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This Story Is About A Girl And Boy Thay Have Superpower.Its Emotional , Comady, Supernatural ...

who are you

the story is about a girl and boy and the powers

chapter no 1

***Mom dad. Mom dad. where are you***

***Mom dad. Mom (crying***)

Can you hear me mom dad

After some time . the girl was watching a dream that the house was burning and she was calling his parents but they don't respond her

Chang : it's again that same dream mom dad I am missing you

Someone knocked the door

Aunty Jo: oh my sweetheart it's time to wake up. And come down eat your breakfast.

Chang : yes aunty Jo I will. Give me sometime

After sometime on the breakfast table

Aunty Jo: what's going on my child. Chang! Is everything ok

Chang : actually aunty Jo I saw that dream again

Aunty Jo : oh don't worry my child everything will be alright. Trust me ok. See what I make for my sweetheart

Chang: thanks aunty Jo. I love you

***After some time***

Chang: it's time to go bye bye see you later aunty Jo

Aunty Jo : ok bye (thinking) you know Kim your daughter is now 7 years old, and she is always missing you and jiya i hope she had a better future.

Chang: (voice audio) hello I am Kim Chang I am 7 years old I live with my beautiful aunty Jo she is very caring I love her I always miss my parents they died when I was 5 years old my dad name is Kim yeoul and mom name is Kim jiya. I don't remember my parents face but aunty Jo told me my dad was handsome and strong man and my mom was beautiful and gorgeous

She was walking on the road and then

suddenly a car gets out of control

Driver : hay little girl move a side.

Chang :why the car is so fast

Mom dad I can't move myself. What should I do.

A girl: Oh god look at that girl why she is standing in the middle of the road

A boy: forget about the girl see the car

Chang : mom dad I can't move

Shin :bro what do you think about to cancel our mission

Mysterious boy: can you be quite,or you forget whom your talking with. Just leave me alone

Shin: Sorry I can't leave you alone(see something and stopped) hay bro what's going on there. I mean see the crowd. May be here are some celebrities see so much crowd is hear

Mysterious boy: shut up do you forget whom you're talking with

Shin: bro why are you getting angry. Bro let's go and see what's going on there.

Mysterious boy: that little girl. Is she closing her eyes

chang: mom dad I can't move so I am coming. (Car get so fast)

someone walked to save her.

Mysterious boy: hay you little girl are you ok

Chang: I'm dead.(she opened her eyes slowly) who is he .why he saved me. I can't see his face properly.(thinking in her mind)

Mysterious boy: hay you little girl don't you know it's dangerous to walk in the middle of the road. That your parents don't tell you about this.

Chang : I'm still alive (get fainted)

Mysterious boy : hay you little girl why are u smiling

shin: bro she must be fainted afterall the car almost killed her.

***After 14 years***

we meet again

14 years later

Chapter 2

Frozen : hi Chang where are you it's too late come fast (on call)

Chang : I am so sorry I am just outside I will meet you in 5 minutes

chang: ah I am coming

chang: I am hear on time

Frozen : oh what are you doing .you know you are 5 minutes late .(angry)

Chang: so sorry Frozen

Frozen : do you know what day is today

Chang: well is today your birthday

Frozen: you idiot Chang how can you forget today is our new CEO,s joining

Chang : oh yah i remember ok ok i got it (a voice )

James : hi beautiful where ware you

Chang: oh hello James 😑

James: hay is something wrong.ohh ,whenever I want to talk to you always make your face like that.

Frozen : yeah of course it's because your 2 noise MR James

James : you shatup ugly woman I didn't ask you

Frozen : What.what did you just say I am not ugly if hear someone is ugly that is you and no one else. Got it

Chang : you guys stop it right now.

other side.

So this is the company

manager : yes CEO please come in .in this company we don't have any kind of problem by our staff because our staff is very cooperative. They respect each other

Ji Hun: is that so (after getting inside they got shocked.)

ji Hun: oh I see .how much cooperation they have isn't it manager.

Manager : I am sorry. Chang please stop them .whispeing in chang,s ear he is our CEO.

Chang : o.yeah got it . Frozen James please stop (she got pushed away)

Frozen: oh I am so sorry

Chang : oh no

Ji Hun : hay are you ok

Manager : oh no I think that I am going to die before MR Ji Hun kill me.

Ji hun : you ok .

Chang : th thank you sir (in mind why he looks familiar like we have meat before).

Ji Hun : manager I am very disappointed right now. Your staff is just a headache for me.

Manager : I am so sorry sir .let me show your office please come

Manager: this is your office sir.

Ji Hun: I wonder when I can finish my mission and get out of this bloody human world(in mind)

Frozen: i am so sorry chang

James : yeah me too so sorry we have gone too far we are sorry

Chang : it's ok I can understand .and I am alright now.the problem is that the person with manager is the new CEO

Frozen: ok ok what .CEO no way what we have done.

Other side in office

Ji Hun : so manager sand those 2 trouble makers here.

Manager: yes sir.

manager: you too come hear Frozen and James.

James : yes sir let's go . now we are dead.

Frozen:oh no .it,s all because of you idiot.

Manager:Harry up.

James and Frozen:yes sir.we are coming.

Ji Hun : so you too trable makers tell me why you two was arguing with eachother before tell me.

Frozen: we are so sorry sir.

James : sir that was my mistake I was the one.

Someone knocked the door

Ji Hun : come in.

Chang : I am so sorry for disterbing you but please sir don't give them any panishment i promise that .thay will not do this kind of staff again .

chapter 3 coming soon

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