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When Autumn Came // Ryomen Sukuna // Jujutsu Kaisen

the early years

welcome everyone from here the story starts official , feel free to enjoy out

     // ✨................................................✨//


      a thousand years prior to the day

the wind was hustling as the girl ran all along the plains with a boy chasing her

" Stop running yn " the boy kept on getting near and much more near

" Catch me kuna I heard you can run faster so catch me if you can " yn's giggles could be heard till the end

" I hope you don't regret you choice of words " sukuna's smirk grew wide as he suddenly grabbed her by her waist pulling her onto his toned chest

"ahh kuna. " yn's giggles were lost as she felt his grip tighten around her

" Now say," sukuna picked her in a princess style,carrying her back near a big cherry blossom tree

" Kuna ....." yn looked at the sky it was an early evening time

" Hmm" sukuna placed her underneath the tree and sat down beside her

" I wonder what will mom and dad say on our account" a sad sigh left from yn as she looked at sukuna's face

" Leave it anata (あなた) I'll convince mine first and then it's done your parents won't wishper a word against my father after all there are a few advantages of being the king" sukuna picked yn's hand and rested it against his chest

" Feel it, feel how it beats for you" he had a love filled eyes staring at her

" aww kuna you are so sweet " she wishperd leaning into a small kiss on his cheeks

but alas the sweet moments Were gone

" we found them princess Dina" few guards walked up to them

the sudden instincts of sukuna kicked in as he stood up and walked infront of yn who stood up as well

" oh kuna " a young girl with curly honey locks ran to where sukuna once stood

" it's Prince sukuna for you " sukuna gritted his teeths

" Yeah whatever, well ..... you said we will have some time together right" Dina smiled ignoring yn's mere presence

" Well before your so-called time together I'm having some time with my own lover so why not give us some privacy Dina it's not like I'll haunt you in your dreams if you don't see my face for a day" sukuna said getting annoyed by the girl

" you don't understand it " she yelled out

" nor do you either " he pointed at her

" But I love you sukuna why is it so hard for you" Dina's eyes were losing their shine by the passing moments

" because you make it so since childhood I have made it clear dina I love yn not you so why have you to make so much of drama out of it " sukuna's voice was out of his control

" why ? ..... why ? sukuna when we were 10 you said to me that you will fulfill my one wish you promised that you will in any cost for I saved your life and I always had saved it up for the day to come when I would confess to you , then why do you back away from that one wish " Dina's eyes held a sad ray of silver water

" because...... maybe that wish is hard to grant " sukuna couldn't admit that he got no more words left

" but a promise is not to be broken " Dina's tears fell down from cheeks to the ground

yn couldn't get it what to do, but her eyes were blank, and slowly she was consumed by the darkness

" No kuna that's not me believe me" yn kept on shouting but the man in front of her was blinded by rage that be couldn't see what was wrong

He turned back and wishperd some chants to himself as a strong gust of wind carrying glasses flew to the women behind him with full force

Except.......... nothing happened, he waited when he would feel her presence near him ready to throw a punch,, but it was strangely all silent where did she go ?

He waited more getting restless why wouldn't she fight back" I see such a scaredy-cat you are" he taunted her, yet he got no response

slowly the rage was disappearing as he finally turned around unable to compete with his silent opponent

but to his surprised soul she wasn't their, no she simply wasn't anywhere as far he could detect her presence Except for the unusual gut of looking at the big hole in the ground infront of which she once stood

Going near the place he peeked down ready for the thing he was going to see, there laid her body still as ever as her face formed the ghost smile of pain, a big piece of glass had ripped straight through her heart resulting of her sudden and unexpected death it was clear she didn't defend herself

And suddenly he felt it the guilt that she has left , left him alone he couldn't know what to do ...................

