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The Garden State Of Secrets

Part One

The library was normally her sanctuary, today it was more like her prison. Beatrix Blackwood loved literature and history, but she hated math and science. Anything to do with numbers felt so constructive and cold, lacking any remnants of soul or life. As usual her feelings didn't correlate with reality. Despite being a sophomore she still didn't feel like she belonged in New Jersey's  prestigious Graystone Academy. Beatrix always felt like a stranger in her town but more so in her highschool. She had nothing in common with the other students, who seemed to care only about grades, money, and popularity. She had a secret that she could never share with anyone, a secret that made her different and in turn also made her lonely. She felt like a bird in a guilded cage, born into safety and wealth, yet still longing to fly free and explore the wonders of who she really was. The wonders of which her mother constantly implored her to keep hidden. Or at the least the freedom to fly away from her Algebra homework that was due next period. She was struggling with a problem, when she heard an unexpected soft whisper in her ear.

"I'd choose B if I were you."

She looked over and saw a boy she'd never seen before. He had a warm smile, brown messy hair, and the most mesmerizing cloudy gray eyes she had ever seen. They seemed to hold a secret that only he knew. She felt a rush of heat fill her cheeks as he sat down next to her.

She shoved down all questions about why this handsome stranger made her blush and in an equally hushed tone she replied, "Thanks, but what exactly makes you the Algebra expert? And I don't think I've seen you around before."

"My algebra credentials are super solid." Proudly, he stuck out his chin and continued, "I'll have you know you're in the presence of the fourth place winner for the NYC Math Olympiad Tournament." After, he sheepishly slumped down and said, "That's honestly my only brag, I don't win at much. I actually just transferred here today, names Avery." He extended his hand to her for a shake.

She hesitated for a moment, then took his hand and felt a jolt of electricity run through her. She quickly pulled away and looked at him with a hint of curiosity.

“Welcome to Greystone, or as I like to call it 'Gravestone', I’m Beatrix, and I’m obviously not Math Olympiad material as you can clearly see." She gestured to her blank worksheet. "What's worse is this is due next period, so I got about thirty minutes to magically get a grasp on Algebra.”

He chuckled and leaned closer to her. “Don’t worry, today's your lucky Monday. It's my Mathematical duty to help a fellow scholar in need." He slid her worksheet closer to him to get a better look.

Beatrix raised her eyebrow and looked at him with a mix of gratitude and skepticism. She wasn't used to being helped, especially by a stranger. She learned to be independent at an early age, and to not expect much from others. Not that she had a choice in the matter. She always had a hard time making and keeping friends. On top of that living with her strict overprotective mother was no easy task. Beatrix had to make the best of her solitude, using her time to learn what she could about her heritage and her family's secret history. A topic her mother rarely shed light on. She learned to be resourceful and not to count on others for help. So all of Avery's inexplicable kindness and attention was new to her, so naturally she was a bit suspicious.

"Thanks, I really appreciate it, but why do you want to help me? You don't even know me."

Without taking his eyes off the equations he shrugged and said "Well for starters, personally, I choose to use my Math powers for good not evil. Secondly, since I'm the 'new kid' I just so happen to be on the hunt for a friend or two. But mostly because I like math, I genuinely like to be helpful, and I like you."

After letting that last statement hang in the air for what felt like forever, another blush found it's way to Beatrix's cheeks, somehow she managed to pull herself together and awkwardly replied, "I'm sorry, again I truly appreciate it, I'm just not used to being saved, most people tend to ignore me or they keep their distance." As soon as the words escaped her lips, she felt a spark of melancholy ignite in her chest. She quickly buried those feelings to the furthest corners of her mind and went on to say "How can I ever repay you?"

Part Two

For the first time since Avery started working on her Algebra assignment, his eyes abandoned the equations, and landed on hers. Those stormy gray eyes, the same hue as the sky just before a thunderstorm. As equally mysterious as they were electrifying, they cast a spell on her in a way that no one else could. She felt his eyes hold her captive, and she had to look away quickly. It was as if he could see past her walls and into her soul, the real her. She was terrified and thrilled at the same time.

After a few seconds which felt like centuries, Avery replied, "Don't be sorry. I get it, I know what it feels like to be overlooked. So to be fair, in return for this guaranteed A+, let's just say you owe me a favor as payment?"

With a hint of suspicion in her voice she replied, "What kind of favor am I singing up for exactly?"

He stammered for a moment and promptly explained, "Shit, my bad, shoulda clarified this earlier: Whatever I decide to cash in this favor for, it won't be anything creepy, or dangerous, but it will be cool, and you'll have a great time. You have my word." Avery crossed his heart and extended his pinky to make it a pinky promise.

Beatrix lifted her hand instinctively then paused and with a small smile said, "I hope you know I still take these pinky promises very seriously."

He leaned in closer to her and said "Cross my heart, and hope to die".

She linked her pinky with his and the promise was sealed. Immediately after contact, another slight spark of electricity ran through them. Avery released his pinky from hers and promptly stood up. Swiftly yet effortlessly he gathered his things and flung his backpack over his shoulder as he slid the now completed worksheet back to its rightful owner.

"Sorry I gotta disappear on you right now, this place is still a maze to me, and I gotta stop by my locker before next period. Don't worry though, I'll keep thinking about that favor. See ya later."

He hastily walked away, but not before giving her another glance. She watched him leave, feeling like she had finally made a friend. A mysterious handsome friend, but a friend nonetheless. As she sat at her table bewildered and alone again, she realized the fuzzy static feeling that once filled the air was gone. Looking down at her Algebra assignment felt like the only assurance she had as proof that her encounter with Avery wasn't just a dream. A gentle smile emerged on her lips and she thought to herself, What the fuck just happened?

