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Annie, 21 year old girl cleared her college. She got employment at a High tech Company. She was pretty. Annie was self obsessed and believed in taking care of herself. She goes to the normal gym nearby to her home. And do skincare twice a day. She was interested in cars and fashion.

She belonged to a high class family. Her dad was a wellknown businessman. She had a brother, who was 27 years old and also a businessman. He own a famous house selling company.

One day, she was about to fulfil her dream. It was buying Mercedes S-class. She was ready and went to book the S-Class. She went alone and thought to surprise her family on delivery day.

She arrived at Mercedes showroom. And saw there were all black 7 AMG G-WAGON lined up. they didn’t had any numberplate. It was on the gate and the showroom seemed very deserted. As she went inside, few guards were surrounding a guy who was smoking into the showroom and talking to the manager of the showroom. It was easy to identify the manager as from his uniform. The guy was in all black suit. And black glasses. Smoking and being surrounded by few guys in all black suit. She knew he was some big name in industry. As the guy saw Annie, He pointed finger to her and 2 men walked to Annie.

One of the Guard - Mam, You have to come with us.

Annie - Come-Where?

Guard - You attracted our boss’s interest.

Annie - Your boss? Who’s he?

Guard - He doesn’t like to wait. Follow us.

After saying this, they started walking back to the boss. While Annie was following them.

Annie couldn’t hold but spoke,

Annie - Who are you? Why you wanted to speak to me? What do you want?

The guy remains silent and gestured her to sit.

Annie - What do you think you are to act like a boss?

The guy chuckles and said in calm voice,

Guy - Well.. you seem short tempered. Interesting.

Annie - Interesting? What the hell!?

The guy stood up and hold her hand,

Guy - You can call me Dan. Short for Daniel.

Annie - See Mr. Daniel, am here to book a car. This is my dream and I don’t have much time. Would you please let me?

Daniel - Car? You’re a car girl? *Sighs* totally my type. Which car you’re here for?

Annie - Uh- S-Class.

Daniel - S-Class? Is it your dream car?

Annie - I love luxury and power. This car do the both.

Daniel - Why not a BMW then?

Annie - Why you’re here when you likes BMW over the Mercedes?

Daniel - *Chuckles* because BMW don’t make a better SUV.

Annie - I don’t have much time. Can i go now?

Daniel - *Chuckles* i’ll save your 29k hours if you stay chill.

Annie - 29k hours? How?

Daniel - The S-Class have minimum 4 months waiting. If you book right now, you’ll get it in at least 4 months.

Annie - I know. We can’t skip the process.

Daniel - Not we. You.

Annie - What do you mean?

Daniel asked his guard to give a pen and a paper.

Handed paper and pen over to Annie.

Daniel - write your address.

Annie - Why would i give you my address?

Daniel - Just do so.

Annie - I can’t to a stranger.

Daniel - If i had to harm you, i would have already did and traced your number plate for address. So, write it.

Annie - Uh?

She was sure that if he wanted to harm her, he would have already done. She wrote her address in confusion.

Daniel - Whats your favourite colour? On cars?

Annie - Nothing beats black. A gross black.

Daniel - You can leave for your home now. Showroom wouldn’t be available today.

Annie - What? Its open. I can see this.

Daniel - Ask the manager.

Annie looked at manager sitting infront of her.

Annie - Isn’t the showroom Open?

Manger - Sorry but this is just for a meeting from Mr. Daniel.

Annie - Uh? Will i have to come again tomorrow?

Manager - Sorry but yes. You have to come again later to book your S-Class.

Annie was disappointed that she traveled this much and its not open! She left the showroom and went to chill. She went to the lakeside to chill for a moment and after spending an hour, she went home. An All black S-Class Was parked with a ribbon on door handles and ribbon on the hood. It was clear that it was totally new car. She was confused. She went inside to her home and asked, Dad, have you brought a new S-Class?

Her Dad - Uh? No? Why?

Annie - Nevermind i must be mistaken.

She went out again to check the car and saw a man in black suit. That man came near her and offered key.

Guy - Mam, I am ordered to give this key to you. Please accept this.

Annie - Ordered? By who? And why me?

Guy - Mr. Daniel Ordered me to do so. And said he would be waiting for a response. His contact info is in the car.

Annie - I can’t take this. tell your boss, that its too much to accept for me.

Guy - He knew you’ll say this, he said, Maybe its too much for you but for him, its just a Small gift from his side. He wanted to appreciate your beauty by this small gift.

Annie - Eh? For real it’s a small gift?

Guy - You can contact him with the info in the car’s desk-board.

Annie had to took the key to contact him. As she took the key, the guy left and she went to the car for his contact info. She wanted to return the car and contact him somehow.

She found a paper note in the desk-board,

As she opened it,

The note :-

Miss Annie. I know you would be wanting to contact me. So, here’s my address…

*His Address*

You can come any time and tell the guard your name. I would be waiting for you to come in this S-Class as your test drive.