" Ynnn WAKE UP " someone shook her ....




later that day

" yn wake up " the voice of a distant figure woke yn from her dreams

" you ok? " a blurry figure stood towering over yn

" umm okey , but where am I ? " yn wishperd blinking her eyes to get her visions proper of the place she was laying on a bed with a few wires on attached to her , she was in a hospital

" you are in the hospital , you fainted after taking over the curse in the abandoned underground subway , you were literally blacked out for 3 days and today you finally woke up " the figure spoke it was a girl with a ponytail and round rimmed glasses

" Ok Francine, but who healed me I heard the doctor for us was out at the moment so who!" yn questioned again

" oh could you shut up for a damn moment yn the doctor said you should rest a good 2 hours more " a boy walked in with a bandage over his head

" oh no Ethel, how come you get hurt " the worries yn carried in her voice was enough for the two to shot a quick glare

" I was banged against the wall by the cursed spirit and the doctor is Damian, he was called for emergency, now since you are awake get ready and come out we need to be back at the dorm I got you some news" " Ethel sounded sad as he ended the last sentence

" okey I'll be out in minutes " yn replied softly feeling the sadness of the boy

the doctor later came to check up and said she is ready to go , nodding yn went off outside

so this Yn Ellen a jujutsu sorcerer with the other two Francine Tennyson and Ethel Dean

they are the sorcerers from England , yn , Francine and ethel together form the special grade sorcerers well there are 5 more but they are frequently out for world tour missions at different places

yn's pov

you see I don't get these dreams much often they stopped when I was 15 now that I'm 19 they appeared again it's been a few days but my nightmares are worst , I don't know what to do

if I share too much with Ethel and Francine they will get worried there heads off

leave it's not everyday that you enjoy a normal walk under the sunny sky , now the curse spirit numbers are increasing and the missions are overloaded like hell

let it slid off actually it really keeps me distracted from those nightmares

end of yn's pov

reaching near her dorm room she pushed it open revealing Ethel and Francine on her bed with a bunch of papers

" what the heck is it guys " yn made her way near the bed pulling out a chair and sitting on it

" it's your ......... " Ethel's eyes were moist

" what ? " yn couldn't hold up her curiosity

" it's .... your transfer paper " Francine spoke speeding her words and turning her face away

" w-wait my transfer paper" yn wasn't able to believe her ears

" yes , sign it , I don't know why but it's not even with the consent papers , so guess what it's not a choice it's an order " Ethel handed her the pen

yn with shaky hands signed the papers

" you signed it ? " Francine couldn't stay away

" yes" yn was damned why would they need someone so urgently and that too she's just a special grade but why so sudden emergency

" see yn I am sorry but I wasn't able to change the papers I mean I spoke in the meeting yesterday when you were in hospital but the case is critical they said that ryomen sukuna the cursed spirit who's twenty fingers have been graded into the cursed objects in special rank has found his vessel named itadori yujji , so the one who's atleast a nice match for sukuna is enough but you see the higher ups think he's not that enough so you are going to be transferred their to be a nice backup for the dude-" ethel's long speech was interrupted by Francine

" he's the famous "gojo saturo 'not the" dude and she's not there only for backup she's going for her training as well , yn you know that gojo saturo has limitless, six eyes...... " Francine went on her ranting about the guy or dude who was yn assumed as gojo saturo

" okey guys chill up there's still a week to it and we can enjoy the regular classes and on Saturday weekend lets get off for a hang out together " yn's effort on changing the mood helped as both Francine and ethel smiled ear to ear

" so it's done then , we'll get going now , they have us both one mission together so guess what , we will be back alive by 9 of night if we stand a chance to or you look up at the stars at night " Ethel laughed his words off with a smile and hugged yn but yn knew the meaning of this

it has been a month since they are trying to catch the dark blooded cursed spirit and he's killed a few of the best sorcerer just last week you attended the funeral of Colin Russell one of the well known sorcerer by name only and got himself killed in 10 mins by directly jumping on the curse

but that's not the case you know very well that it's the last chance and just a slight fault and every one's dead . this time they will go to into the cursed spirit's range which means they'll invade the spirit's residence and ofcourse the spirit is no normal at all like the spirit is being chased since 2 years

" so ..... bye " yn muttered and walked out with them till the gate

" Hey there.......... "

to be continued




engagement party



" Hey there" a sweet voice called yn making her break herself from her thoughts

" Oh enna sensei" yn turned around facing a woman who was smiling happily

enna Kenji was a mentor who came from Japan 6 years ago and has been teaching since in England

" I was looking to get a student for the meeting, so you will go" enna wasn't simple asking she just said that and waited

" Uhh sensei the meeting means the one held in hotel hentburg bells right? " yn just couldn't really understand why does she need to be the one tho

" Oh that's a correct guess, so since you know it why not you get changed and meet me outside the gates at 7 o clock sharp you will still get 45 mins to get ready so hurry" enna have a slight push to yn and walked off

yn badly wanted to stay back and sleep but the thought of being alone in the dorm building was scary,, and her powers are simple not active like they should, which leaves her only for combat which she was sure wouldn't hold the opponent more than 5 good minutes

