NovelToon NovelToon

Villainess Captured The Grand Duke Heart

Chapter 1

Note : ( ) It means inner thoughts Please! Don't report images, Otherwise I have to stop using them....
Ivan Otto Aurelius (2ML/ Grand Duke)
Ivan Otto Aurelius (2ML/ Grand Duke)
You will never change, Never... *stabbed her with his sword*
Ava Grace (Villainess/Grand Duke wife)
Ava Grace (Villainess/Grand Duke wife)
Argh! Why.....Why.... Just- *cough and breathe rapidly*
Ava Grace (Villainess/Grand Duke wife)
Ava Grace (Villainess/Grand Duke wife)
Why....can't *throws up blood*
Ava Grace (Villainess/Grand Duke wife)
Ava Grace (Villainess/Grand Duke wife)
*Falls on the ground* Y-You....R-Really...D-Don't feel anything towards me...
Ava Grace (Villainess/Grand Duke wife)
Ava Grace (Villainess/Grand Duke wife) *closes eyes slowly*
Ivan Otto Aurelius (2ML/ Grand Duke)
Ivan Otto Aurelius (2ML/ Grand Duke)
*Standing Emotionless* This is what you get for being a vicious women...
Ivan Otto Aurelius (2ML/ Grand Duke)
Ivan Otto Aurelius (2ML/ Grand Duke)
*Pulls out the sword from her*
Ivan who was looking at the lifeless Ava notices her tears around her eyes and sits near to her and holds her at that very same moment...
Ivan Otto Aurelius (2ML/ Grand Duke)
Ivan Otto Aurelius (2ML/ Grand Duke)
*Notices the locket around her neck* This is our wedding ring...
Ivan Otto Aurelius (2ML/ Grand Duke)
Ivan Otto Aurelius (2ML/ Grand Duke)
S-She was wearing all this time but....she told me.... she never cared about our marriage... *Disbelief*
Ivan Otto Aurelius (2ML/ Grand Duke)
Ivan Otto Aurelius (2ML/ Grand Duke)
*Hand trembles* W-What this supposed t-to mean? *shaky breathe*
Ivan Otto Aurelius (2ML/ Grand Duke)
Ivan Otto Aurelius (2ML/ Grand Duke)
A-Ava! W-What did you mean by saying i-i don't feel anything t-towards you?
Ivan Otto Aurelius (2ML/ Grand Duke)
Ivan Otto Aurelius (2ML/ Grand Duke)
D-Does it means you l-loved me? W-What d-did I-I d-do? *trembles*
Ivan Otto Aurelius (2ML/ Grand Duke)
Ivan Otto Aurelius (2ML/ Grand Duke)
*Hugs her lifeless body* AVAAAAAAAAA! *shouts*
Elisa Alistair (FL Past Life)
Elisa Alistair (FL Past Life)
*Closes the book*
Elisa Alistair (FL Past Life)
Elisa Alistair (FL Past Life)
*bawling her eyes out* What's with this pathetic novel?
Elisa Alistair (FL Past Life)
Elisa Alistair (FL Past Life)
I really loved the second male lead in this story, and yet he has gone and done it...
Elisa Alistair (FL Past Life)
Elisa Alistair (FL Past Life)
Like how much of an idiot he is? After killing her, His f*ckin @ss realizing that he loves her? 💢💢
Elisa Alistair (FL Past Life)
Elisa Alistair (FL Past Life)
I do admit she was a spoiled lady and all, But that's not how you should have treated her...
Elisa Alistair (FL Past Life)
Elisa Alistair (FL Past Life)
*throws book on floor* Bastard! I believed in you that you will make up with your wife and have happy ending...
Elisa Alistair (FL Past Life)
Elisa Alistair (FL Past Life)
But here you end up killing her for your fu*ckin sister-in-law?
Elisa Alistair (FL Past Life)
Elisa Alistair (FL Past Life)
This whole novel is po*op...
Elisa Alistair (FL Past Life)
Elisa Alistair (FL Past Life)
Second male lead younger brother is male lead and Villainous younger sister is female lead...
Elisa Alistair (FL Past Life)
Elisa Alistair (FL Past Life)
