NovelToon NovelToon

Daughter Of Her Husband


Benjamin Lewis(Kasumi
Benjamin Lewis(Kasumi's husband)
A hang printed on his handsome fair face. His face turned sideways when his wife slapped him hard
Kasumi Franklin[FIRST SISTER/MC]
Kasumi Franklin[FIRST SISTER/MC]
Benjamin Lewis, you ******* manwhóre. How dare you do this to me? What am I to you? Your property that you can do anything you wish for
Kasumi Franklin is Benjamin's wife and CEO of the F Group. The only person except her two sisters who remained in the Franklin family and the sole heir
Benjamin Lewis(Kasumi
Benjamin Lewis(Kasumi's husband)
(look at her) You can slap me more if you want but trust me I never intended for the things to come before you like this
Kasumi Franklin[FIRST SISTER/MC]
Kasumi Franklin[FIRST SISTER/MC]
(grit her teeth) Then how did you wish for it to come in light? Huh?
Kasumi Franklin[FIRST SISTER/MC]
Kasumi Franklin[FIRST SISTER/MC]
Through media or press conference?
Benjamin Lewis(Kasumi
Benjamin Lewis(Kasumi's husband)
Kasumi Franklin[FIRST SISTER/MC]
Kasumi Franklin[FIRST SISTER/MC]
Zip it. You must have thought it carefully and planned to let me be responsible for this ILLEGITIMATE ẞASTARD CHILD OF YOURS.
Benjamin Lewis(Kasumi
Benjamin Lewis(Kasumi's husband)
KASUMI, she is just 2 months 2-month-old girl. Do you have to be so extreme with her?
He immediately shouted at her disregarding the intensity of the matter
Kasumi Franklin[FIRST SISTER/MC]
Kasumi Franklin[FIRST SISTER/MC]
(take the vase)
Kasumi Franklin[FIRST SISTER/MC]
Kasumi Franklin[FIRST SISTER/MC]
(throw it at his head)
Benjamin Lewis(Kasumi
Benjamin Lewis(Kasumi's husband)
Benjamin Lewis(Kasumi
Benjamin Lewis(Kasumi's husband)
(take two-step back)
The vase hit his forehead and the red liquid flowed from the wound soaking his half face
Kasumi Franklin[FIRST SISTER/MC]
Kasumi Franklin[FIRST SISTER/MC]
Bloody Fúcking ßastrad! Behaving so upright and all after fúckibg someone else before the marriage. If that girl is just two months old then our marriage happened only one week ago
Kasumi Franklin[FIRST SISTER/MC]
Kasumi Franklin[FIRST SISTER/MC]
Do you have any shame or not?
Benjamin Lewis(Kasumi
Benjamin Lewis(Kasumi's husband)
Listen to me Kasumi. I do want to marry you but I don't want the child to be aborted. This is my firstborn.
Benjamin Lewis(Kasumi
Benjamin Lewis(Kasumi's husband)
You don't have to worry about anything. The Mrs. Lewis' title would be yours and I... I would not let Nyla's mother come between us,
Benjamin Lewis(Kasumi
Benjamin Lewis(Kasumi's husband)
I promise
Kasumi Franklin[FIRST SISTER/MC]
Kasumi Franklin[FIRST SISTER/MC]
Kasumi Franklin[FIRST SISTER/MC]
Kasumi Franklin[FIRST SISTER/MC]
(sat on the couch)
Kasumi Franklin[FIRST SISTER/MC]
Kasumi Franklin[FIRST SISTER/MC]
(cross her legs)
Kasumi Franklin[FIRST SISTER/MC]
Kasumi Franklin[FIRST SISTER/MC]
The hell with your cheap promise. I don't wish for this to continue
Kasumi Franklin[FIRST SISTER/MC]
Kasumi Franklin[FIRST SISTER/MC]
Just come with me tomorrow to the civil affairs bureau and file the divorce with me.
