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Hidden Flash Marriage: Love Me Back, Mr CEO

The breakup

Mia's head spun, and time seemed to stand still for a moment. Her whole body shook violently, and her teeth clattered uncontrollably.

She clenched her hands into fists, digging her fingernails into the flat of her palms.

With a cracked voice, she asked in disbelief, "What did you just say?"

Her eyes brimmed with tears, and she desperately hoped that his words wouldn't break her heart again.

"I'm sorry, Mia. I can't do this again," he uttered, his voice low and calm, but the words reverberated loudly in her head.

The tears she had been fighting so hard to hold back broke loose, streaming down her face.

Mia sobbed uncontrollably while Max watched her in utter silence.

Suddenly, the weather changed, and it started to drizzle. Even nature seemed to share her sorrow.

Max and she had known each other for more than half their lives. They practically grew up together. Even as kids, they had harbored feelings for each other, and at the age of fourteen, Max had asked her to be his girlfriend. She accepted without hesitation.

Mia's heart wrenched, and she felt as if her life was being squeezed out of her. Her world revolved around him; how could she live without him?

She had noticed the change in his attitude long before this moment. He hardly had time for her. He was always busy. If she didn't initiate contact, he wouldn't bother looking for her.

Even when they were together, he seemed eager to leave.

She had observed everything and had done her best to hold on to him, to salvage their relationship.

She saw this breakup coming, but she hadn't expected it to happen so soon. She had tried her utmost best to prevent it, but here they were.

She continued to cry, her heart aching with every sob.

If only she had known what he wanted to say, she wouldn't have stepped out of the dorm to meet him.

It was already late at night, and she was about to go to bed when she received a message on her phone, telling her to come outside. It was from him.

Surprised and excited because he had initiated contact for the first time in a while, she hopped off her bunk bed and looked at herself in the mirror, running her fingers through her midnight black hair.

"Where are you going?" her bunkmate and best friend, Martha, keenly asked.

Martha was always curious about everything concerning her best friend, so Mia replied without holding anything back. "Max is here—I'll be right back."

She grinned, displaying a neat row of white teeth.

Slipping on a pair of flip flops, she rushed out without waiting for Martha's response.

But when she stepped out into the cold to meet her boyfriend, the expression on his face drained all color from hers.

He looked restless and impatient, and the moment he spoke, "Let's break up," Mia's heart shattered.


Mia cried for a while until her head started to ache terribly.

Sniffing, she looked up into his eyes. The eyes that once held love and endearment for her were now empty. He looked at her emotionlessly, and her heart constricted tightly in her chest. This wasn't the Max she knew.

Sniffling, she asked in a hoarse voice, "Who?"

A sweet, melodious voice suddenly came from behind Mia. "Max? Is that you?"

Max looked past Mia, and his eyes lit up.

Mia noticed that the same eyes that had looked at her with emptiness were now filled with admiration. He used to look at her that way...

Instinctively, she turned around in the direction of the

voice and saw a silhouette approaching them.

It was dark, and the light was dim. She squinted her eyes, trying to figure out who it was. As the person drew nearer, their form became clearer.

"Martha?" Mia's voice trembled when she saw her best friend standing beside her.

Thank God. She heaved a heavy sigh, and fresh tears began to pour from her eyes. "Martha, Max is breaking up with me."

"Please, plead with him on my behalf. He's my life; I can't live without him. I really can't," she cried helplessly, her whole body quivering. "Please..."

"Oh, Mia." Martha's face filled with concern, and she closed the space between them.

She drew Mia's head to her shoulder and began to pat her head. "Poor thing."

Martha sighed, while the girl cried uncontrollably, staining her dress.

"Max, why would you do such a thing?" Martha asked calmly, staring directly into Max's eyes.

Mia sniffled, her crying subsiding slightly. Now that her best friend was here, she would help Mia talk to Max and sort everything out. She sighed, sobbing softly.

Thank goodness she had Martha.

Max panicked as soon as he heard Martha's statement. Wasn't this what...

"I told you to let me know when you were about to tell her. How can you break her heart like this?" Martha scolded, her voice calm.

Martha's words sank in, and Mia lifted her head from Martha's shoulder.

