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My Wife Has The Potential

starting my high school


teacher: good morning class , we have a transfer student from king Kong high school 🏫 I need everyone to be kind to him ,please what's is your name.

kai Guo: my name is kai Guo,I'm 16 year old.

chu ci: that is a nice name, could you please seat at the window, Wei Wei I hope you can help him catch up in class

Wei Wei: yes ma'am

kai Guo: thanks Ma'am

shen: hey whatsup kai Guo you want to play basketball,my name is shen by the way 😙

Kai Guo : okay thanks

bai chun:(Wei Wei bestie) wei wei let's go out for a run

Wei Wei: okay

Bai chun:(panting) let's have a bottle of water

Wei Wei : yeah, but I also want a coffee drink

Bai chun: whatever you say, Wei Wei did you see how kai Guo just played it's was a wonderful shot.

Wei Wei :(blushing) what's wrong with me 😳) what am I thinking

Bai chun: hey wei wei I have been calling your name,I was thinking whether you were possessed

Wei Wei : seriously 😤bai chun

Bai chun:yeah I'm serious 🤣could you see your face it was blushing so obvious I'm very sure if he saw your face he could explode 🤯

Wei Wei : stop it😖😳(blushing)

Bai chun: I see someone is blushing again .

Wei Wei :😮‍💨 I give up

shen: hi girls

crowd of girls: could you take my water , no take mine ,no take mine too.

Shen:😮‍💨hey everyone calm down😒 hey bai chun pass me water.

Bai chun: I'm not your slave they're a lot of girls there , Wei Wei let's go.

Shen: wait

Kai Guo : hey bro she's not ready .

Wei Wei : I think he's pursuing you 😚

Bai chun: shut up Wei Wei do you know he has broking my heart not once not twice 💔 well it's ok 😒

Wei Wei : I'm so sorry 🥺

Bai chun: cheer up 🥳 it's all in the past 😮‍💨

Wei Wei : okay 😘 whatever 🙄

Kai Guo : hey Wei Wei

Wei Wei : hello kai Guo is their any problem

Kai Guo : no problem ,I just wanted to ask you if we can hang out this coming weekend holiday 😄

Wei Wei: okay ☺️

Bai chun: weii Wei😡 I said let's go😤

Shen:bai chun I am so sorry for how I hurt you ,I didn't do it tensionally.🥺

Bai chun: I've heard 🙄

Shen: really you've forgiving me 🥺

Bai chun: I will try ☺️

Shen:bai chun you are the best ex girlfriend 😅

Bai chun: I was never your ex girlfriend 😮‍💨

Shen:😭😭I know but can't you take me as your ex boyfriend 🥺

Bai chun:never and not in the future 🖕 could you fuck out of my site😡

Wei Wei : okay I know this was a wonderful show 🥳👏

Kai Guo :you guys should be an actor and actress 😅

Bai chun/shen:(shut up 😡)

Kai Guo :🤐

Wei Wei : alright, alright let's go to class 🙄

**continue in the next chapter 😅**

^^^ ^^^

continuing our friendship

                        NEXT DAY OF HIGH SCHOOL 🏫

Wei Wei's Mom: Wei Wei your up late,you are going to be late for school come and have your breakfast .🥞🥘

Wei Wei : yes mom😒

bai chun:Wei Wei let's go to school ☺️

wei wei: yeah I'm coming 😮‍💨

Bai chun :so be fast in eating 😙

Bai chun : ohhh no we're late, we need to run 🏃🏃

Wei Wei : really 😮‍💨😮‍💨

Wei Wei :why is today so stressful 😢😣😵‍💫

bai chun : yeah like it's really , really stressful 😵‍💫

Bai chun : all because you Were late 😡

Wei Wei :hehe😅😙

Bai chun : let's take the bus 🚌

Wei Wei : okay 😄

Bai chun : finally we're at school 😮‍💨

Wei Wei : like as if we just landed on earth from space 🌎🚀

Bai chun : seriously 😤

Bai chun : you still talk about this stuff when we're late 😡

Wei Wei : oops I forgot we're late for school 😅😅

teacher : why are you guys late for class 😤do you want me to punish you 😡

Bai chun : ummmm(Thinking of what to say )sir we had some problems on our way here 😅

Wei Wei : yes we had very serious problems 😖

shen:I never thought that bai chun would still lie she's a freak 😙😙

Kai Guo :why don't you mind your business 😤,so you want to get them into trouble 🙄


class mates: teacher they are not saying the truth 😈

Bai chun : what!😅

teacher : it's so obvious that they are telling a lie 😤 now get out of my class 😡 stand at the door 😮‍💨