Benjamin Lewis(Kasumi
Benjamin Lewis(Kasumi's husband)
(shocked) You can't do this. Did you forget that we have a business deal that we need to work together
Kasumi Franklin[FIRST SISTER/MC]
Kasumi Franklin[FIRST SISTER/MC]
(looking at him)
Kasumi Franklin[FIRST SISTER/MC]
Kasumi Franklin[FIRST SISTER/MC]
(narrow her eyes)
Kasumi Franklin[FIRST SISTER/MC]
Kasumi Franklin[FIRST SISTER/MC]
No deal is bigger than my dignity. We were in an equal position when we signed the marriage papers. I didn't have a child with some other man then why you did
Benjamin Lewis(Kasumi
Benjamin Lewis(Kasumi's husband)
Kasumi Franklin[FIRST SISTER/MC]
Kasumi Franklin[FIRST SISTER/MC]
And even if you did why didn't you say a word about this before we signed the papers? I would not have accused you and would just simply change the partner
Benjamin Lewis(Kasumi
Benjamin Lewis(Kasumi's husband)
(pursed lips)
Kasumi Franklin[FIRST SISTER/MC]
Kasumi Franklin[FIRST SISTER/MC]
(snort) Well I guess that you do not want to part away with the billions of dollars this deal will bring. This is why you hid the child from me, hid your mistress from me and married me so you could have everything and tossed that girl to me
Benjamin Lewis(Kasumi
Benjamin Lewis(Kasumi's husband)
[I did have this thought. After marriage, she would not have any other option than to continue being with me but I wanted to wait till we start working on the project so she would not have any way out for herself but to do as I say but... How did she know about the child, so early]
Kasumi didn't waste more time with him and left the Villa. She didn't have any intentions to tell him how did she find out
Authy S~
Authy S~
This is the 1st chapter. Do support me in this long journey. The main characters are- Kasumi, baby Nyla and a few people who have not introduced yet.


Early in the morning; when Kasumi was still soundly sleeping
Benjamin Lewis(Kasumi
Benjamin Lewis(Kasumi's husband)
(get up)
Benjamin Lewis(Kasumi
Benjamin Lewis(Kasumi's husband)
(picked up his phone)
In a hushed voice, he answered the call and walked out of the room.
Kasumi Franklin[FIRST SISTER/MC]
Kasumi Franklin[FIRST SISTER/MC]
(open her eyes)
Kasumi Franklin[FIRST SISTER/MC]
Kasumi Franklin[FIRST SISTER/MC]
Kasumi Franklin[FIRST SISTER/MC]
Kasumi Franklin[FIRST SISTER/MC]
(get up)
Kasumi Franklin[FIRST SISTER/MC]
Kasumi Franklin[FIRST SISTER/MC]
[I have been observing his behavior and he seems exceptionally strange and sneaky]
Kasumi Franklin[FIRST SISTER/MC]
Kasumi Franklin[FIRST SISTER/MC]
(followed him out)
Benjamin Lewis(Kasumi
Benjamin Lewis(Kasumi's husband)
Listen to me and do not panic (held his head)
Benjamin Lewis(Kasumi
Benjamin Lewis(Kasumi's husband)
Take Nyla to the hospital for the check-up and I will try to reach there soon
Angel Angelo(Mistress of Benjamin)
Angel Angelo(Mistress of Benjamin)
Ben, you need to hurry up and come here. I am scared. Nyla has a high fever I don't... Know what to do
Her sobbing voice and cracking tone were heard from the other side of the phone
Benjamin gave her his reassurance and immediately walked back to his room to change
Kasumi Franklin[FIRST SISTER/MC]
Kasumi Franklin[FIRST SISTER/MC]
(sitting on the bed)
Benjamin Lewis(Kasumi
Benjamin Lewis(Kasumi's husband)
You are up?
Kasumi Franklin[FIRST SISTER/MC]
Kasumi Franklin[FIRST SISTER/MC]
Hmm morning
Benjamin Lewis(Kasumi
Benjamin Lewis(Kasumi's husband)
Morning. I need to go office for an urgent work. I am going now
Kasumi Franklin[FIRST SISTER/MC]
Kasumi Franklin[FIRST SISTER/MC]
(look up at him) Fine.
He gets dressed and walks out but fails to see the sullen stern glint in her eyes
Kasumi Franklin[FIRST SISTER/MC]
Kasumi Franklin[FIRST SISTER/MC]
(get down)
Kasumi Franklin[FIRST SISTER/MC]
Kasumi Franklin[FIRST SISTER/MC]
(dial a number)
Soon after two to three rings the call was picked up and a man's voice sounded from the other side.
George Braque[KASUMI & EILISH PAL]
George Braque[KASUMI & EILISH PAL]
Yup, Miss Big Boss. How did you take the time to miss me
Kasumi Franklin[FIRST SISTER/MC]
Kasumi Franklin[FIRST SISTER/MC]
Where are you?
George Braque[KASUMI & EILISH PAL]
George Braque[KASUMI & EILISH PAL]
(look outside from his car)
George Braque[KASUMI & EILISH PAL]
George Braque[KASUMI & EILISH PAL]
Coincidentally I am near your new wedding villa.
George Braque[KASUMI & EILISH PAL]
George Braque[KASUMI & EILISH PAL]
Should I come to pick you up?