Who suffered a lot by her big sister hands and nobody could do anything because Villainous Ava was Marquis and Marchioness favorite...
Elisa Alistair (FL Past Life)
Elisa Alistair (FL Past Life)
Ugh! Just because she is Villainous doesn't mean, She doesn't deserve love or happy ending...
Elisa Alistair (FL Past Life)
Elisa Alistair (FL Past Life)
I will never ever read or think of this Novel again... *phone rings*
Elisa Alistair (FL Past Life)
Elisa Alistair (FL Past Life)
Huh? Now who is it at this late of night? *picks up the phone*
Elisa Alistair (FL Past Life)
Elisa Alistair (FL Past Life)
📞 Hello!
Ren (FL previous Life Mom)
Ren (FL previous Life Mom)
📞 Elisa! We are in need of money for your younger sister hospital fees...
Elisa Alistair (FL Past Life)
Elisa Alistair (FL Past Life)
📞 But I already sent a lot last month, Now I have nothing at all...
Ren (FL previous Life Mom)
Ren (FL previous Life Mom)
📞 *Annoyed* Stop lying! Just say it clearly you don't want to give. Your Dad and I both know how much you hate your sister...
Ren (FL previous Life Mom)
Ren (FL previous Life Mom)
📞 You just want her to die and disappear...
Elisa Alistair (FL Past Life)
Elisa Alistair (FL Past Life)
📞 Yeah! Yeah! That's right! *Bites her lower lip and squeeze the phone*
Ren (FL previous Life Mom)
Ren (FL previous Life Mom)
📞 How cruel of you! We raised you and spent so much on you to see this day? Why don't you die and disappear. I wish I have never given birth to you...
Elisa Alistair (FL Past Life)
Elisa Alistair (FL Past Life)
*Cuts the phone* Never gave birth?
Elisa Alistair (FL Past Life)
Elisa Alistair (FL Past Life)
You people always took money from me first for her collage and now her accident hospital fees. You guys only have one daughter...
Elisa Alistair (FL Past Life)
Elisa Alistair (FL Past Life)
*angrily takes the pills and swallows* I can't even sleep at night... *lies on bed and closes eyes*
Elisa Alistair (FL Past Life)
Elisa Alistair (FL Past Life)
*floating* Huh? Huh? Huh?
Elisa Alistair (FL Past Life)
Elisa Alistair (FL Past Life)
Where is this? Am I in a dream? *gets kicked in back*
Elisa Alistair (FL Past Life)
Elisa Alistair (FL Past Life)
*Flops down on white floor* Who the f*ck kicked me?
Aoii (System)
Aoii (System)
Aoii (System)
Aoii (System)
I kicked you because you were getting wrong ideas~
Aoii (System)
Aoii (System)
Girl! You are dead already in your world...
Elisa Alistair (FL Past Life)
Elisa Alistair (FL Past Life)
Dead (⚆。⚆) Am I going to heaven now?
Aoii (System)
Aoii (System)
No! I wanted a soul that would be able to stand that body, and you are perfect for it...
Elisa Alistair (FL Past Life)
Elisa Alistair (FL Past Life)
Huh? What nonsense are you saying?
Aoii (System)
Aoii (System)
I brought your soul here, I am going to send you somewhere else. If you made it there, You will be able to come back to your world...
Aoii (System)
Aoii (System)
Now! Let's kick you out of this space...
Aoii (System)
Aoii (System)
When you will open yours eyes, I will come to see you...
Elisa Alistair (FL Past Life)
Elisa Alistair (FL Past Life)
Wait! Wait! Wait! Wait! Where do you think you are throwing me- *already falling*
Elisa Alistair (FL Past Life)
Elisa Alistair (FL Past Life)
Aoii (System)
Aoii (System)
*smirks* See you there~ sweetheart~

