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a meeting that will change destiny


In a world called Iginas, there was a mysterious ship that landed and from inside the ship came out a person wearing a black robe, and that person walked towards several people wearing red robes.

"Oh..... We've been waiting for you"

Then that person took out a bright blue crystal shaped like a horn from under his robe and gave it to the people in red robes.

"Oh, so this is the item you said, huh?"

Then the red-robed people took the crystal and the black-robed people left that world.

"With this, nothing can stop us"

................................................................ .

You can see a ship sailing in the universe and heading to the world of Iginas.

"It's been a long time, Iginas world"

A few moments later the ship landed in the world of Iginas, precisely in a city called Igas, a city with a symbol of a large tree towering across the sky.

From the ship someone was seen coming out, he had blue hair and eyes and blue clothes.

"As usual the wind here is very strong, I feel like flying"

The man walked to the gate and guards blocked him.

"Stop, show the introduction card!"

"Here he is"

The person took out his identification card and gave it to the guard. The guard was shocked after seeing the person's name.

"So-so you are Mr. Airi Tristalia, I apologize for my ignorance, your majesty has been waiting for you for a long time."

It turned out she was Airi Traitalia, then smiling Airi said.

"It does not matter"

Airi then went inside and headed to a room, then Airi opened the door of the room and saw lots of people in neat and nice clothes, it turned out that there was a royal party being held there because the prince was celebrating his 5th birthday.

"Wow..... As usual this place is very big, I wasn't told that there was a party, then I would have come with nicer clothes earlier."

Airi said that while lowering her body because she felt a little annoyed, because she didn't know that there would be a party being held, when Airi came in and took some food, everyone's gaze turned to Airi but Airi didn't notice and continued eating with a smile.

Then someone came down the stairs.

"Everyone, thank you all for your presence"

It turned out that the person who appeared from the stairs was the king of this country named Kalis Alka along with his children and wife, but Airi continued eating without realizing that the king was already there.

"I am holding this party for my son Nilin Alka's fifth birthday, please enjoy the party"

After saying that everyone clapped, hearing the sound of applause Airi immediately looked at the crowd and Airi saw the king and his son receiving congratulations, Airi who saw that immediately went towards them and immediately patted the king strongly on the back.

"Yo!!! Kalis, long time no see"

Airi said it with enthusiasm and a smiling face, everyone who saw it was immediately surprised because of Airi's attitude.

"Ahahahahah, it's been 3 years since we saw Airi. I'm so happy you came to this party."

King Kalis said this with a smile, the prince who saw Airi immediately ran towards her and hugged Airi.

"Brother... It's been a long time since we saw each other, I miss you, thank you for coming to my birthday party, brother."

"Nilin, you've grown up... Sorry I didn't bring any gifts, I didn't know it was your birthday."

People were confused about what was going on and even after the party was over they were still talking about what happened at the party.

"Sorry for asking you to come all the way Airi, actually there is something I want to tell you, this is very important."

Hearing that, Airi's expedition immediately turned serious.

"For now, rest, you must be tired, tomorrow I will tell you."


After that the service showed Airi's room and Airi rested, the next morning Kalis woke Airi directly, Airi woke up with a surprise because Kalis gave Airi a slight electric shock.

"WHY DID YOU Electrify Kalis"

With a shocked and angry expression, Airi jumped from her bed and shouted at Kalis.

"If it's not like that, you won't wake up. Come on, come with me, I'll show you something."

Airi followed Kalis to the soldier training ground. There you can see the soldiers attacking one person, the person raises his hand and a vortex forms and immediately throws them all away.

That person had bright green hair and black eyes.

"Her name is Itsuka Nagasaki, I found her two years ago in the forest, she was almost killed by a dragon"

"Heeee.... He's a great wind user"

"It seems like he doesn't remember anything, I even tried asking who his parents are and where he came from but he doesn't remember anything... He said he was born in this world but we still can't find his parents, do you know anything? "

"If he can't remember anything, it means only one thing, he was born from a birth rune."