Kasumi Franklin[FIRST SISTER/MC]
Kasumi Franklin[FIRST SISTER/MC]
(narrowed her eyes)
Kasumi Franklin[FIRST SISTER/MC]
Kasumi Franklin[FIRST SISTER/MC]
No need.
Kasumi Franklin[FIRST SISTER/MC]
Kasumi Franklin[FIRST SISTER/MC]
Benjamin just left for somewhere. Tail him and see where he is going. I need a video and pictures of him meeting anyone
George Braque[KASUMI & EILISH PAL]
George Braque[KASUMI & EILISH PAL]
NO WAY. (pull the breaks)
George Braque[KASUMI & EILISH PAL]
George Braque[KASUMI & EILISH PAL]
Is he cheating on you so fast? God lord Jesus! It's barely one week of your marriage (stunned)
Kasumi Franklin[FIRST SISTER/MC]
Kasumi Franklin[FIRST SISTER/MC]
Do as I say. (hang up)
She freshened up and changed into a dusty brown business attire with a bun and light makeup
Kasumi Franklin[FIRST SISTER/MC]
Kasumi Franklin[FIRST SISTER/MC]
(sitting on her chair)
With her head backward on the chair, legs overlapped on each other, eyes closed
She did not appear less than a sleeping lioness who would attack viciously at any time if was heckled.
Kasumi Franklin[FIRST SISTER/MC]
Kasumi Franklin[FIRST SISTER/MC]
(open her eyes)
Kasumi Franklin[FIRST SISTER/MC]
Kasumi Franklin[FIRST SISTER/MC]
(glance at her phone)
She picked up her phone opened the U Chat interface and clicked on George's profile.
Kasumi Franklin[FIRST SISTER/MC]
Kasumi Franklin[FIRST SISTER/MC]
(lift the corner of her lips cruelly)
Kasumi Franklin[FIRST SISTER/MC]
Kasumi Franklin[FIRST SISTER/MC]
Good! Very Good Benjamin Lewis. Dare. To. Cheat. On. Me!
Kasumi Franklin[FIRST SISTER/MC]
Kasumi Franklin[FIRST SISTER/MC]
(get up)
Kasumi Franklin[FIRST SISTER/MC]
Kasumi Franklin[FIRST SISTER/MC]
(strode out of her cabin)
After what happened at the house everyone knows. This is how she got to know about the illegitimate daughter of her one-week-old husband and about his mistress outside
Current Time
At Noman Club
The dim light was illuminated and everyone was cheering and laughing along to the loud music
Kasumi Franklin[FIRST SISTER/MC]
Kasumi Franklin[FIRST SISTER/MC]
(holding a glass of wine)
George Braque[KASUMI & EILISH PAL]
George Braque[KASUMI & EILISH PAL]
Cool down, girl. You will burn the whole world with your anger at this rate.
George Braque[KASUMI & EILISH PAL]
George Braque[KASUMI & EILISH PAL]
(immediately said)
He could not let her continue drunk otherwise this would be the last day that cheater
Kasumi Franklin[FIRST SISTER/MC]
Kasumi Franklin[FIRST SISTER/MC]
(sneer disdainfully)
Kasumi Franklin[FIRST SISTER/MC]
Kasumi Franklin[FIRST SISTER/MC]
Heh! Let the world burn then.
George Braque[KASUMI & EILISH PAL]
George Braque[KASUMI & EILISH PAL]
Where we will live if you burn the world my Majesty? have some pity on us, mere humans
Kasumi Franklin[FIRST SISTER/MC]
Kasumi Franklin[FIRST SISTER/MC]
(laughs) Now let the devil take notes on how to take a perfect revenge
George Braque[KASUMI & EILISH PAL]
George Braque[KASUMI & EILISH PAL]
(shiver due to her dark laugh) Gosh!
George Braque[KASUMI & EILISH PAL]
George Braque[KASUMI & EILISH PAL]
I need to choose good people as my friends (mutter)
Little did she know that the devil was in a hurry and didn't let her finish her work
He was happy being her assistant
Authy S~
Authy S~
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Angel Angelo(Mistress of Benjamin)
Angel Angelo(Mistress of Benjamin)
What now we do Ben? I am scared. Will she do something to us and our baby? (anxious)
She is Angle Angelo. 20 years old college girl.
Since her childhood, all she has faced was puberty and a lack of money to get anything essential for herself
She was her parent's only daughter because her mother suffered some complications during delivering time
She envied those girls who wore pretty clothes, and footwear and spent their vacations visiting different places
Not like her forced to do work so she can earn a bit more money.
