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In Between


I stare blankly at the building in front of me contemplating whether I can do this or not. It is probably going to be fine right?...

I watch as multiple people walk in a hurry and start to bite on my nails in order to avoid the reality of the situation in front of me.

I needed this job more than anyone else, I can't afford to get kicked out of the apartment again. I can't disappoint Kyra.

"Ms Anderson, you're next" The lady in charge said bringing me back to reality. I walk in into the office where the interview is being held and stood in front of the interviewers nervously.

“It states here that you're a single mother. Would you like to explain yourself?" A young man who seem to be in his mid-twenties among them asked, and I frowned.

“You want me to explain why I am a single mother?" I asked in disbelief as it is my first time hearing this ridiculous question.

"You heard me right" He said and the atmosphere in the room turns quiet and silence fills the air while I chuckle to myself.

"I feel that's a personal question which I am not obligated to answer" I said not wanting to open up a closed wound.

"Then am afraid, you can't get a job here" he said with a stupid smile on his face.

"Excuse me!"

"You heard me and can you kindly take your leave. There are other participants waiting in line." He said earning a scoff out of me.

He isn't even going to interview me because I won't answer a personal question.

He is definitely stupid or has probably gone crazy right?.

Am I the only one who is confused on crazy manner to which he has just spoken?

I stood up and proceed to leave but not without giving him the to hell with you look.

"Am pretty sure that look wasn't reserved for me?" He said making my blood rise.

"Actually, It was. Considering the fact that you decided to act like a douche bag, but I guess that's how things work over here but just to clarify matters here, you are an egoistic bastard, a selfish and annoying idiot" I said before walking out leaving the other members in disbelief...

"So you practically abuse him just because he asked a question" Kyra said as I explain my ordeal to her.

"He kind of deserve it considering the fact that he is prying into a personal matter". I said as I pour myself a glass of water and take a seat beside her.

"Well, you know how much you need a job and the pay at that company is pretty high, you could've just lied to him and maybe get the job at least" She said as she goes through her phone.

"I don't think I will last a week in that company even if I had gotten the job. The guy seem to be the annoying and crazy type and heavens know what would have happened if I had stayed" I said making her roll her eyes.

My phone dings with a notification and I open it to reveal....

"I am pleased to inform you that you've passed the interview process of job selection and an email has been sent alongside the information on when to join the company. We look forward to working with you"

I reread the message and confirm the name in case I had been mixed up with someone else.

"Is everything okay?, you look like you've just seen a ghost or at least got messaged by one" Kyra asked as she chewed loudly on her apple.

"I got in" I said, and she hummed.

"What!!!!!" She screamed almost destroying my eardrum in the process.

"You got in after the crazy stuff you pulled?" She asked and I nodded showing her the message.

"And you're sure that this isn't a mistake?"

“It has my name on it" I said while staring at the notification again.

"Why do I have a feeling that this is not going to end well?" She asks as she crushes me into a hug....

Maybe it will or maybe it won't....


I walk into the large building skeptical about how my day was going to be, coupled with the fact that I might have talk trash to the owner of the company.

I am going to be alright right?

"Ms Anderson right?" A lady who look to be in her early twenties asked, and I nodded.

"Wow, you look gorgeous like they said and everyone is waiting to get a glimpse of you actually" She said, and I frowned.

"Word went round that you put the CEO in his place for asking a question that isn't related to the interview and everyone wanted to know who has the gut to do that" She explained, and I smiled.

Great, the whole company have an idea of what I have done.

"You are with the marketing department, and it is along that way" She said, and I thanked her before leaving.

"In case you don't know, you guys are only working here temporarily, a decision on whether you guys can stay will be made after three months" The head manager said as he addresses us.

"There will be a general meeting. Ms Anderson, do well and draft a minute of it." He said before leaving.

"Hi, am Jayson." One of the guys said as we walk over to the office where the meeting is to hold.

"Am Amelia" I said before taking a seat, and he smiles.

"The meal kit contract has been handed over to us and I would appreciate if you guys think and draft new ideas about how we can market the kit." The CEO said as he walks in and take a seat but not without giving me a dirty look.

Heavens help me, but I feel like killing this guy. Like actually strangling the hell out of him, but he is my boss right.

"Ms Anderson, any ideas?" He asked making me raise my eyebrows.

He wants me to give out ideas on my first day here.

"I don't think you can considering the fact that you know nothing" He said making my blood rise.

Who the hell does he think he is?

"We can try getting the help of celebrities in order to market it well" I said, and he chuckles

"Is that all you have in mind?" He asks.

"Well, I can't multitask when it comes to this kind of stuff and that's the only idea I have in mind" I said while giving him the most fake smile I could ever produce.

"Ms. Song, do make sure to get me the list of celebrities that are popular currently" He said.

So he is actually going to use my idea.

"That's all for now and Ms. Anderson, come to my office" He said before leaving.

"I wish you luck cause it looks like you will need it" Jayson said as I stood up.

"Come in" The annoying voice said as I knock on the door.

"You wanted to see me" I said and he gestures for me to sit.