"Birth rune, what is that?"

"People who are born from the half magic of their parents who form a new life, and usually they will be born in a different world from their parents and can't remember anything except their name."

"The birth of runes, it explains everything"

After Airi and Kalis finished talking they returned to the castle, but Airi, who was bored in the castle, came out to explore the world of Iginas, then Airi saw a big tree that she had never seen, Airi who was curious went straight to the tree, there Airi saw Itsuka who was asleep under the tree.


Itsuka, who heard Airi's voice, immediately woke up.

"Sorry to disturb your sleep, but aren't you a knight? Is it okay for you to sleep here and leave your duties?"

Then Itsuka answered Airi's question.

"I'm not a knight, I'm just a guest in the castle"

"Ha..... It's very comfortable and calm here"

Airi then lay down next to Itsuka.

"I saw my fight earlier, you are a great user of wind magic"

"I'm not that great, they're just weak"

Then Airi fell asleep under the tree, Itsuka who saw this continued sleeping, then they woke up in the afternoon because they smelled smoke, Airi and Itsuka who saw smoke coming from the direction of the castle immediately rushed to the castle, when they arrived the castle was already half destroyed. , Airi asked the guard guarding the gate.

"Oi, what's going on here?"

"W-we were attacked by rebels. They were heading to the throne room."

"The fire is too big"

Airi then used water magic to create a water tunnel that penetrated the fire.

"Come on, let's hurry to the throne room."

Airi and Itsuka went straight through the water tunnel and headed to the throne room. When they arrived at the throne room, they saw the throne room which was not burned by the fire and King Kalis who was fighting the rebels wearing red robes.

"KALIS, NILIN, are you okay?"


"Older brother"

"Airi quickly take the nilin out of here, this place is dangerous!"

"How about you?"

Suddenly the castle shook violently and a large black dragon was seen destroying the roof of the castle.

"They even have dragons"

"What a pity king, this is the end, this throne will be ours"

The rebels laughed loudly, but suddenly a drill-shaped wind flew towards the dragon and pushed the dragon outside the castle walls.

"Let me take care of this dragon, you save King Kalis"

"It's a shame but we don't have just one dragon."

After saying that three more dragons appeared approaching the castle.

"Now what about King Kalis, if you give up your throne peacefully we won't hurt anyone anymore."

Kalis, who looked desperate, looked at his son.


Airi shouted Kalis' name, then Kalis saw Airi smiling broadly, seeing that smile, Kalis responded to Airi's shout while showing a fearless smile.

"AIRI!!, I'll leave the dragon to you"


Airi jumped towards the dragons and hit one of them until it fell hard to the ground, the other two dragons who saw it immediately prepared their fireball bursts but Airi hit their mouths until the fireball burst exploded in their mouths.


A large ice spear forms above Airi and Airi launches it at the dragons, and right through their chests, Itsuka also appears from the castle window indicating she has killed the dragon.

A large ice spear forms above Airi and Airi launches it at the dragons, and right through their chests, Itsuka also appears from the castle window indicating she has killed the dragon.

"Impossible, they can kill a black dragon, even one kingdom would have difficulty killing one black dragon."

King Kalis pointed the sword at the rebel leader's neck and asked.

"Now answer my question, where did you get that black dragon?"

"I'm not finished yet, !!"

A summoning magic circle formed under their feet and a very large ice dragon came out of the circle and even the entire castle was destroyed because the size of the ice dragon was very large, and the power of the ice dragon was no joke just by its existence alone the wind was supposed to continue. blowing in the world of Iginas became frozen and even the entire land froze, all that was left was cold air everywhere.

"Hahahahaha, with this victory will be ours"

The rebels laughed confidently.

"King Kalis, prince, and you blue haired one, get out of here I will face the dragon"

"Don't be careless Itsuka! Ice dragons are different from black dragons, just one of them is enough to destroy a world."

Airi then patted Kalis' shoulder.

"Kalis, get out of here with the others!"

"You intend to help me?"

