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SC. 1 ) ARUNA Comsumed By Darkness Betrays HARU





A vast and fiery landscape lies within the solar domain. The air crackles with energy, and the ground trembles with the Sun's pulsating heartbeat. Amidst this inferno that many creatures call home, HARU, the current Solar System Guardian, stands tall, his armor blazes with a mighty glow.


HARU, a formidable warrior with a chiseled physique and piercing dark petrol-colored eyes, gives his back to his childhood friend, ARUNA, the Earth's former Lunar Guardian.


ARUNA, a pearl-haired beauty with eyes as warm as sun rays, wields a moon dagger that shimmers with a dark chilling aura. Ready to assassinate HARU at any given time.


"Aru-" he notices ARUNA attempts to stab him and, while avoiding her further attempts, he shouts to her, "Have you gone crazy?!!".


She persists in continuing to fight.


The two guardians circle each other, their movements are fluid and precise, each strike imbued with the power of their respective celestial bodies. The air hums with anticipation as the battle intensifies.


Suddenly, ARUNA unleashes a flurry of deadly blows. Her blade cuts through the air, and it hits both him and her. HARU parries every attack, his movements form a solid shield of sparks and flames. Protected by his formation, HARU takes the opportunity to end the ongoing conflict.


"Aruna! Violence isn't always the answer! Drop your dagger!" he insists on persuading her, but she smirks as she continues to fight.


"Arun-" He was ready to take away the weapon from her hand, but amidst the chaos, ARUNA lands a fatal blow on his neck, and her blade pierces the entire HARU's back. He lets out a gasp of pain, an intense tightening in the chest occurs, and his eyes widen. Air-hungered, he collapses down to the ground in total disbelief. She just destroyed my most powerful shielding technique!


ARUNA stands over HARU, and her expression is unreadable. "You should have been more careful.." she whispers, her voice laced with an apathetic chilling tone.


HARU checks his wound. His life energy is seeping through his fingers. He looks up at ARUNA with eyes filled with confusion. "You.." he tries to speak, but the pain makes it difficult. Betrayer.


She laughs loudly with no signs of regret for what she just did. Naughtily, she tilts her head slowly from side to side, excited to see HARU suffer.


"You are not.." he croaks, his voice faint.


ARUNA smiles, and a tear from her left eye shows up, but she wipes it with no regard. A cruel twist appears on her lips.


"It's a pleasure to meet you, Your Highness." she greets him happily, her voice echoing in the stillness of the solar landscape.


"A power demanding chaos from the cosmos is the strongest that ever existed. Don't you think so, Your Highness?" Her presumptuous tone is as always there, but it feels different than usual...


HARU's strength ebbs away, and his vision blurs. He stares at ARUNA's figure. His eyes slowly begin to lose focus. She looks like Aruna, but...


"Who are you?" he asks, his voice barely a whisper. She's not her.


ARUNA leans in close. Her face is a few inches from HARU's. "I am..." she whispers. Her hypnotizing eyes are somewhat similar to hers... "...the one who will bring order to this entropic universe."


HARU's eyes glaze over, and his consciousness is fading. Is she...


ARUNA watches HARU fall completely to the ground. His body is still and unconscious. An expressionless look appears in her eyes as she turns and fades away amid the fiery walls of the imperial palace.


The solar land falls silent once more. The only audible sounds are the crackling of the flames. The fate of the solar system hangs in the balance between light and darkness, order and chaos, loyalty, and betrayal.




What will happen to the creatures living in the whole solar system?

What made ARUNA assassinate HARU?

What's wrong in ARUNA that HARU worries about?


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---   Ahn Je   ---



SC. 2 ) ARUNA Brings Chaos Inside HARU's Residence





Nestled in the heart of the blazing Imperial Palace, the Assembly Hall stands cloaked in infrared shadows. Flames dance along the walls, casting an eerie glow upon the Guardians, representatives from every corner of the Solar System, frozen in their assigned positions. Tension hangs heavy, mirroring the weight of the situation gripping the realm.