Chapter 2

Note : ( ) It means inner thoughts Please! Don't report images, Otherwise I have to stop using them....
*Opens eyes and looks at the ceiling*
Where is it? Heaven? No! It can't be...
But then again what's with this luxurious room?
*sits up and looks around*
Yuri Brian (Maid)
Yuri Brian (Maid)
*Knocks and enters* My Lady! Are you awake?
W-Who are you? *looks at her with confused look*
Yuri Brian (Maid)
Yuri Brian (Maid)
*Shocked* I am your maid, My Lady! Are you again bullying me?
Yuri Brian (Maid)
Yuri Brian (Maid)
Are you still upset over last night how Grand Duke treated you?
'What is she saying? I am not getting it and Grand Duke?'
Yuri Brian (Maid)
Yuri Brian (Maid)
My Lady! Please Don't forget that he is going to be your husband soon...
Yuri Brian (Maid)
Yuri Brian (Maid)
Then you will be Grand Duchess Ava Otto Aurelius...
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
Yuri Brian (Maid)
Yuri Brian (Maid)
That's right! Why are you acting so shocked?
Yuri Brian (Maid)
Yuri Brian (Maid)
Marquis will get mad at you for shouting...
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
*Pulls her hairs* (Of all the people I become Ava? That bish sends me here, She was talking about Ava body.)
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
Can you leave me alone for some time?
Yuri Brian (Maid)
Yuri Brian (Maid)
I was going to leave anyway, Please take your all-time but make sure to visit Marquis in study room...
Yuri Brian (Maid)
Yuri Brian (Maid)
*bows and leaves*
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
*Leaves the bed immediately and looks in mirror*
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
WHY? *Bangs her head in wall*
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
Why this trash novel of all the things and why this Villainous of all the characters?
Aoii (System)
Aoii (System)
Don't whine! Accept your fate and start working your @ss off~ *Suddenly shows up*
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
*Turns around with pissed look*
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
Accept my fate? Fate my @ss 💢
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
*grabs her from neck and strangles* Send me back right now!
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
Take me out of this Novel...
Aoii (System)
Aoii (System)
*Eyes about to pop out* set free... First...
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
*Let go off her neck*
Aoii (System)
Aoii (System)
*coughs* I can't take you out of this Novel anymore...
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
Why? If you can send me here, Then why not take out?
Aoii (System)
Aoii (System)
Because once the soul that is required for this body gets inside the body. That soul can never leave until it succeeds...
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
What succeed?
Aoii (System)
Aoii (System)
It's a novel world but as you know this novel have a game version too.
Aoii (System)
Aoii (System)
Right now you are in the game version, You have to survive and win second male lead heart...
Aoii (System)
Aoii (System)
You have to make his heart bar reach 100% only then you can leave for your world...
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
And how will I reach 100%?
Aoii (System)
Aoii (System)
That's your problem how you do...
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
You are the one who brought me here, So take responsibility 💢
Aoii (System)
Aoii (System)
I won't and remember you are in game version. You can't move freely...
Aoii (System)
Aoii (System)
*smirks* There are going to be situations where you will be given options to choose. You won't be able to do anything on your own...
Aoii (System)
Aoii (System)
If you keep on failing, You will die again and again at one point your soul will disappear from both worlds...
Aoii (System)
Aoii (System)
Now I will be leaving, You are on your own now~ bye! Bye! *vanishes*
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
This bish! Saying whatever she likes and leaving? 💢
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
*throws herself on bed and rolls*
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
What that suppose to mean? I will really disappear...
Yuri Brian (Maid)
Yuri Brian (Maid)
My Lady! *knocks*
Yuri Brian (Maid)
Yuri Brian (Maid)
How long are you going to take?
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
Coming! *gets up and opens the door*
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
*Walks out* Let's see! What has father to talk about?
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
*smiles* (It's not that bad because in this Novel. Elder daughter is very loved by parents.)
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
*Happily walks down towards study room*
Yuri Brian (Maid)
Yuri Brian (Maid)
*Shockingly looks at her* She is happily visiting Marquis?
Yuri Brian (Maid)
Yuri Brian (Maid)
Is My Lady okay?
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
*Knocks and opens the door*
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
*Walks in* Greetings to Father- *stops*
Alfred Grace Raymond (FL Father/Marquis)
Alfred Grace Raymond (FL Father/Marquis)
Ava! You finally thought of coming... *glares*
Alfred Grace Raymond (FL Father/Marquis)
Alfred Grace Raymond (FL Father/Marquis)
*Twist the whip in his hand*