While walking to the bath area yn couldn't help but feel uneasy as if the sudden presence of Something on the land made her uncomfortable she looked to her side where the garden stood and scanned until the place went black in colour and an orange shine filling the place till a small certain distance only with faint traces

it was one of yn's technique to scan a place and according to the color it describes the curse level, the curse's range , the closest proximity it has been till and the curse's direction

Generally orange was the rarest as it was hardly ever seen


closing her eyes yn wondered what it could be maybe she was a bit much stressed to see the colors

.well who cares

so after taking a bath yn got ready, after the 45 mins were over she walked down dressed in a black dress reaching till her knees but still gripped her body tightly it was off shoulder dress so yn went with a dark red suit tho it looked like a office attire, it was fine because of course the meeting won't involve dance or anything just some boring stuff which wouldn't intrest her even for a second

her hair was tied into a loose bun with strands of hair falling over her face , after spending a few more minutes she choose a pair of black heels to match

Reaching till the gate yn thought of still going back but then the sight of a elegant looking enna walking towards her made her brush off her thoughts

" so ready to go " enna asked going near the car which waited outside the gates

" yYes" yn just prayed that it'll be fine by 9 o clock

" well then" enna walked into the car and settled in the backseat along with yn and then the car set off

yn's eyes rested against the window to the outside place looking at the stores with colorful lights just some minutes, and they will be there in front of so many officials who will be invited and of course by chance if she could than the gojo saturo could be there too and yn made herself a mental note to take a picture with him for Francine who'll sell her whole house for one pic of her favorite sorcerer

after what seemed like a long time yn and enna reached The hotel , stepping out of the car yn shivered a little to the cold breezes and walked in with enna

the inside was quite luxurious and rich looking they didn't need any cards to go inside as they have been already in the list of guests

after reaching the second floor yn suddenly heard many voices at once and it then came to her that the meeting which she thought would happen was really wrong

she thought she'll have to sit along side a table with everyone speaking or discussing but this was whole ass different like who on the earth calls such a arrangement a meeting

" shit " enna sounded a bit worried as stood back

" what happened" yn asked nervously

" I've left soMething in the car wait let me bring it up you go " enna ran out of sight without a second word

" me ? Alone " yn's social anxiety was slowly creeping in as She thought of the people s who would be inside

she thought to rather wait outside then walk in all alone that's what she planned until a voice broke her off trance

" hey beautiful wanna join up with me " a manly voice sounded

" ohh " yn turned around and to her shock there stood a six feet tall man towering over her with black glasses and white creamy hair

" oh no sorry I thought you'll be shoko she said she would dress up in something black with a coat so I mistook you " he threw a very charming smile at her

" oh no problem actually I just haven't got the guts to walk in alone so I waited for my sensei " yn laughed it off

" oh fine then come up " the man held her hand and walked up till the door

Holding his hand yn let her mind wander about the place, something felt a bit too odd like, this was the first time she thought she picked up a familiar scent but still a lot foreign

As the door opened the room suddenly felt hushed as if the news of someone dead has been shouted loudly, every pair of eyes were focused at both the people standing in front of the room

Feeling her cheeks heat up a bit yn kept a serious face, the sudden attention of the peoples were just a bit too much

The man who held yn's hand took a step and walked inside the room with a smile again, yn couldn't help but throw a smile too

After a couple of minutes yn realized that they weren't staying in the hall, they both took a sharp turn left and headed for a staircase

" where are you taking me ? " yn wasn't scared but just to keep in check

" the next place beautiful , which is supposed to be our destination " the man replied to yn

" no it should be your destination mine is I guess the one we left behind " it suddenly dawned on yn that she has been following a stranger and chillingly talking with him as tho he was her friend

" the one we left behind is a engagement party , and I don't think jujutsu sorcerers are invited for the engagement party " he replied in a clear voice

" hmm , so you know I'm a jujutsu sorcerer " yn still felt dumb not to realise it that he knows

" I not only know that but also that your name is yn Ellen, age 17, student in England's sorcerery school came here to assist enna Chan" the man replied absent mindly

" Ehh than can I know who are you? " yn now felt that the person next to her is somebody powerful

" oh me im gojo saturo " .......




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