"You knew?" Her voice quivered with disbelief. "Martha, you knew he was going to break up with me?"

Max let out a sigh. "I'm sorry. I texted you as soon as I got here," he replied to Martha.

Martha gave him a sad smile before turning to face Mia. "Mia, I'm sorry—but yes, I knew. I'm so sorry." Her expression turned somber.

Martha shook her head, denying the truth. This couldn't be real. Her best friend couldn't have known. She tried to calm herself, but the truth was glaring at her.

"You knew, Martha? Why didn't you tell me?" Mia sobbed.

If the breakup news had shattered her heart, the words she heard next completely shattered her.

"I didn't tell you because I'm the one Max is in love with."

"We tried to suppress our love for each other, but it just wouldn't die. That's why we decided to tell you."

"We didn't want to keep you in the dark any longer." Martha began to sob.

Mia stood in a daze for a couple of seconds. She couldn't comprehend the words her best friend was speaking.

A wave of nausea washed over her. "Wh-what... did you just say?" she stuttered.

Martha's voice cracked. "I'm sorry, Mia. I'm really sorry. We couldn't help it; it's a natural feeling. We can't cheat nature." She wailed.

Mia stopped crying at that moment. She stood still, her eyes empty, void of emotion. Slowly, she raised her hand and pointed her finger at Martha, then at Max. She chuckled, a sound devoid of sanity, and turned around. With staggering steps, she began to walk back into the dorm.

"Mia!" Max called out, attempting to go after her.

Although he no longer loved her, he couldn't bear to see her like this.

But right at that moment, Martha's wailing grew louder. Max halted, his footsteps freezing, and rushed to her side.

"Why are you crying?" Max furrowed his brow, genuine concern etched on his


"Mia hates me now," Martha sobbed between her tears.

"Don't think that way, Martha. She'll understand. It couldn't be helped—it can't be helped," he comforted her, wrapping his arms around her.

Martha clung to him, holding him tightly, and continued to cry.

Max bit his lower lip, hating to see her in pain. "Wipe your tears. I'll take you to Domino's."

She sniffled, and her tears ceased immediately. She loved Domino's so much. "Look at how much power your words have over me. So, you think I'm a glutton..." She pouted her lips playfully.

Max laughed. "No," he said, and she playfully hit his chest.

"But what about Mia?" she hesitated.

Max pursed his lips. "She'll be fine. She'll understand."

Who’s her hubby?

Max pursed his lips, "she'll be fine. She'll understand."

Mia dragged her legs down the hallway. Her whole life felt miserable. Her whole life felt like a lie.

The whole thing even felt like a dream to her. A long sad dream, and she wished she’d wake up quickly from it. It was way too scary. How could her boyfriend betray her with her best friend? It wasn’t possible.

She only read it in novels and saw it in movies.

Never in her eighteen years of life did she expect such a thing would actually happen to her. Nah, it was over for her. Totally over for her.

Her legs suddenly gave way, and before she knew it, she collapsed to the ground.

When Mia opened her eyes again, she was in a ward in a hospital. It was already the following morning.

She had been rushed to the hospital immediately after a janitor found her lying unconscious on the ground.

She had really thought he was 'the one.' Max. Their names even shared the same initials—'M.'

Initially, she had thought Max came last night to give her the necklace she saw in his jacket pocket, that had MM initials on its pendant.

Chuckles. Martha. The necklace was probably meant for Martha.

She had suspected Martha. But not once did she think that it was with Max, her boyfriend.

The way her best friend became extra protective of her phone when they were together, the way her countenance changed whenever she sighted Max—Mia hadn’t noticed any of it.

Tears rolled down Mia's cheeks as she stared at the ceiling.

Her parents must have been notified about her; they would arrive at the hospital anytime soon.

She decided to go to the bathroom to wash her face.

There was no one by her side, and she was in the emergency unit with some other patients. The doctors and nurses were busy, so she had to fend for herself.

After washing her face in the restroom, she decided to go in search of a quiet spot outside to take a breath of fresh air and gather her thoughts.

As she stepped outside, she heard voices coming from the parking lot. Curiosity got the better of her, and she quietly made her way towards the source of the commotion.