Wei Wei :we finally ended up at the door 😮‍💨

Bai chun : yeah 😣

Wei Wei : is this how our world ends after coming from space 🙄

Bai chun : could you shut up 😡 you've started again 😤

Wei Wei :I won't give up I know there are some people fighting for us 😭😢

Bai chun : urghhhhhhhhhhh I just wanted peace 😌 but there is no way I am having peace with you here 🙄😮‍💨

Kai Guo : could you see what you've caused now they're outside standing at the door 🙄

Shen: no, are you telling me I caused it no way my lover is outside 😭😭

Teacher : who is disturbing my class 😡

class : it's shen 😌

Shen:🤐(he shuts up his mouth)

Kai Guo :(Chuckles)😄😄

Teacher : enough 😤

Headmaster :(walked pass wei wei and bai chun , enter into the classroom)😮‍💨

class : good morning headmaster 😲😮

Headmaster : why are there two girls outside the classroom 🤔

Teacher : sir they came late so I punished them😅

headmaster : so they're outside while you are teaching how will they learn 😮‍💨

Teacher :no sir😅😅 I didn't mean that it is just a punishment 😮‍💨😅

Headmaster : now get them in the classroom 😤

Teacher : yes sir 😅I will do that right away 😮‍💨

Teacher : student please come in 😒

Bai chun /Wei Wei :Yes sir 🥳😁

Shen: we thank you baby Jesus for this grace you have bestowed upon us now our headmaster has come and they're in 🙏

Kai Guo : like are you serious 🤣 you make me wanna laugh out loud 🤣🤣

Shen: but I am serious 😲😌

to be continued

summer vacation

Headmaster : assemble everyone we are going to have an excursion to the woods we're going to to The GREATER HINGGAN we're going for a view 😮‍💨

student :are you serious sir😵‍💫

Headmaster : who said that 😒

student : it's me sir 😮

Headmaster :or do I look like am joking 😤

student: obviously not sir😮‍💨

Headmaster : everyone is going next week Friday morning 😒I hope there's no problem😮‍💨

students:yes sir 😅

Headmaster : so everyone is dismissed 😮‍💨you can all go to your class 😌

headmaster : teachers I need to see you at the meeting hall 🙁

Teachers 😟 yes sir 😅

(At the meeting hall)

headmaster :so I am going to pick the best teacher to go with the students 😮‍💨😮

Headmaster : teacher chu ci, teacher Li and teacher Ah kum😌

Headmaster :I wish you good luck 😅

students in their class (chatting) Teacher enters into the class)

Teacher : class silent 😡

student :🤐

Bai chun :hey Wei Wei (whispers)😲

Wei Wei : What'sup,why are you calling me 🙁

Shen: hey kai Guo , can you see how does two girls are talking 🙄

kai Guo : yeah, what's the matter 🤒

shen : don't you see they look cute 🥰

kai Guo : man are you serious at all 🙄

Wei Wei : are we really going on a trip to the woods not just an ordinary wounds meetings the greater and HINGGAN 😍

Bai chun : yeah we really are going 😘

(teacher just went out of the classroom)

Wei Wei:(came to hug bai chun (shouting) we're going to the woods 🥰

(the teacher from another class 😡 who is making noise and disturbing the whole school )

(The bell rang it's closeing )

shen:hey bai chun 👋

Kai Guo : hey Wei Wei 👋 how about we go home together 😌

Wei Wei :ummmm okay 😄

Bai chun :who asked you to say yes to them😤

chi chi:hey Wei Wei do you remember me 🥺

Wei Wei :Chi chi i thought you left for the state four years ago 🤔

Chi chi: yes but I have come back,and I heard you were in theis school 😌

Kai Guo :so let's all go home🙄

Wei Wei : yeah 😄

Chi chi: okay 😄

            WEI WEI IS BACK HOME

Wei' mom : Wei Wei how is your high school going 😄

Wei Wei : fine 🤗

Wei'mom: go and freshing up 🥰

Wei Wei :yes mom 😒

Wei Wei goes upstairs to freshen up ,and she is done freshen up herself she comes back 😑 downstairs.

hey guys of you like it please follow for more love you 🥰

Wei Wei : mom guess what happened today😁

Wei'mom: you know I'm not good at guessing 🙄

Wei'mom:so what happened 🤔

Wei Wei :our headmaster said that we are going to the woods for an excursion 😘

Wei'mom: That is very nice of the school 😌

Wei Wei : yeah not only that we're actually going to the greater HINGGAN for a view 🥰

Wei Wei : I can feel a lot butterfly in my belly🦋

Wei Wei : like a s if I am now a fairy🧚

Wei Wei : holy mother of pearl

Wei'mom: it's enough let's have dinner now

Wei Wei : yes mom 😒

Wei Wei : mom your cook is very delicious 🍜🍳 yum yum 👍

to be continued pls follow me 🥺😭

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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