Annie couldn’t wait but went inside and knew what to wore.

She went to the address without even thinking twice. She didn’t knew his background who that guy actually was or believed he was a nice guy for what he did.

As she arrived, she saw a massive luxury mansion. And the guards stopped her at the door, asked her name. When she told her name, the guards let her enter in the mansion and asked her to allow them to park her car.

She allowed and went into the mansion. A guard at door guided the way all the way until the guest’s room. As she entered, she saw Daniel In black shirt, black pant and belt in his hands wrapped around. His hairs were messy and he was breathing heavily. He aggressively comes into the room from the other entrance and as soon as he saw her, his expressions totally changed to normal and calm. He wore belt and gently greeted her.

Annie - Wh- Ar- Whats wrong?

Daniel - Don’t mind i was just busy into the work.

Well miss, how was your day been? I hope you liked my appreciation.

Annie - Well, i do liked it but I can’t keep it. Thats a bit expensive gift to take for me.

Daniel - I understand. But trust me, its a small gift from my side to you. And you really should accept.

Annie - Uh? But-

Daniel - Lets be on point. The moment i saw you, you grabbed my attention. And i wanted to appreciate your beauty with that. I hope you understand what i mean. Don’t you?

Pure Intentions

Annie now knew the intentions of this guy. He wanted a relationship which is why he gifted her such an expensive car, and treated her this much special. She would’ve already understood what is going on in him. But the question is, the Annie feel the same way? If not then why she came here wearing a special black dress. Dressed up like a mafia too? Is it because she wants him to do that? Well, you’ll find this out in this episode.

Annie - Wh-What are you indicating i didn’t quite get that?

Daniel - Haha follow me.

Daniel took Annie into another room. The doors were closed and the curtains were shut. She couldn’t guess which room exactly it was. She and him are both standing on the door of mysterious room and Annie is unknown of the fact why he brings her here.

Annie - Why you bring me here? Which room this is?

Daniel - Oh don’t Panick. Am not gonna do something wrong. Even, you’ll love what this is.

Annie - Lo-Love what this is?

Daniel - Stay here until i call you inside, alright?

Annie - Oh-Ohkay.

As she said it, Daniel opened the door. It was dark room and lights weren’t open. Annie stayed at the entrance and Daniel went inside. Then Annie heard a voice, “Come in” and she took a step into the room. As she took a step, lights started to lit up with every step she takes. It was a room where candles light the way and dim golden lights show the rest. The room was properly decorated with rose leaves.

As she saw this, it was clear that he made a proposal to her. And as she moved back to look him she saw him sitting on knee and a ring in his hands while other was gesturing to hold his hand. And at this moment, Her heart beats faster than the train itself. She didn’t had any boyfriend. No one proposed her this way. And she was never treated this much special from other boys as Daniel did. Suddenly she heard, “Will you Spend some quality time with me? Or.. Directly Marry me?”

Annie was confused already and the next question she heard was to decide later or right now. And the word slipped from her mouth was, “I’ll marry you” she hold his hand and he stood up, as he did, he grabbed her lower back and brings his face close to her. They both could feel each other’s breath. And without even waiting a second, Annie made a move and kissed him while her hands on his head. Now, they both were into each other. Daniel has kissed a lot of girls before but Annie. It was her first kiss. She was confused that the guy she only knows his name and agreed to marry him. Was it the right move? She was thinking these while eyes closed and in the pleasure-able kiss. Well, she then took a step back and said,

Annie - Uh- Can we both get into relationship first because i feel that we wouldn’t be able to understand each other better in any other way?

Daniel - As you say, we’ll be into relationship from now on?

Annie - Yes! From now on.

Daniel then hold her hand and pulled her towards himself. She put her hand on his shoulder and closed her eyes. It was her first time getting an intimate moment. Later on, the night went the way they both desired. In the morning, Annie’s phone was ringing continuously. One and again. As she took the phone and saw who’s calling, she immediately stoop without even thinking she doesn’t have clothes on. As she saw her mom and dad were continuously calling her. She made hurry and wore her clothes. Then answered the call,

Annie - Hello?


Annie was scared after this high tone of her dad. He was surely angry. And afraid either.

She said in calm and low voice,-

Annie - D-Dad i went to club. And then drunk too much. So I thought I shouldn’t come home and went with friend at her home.

Her dad - You could have told me that you’re going to the club! Was it on some special occasion?

Annie - Ye-Yea i have a surprise for you. Am coming home you’ll see.

Her dad - Okay.. I’ll be waiting.

Annie cut the call and look for Daniel to inform him, but he was gone already with a note.

Annie saw the note and took it,


Oh Dear, i wish i could’ve woke up with you. But, unfortunately i have a work to deal with, so.. I’ll meet you another time, here’s my contact info if you’ll need anything. *His number*

After reading the note, she left with his contact info. Then she went back to her home with the S-class. As she entered the home, her dad came and asked,

Her Dad - Where’s the surprise you were telling me about?