"You are a bastard!"

Mia was shocked at the curse word. How could someone say such a word so loudly and boldly? In a hospital, for that matter!

Curiosity piqued, she hid behind a car and listened intently.

"You have refused to give me grandchildren, and that is why I have become a regular customer in the hospital!"

"You are going to be the end of me, you ungrateful bastard! Provide me a wife, Shawn."

Mia strained her ears to catch the conversation, her heart heavy with her own pain. She peeked behind the car and caught sight of the elderly man that was yelling.

"I'll disown you! I swear!" The elderly man yelled, his voice filled with frustration.

Mia's attention shifted to the man he was yelling at—Shawn. She couldn't help but notice his striking appearance, like a god among men.

In that moment, an idea sparked in Mia's mind. She had already lost everything, so why not take a chance and help the man out?

Inhaling deeply, Mia stepped out from behind the car and approached the duo.

"Hubby," she called sweetly, summoning all the courage she had in her.

‘Who’s her hubby?’ Shawn's eyebrows furrowed in confusion as the unfamiliar girl approached him. He was in no mood for games or advances from strangers.

Mia continued her approach, winking at him, trying to get him to play along with her plan.

Shawn's irritation grew. Was this girl blind or simply lacking common sense?

Who was she?

“How did you get here?” He asked irritably, trying to understand her intentions for approaching them.

And to think she was already married at her age… Or was she simply drunk?

Thinking that the demigod-like man was going along with her act, Mia pouted her mouth sulkily.

"I trailed your car down here. Since you wouldn't let me meet grandpa, I decided to take matters into my own hands," she replied, improvising her story.

Shawn's face turned pale. He couldn't believe the audacity of this girl. He was only just setting his eyes on her for the first time—

"Grandpa, it's so lovely to meet you. I'm Mia, Shawn's fiancée," she introduced herself, bowing meekly to the older man who seemed to be enjoying the situation.

Fiancée? Shawn couldn’t believe his ears. What was with these girls trying to throw themselves at him?

Mia hoped her plan would work, and that the grandpa would no longer be angry.

If he continued to yell like that, he might just pass out.

"You really think I won't approve of her? Because of her age?" the grandpa exclaimed, surprised.

Although the girl looked very young, the grandpa didn’t mind.

His next words gave both Mia and Shawn the shock of their lives.

"Come now, we're heading to the marriage license bureau's office."

Wait, what? Shawn was dumbfounded.

Would his grandpa slow down and let him talk? How could he possibly get married to a stranger?

Marriage! A lifetime commitment!

"Grandpa, I—" Shawn tried to interject, but the old man waved his hand in the air, dismissing his objections. "You don't have to say anything. Let's go."

Within moments, a limousine appeared in front of them, adding to the surreal nature of the situation.

Mia's mouth remained wide open in shock. This was never part of her plan.

She had only intended to play along, to use the charade of a relationship to channel her anger and jealousy—and to help out the demigod-like man. She never expected it to escalate to this extent.

What would she tell her parents? How could she explain that she was suddenly married to someone significantly older than her?

She was still in high school. The thought of facing her family and peers with this news made her feel a wave of despair.

Her mother would likely mock her, and the whole school would gossip about her.

She felt utterly defeated, as if her life had taken an irreversible turn for the worse.

Mia's heart raced. Her plan had worked, but now she had to figure out how to navigate this unexpected turn of events.


Mia's heart raced. Her plan had worked, but now she had to figure out how to navigate this unexpected turn of events.

The two younger people were still lost deep in their thoughts when the grandpa ushered them into the luxurious car.

Before they knew it, they were already on their way to sign their marriage certificates.

In the blink of an eye, they arrived at the civil affairs bureau's office. Under grandpa's watchful eye, they went through the necessary procedures, signed the marriage certificates, and had them stamped.

And just like that, the two became a married couple.

When they stepped outside again, the grandpa was beaming with a smile.

"You have made me the happiest person on earth." He patted Shawn on the shoulder before stepping into the limousine.

Shawn watched his grandfather and felt warmth in his heart.

It was true that the old man was indeed very pleased. He hadn't seen his grandfather this happy in a very long time, so he decided to keep quiet.

