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I Am Not The Protagonist Of This Story.

What is a protagonist?

When we hear the word 'Hero', what comes to mind? A person wearing a fancy and cool dress with or without a cape, hiding their real identity, saving the world, etc.

‘Protagonist’ Now, when we hear this word, what do we think?

If you enjoy fantasy stories, then you will think about a person who is higher than the average person. He or she may or may not have some kind of secret power, which may be, for some reason, overpowered, or that person may be some kind of genius.

And if you enjoy normal stories, you will think of someone who is normal at first but, under certain circumstances, will gradually rise to the position of protagonist.

Lastly, if you enjoy romance-comedy stories like me, you will think of someone who meets their partner of their life either in awkward situations or in some hilarious way.

Now, you may be wondering, Why am I asking these silly questions? Well, that is something even I want to ask myself. It doesn’t matter anyway if I ask these types of questions or not, or whether you answer these questions or not. What I am saying is that this is a story of mine in which there are main characters and their potential future partners engaging in their day-to-day lives, either enjoying their lives or getting themselves into some kind of trouble. We will also see their friends, because they also play some kind of major role in their lives at some point.

Now, you may be wondering: What is my part in this story? Am I a main character? Definitely not. Am I a friend of the so-called protagonists? Who knows? I may or may not be one. All that I know is that I am not the protagonist of this story. Why, you may wonder? It’s because I was never that type of person to begin with. I live a normal quiet life, you may even call me as a mob character or a background character. Well, I say I live a quiet life, but that is only applicable when I am in home. When I am outside it’s not quiet at all, the daily travelling through bus, meeting some new people while travelling.

It’s quite exhausting. And it will get more exhausting from now on, that’s because I have started my college this year. I have to commute 1 hour daily to reach my college. Sometimes I wonder why on this earth there are no colleges nearby my house, only if there were any, I could have saved extra time. And with that extra time, I could have played games. What did you think? That I will use my extra time for some useful work, nope I refuse to do so. I love playing games whether it's on mobile phones or on computers, so I want to utilize as much of time for games. Most of the time, I play Single player games. Why? Because I have no friends. Yes, folks, you heard that right. I have no friends for some reason, when I say it myself it does a whole another level of emotional damage. But this life gotta suck it up and move on.


Now that’s enough about me, and let’s start with the introduction. After going to college for 2 months, I have realized a few things: that there are many types of people you can find.

Type 1: People who come to college early for no apparent reason. No matter what the occasion is, they will be there early. I sometimes wonder at what time they arrive here. And what’s the purpose of coming so early? Do we get some kind of secret prize money or something? If yes, please tell me too. I will try to get there as early as possible as well. I mean, who doesn’t want money in today’s harsh and tough world in which we live? Well, out of curiosity, I did ask one of my classmates, What’s the purpose of coming so early to college? “It kind of gives satisfaction.” was their reply. I thought that’s kind of interesting; maybe I should try it once.

Type 2: People who study in college. These types of people I can relate to because I am one of them. These types of people use their time when they are on the college campus to study. Believe me, for some reason, when you are studying in college, you get more study done compared to when you are at home, or maybe I am the only one who feels like that. I can't say about others, though; as always, it’s just what I think. Others' opinions can be different from mine.

Type 3: Couples. They are like a must-and-should type of person. Without them, it doesn’t feel right. I envy them a bit, but I approve of them. At least they are honest about their feelings, even though it hurts my eyes to see them together like that.

Type 4: They are in a relationship but refuse to admit it. These types of people are a pain in the ass. Even though, no matter how you look at them, they look like couples, they will flirt right in front of your eyes, and yet they refuse to admit it. In my head, I am like, Bro, everyone knows that you two are a thing. Then why on this earth are you refusing to admit it?

Type 5: Are they in a relationship? Kind of people. These types are what I like the most because they contain mystery, and I like mystery. At one moment, you will think that they are in a relationship, and yet at another moment, they do not seem like that. It’s a mystery that still needs to be solved.

Type 6: Rarely attends college. These types of people are like some kind of in-game event that rarely comes once a month. These types of people are what I would like to call heroes, since they are so busy saving the universe that they can’t come to college. Now some may criticize me, saying that they may have some kind of special condition, so they are not able to attend classes. But believe me, they are normal with a normal background. It's just that they don’t like to attend classes.

Introduction (Part 2)

Type 7: Always late for the classes’ kind of people. These people are a bit interesting for me. They always come late for classes, and they give the most creative reason you can find for being late.

This is the type to which our main characters belong. Let’s meet our two main characters, Ethan and Adrian. They are both best friends. And classmates of mine. Both of them are handsome. Although they are late most of the time, they can’t beat their potential future partner's record of being late. Let’s meet our two main characters potential future partners, Sophia and Clara; both of them are beautiful. If boys are late for 10 minutes, girls will be late by, 30 minutes.

After two months of being classmates, I somehow grasped their basic nature and personalities. Ethan is a friendly type of person and easy to talk to. Since he was friendly and talkative, our classmates gave him the nickname 'Chatty Charlie'. What’s more interesting is that he is knowledgeable and up-to-date about most of the common topics; pick any topic, and he will be able to give recent updates about that topic. I sometimes think to myself, “Can he be some kind of sci-fi robot who is hiding among humans?” or “Maybe he has some kind of advanced technology chip installed in his brain?”. Even though he is so well-informed about the other topics when it comes to exams, the above idea of mine of him being connected to some sci-fi contradicts itself. In class, he gets an average mark and avoids failing thanks to his friend Adrian.

Adrian is a quiet guy. He doesn’t interact much with other people. He only interacts when it’s necessary. Furthermore, he is smart compared to his friend. He doesn’t study much, and most of the class he spends either sleeping or daydreaming. Thus, earning the nickname 'Brainy Silence'. Please don’t ask me who came up with those ridiculous nicknames.

Moving on to their potential future partners, Sophia and Clara, Sophia is a friendly and nice girl. She helps her friends when they need her. Also has average marks. Because of her nature, she has gained quite a number of followers among the boys in our class. Her best friend, Clara, is silent and enthusiastic. She is also smart. Despite being a silent girl, she also has quite a number of admirers among the boys.

If I were to divide the boys into two groups, it would be: one faction with the admirers of Sophia with half of the boys in our class and another faction with the admirers of Clara with the rest of the boys. Some may wonder to which faction I belong. For me, I am not interested in either of them; my only interest is games. Though it will be an amusing scene to see if a fight breaks out because of the two factions clashing with each other, fortunately that's not going to happen since the boys of both factions respect each other's choices.

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