Annie - Yea! The surprise! Come here dad! And mom you too!!

Annie leaded the way to the exit. While her mom and dad followed her. As they came, they both saw a Gross black Mercedes S-Class parked outside. Her dad already owns a G-wagon but they were still surprised as they saw their daughter brought a Luxury car! They both were happy. But, didn’t knew that it was gifted. And Annie also forgot to mention that. The main thing was to show her parents the car. Her brother wasn’t at home.

After taking a drive they all went home.

On the way to their home,

few guys in the street were talking about a murder case which Annie ignored. She didn't noticed but just heared the work, "Latest Murder Case in our city".

Annie and her parents reached back home and Annie got an call. The call was from familiar number. As she answered the call,:-

Annie - Hello?


Unknown Guy

As Annie answered the call, she knew the sound of the caller is familiar. But, still cannot guess.

Annie - Hello?

Unknown Guy - Miss Annie it’s been a while!

Annie - Wh-Who is this?

Unknown Guy - Someone you know.

Annie - Someone, I know?

At this moment, Annie was afraid. She can guess that this is definitely not a good guy from the tone or the way of he speaks. Her senses were telling her to cut the call immediately. But she was still wanting to know who that guy actually is?

Unknown guy - Well Annie, I hope you were having a good time with your family on street. Were you?

As he said this, The heartbeat of Annie was faster than the roller coaster. “How did that guy know what am doing?!” This was the question repeating thousands of time in her head. She was speechless and just lost what to do now? Will that guy be dangerous? Well, obviously he is if he’s stalking her. Is she in danger now?

Unknown Guy - Common, chill it up babe. If i had to harm you. I could have already done. Anyways.. i heard the rumours that you were with Daniel these days? Is it true Miss Annie?

Annie gets another shock. How the hell he’s supposed to know her personal details? She started to get sweat. Her heartbeat increased. She gets goosebumps. “What else he knows about me now?” This was the only thing now which was going on in her mind.

Unknown Guy - Well Annie. I want your family safety. You do right? Say them, i’ll be back shortly. And ask them to leave. Otherwise… am afraid what can happen to them.

Now he said something actually dangerous. He was forcing Annie to come alone. Which she guessed. This is not right. It can’t be happening. But what she’s supposed to do? After a silence, Annie finally speaks.

Annie - Whoever you are. You’ll pay for this. And surely will!

As she said it, she cut the call. And immediately sent her live location to Daniel. With the message, “Its Emergency. Help me!”

Now he was the only one who could handle this situation as he was a strong personality depending on the power of his money. He came up in her mind and she asked for help. The messages were seen already and got a reply, “Am coming.”

“”Will i be saved? Is it over? Will he sort the things out? *Deep sighs* I guess i did the right move? Didn’t i?””

These questions were running in her mind. Well. What do you think will happen now? Will she be saved? Comment your thoughts and let me know. :)

Anyways, back to the story.

A complete silence. Her parents are back and now in car. She is standing beside of the car outside. And got a call again, from the same number which was earlier. She answered the call and got annoyed. She thought to talk back.

Unknown Guy - Oh Annie, Annie, You shouldn’t have done that. Now, i have no choice but to take action on your parents first. You should have taken it more seriously.

As he said this, The call ended. And Annie started to get worry with his last words on the call. “Is something gonna happen? Right now? From front? Back? Left? Right? What should i do? How he’s gonna take action?” She was confused. But until she could understand what is happening, 2 black SUV stops in front of her. And as she said it, she got that Its Daniel. He’s Daniel, right?

Well… not only Daniel is Mafia. And not only he uses Black SUVs. She got attacked. And then next thing happen is 4 guards came out from each car and opened the Annie’s car door. As soon as she realised, she tried to stop them but couldn’t. Obviously they were four. They pushed Annie back and she fell back down. And till she recovered, they took her parents into their car and left.

“OH NO NO NO NO NO. Not like this! They can’t go!”

Tears fell down from her eyes as she saw their parents getting carried away from her. Anything could happen to them. “”Can they kill them? Are they gonna KILL THEM?! If not then atleast they’re gonna harm them. Noo! What have i done! I should taken him seriously.””

She was helpless. Crying. And hurt in her forehead as she fell. But. Her last hope. Well, how can we forget that. While she was crying hard, 6 Black SUVs arrived at her. Stopped immediately and Annie got scared again. “”Again? Are they gonna carry me too? Am i gonna get killed? Or get torched? Why? Why is it happening to me?”” While she was lost in thoughts, she heard a familiar voice,

“”Darling, Who done this? Are you okay? DARLING?!”

As she looked up, it was Daniel. He finally came! But, will he be able to get her parents back? Alive? Or..

Read more to find out!

Next episode,

The Mafia Dude, CH\-4

A War?

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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