"The others include you too"

Itsuka who heard it was shocked.

"Hah!!! You're crazy to want to fight this ice dragon yourself"

Airi then smiled at all of them.

"Okay, Airi, I entrust the ice dragon to you, let's go Itsuka"

Itsuka who heard it was surprised by Kalis' decision.

"You intend to fight this ice dragon alone, ahahahahahah you really want to die!"

Itsuka muttered in his heart.

"(Impossible to defeat the ice dragon alone I have to go back)"

"Itsuka, just believe in Airi, if Airi says she will beat him then she will"

The ice dragon then released its ice aura. The rebels were very confident of winning.

Airi then covered her body with blue particles and tremendous power radiated from Airi's body, Airi then stepped forward, Airi's first step destroyed all the ice on the land, and Airi's second step destroyed all the ice that froze the wind, then Airi's third step destroyed ice's ice aura. that dragon.

Airi quickly flew and hit the dragon until it fainted and made the rebels shocked and frightened.

"H-how is it possible for an ordinary human to defeat an ice dragon that can even destroy an entire world?"

"Ice dragons can only destroy worlds in the universe ocean, to me they are still weak creatures."

"What did you say? universe ocean. Could it be you!"

Hearing those words, Airi only responded with a smile.

"So what? Do you want to use force or surrender kindly?"

The rebels knelt down helplessly and Airi tied them up, then Kalis and the others met Airi again who had finished tying up the rebels.


"Older brother"

Nilin then jumped towards Airi and hugged her.

"Kalis, Nilin"

"brother, sob... I'm so scared"

While crying, Nilin continued to hug Airi.

"It's okay, I've taken care of the dragon, look, so don't cry anymore."

Airi smiled broadly at Nilin and continued to stroke her head.

"(Awesome power that can even make an ice dragon helpless)"

Itsuka muttered again in his heart and clenched his fists.

"Kalis I have a bad feeling maybe tomorrow I will leave this world, I want to investigate something"

"Brother, are you going?"

"It's okay Nilin, I will definitely come back again"

"Promise me okay"

"Yeah I promise"

Itsuka suddenly shouted and asked Airi.

"Then can I come with you too?"


"I realize that I will be a burden in the future, but I want to get stronger, and I also want to find my parents in this world ocean, that's why I ask your permission to come with you, right?"

While looking down, Itsuka continued to beg Airi.

"Okay then, coincidentally I'm also looking for a friend, if I were alone I'd definitely have trouble, my name is Airi Tristalia, from now on I'm asking for Itsuka's help."

"Thank you very much, please help from now on"

And Airi and Itsuka's journey has just begun, from here Airi will meet many new friends and will help him make his dreams come true.

purple lightning knight

After the rebellion that attacked the Igas kingdom, exactly 2 weeks later, the Igas kingdom experienced improvements little by little, the rebels were detained, Airi and Itsuka prepared to leave the world of Iginas.

"Itsuka, how is everything ready?"

"Everything is ready, brothers... Our fuel is also fully filled."

"(I don't know why... Since then, Itsuka often calls me big brothers, well I don't have a problem with that)"

"By the way brothers, where are we going?"

"There is a world quite far from here, if we go there we might get a clue."

After finishing preparing everything, Airi and Itsuka said goodbye to the people in the Iginas world and left. After leaving the world of Iginas and anchoring about 1 kilometer their ship suddenly stopped functioning.

"Hm... Why isn't the ship moving? Have you really checked everything, Itsuka?"

"I checked- hm!"

Itsuka looked at the full meter on the ship, and the full meter was flashing red, even though the needle showed that the ship's fuel was full.

"Brothers, why is the light on the full meter blinking?"

Airi, who saw this, immediately hit the full meter hard and the needle on the full meter showed that the fuel had run out.

"Damn ship... Next time I will sell this ship."

"Now what should we do brother?"

"There is no other choice we have to use an emergency ship to go to the nearest world and buy fuel"

Airi and Itsuka then boarded a makeshift ship and went to the nearest world, and they arrived at the world of knights called Garnias, which was several kilometers away from the location of their ship.