"There's an undeniable need for change," YUMI, Earth's Guardian, speaks standing in her place. Her voice laces with worry. Her emerald eyes flicker, reflecting the flames' distorted dance.


"Our people… they starve," she exclaims, frustration creeping into her tone.


"Yumi, we understand" MUOH, Mercury's Guardian, mutters, forced calm barely concealing his exasperation. "But voicing it for the eighth time in one day…"


"But it's concerning...!" YUMI cuts him off, desperate to explain. But MUOH, mindful of the others, cut her short.


"It will be addressed," he sighs, trying not to snap. "Let's be patient and wait for His Highness."


She attempts to compose herself, but the worry remains etched on her face. If only Aruna was still here...


"Where is His Highness?" YUMI demands, her voice sharp, directed at the silent servants flanking her. The young girls tremble, afraid of her imposing presence.


A sudden known figure emerges from the shadows, sending a ripple of surprise through the Guardians.


"The rising cosmic energies concern us all, Yumi," ARUNA speaks calmly, facts dripping from her voice. Stepping into the room, an unsettling aroma of burnt metal clings to her. "Shouting solves nothing." I already know this voice...


"Aruna?" YUMI whispers, her voice catches in disbelief. Am I hallucinating...


ARUNA's eyes gleam with an intensity that mirrors the flames. She is here, but...


She strides towards the central platform, her footsteps echoing in the silence. As she takes her seat, once occupied by the absent HARU, unease settles over the hall. It doesn't seem she...


A tense silence descends. Guardians exchange wary glances, suspicion simmering. ARUNA's presence casts a long shadow, her motives shrouded in darkness. She smirks, staring at the doors in the opposite side of the hall.


"How dare you interrupt!" The imperial guards at the main entrance struggle to hold back two young boys. Their frantic whispers draw attention. Then, the doors burst open. Two imperial palace servants rush in. Their faces, drained of color, carry news for the Guardians. Today's Aruna...


"His Highness,..." The eldest servant stammers, words fail him. His eyes widen in terror. He exchanges a panicked glance with his companion, dread settling in their hearts.


ARUNA observes them. Her eyes fix on reciprocating the stares of the two servants on the opposite side of the room. She keeps on smirking and grabs her moon dagger. She swings it in front of her face with three fingers of her right hand.


The guardians, unaware, slightly lean forward the two servants. Anticipation twists their stomachs.


YUMI observes both, the servants at the doors and ARUNA. She isn't...


"His Highness, he... has perished." The younger servant blurts. His voice trembles. "We found him near the abandoned entrance gate of his residence, still and unconscious on the ground."


ARUNA  ignores their statement and starts playing with the moon dagger slipcase. A gasp ripples through the hall. Guardians stare at each other, disbelief etched on their faces. Shock clouds their voices.


MUOH focuses on what the two servants' eyes are fixed on. The ARUNA's moon dagger.


He stands up. His eyes burn with rage. His gaze falls upon her, and his suspicions have transformed into accusations. What if...


"Aruna, it was you! You killed HARU!" he roared. His voice thick with rage.


ARUNA turns her attention to MUOH, her expression unreadable. A chilling smile creeps across her face, sending shivers down spines.


"What if it was?" she replies. Her voice calm amidst the storm.


The hall falls silent, stunned by her audacity. MUOH's anger, momentarily tempered by her unsettling composure, fuels his resolve. He raises his weapon, a fierce mallet, ready to strike.


"I would take your life at this exact moment!" he shouts, advancing towards her.


ARUNA's smile widens. Her eyes glint with a dangerous spark.


"Can you, alone, save the whole Solar System?" she asks, her voice laced with thinly veiled threats.


MUOH falters, mallet suspended in mid-air. He surveys the hall, meeting the worried faces of his fellow Guardians. They share his despair.


"You would undoubtedly try your best to save Mercury," ARUNA continues, her voice dripping with mocking confidence. "...but who guarantees the others' safety?"


"None," she smirks, "not even yourself."