"Do you know what I hate most in this world?" He asked and I said no.

"People who think they know more than me. You are probably wondering why you got the job after the stunt you pulled" He said as he twirls his pen in his hand with a devilish smile on his face.

"While we are on that, did you give me this job just so you can torment me?" I asked already getting agitated about seeing his disgusting face.

"The only reason why you are here is that my father deem it fit for you to be here and also because you meet the requirements I set in store" he explained.

"So does that mean you won't fire me if I do what am supposed to do?" I asked and he nodded.

"Good. In here, you are my boss but outside you are more or less like a stranger to me and I swear to God, if you pull that kind of stunt outside, I won't hesitate to give you what you deserve" I said while glaring at him.

"Is that a threat?" he asks as his secretary walks in.

"No, it is a promise" I said before walking out...

"What happened in here?" I asked as I walk into the house looking as if Lady Gaga vomited in it.

"Do you want an honest answer or would you prefer telling me how your day went?" Kyra asked as we both start to clean.

"Pretty much normal" I said, and she scoffs.

"So you mean to tell me that after the way you spoke to that guy, he didn't try to bully you and your day went normal?" She asks in disbelief.

"I won't say bully, but he actually left me alone which is kind of weird" I said as I pull out a beer from the fridge.

"Not kind of. It is weird. I did a background check on him and just so you know. He is the grandson of the Halle family and he is the second son and the heir to the family. His older brother is an idol, his sister is still very young. His mother and father lives abroad. His name is Julian Halle, he is twenty six and according to my research, he is one of the youngest, multi talented, millionaire and eligible bachelor in town" She explains as I stare at her in shock.

"You did a background check on him" I asked in disbelief.

"That's all you have to say about what I just listed?" She asked as she makes her way over to the kitchen.

"I mean, I already realize that he is probably one of those rich brat but didn't realize that he is always among the spoilt ones" I said as she comes back with an apple.

"Well, just be careful, and your mom called saying that you should not forget pick out Layla tomorrow" She said while staring at her phone.

"It is better for us to separate, you have the money to take care of Layla. So just let me leave and stop sponging off on me" He said before I saw the last of me

I shouldn't think about him anymore. He is my past, I am doing better. He doesn't deserve my tears....


I watch as Julian's personal assistant dropped off the eight document for me to work on.

I am this close to skinning the guy alive. I tried to stay focus before a message came in from his office for me to see him.

"You called for me sir" I said as I walk in on him typing away on his computer.

"I want you to get the approval of Chef Ling for him to join us on the meal kit project." He said without giving a glance to me and I replied with an okay sir.

"And do well to submit the documents given to you before the close of work today" He said as he gives me a creepy smile.

It is official. I HATE this guy.

I walk in into the restaurant where I was to meet the chef and a guy walk up to me.

And damn he looks drop-dead gorgeous. He had dark hair with deep blue eyes with which one could get lost in them, a prominent jaw line, and he looks over 6 feet tall with strong arms and a firm chest ripping through his uniform.

But remind me why I decided not to ask for Chef Ling's picture.

This just proves how stupid I am.

"Good afternoon, I am looking for a Chef Ling" I ask the gorgeous guy while trying hard not to drool.

"That would be me. What can I help you with?" He said while gesturing for me to take a seat with a smile on his face.

"Am from T&K company, and we love to collaborate with you on a new project we are working on." I said and he smiles.

"I would love to, but I don't take offers like that, but I would think about it" he said before giving me a smile.

"Then I will leave this with you and hope to get a positive result from you" I said while handing over the contract document to him alongside my phone number.

"Have a good day" He said before I take my leave.

"Did you enjoy the holiday with nana"I asked Layla after I picked her from my mom's.

"Nana is weird, she kept reading bedtime stories in a weird way. Cinderella is supposed to be a fairytale and a nice story not a horror story"She said while scrunching her face.

"I will tell her to reduce the horror part and for now, you need to sleep because of school tomorrow" I said and she groaned.

"How about I read you your favorite bed time story in a less horror manner?" Kyra asked and she jumped in joy.

I was at my desk furiously trying to get all the work done. This guy just find reasons for me to hate him day by day. It is as if God gave him the job to torment me and am very close to losing all the ounce of patience left in me.

I was on the fourth document when a woman walk in into his office yelling furiously at him.

"That's his alleged fiancee"Jayson explained when he noticed that I was staring at his office.

"He actually has a woman with his crazy behavior?" I said in disbelief and he chuckles.

"Rumor has it that the relationship is arranged and he does not like the girl" Mimi said.

The door to his office opened, and the woman walks out yelling at the top of her voice.

"You are a bastard, a fucking bastard. Do you hear me?, You can't get rid of me easily. I am coming tomorrow so make sure to be prepared. I won't back down easily" She yells before storming out.

Damn, this woman scares the shit out of me. Makes sense why the two are together.

A mad person can only get together with another mad fellow.

"Ms Anderson, my office now" Julian said before walking back into his office.

God give me the strength not to kill this guy....

Because it looks like I need it....

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