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Beauty And The Beasts

Chapter 1: A leopard transforms into a Living Person

The trees in the forest were lush and luxuriant as its crown shielded the forest from the sun.

A group of 40 to 50 wild wolves fiercely surrounded a girl who looked to be around 16 years old.

Bai Qingqing’s legs went limp as she held up her canvas bag like it was a weapon. “Don’t… don’t come near me! I’m Chinese. My flesh is poisonous!”

She was truly pitiful. She had merely made use of the long weekends to head up a mountain with her friends to pray for blessings. Having tripped due to a stroke of bad luck, she was now placed in this world-changing situation. Could someone tell her what was happening?

With her classmates gone and zero signal reception, everything was different!

“Growl!” The alpha wolf let out a low growl and used his hind legs to dig into the ground. As if it was afraid of something, it darted its eyes around while preparing for the pounce.

However, despite its carefulness, it still didn’t notice any danger approaching—a yellow figure hiding behind the tree’s shade was agilely sneaking into the wild wolves’ encirclement…

Finally, after confirming that the prey didn’t have a guardian, the alpha wolf roared and ran towards Bai Qingqing.

The taut nerves in Bai Qingqing’s head finally snapped. She did something that most women would do when frightened. She screamed at the top of her lungs: “Ah—!”

In the blink of an eye, a muscular leopard suddenly jumped out from behind Bai Qingqing. Before her scream ended, Bai Qingqing widened her eyes, her voice instantly traveling the entire mountain path all the way up.

Suddenly, the leopard bit on the collar in front of Bai Qingqing’s chest. Together with her screams, she was brought up the tree by the leopard.

Bai Qingqing was still in a state of shock. She sat on a tree branch, panting heavily as she held onto a large tree trunk. She stared blankly as the leopard fought the wolf pack.

The leopard saved me?

This must be a dream, right? She had heard of dolphins saving people, but she had never heard of leopards saving people.

However, the saliva-soaked clothes by her chest thanks to the leopard, and the heat from its mouth was testimony that she couldn’t ignore.


The leopard let out a fierce roar and its strong body suddenly lunged forward vigorously, pinning down a wolf that wasn’t much smaller than it to the ground.

With a bite, it took away the wolf’s life.

With her heart in her mouth, Bai Qingqing watched as several wolves prepared to pounce on the leopard. The leopard charged forward and killed another wolf.

The moment it turned around, another bite took a third wolf’s life.

Despite the heavy encirclement, the leopard had managed to storm through its adversaries. It was fast and fierce, none of the dozens of wolves managed to have the chance to attack. The only time they could get close to the leopard was when death approached.

Although the battle hadn’t ended, Bai Qingqing felt relieved. She knew that the leopard would definitely win.

As expected, about half an hour later, the leopard had bitten the alpha wolf to death. The remaining eight wolves who no longer had a leader fled with their tails between their legs.

Bai Qingqing was about to climb down the tree when the leopard turned to her with its mouth dripping with blood. Its golden eyes locked onto her…

In an instant, Bai Qingqing’s blood froze. She was in danger!

The lithe leopard ran over from the grass that had corpses strewn across the ground, jumped into the air, and suddenly transformed into a naked man. He was tall and slender, but he was highly flexible. His feet, which maintained his running posture, landed lightly and agilely on the ground. Then, with a few jumps, he arrived on the tree, his golden eyes staring intently at Bai Qingqing.

So beautiful!

How could there be such a beautiful female?

Parker felt like his heart had been impaled by a claw! He was certain that he had fallen in love with this female at first sight!

Bai Qingqing was shocked by this scene from up in the air. It was only when the handsome face appeared before her that she snapped back to reality. She subconsciously ducked, only to accidentally fall off the tree.

“Ah!” It transformed into a living person!

Chapter 2: I’m an Ape

! shocked as well. Extremely anxious, he crouched in front of the female and asked her, “Female, are you okay?”

Bai Qingqing had sprained her left ankle. It was excruciatingly painful, but she paid no attention to it. She stared nervously at the leopard man.

The leopard man looked about eighteen or nineteen years of age. His skin was a healthy tan color, and he had more Westernized features. He had tattoos that resembled animal stripes on both of his cheeks, causing him to look feral. His eyes were a pure golden color, and since he was near Bai Qingqing, she could even see his dark pupils shrink slightly, such that they were now vertical.

When Bai Qingqing was sizing the beastman up, he was carefully sizing her up as well.

The best thing about Bai Qingqing was her fair and flawless skin. She didn’t seem stunning at first glance, but the longer he stared at her, the more beautiful she seemed. Her large and slightly downturned eyes made her seem extremely innocent.

Parker felt that the female was so beautiful that he forgot to breathe.

Beastmen were willful beings. once they laid eyes on someone they liked, they would claim ownership of that person for the rest of their lives. Parker decided that chasing after this female would be his life goal.

Bai Qingqing grew timid in front of the leopard, which had turned into a naked man, staring at her. She shifted backward, but the man only moved closer towards her. She nervously shook her head. “I’m okay. My name’s Bai Qingqing. Thank you for saving me.”

“That’s good. I’m Parker, a male leopard!” Parker crouched in front of Bai Qingqing and inhaled deeply as he looked at her carefully. This action caused a huge thing between his legs to swing about wildly.

Bai Qingqing’s face instantly flushed. He was behaving like a pervert!

“Why… why aren’t you wearing clothes?” Bai Qingqing asked. She turned her head away, but her eyes couldn’t help but look in that direction. This was her first time seeing a male penis in her life.

What the hell? That thing was huge—wouldn’t it swing about when he walked?