After her parents passed away when she just turned 18. Her days were very tough
One day she met Benjamin when she was working as a waitress in the Noman club
All she wanted was to be his lover. Be with him enjoy the money and live a carefree life
Benjamin was also very fond of her because of her character. She knew love doesn't hold any value if you can't even have a full stomach meal.
Benjamin Lewis(Kasumi
Benjamin Lewis(Kasumi's husband)
Calm down. Just calm down. I will try to do something and appease her
Angel Angelo(Mistress of Benjamin)
Angel Angelo(Mistress of Benjamin)
(extremely anxious)
Angel Angelo(Mistress of Benjamin)
Angel Angelo(Mistress of Benjamin)
Ben take me to her and I will talk to her. I will let President Kasumi know that I do not intend to be the official wife
Angel Angelo(Mistress of Benjamin)
Angel Angelo(Mistress of Benjamin)
I will never appear before her (clung to Benjamin's shirt)
Benjamin Lewis(Kasumi
Benjamin Lewis(Kasumi's husband)
(looking at her)
Benjamin Lewis(Kasumi
Benjamin Lewis(Kasumi's husband)
She will not listen. She is very stubborn and cruel
Benjamin Lewis(Kasumi
Benjamin Lewis(Kasumi's husband)
Do not be stupid enough to appear in front of her she will not think twice before throwing you to feed her crocodiles and pack wolves
His voice was very low as hearing that this would really come true if he said out loudly.
Angel Angelo(Mistress of Benjamin)
Angel Angelo(Mistress of Benjamin)
Angel Angelo(Mistress of Benjamin)
Angel Angelo(Mistress of Benjamin)
S... She.... (crying immediately)
Angel Angelo(Mistress of Benjamin)
Angel Angelo(Mistress of Benjamin)
(biting her lips) what did I do?
Angel Angelo(Mistress of Benjamin)
Angel Angelo(Mistress of Benjamin)
No.... I don't want to
Angel Angelo(Mistress of Benjamin)
Angel Angelo(Mistress of Benjamin)
[I just wanted a carefree life without being tensed to have enough food, clothes, and shelter to stay]
Angel Angelo(Mistress of Benjamin)
Angel Angelo(Mistress of Benjamin)
(look at Benjamin)
Angel Angelo(Mistress of Benjamin)
Angel Angelo(Mistress of Benjamin)
Ben, I am going abroad. I... I could not stay here any longer
Benjamin Lewis(Kasumi
Benjamin Lewis(Kasumi's husband)
She held his hand and continued to pester him with her crying and pleading until he agreed with her.
She didn't know Kasumi very well but being the only heir of such a large company at the age of 27. She doesn't dare to think lightly of such a woman
She loves her life very much and would never take any gamble with it. ABSOLUTELY NOT
Angel Angelo(Mistress of Benjamin)
Angel Angelo(Mistress of Benjamin)
I will not come back.
Angel Angelo(Mistress of Benjamin)
Angel Angelo(Mistress of Benjamin)
Do not call me back until she isn't angry with you
Benjamin Lewis(Kasumi
Benjamin Lewis(Kasumi's husband)
(driving) (annoyed)
Benjamin Lewis(Kasumi
Benjamin Lewis(Kasumi's husband)
Can you stop chanting this all the time? You are running away and going to live there without worry and what about me? What about Nyla?
Angel Angelo(Mistress of Benjamin)
Angel Angelo(Mistress of Benjamin)
Look, you can handle her yourself. I would not care or interfere with that. You can pretend to break up with me and be with her sincerely
Angel Angelo(Mistress of Benjamin)
Angel Angelo(Mistress of Benjamin)
And about Nyla.. then find a nanny for her who will take care of her. I am not coming back for the time being
Benjamin Lewis(Kasumi
Benjamin Lewis(Kasumi's husband)
You are so selfish 💢💢
Angel Angelo(Mistress of Benjamin)
Angel Angelo(Mistress of Benjamin)
(make a face) I am afraid of being the dinner of those wolves and crocodiles
Suddenly she stepped on his foot that was on the acceleration of the car
Benjamin Lewis(Kasumi
Benjamin Lewis(Kasumi's husband)
Angel Angelo(Mistress of Benjamin)
Angel Angelo(Mistress of Benjamin)
They were arguing when a truck coming from another side hit their car.
Kasumi Franklin[FIRST SISTER/MC]
Kasumi Franklin[FIRST SISTER/MC]
(looking at the deadbody)
Kasumi Franklin[FIRST SISTER/MC]
Kasumi Franklin[FIRST SISTER/MC]
"......" (speechless)
Kasumi Franklin[FIRST SISTER/MC]
Kasumi Franklin[FIRST SISTER/MC]
[Why did that damn devil take away my chance of taking revenge?]
Authy S~
Authy S~
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