Guardians shift uncomfortably. MUOH lowers his arm. The mallet clatters harmlessly to the floor. Defeat hangs heavy, settling like ashes in his chest. ARUNA speaks the truth, bitter as it is...


"What about you?" MUOH counters, desperation lacing his voice. The solar system teeters on the brink, and victory is far from assured even with all their combined might. "What can you, a former guardian, do?"


ARUNA's smile deepens, her eyes holding a secret glint.


"Who do you think can save Haru?" she asks. Her voice soft yet laced with an edge. "The one who has the power to kill him or the one who had no power to save him?" Oh, Aruna...


Her words hang heavy in the air, each syllable echoing the doubt simmering within them.


"What…" escapes Yumi's lips. Silence stretches, suffocating and thick. Her voice, once laced with disbelief, now carries a tremor of fear. What have you done...


ARUNA stands. Her elegant silhouette stark against the flickering flames.


"The answer..." she says, staring at YUMI. Her voice barely a whisper. "...lies in the very darkness you've always feared." She still...


"Haru is savable, but..." she turns her attention to MUOH. Her gaze sweeps across the anxious faces. "darkness demands a price. Are you prepared to pay for it?" she slowly inquires.


The question hangs heavy in the air. The Guardians stare at each other. Inaction spells certain doom.


MUOH clenches his jaw. "For the Solar System,..." he grunts. His voice resolute. "...we are."


The fate of the solar system is at stake, and the guardians are left to grapple with the terrifying reality that their lives may depend on the very person they suspect of murdering the Solar System's pillar.




What is the relationship between YUMI and ARUNA?

Where does ARUNA's power come from?

Will ARUNA save HARU?


If you Want to Find Answers to these Questions, hit the Subscribe Button for both Me and my Novel!

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---   Ahn Je   ---



SC. 3 ) ARUNA Saves HARU With A Deadly Bargain





Within the depths of the Imperial Palace, cloaked in secrecy and whispered tales, lies the main branch of the Infirmary, a sanctuary of healing arts and secrets passed down through the ages. Its air is heavy with the fragrance of herbs and incense, both soothing and unsettling.


HARU, the once-invulnerable Solar System's Guardian, lies lifeless upon the Infirmary's bed. His once vibrant aura has been replaced by an ominous pallor.


ARUNA, the former Earth's Lunar Guardian, stands beside one of the columns placed in the room where HARU has been put in for an emergency health checkup.


Waiting for the doctors to step aside, ARUNA places her moon dagger on a table at the entrance and hears them talking. "We can only expect the worst-case scenario... Prepare the documents for His Highness' death confirmation." The oldest doctor explains professionally to the younger apprentice.


ARUNA's eyes keep observing the circumstances, calculating and elaborating on the next move. She approaches His Highness's passive form. Her low voice carries a hint of both malice and intention.

"I have come to save you, Your Highness," ARUNA declares, her eyes gleaming with a predatory intensity.


One of the two emergency doctors, hearing her statement, inquires her, "How can you say such a thing? What method will you use to revive him?" Their expressions are etched with concern. "No officially approved medical cure has been sufficient to rekindle His Highness's life force..." The oldest doctor continues further explaining.


ARUNA's gaze shifts from the doctors to the motionless HARU. Her eyes seem immersed in thoughts with a tint of logical concern on how to operate. She observes the remedies the two doctors accurately prescribed. Her lips curl into a sly smirk, revealing she's ready to take action


"I am sure of my skills," she proclaims, her voice resonating with authority, "But I have a condition," she says, switching the attention from HARU's laid figure to herself.


A hush falls over the room as the guardians' faces, a mix of suppressed worry and despair, gather slowly around.


"From this moment forward, I shall be addressed and regarded as Her Highness,'" ARUNA demands, her voice unwavering, her piercing eyes locked onto MUOH, the Mercury's Guardian, who has just entered the room. Her obnoxious attitude gets on my nerves...


A collective gasp fills the air. MUOH, his face contorted in disapproval, stares at ARUNA, his eyes blazing with a mixture of anger and disbelief. I dare you to make me call you that way...