Parker replied nonchalantly, “What’s there to be afraid of? It’s just you.”

Hey! Even if it’s just me, I’m still a person! Bai Qingqing was speechless.

Parker’s gaze was scorching hot as he looked at Bai Qingqing’s arms. He quickly moved closer to her and asked, “How old are you? What species are you? Where are your fellow people?”

Bai Qingqing calmed down. She still didn’t know where she was and what customs the animals here had. It would be bad if they had any feudal traditions and she was burned alive or drowned for saying the wrong thing.

Bai Qingqing wasn’t a fool. Looking at all the signs, she had transmigrated, perhaps even to another planet. Based on what Parker said, all the people here seemed to be animals that could transform into humans. Hence, he also considered her an animal.

After understanding the situation, Bai Qingqing willed herself to remain calm as she said, “Guess.”

As Parker looked at the female’s beautiful and exquisite features, he couldn’t help but be reminded of the beastmen known for their beauty. “Fox?”

Bai Qingqing looked at Parker, not saying a word.

“Peacock? Mermaid?” Unable to think of any other answers, Parker made wild guesses. “Tiger? Bear? Leopard? Eagle? Snake? Ape?”

Bai Qingqing’s eyes lit up and she replied loudly, “Ape! I’m an ape!”

Humans evolved from apes, so saying that she was an ape was probably the best way to avoid being exposed.

Parker’s golden brown eyebrows furrowed together slightly. “You’re an ape.”

The ape beastmen were smart, but he hated them. He always felt like he was being plotted against whenever he interacted with them.

“Why are you out in the forest by yourself? The forest is too dangerous for a female.”

Bai Qingqing averted her eyes before replying naturally, “I wandered away from my people and then ended up here all by myself. What is this place?”

Parker smiled, revealing his white teeth. “That’s good.”

“What?” Bai Qingqing froze.

“I found you, so from now on, you’re mine!”

Chapter 3: I Saved You, so You’re My Female!

There were too many dangers in the forest. So, in the beastman world, there was an unspoken rule to reward males who rescued lone females in the forest: if a male saved a female, he could ask to be her mate, and the female would have no right to reject him.

of course, if the female was extremely against it, the male wouldn’t force her for the sake of his own happiness.

After all, a female could mate with multiple males, whereas a male could only mate with one female, as males could only mate once in their entire lives. If males were abandoned by their female mates, they could only spend the rest of their lives alone. This mostly happened when a male agreed to be someone else’s lover when they were younger, and it was extremely tragic.

When Bai Qingqing was trying to get information from Parker, he was trying to get information from her as well. once she gave him an answer he was satisfied with, he rejoiced with excitement as he transformed back into a leopard and sprinted.

This was great! The female didn’t have a mate, so according to the rules, she belonged to him! Hahaha!

Bai Qingqing was dumbfounded as she watched Parker turn from a human into a leopard and sprint off.

Was this guy on drugs?

Also, was it really okay for that thing to be swinging around like that? Wasn’t he afraid of hitting it?

Bai Qingqing covered her flushed face with her hands. If she looked at it any longer, she was going to have stys on her eyes.

After letting out his emotions, Parker leaped towards Bai Qingqing, his body transforming into a human’s in mid-air. He then forcefully tackled her to the ground.

“Ah! What are you doing? That was so painful.” If not for the smile on Parker’s face, Bai Qingqing would’ve thought that he was going to eat her when he tackled her to the ground. She was so frightened that her heart stopped beating for a moment.

Bai Qingqing’s beautiful eyebrows furrowed together as she pushed the unbelievably heavy man away. The law of conservation of matter held true, just as she expected. He was such a huge leopard—he had to be heavy even after turning into a human. She felt as if there was a mountain pressing her down on the ground.

Parker raised a golden eyebrow before saying, “I’m taking you back to the village.”

“okay.” Bai Qingqing was stuck underneath Parker. Although she was nervous and afraid, she still had a calm expression on her face.

She would take things as they come. She couldn’t live like a savage all by herself, after all. She’d have to integrate herself into their beastman world at some point.

The dark pupils in Parker’s golden eyes were clearly constricting and dilating as he pressed the female below him down on the ground. He said in a strong voice, “Now, let’s make this clear. Females are very precious, so they’re allowed to mate with multiple males. But my mate can only mate with me. Do you understand?”

Bai Qingqing’s mind went blank for a moment before she came to her senses. “Female” sounded so awkward, and since when did she become his?

“Since when did I say I’d be your mate?” Bai Qingqing was angry and finally demonstrated a shred of courage.

A feral and unrestrained smile spread across Parker’s young face. “I found you, so you’re my female!”

Bai Qingqing was speechless.

She continued to argue with Parker, but fear set in after she looked at the gloomy forest around her. She didn’t dare to go overboard and kept quiet once she was no longer able to rebut his words.

Parker transformed back into his animal form and was full of joy as he carried the female he’d found on his back and ran back to his tribe’s village…

The leopard village was located between two mountain peaks. It was known as the Camel Hump Valley due to the mountain peaks resembling camel humps. With the City of Beastmen south of the area and a misty forest north of the area, the village was a richly endowed yet dangerous intermediate zone.

At the edge of the leopard village, there was a clear lake the size of a golf course. Half of it was shrouded by the woods and half of it was exposed to the sun. The water rippled in the wind and glittered in the sunlight, and the air was filled with the fresh and clean smell of water.

Parker held a dead wolf between his jaws and carried Bai Qingqing, whose face was numb from the bumpy ride, on his back. He gradually slowed down as he reached the lake.

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