"Garnias yeah, ha...... this world only sells weapons, hopefully we can find fuel here"

Airi said that while lowering her body in disappointment.

"There are lots of weapons here. Swords, bows, guns, spears, there's even a gauntlet."

"Itsuka we will only look for fuel, not buy weapons"

They continued to explore all the cities in the world of Garnias and still couldn't find fuel for their ship, after being tired of searching all day they rested at an inn.

"Ha...... There's no point in us being stuck here"

"Brothers, I'm hungry, I'll go out to look for food."

"Oh, then I'll take it"


Itsuka left the inn and walked around looking for food, after buying some food Itsuka returned to the inn but Airi was not there, Itsuka tried to look for Airi, and it turned out that Airi was already in the middle of the city.

"So you're here brother, I've been looking for you."

"Ah, sorry, I'm bored of waiting at the inn so I'll go for a moment and see what I find."

Airi holds a fairly large city and its contents are ship fuel.

"black stone, with this we can continue our journey, right!"

"It's a shame, one box will only fill 1/5 of the ship's fuel, so we need four more boxes, but at least we can go to the world of Gardum to buy lots of fuel."

Then they returned to the inn to eat and get a full rest, the next day when they wanted to return to the ship they saw many people running towards a large building, Airi stopped one of the people and asked.

"Hey, where are you guys heading?"

"Don't you know? Today there is a match between the knights to determine who is the strongest among them in that building"

"He... It looks fun, Itsuka let's go and watch"

"Watching? Brothers, you're not planning on taking part in the match, right?"

With a slightly panicked face, Airi replied.

"I-m-no way, don't jump to conclusions like that Itsuka"

With a sharp gaze and a slightly high tone Itsuka answered.

"I'm not drawing conclusions but taking it from my experience with you these past 2 weeks, you always said "I promise I'll just watch" but after we went there, brothers, instead of watching, you immediately became a riot."

"This time I'm really just watching"

"Is it true?"


Itsuka then lowered her tone and sharp gaze and said.

"Ha..... Alright but only for a few minutes"

Airi and Itsuka went to the large building, after arriving there they saw a lot of knights fighting, many of them had fallen from the battle and ten people remained.

Suddenly someone suddenly entered the match, that person was wearing silver armor and had dark purple hair, when they wanted to attack each other that person immediately took a stance.


He released a stream of his sword, and immediately lightning that was thin like a thread attacked the other knights and cut their armor and swords and electrocuted them, they fell down and received serious injuries, at that time all the spectators were silent and amazed by that person's technique .

"Great, I won't be able to win against him, right brothers... Hm? Brothers?"

Itsuka looked at Airi who was standing next to him, but Airi had disappeared, suddenly the crowd started to get noisy and Itsuka looked towards the match venue, there was already Airi holding a wooden sword and smiling excitedly.

Itsuka who was watching from afar muttered in his heart with an innocent look.

"(I should have never believed those words)"

Airi couldn't stop smiling in the middle of the match venue.

"This is a warning! If you want to be safe, get out of here quickly."

Airi who heard that laughed loudly.

"Ahahahahaha.... You are very interesting then, Airi Tristalia come forward"

"You asked for it yourself, Blade Kuroyami comes forward"

The people who heard the name kuroyami were immediately shocked and started muttering.

The fight between Airi and Blade begins. Blade moved quickly behind Airi and tried to slash her, when Blade wanted to draw his sword Airi blocked the sword with the palm of her hand and slashed at Blade with her wooden sword, but then Blade kicked Airi so that she was thrown and hit the wall where the audience was.

Blade then moved forward and pulled out his sword intending to stab Airi, but Airi immediately jumped up and Blade's sword stuck in the wall, Airi then landed on the ground and immediately ran towards Blade and Blade immediately pulled out his sword which was stuck in the wall, they clashed with their swords. , their movements were so fast that their bodies looked like there were four of them, Airi continued to smile excitedly at the battle and Itsuka who saw the fight and didn't want to get involved said.