"Aruna..." MUOH utters, his voice laced with disdain. This blatant disregard for protocol and tradition is unacceptable...


"I will save him," ARUNA states, her voice firm, her gaze unwavering, "but all of you must obey my decree. No exception made." Just those words are enough to make everybody rigid. She...


MUOH's eyes narrow, his anger rising. " Your idiocies have gone too far!" he declares, his voice echos through the room. If there will be an opportunity,...


YUMI, the Earth's Guardian, enters the scene. Her eyes are filled with worry and concern. She approaches MUOH, her voice pleading, "Please, Muoh..." she implores, "It's about His Highness' life, the thing we are talking about. We need her.".


The other guardians exchange hesitant glances, torn between their loyalty to HARU and their fear of ARUNA's power, fearing the consequences of granting her such absolute authority the most. Though...


MUOH wavers, granting ARUNA's demand could be dangerous. She's a risk for all living beings. It already seems like she has ambiguous intentions, but the thought of HARU being declared officially dead is unbearable. YUMI is right...


"I..." MUOH reluctantly acquiesces, his voice heavy with resignation is perceivable by all the present ones. "...Agree," he concedes, his eyes meeting YUMI's with a mix of trust and resignation. Aruna, you're going to pay for it...


"I also agree!" YUMI confirms certain, feeling proud of MUOH's difficult decision.


The other guardians, surprised by MUOH's surrender and YUMI's fearlessness, reluctantly follow suit. Doing whatever it takes to save HARU is of greater importance right now. Even if it means bowing to ARUNA's orders...


"MUOH is at your service, Your Highness." he bows to ARUNA's decree. ARUNA's sly smirk widens as she accepts and welcomes greatly MUOH's submission. With an air of calculated triumph, she rolls up the sleeves of her dress, revealing her bare forearms.


"Moon dagger." She commands him, showing her hand's palm. He picks it up from the entrance table. He's visibly confused but obeys. How can a weapon save a dead body...


As she gets the moon dagger, she frees it from the slipcase, revealing a faint glow emanating from within the case. That is...!


With a swift motion, she plunges the dagger into her chest, piercing the main artery that flows to her heart. That's the life energy of...


A collective gasp escapes the room as the guardians watch her in horror. What just happened did surprise even MUOH, who hurriedly tried to stop her. She has gone nuts!


"Arun-Your Highness!" he urgently corrects himself, trying to take her moon dagger away, but even if ARUNA's face contorts in pain, her eyes remain fixed on her goal. With a trembling firm hand, she puts aside MUOH and collects her life force, now mixed with HARU's, from the dagger's blade being combined with its slipcase. She is...


"The bowl on the table." She commands again, pointing the first between the two. "The insulated one." she firmly gives another order to MUOH. He reluctantly obeys again. If she continues...


Carefully, she transfers HARU's life essence mingling his with hers into the insulated bowl, knowing that she has only a few minutes before her life force diminishes. With a determined expression, ARUNA begins to drink the mixture, her eyes fixed on HARU's lifeless form. She is going to...


After she's done, she deposits all the mingled essences in her mouth and places the bowl on the empty bedside table. She leans over HARU's face, her lips touch kindly his, and she slowly pours the content into his mouth. She kissed him...


The silence is almost deafening as everyone waits anxiously. The air is thick with palpable tension, and the scent of doom hangs heavy in the air. She's running out of time...


As the last drop of the mixture disappears into HARU's mouth, ARUNA's eyes slowly close, her breathing becomes shallower, and her heart pulses become weaker every second that passes. Her figure, before sitting on the bed, is now lying strained over HARU's body. Aruna...


A triumphant yet exhausted smile graces ARUNA's lips as she whispers, "This is just the beginning, Your Highness." She...




What does ARUNA mean by her last line?

Will HARU wake up?

What will happen to ARUNA?


If you Want to Find Answers to these Questions, hit the Subscribe Button for both Me and my Novel!

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I Hope to Connect with You Soon!


---   Ahn Je   ---



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