Chapter 3

Note : ( ) It means inner thoughts Please! Don't report images, Otherwise I have to stop using them....
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
*Nervous sweat drop* (What's with this atmosphere?)
Alfred Grace Raymond (FL Father/Marquis)
Alfred Grace Raymond (FL Father/Marquis)
Ava! Why are you standing there? Come here!
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
*Gulp* (In the back of my head a lot of conclusions are going on.)
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
(That Aoii bish! Disappeared leaving me like this.)
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
*Walks towards him*
-F-Forgive me father! I won't do it again... -I will make sure Russell live there happily... -Why father? Why do you all love Russell so much but not me? -Aren't I am your daughter? Why Russell is so special? -Father! If I become like Russell then will you all love me? -Don't beat me! Father! I will do better next time... -AHHHHHH! It hurts! My hand! Please don't break it... -I won't say anything to anyone...
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
*Breaks into cold sweats*
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
(W-What with these memories? Is it Ava memories?)
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
*looks up at him*
Alfred Grace Raymond (FL Father/Marquis)
Alfred Grace Raymond (FL Father/Marquis)
I asked you to come here and close the door... *cold*
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
*Clenched her dress cloth*
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
F-Father- *gets slapped*
Alfred Grace Raymond (FL Father/Marquis)
Alfred Grace Raymond (FL Father/Marquis)
You again hurt Russell today, Before coming here...
Alfred Grace Raymond (FL Father/Marquis)
Alfred Grace Raymond (FL Father/Marquis)
You burned her hand knowing well that her wedding is soon coming after yours...
Alfred Grace Raymond (FL Father/Marquis)
Alfred Grace Raymond (FL Father/Marquis)
You can't stand the fact that crown prince choose her and marrying her... *Cold glare*
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
*Shockingly looks at him* (What's with his attitude? Wasn't Ava was loved by his parents?)
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
(Why is he making it sound as if Russell is the only one matters to him? Did plot changed or is this the hidden plot in game version?)
Alfred Grace Raymond (FL Father/Marquis)
Alfred Grace Raymond (FL Father/Marquis)
*Scoff* You are disgusting as always with your disgusting acts...
Alfred Grace Raymond (FL Father/Marquis)
Alfred Grace Raymond (FL Father/Marquis)
Be grateful that His Majesty is taking you as bride for his elder son...
Alfred Grace Raymond (FL Father/Marquis)
Alfred Grace Raymond (FL Father/Marquis)
Otherwise, no one will marry a wench like you… *mocking expression*
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
(Is he really the father of Ava who doted on her the most?)
Alfred Grace Raymond (FL Father/Marquis)
Alfred Grace Raymond (FL Father/Marquis)
*Holds her arm violently and pulls closer* You better not create any scene on your wedding coming up next week...
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
Ugh! It hurts! Father!
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
I apologize for making trouble for you... *pushes him with other hand and free her arm from him*
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
*Bows* I will be taking my leave then... *walks out*
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
*Starts running* What's this supposed to mean?
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
Now I have to suffer and hated by my parents here too?
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
Where is Aoii? I am going to roast her...
Aoii (System)
Aoii (System)
I am here~
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
Bish! Where did you put me in? *cold glare*
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
*Grabs her from collar* Don't play around with me...
Aoii (System)
Aoii (System)
First, I am not bish, Since I am a guy...
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
(⚆。⚆) Guy? Are you seriously a guy?
Aoii (System)
Aoii (System)
That's right! I am a guy...
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
Whatever you are, It's none of my business...
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
Explain to me the situation of game version...
Aoii (System)
Aoii (System)
I won't since that's are the conditions of this world...
Aoii (System)
Aoii (System)
If I explain you this all, There will be no meaning to this game...
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
*Super pissed* Fu*ck off! If you can't help then don't appear in front of me...
Aoii (System)
Aoii (System)
As you wish, Don't come crying to me later~ *vanishes*
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
*Sighs* (First, I have to get married and leave this Manor. My target is Grand Duke.)
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
(I understood the situation, Things are different in game version, I won't expect anyone to be kind here.)
Yuri Brian (Maid)
Yuri Brian (Maid)
*Comes running* My Lady! My Lady!
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
What happened? Why are you shouting?
Yuri Brian (Maid)
Yuri Brian (Maid)
G-Grand Duke is here to meet you, My Lady! *stutters*
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
*Eyes widen* Why is here?
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
(To think this soon I will be meeting him.)
Yuri Brian (Maid)
Yuri Brian (Maid)
My Lady! Let's change your dress first, and then you can meet Grand Duke...
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
Ava Grace(FL/GrandDuchess/NL Villainess)
I understood! Let's go and get ready... *leaves with her*

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