"Hmm. Whatever happens I will pretend I didn't see anything."

With a face that looks innocent.

Meanwhile the audience continued to be amazed by their fight.

Then Blade muttered in his heart in annoyance.

"(This is strange, this guy is really strong, who is he? With just a wooden sword he can cause me trouble like this)"

Then Airi took a step back and then moved forward quickly, Blade, who was shocked, didn't have time to defend himself and Airi slashed at Blade using his wooden sword, but unfortunately Airi's wooden sword broke when it hit Blade, Blade then got angry and said.

"You want to insult me by using a wooden sword, when fighting the strongest knight in this world?"

Airi replied in a tone like someone who was joking.

"In the end, if I use an iron sword or something else and injure you, it will make me a criminal by injuring the crown prince of this world... I will justify Prince Kuroyami."

Itsuka who heard that couldn't say anything else and could only put on an innocent face.

Blade, who heard Airi's words, felt angry because Airi seemed to be looking down on Blade.

"Okay..... I will show you my strength"

Blade pointed his sword upwards and the sky was covered by black clouds that continued to spin in the form of a vortex.


A lot of lightning came down and struck Airi, the effect of the lightning even made a very large and deep hole in half of the battle arena.


Airi raised her sword and a large vortex formed and consumed the lightning and black clouds, and the sky became bright again, Blade who saw it was surprised by the flow that Airi used.

"Ahg.... Ah..... Why can you use the silver flow? The silver flow is the red king's flow, the use of the strongest sword"

Airi responded with a slight smile and said.

"Who knows?"

Blade then became increasingly annoyed with Airi's words, then Blade moved quickly towards Airi but Airi moved faster than Blade and then Airi was behind Blade and hit Blade hard until he fainted, then everyone cheered for Airi's victory.

Female fire and new partners

The story goes back ten years, where a castle was on fire and a little boy was crying in the middle of the burning castle while holding his dead mother's hand.

"(That day was the day I realized how weak I was, since then I promised myself that I would never cry again, I would never lose to anyone again and I would become the strongest knight in this world ocean)"

Then the story returns to the present and Blade is seen waking up in the dugout, Blade looks around and tries to remember what happened, then a service comes in.

"Excuse me prince.... His Highness is calling you."

"Father called me? What happened? The thing I remember is that I followed the fight and.... I see.... I've lost, tell father I'll be right there!"

The servant then left the room and Blade prepared to go meet his father.

"That person if I'm not mistaken his name is Airi Tristalia, he's strong his level is far above me besides that, the flow of the sword has him.... I'm still far from being the strongest."

Then Blade arrived at the throne room and saw the king's unhappy gaze.

"I've heard everything Blade. In addition to participating in the match without my permission, you have also been defeated."

Blade immediately bowed his head.

"I'm really sorry father"

"I'll punish you later, but right now there are more serious problems!"

Blade heard his father's words and was surprised.

"What is that problem dad?"

"In the north forest we saw 3 summoning magic circles, but the problem is that it's not ordinary summoning magic, judging from the magic pattern it's ice dragon summoning magic"

"Ice dragon!!! Just one of them can destroy one world in this universe ocean"

When the king wanted to continue his conversation suddenly a great roar was heard from the northern mountain and an ice dragon was seen that had appeared, even its size was twice as large as the one in the world of Iginas, even from a distance of 400 meters the dragon was visible and its ice aura reached the city.

"What the hell is that ice dragon, that's not the size of a normal ice dragon, if he lands in this town.... I'm sure this city will immediately become an ice city, just by its existence alone"

Suddenly, two people entered the throne room.

"Wow....that ice dragon is really big.... Usually ice dragons are only 180 meters in size, it would be difficult to approach it without a phonix fire cloak"

Blade was surprised by the voice and immediately turned towards the direction of the voice, and Blade was surprised that the voice came from Airi who was looking at the window with a smiling face and Itsuka who followed her from behind.

