow." Mike finalized. "I'll go now to start preparing about the company set up, and you can start the business in the Star virtual net. Also, remind to send me the location coordinate. Damm, look at me, we haven't even thought of a name to give the company, and also the logo."

"I'm not good at naming things. What about Creamery Creamer?"

"Creamery Creamer it is then." Mike agreed without any further thoughts. "What about the logo?"

"We can just use a baby bear paw as logo." Sylvia suggests what she thought.

"Bear paw it's then." Mike laughed. "Wow, I can't wait to the day we'll be swimming in money. Those old fellas better not let me see them in my face." Mike was referring to his business partner who turn their back on him when he was at his wit end.

And just like that, the establishment of Creamery Creamer was set.

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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