The rest of the day dragged on, consumed with questions. Where did her transfer from? Has he lived in Jersey all this time? What was that spark about? Did he feel it too? Why haven't we had any classes together? Ugh why do I like him already? I barley know him. Am I that pathetic? Wonder if we'll have class together next period? The following classes were spent in a fog. Each minute seemed to crawl at a sloth speed. Everytime she entered a new classroom she was greeted with disappointment, as Avery was nowhere to be found. All that changed at lunch.

Part Three

Once the bell rang, Beatrix snatched her backpack and darted through the crowded hallway, dodging other students and teachers. She headed straight to the school lawn, where she knew a secluded bench under a shady tree. While most of the students of Greystone Academy flocked to the cafeteria for their lunch break, Beatrix preferred to avoid the crowds and the noise. She had a different kind of hunger, one that could only be satisfied by the pages of a very special worn out book. The clouds hung low in the sky, casting a gloomy shadow over the fall day. A faint chill crept into the air, making her shiver as she walked outside. Despite the cloudy weather, she didn’t mind, Autumn was her favorite season. The sound of the leaves crunching under her feet was music to her ears. Finally with enough privacy, she opened The Shadowlore Compendium and immersed herself in the arcane secrets of magic spells, sigils, and rituals. Oblivious to the world around her.

Even though Avery had flooded her thoughts throughout the day, nothing could get in the way of her secret lunch routine. Still she wondered what Avery would think if he ever knew her secret. She wished she could tell him, but knew he would never understand. Not to mention her mother would be beyond furious with her if anyone ever found out. Beatrix's mother had a very strict attitude towards magic. She forbade her daughter from using her powers in public or learning about magic from other sources. Her mother taught her certain spells and how to control her natural abilities, but that wasn't enough for Beatrix. She wanted to know more, to try every spell, to push herself and see what she was fully capable of. Ever since she got her hands on The Shadowlore Compendium last month she has spent every lunch period learning a little more. She keeps the book tucked away in her locker, a much safer location than home. Hoping by the summer she'll have learned every dark spell within the books ancient pages. She was immersed in her book, when a familiar voice startled her.

"Hey stranger, whatcha reading?"

She gasped and dropped her book. "Avery! You scared the shit out of me!" Still she was glad to see him again.

Avery smirked a bit amused by the whole situation. "I'm sorry, I really didn't mean to spook you. Seriously we really have to stop meeting like this." He picked up her book, curiously examining the title and flipping through the pages. Joining her on the bench he grinned and asked, "Woah, is this a book of spells? Looks dope."

She snatched the book back from him and clutched it close to her chest, embarrassed and feeling like her big secret was exposed as he gazed at her with intrigue. "Maybe it is, maybe it's not... Better question is: Why are you out here during lunch?"

"I couldn't find you in the caf, I overheard some kids talking about having lunch out on the lawn, so, here I am. I was thinking about that favor."

Relived that her book was no longer the topic of conversation she replied, "Oh yeah? So did you come up with anything interesting?"

Avery shifted on the bench, finding the perfect spot to face her comfortably. He rested his arm on the back of the bench, casually drawing her closer to him. Once settled in he flashed her a warm smile, his voice was laced in mischief when he responded to her question."Well I spent the last three periods coming up with some ideas, none of which were even close to as perfect as the one I just thought of."

There's that static again... "Well don't leave me hanging."

"I kinda want it to be a surprise..." He paused and discreetly looked around. "...But, we're gonna have to get outta here first."

Beatrix used the opportunity to stuff her spell book back into her bag, and started rummaging in there looking for her phone. "So you got something planned for after school? I'd have to text my mom some excuse, she can be a monster if she's in one of her moods..."

While he was still covertly surveying the area, he cut her off. "Actually, I have something planned for right now. We're ditching, and I'm taking you somewhere you'll never forget."

She couldn’t help but chuckle as she looked at him incredulously. “Um, yeah, okay, sure." She said sarcastically. "Let’s just ditch school during lunch.”

Avery’s expression was unchanged. He was serious. Beatrix wasn't exactly the valedictorian but she would never dare ditch school. Overall she wasn't a big troublemaker, mostly stayed in her lane and was careful especially when it came to her powers. She feared her mother's wrath more than anything. She felt nervous but still she thought, Maybe this is my chance to do something different? To have some fun? A strange thrill mixed with her fear, and the air still crackled with static.

Avery noticed her hesitation. He slid closer to her, placing his hand gently on her shoulder. Looking at her, comfortingly. His eyes intently sparking the connection they shared when they first saw through her. This time his gaze was softer, or maybe just familiar. Calmly he said, "Hey, look, we don't have to if you're not up for it, I totally get it, no pressure or anything like..."

His voice began to tune out. Beatrix's head was swarming with too many questions and possibilities. The pros and cons battling it out like a scene from an epic war movie. She heard Avery's voice, it sounded like a captivating melody. A riddle wrapped in electricity that bewitched her soul and intrigued her curiosity. She also heard the smooth and precise voice of her mother, like a violin cutting through the silence. They were lost in the noise of the other voices, clamoring for her attention. She used her powers to push them away, to silence them in the darkest corners of her mind. As if she were flipping a switch to turn off the noise. A dark smoke rose from her thoughts, choking them into a temporary silence.

Abruptly she asked, "How?"

Confused and taken aback by her question Avery replied, "How what?"

She leaned in and whispered in his ear, "How are we gonna pull it off?"

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