"You...... Airi Tristalia....."

"Yo! Long time no see Prince and uncle Jack"

Blade was surprised that Airi recognized her father.

"It's good to see you're still the same Airi, I didn't know you were here, if you come call me first"

"Sorry-sorry I didn't really intend to come here, but there was a little problem"

While King Jack and Airi were talking the ice dragon roared again and 2 more ice dragons appeared from inside the magic circle of the same size and the cold aura was getting stronger and some parts of the city had frozen slowly.

Blade then ran out of the castle and went towards the ice dragon's place.

"Wait Blade! Don't be rash!!! That kid is really not stubborn"

"I'll go too"


"What about you itsuka, want to come?"

"Of course I'll come. Before, I was just a spectator and ran away... But for the past 2 weeks I've been practicing with Hyung-nim, I'm not sure I can beat him but if I can just block one of them I'm sure I can do it."

Airi and Itsuka ran after Blade quickly and Airi then took out the phonix fire cloak from her storage room that was directly connected to the ship's storage room.

"Itsuka put this on!"

As Itsuka put it on, Airi then took out 2 more robes.

"Actually.... How many phonix robes did you bring?"

When Airi wanted to answer, she saw Blade who had stopped in the middle of the road due to the cold.

"You're so careless"

While shivering Blade answered her.

"Nonononoisy..... Gigigive it to me quickly.... That cloak."

Blade then used the cloak, then Blade's body was coated by the warm flames of the phonix fire cloak, then they continued their journey after, until they saw 30 people who had been frozen and crushed around the circle.

Blade and Itsuka looked confused.

"Even though they're using phonix fire robes, why are they still frozen?"

Airi who heard that looked shocked.

"Ha? I thought you guys already knew?"

"Already know what?"

"The use of the phonix fire robe requires a huge amount of magic energy, and it won't work if the user's magic energy runs out.... If you perform summoning magic and use the phonix fire cloak at the same time. It's obvious that you'll run out of magic energy quickly"

Blade and Itsuka who heard that looked frozen for a moment, then Blade replied to Airi in an annoyed tone.

"Why didn't you say so earlier? At this rate we might as well kill ourselves coming here"

Airi replied to Blade angrily.

"You're the one who suddenly ran here!!!"

Itsuka went limp at Airi's words.

"My confidence is gone instantly."

Airi then smiled at them.

"No problem, I'll take care of one first and you guys slow down the others!"

Airi then ran quickly towards the ice dragon.

"Oi!!! Wait a minute! Cih! I'll take the one on the left, you take the one on the right!"

"Call me Itsuka. Prince Kuroyami"

Blade and Itsuka ran towards the ice dragon, Airi who had arrived in front of the ice dragon hit the ice dragon until it was blown away 30 meters, but the ice dragon did not fall, blade who saw the 360-meter ice dragon was blown away was very surprised, and Itsuka who had known Airi's prowess could only smile a little.

"Great, I might be able to play a little"

Airi smiled excitedly and flew towards the ice dragon, the ice dragon attacked Airi by bringing up ice pillars from the ground and ice spears in the air that aimed at Airi. 


Hot flames surrounded Airi and melted all the ice dragon's ice attacks, then Airi countered the ice dragon with a strong punch in the face and made it fall 100 meters away.

Meanwhile Blade and Itsuka were struggling against their ice dragon. 



The ice dragon hit by Blade's thread of lightning was pushed back 5 meters and the ice dragon hit by Itsuska's wind drill screamed in pain.

Blade then said with a slight smile.

"Apparently, that kind of attack still works on that ice dragon"

"In that case, my confidence is back again"

Itsuka then lifted one of her stairs up.

"Let me show you, the new magic I created myself"

A sword made of wind formed in Ituska's hand.


Itsuka swung the wind sword and thousands of said winds formed and aimed at the ice dragon, then in another place Blade was seen preparing to attack.


The two ice dragons were hit by the attack but they were still able to stand up and screamed in pain, but they were still able to stand up.