"Aren't you coming in?" Grandpa beckoned to the young couple, grinning from ear to ear.

"Grandpa, why don't you head home first? As a newly wedded couple, we need to spend some time together." Shawn faked a smile at Mia before turning back to his grandpa. "I've already contacted Lucas, he'll be here soon."

Grandpa Mandez nodded approvingly. "Very good. You two, enjoy yourselves."

He then flashed a smile at Mia and instructed the chauffeur to drive away.

As soon as the limousine disappeared, Shawn turned and gave Mia a cold glare.

Who was she, anyway?

A gold digger. No doubt about it.

The girl had planned everything meticulously in advance, and now that she had gotten what she wanted, she would soon lose it all.

"I'll have my personal assistant send you the divorce papers," the CEO, who was not a man of many words, blurted out calmly.

Right at that moment, a black Maybach pulled up in front of them. A young man stepped out from the passenger's side and held open the backseat door, not after taking a quick glance at Mia.

Without sparing Mia a second glance, the CEO stepped into the luxurious car. A few seconds later, it disappeared from sight.

Mia was left dumbstruck. What just happened? She quickly glanced around, making sure she wasn't hallucinating.

She pinched her cheek hard. Wait, what? It wasn't a hallucination?

‘What kind of man leaves a girl standing alone in the middle of nowhere?’ Mia found herself gaping.

If he couldn't be considerate for any other reason, at least he should be grateful to her for helping him save face in front of his grandfather, right?


She blinked rapidly in frustration. She was stranded and didn't even have a penny on her. She had no idea how to get back to the hospital, or even where she was at the moment.

Tears welled up in her eyes. Why was she so unlucky? She had just lost her boyfriend, and now she had lost her husband too, all within a few hours.

Although the marriage with that man was a sham, how could he dump her immediately after they signed the marriage certificates?

Why was life so unfair to her? She contemplated ending it all.

After standing helplessly by the roadside for several minutes, wallowing in self-pity and disgust, Mia finally hailed a taxi and gave the driver her parents' home address.

She didn't want to go back to the hospital, and she didn't want to return to the dormitory either. Her father's house was the only place she could hide her face right now.

But they might already be on their way to the hospital—her father and his wife...

Anyway, she would call them from the landline when she arrived home.

With that in mind, Mia hailed a taxi.

Contrary to her expectations, when Mia arrived at her father's mansion, she found her parents at home. They were sitting in the living room, relaxed and engrossed in a comedy show on TV, laughing hysterically.

The two older people didn't notice when Mia walked in, or perhaps they chose to ignore her presence.

She stood there for several seconds, expecting them to acknowledge what had happened to her. Wasn't the school authorities supposed to contact them? She was dumbfounded.

In an attempt to get some answers, Mia spoke up, "Dad, Mum, I'm here."

Several seconds passed with no response. Instead, the couple burst into another round of laughter.

She opened her mouth to speak again, "Dad—" but was interrupted by her father's agitated voice.

"Can't you see we're busy? Are you blind?" Her father growled in annoyance.

"Should we drop everything just because you're back?" He asked irritably. “Should we go pluck fruits from the tree outside?”

The man despised interruptions and disturbances.

Once again, Mia was left dumbstruck, just as she had been, countless times in the past twelve hours.

So he knew she had come in, but he chose to completely ignore her and act as if she were an invisible ghost.

Was this man really her father? Definitely not the one who had raised her.

"Darling, take it easy. Don't be harsh on Mia," Barbara, Mia's stepmother, softly cautioned her husband.

She turned and looked in Mia's direction.

Mia’s stomach churned. That seductive face... The witch had undoubtedly lured her father into her bed with that face. Mia clenched her fists.

"Mia, welcome home," Barbara sweetly smiled at her.

The girl felt like she might spit blood. The damn witch was at it again, pretending to care and show affection for her in front of her father. She had been doing it for years, and she was still doing it. Would she ever stop?

Barbara's expression suddenly changed to one of concern. "Mia, why are you home? Isn't your sister still at school?"

Although her words sounded concerned, Mia knew they held a hidden meaning.

The witch simply meant, 'Why aren't you as serious with your studies as your sister?'

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