"(Damn they can still stand, if I throw one more attack.... Then my magic energy will run out), Itsuka you can still attack them once more?"

"Too bad but, my feet already feel like freezing"

"(Damn, where's Airi is she not done yet?)"


There was the sound of someone casting magic, and in that instant a huge fire fist emerged from the forest and burned down the two ice dragons, as well as thawing the forest area where they were fighting.

"(What the hell was that attack? The 2 ice dragons were instantly burned to a crisp and the ice in this area melted but the forest didn't burn!" (What the hell was that attack!) He was able to control his magic well)"

From within the forest, a person wearing a scarlet-colored hooded cloak appeared, speaking in an arrogant tone.

"Fools, trying to fight an ice dragon that has been given a king's horn"

"King's horn, what is that?"

The person opened the hood of his cloak and revealed a woman with long bright red hair, the hair looked like a burning fire.

"How could I give out information that easily, there's a fee for my information!"

Blade who heard that felt a little annoyed.

"You son of a bitch! I hate people like you the most."

"Then.... What if you guys can land one hit on me, I'll tell you what the king's horn is"

Blade and Itsuka looked at each other.

"How's the prince? Will you accept it?"

"Don't be stupid, how could we"

Then suddenly Airi shouted from the forest calling Blade and Itsuka, Blade and Itsuka then looked at Airi.

"Oi!!!! Blade, Itsuka"

"Brothers, you took so long"

"Sorry-sorry I took too long playing with that dragon"

Airi then looked at the 2 ice dragons that were already lying burnt.

"Wow, you guys defeated them? That's great."

"Actually it wasn't us who defeated them but that woman over there"

When Blade pointed at the woman she disappeared.

"Which woman?"

"Ha! .... Where did that woman go?"

"Well never mind, let's go back to the palace"

The three of them returned to the palace. Arriving at the palace they saw a lot of people gathered in the palace while shivering from the cold, Airi who saw that took out all her phonix fire robes and put them on everyone. After that a servant came to them.

"Prince, lord Airi, and lord Itsuka, His Highness is calling you three"

Those who heard that followed the servant to the throne room.

"Thank you for coming here.... I have three things to say to you three....

First, thank you for saving this world, if you didn't exist, the world would have been destroyed....

Then the.

Second, the punishment of my son Blade Kuroyami...

Although you have also saved this world, it doesn't cover the fact that you have also soiled the royal family's name with your mistakes. Therefore, you will be banished from this world.... Do not return until you have grown stronger"

Blade who heard that immediately looked sad.

"Alright father"

"Then the third one.... Airi Tristalia and Itsuka Nagasaki, I want to give you a gift as my thanks for saving this world.... Please tell me what you want?"

Airi without hesitation immediately answered King Jack's question.

"Then I want a black stone to fuel my ship, actually we went here because we ran out of fuel"

"Well if that's what you want, I'll give you your wish, tell me what you want Itsuka?"

Itsuka answered the king's question in a relaxed tone.

"I'm sorry your highness but. I don't deserve that reward.... To be honest, it wasn't me who defeated the ice dragon, and there was someone who helped me and the prince, if it wasn't for that person we would be gone right now"

"I see, alright.... With this the meeting is over"

They left the throne room and Blade went straight to his room and organized his things, then Airi appeared suddenly behind him.

"Where are you going prince?"

Blade answered Airi sadly.

"I don't know either.... But I must be able to grow stronger, so that I don't lose my loved ones again.... When I was.... 7 years old, I lost my mother..... At that time I thought. If only I had the strength, I definitely wouldn't have lost my mom. It's really silly, isn't it...?"

Airi began to smile and held out her hand.

"Then, come with me blade! Together we will explore this world ocean."

Blade paused for a moment and looked at Airi.

"....... Hm, I guess I have no other choice but to follow you, alright.... Let's explore this world ocean together"

Blade grasped Airi's hand.

"From now on, please help.... Airi"

"Welcome! Blade."

Since that day, Airi and Blade became great friends and partners, and they created history in this world ocean.

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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